It's up
It's up
how can one yt channel be so based
Pathetic self-shill kill yourself
What's up? What do you mean? Who cares? Also, isn't this guy literally a nigger?
Kike spotted
kill yourself
you're not that interesting E;R
speaking as component #11806063 of the anonymous internet hate machine
>What's up?
nothing much, how about you
seethe more hasan
i like your content but stop shilling yourself on the boards you faggot bitch
i hope you get a gullstone the size of a softball
fuck you unsubscribed just for this
The hacker known as Yea Forums
Why do incels love this fat pedo mexican?
Is he actually a nazi or has he just been on Yea Forums too long?
At least he's a knee gore that knows what good art is and doesn't blindly like Spike Lee movies.
Sassy and Opinionated > E;R > Sseth
Sseth is superior to all of them.
contra>>>>>er>>>>paint drying>sssssssssssssseth
There are no good movie jewtubers outside of pre-tfa rlm.
Shut up tranny
Tried to watch that shit but it was way to cringy and just not funny at all.
Literally whom’stve?
I'm not an antisemite but anyone who can make jokes about the jews obviously has some creativity and rebellion in them. And they aren't controlled by one of em
You first, tranny
>hmmm what did I think of this film?
>better listen to some guy on the internet talk over a still image of his avatar interspersed with footage from the film that he'll probably get copyright strikes for, then virtue signal about "muh fair use" to get sympathy dollars
When will you fags ever learn?
lots of comedic mediums have jew jokes. The only difference is this goblino is genuinely butthurt about them as opposed to just having a laugh
>peop actually talking about commie channels itt
you need to kys
>this projection
no, he's just having a laugh, you're the one butthurt about it
Fuck him, he recommended people to watch Alita instead of Captain Marvel
were those really millions of women the soviet army raped?
>fat mexican Yea Forums pedo is just meming when he says jews made him a virgin
not likely
Us was much more entertaining than Get Out but the whole reveal with the clones was incredibly stupid. Would've been better to just have it go unexplained.
And Captain Marvel made more in 5 days than Alita did in its entire run
Comedic mediums from 30 years ago? Name some contemporary examples of comedians who joke about the jews and don't apologize for it. I would really love to add some to my list.
What was the plot of the movie? Was it really trying to be an allegory for "us vs them" mentality?
Shut up niggers
Family Guy
American Dad
Cleveland Show
South Park
Drawn Together
Curb Your Enthusiasm
I'll give you Seth Macfarlane and Trey Parker. The rest of the creators and writers of these shows are jews. Jews joking about themselves doesn't really count.
What are your thoughts on the allegories he said were done better for other films?
>The German people voted Hitler into power as a result of Weimar Germany and the sexual subversion of German culture
>The krauts do this during the war
No wonder they lost.
Only good nigger is a dead nigger user
Samefag less E;R
I think clockwork orange was more about how the youth need an outlet for their destructive nature. Just saying "british society is dying" is too vague.
was it autism?
>sassy and opinionated
>Yea Forums eXpLaInEd
Fuck off with this bullshit, can’t compare that to Sseth or E;R
>Jew jokes doesn't count if they're by jews
lol what? Do you want actual comedy or just a butthurt rant to make yourself feel less ostracized?
good bait
It's a well known fact that comedians joke about themselves less to make a point and more for humility points to sway the audience. Same thing when an obvious jewish made show like curb writes some harmless joke about jewish society. It's meaningless and often wrong and only funny to the ignorant goy who doesn't know shit about jewish culture.
>failed forced leftist meme #58314783247
wonder what his take on shinjewki no kyojin is
>go on his twitter
>hes bitching about how the mulan remake isnt the exact same as the original and that its more accurate to the classic story
>bitching about tradition and preferring the jewed hollywood version
He would love it. SnK is not too preachy with it's persecution themes and it's not clear at all which group is supposed to represent who.
>this fat pedo mexican
Wait, what??
E;R is mexican?????
Keep making content, you're one of four or five channels I suffer youtube for. Damn gems
it sucked ass compared to his other videos.