Why is Yea Forums so transphobic?

Why is Yea Forums so transphobic?

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They've never been sucked or fucked

Why is Yea Forums so sneedphobic?

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>statistics offend me
>i am egregiously wounded when someone posts a certain percentage

Because it's not normal you fucking degenerate. It's mental illness, plain and simple.

Because Yea Forums is full of rural and suburban retards afraid of people who are different unlike us enlightened city slickers.

Lets not beat around the bush here. It’s a fact that


well la de da xir

First time I saw a tranny on the street as a kid I just felt unbearable disgust, and that hasn't faded with the years, I still feel disgusted when one is on my field of view.

My dispise for those subhumans is just as natural as any other feeling, and I won't force myself to change that just because some subhumans feel offended about it.

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I'm not transphobic. A phobia would indicate a fear of trans people.

I simply think they are mentally ill, and because science says there are only 2 genders, I'm not gonna be shamed because some attention whore demands to be called a pan-demi-nonbinary-seacucumber-sexual.

Study is inconclusive and the statistic is misleading

You sound like you need to have sex.

Formerly straight



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I’m all for them doing whatever the fuck they want if it makes them happy. Why should I give a fuck if some retard wants to chop his dick off? My problem is the forced acceptance of the tranny fad, to the point where it’s illegal to “misgender” someone.

And so do you, if you think that sex causes great changes in behavior and opinions. Only virgins fantasizes sex so much.

>it’s illegal to “misgender” someone.
Jordan Peterson still being a free man is proof that that's a crock of shit.

deenS is the dutch name for the danish language

Jordan Peterson never "misgendered" anyone, he actually calls people whatever they want to be called. He just advocates against laws that might make it illegal for you to misgender people, because of the precedent it opens against freedom of speech.

Look a little before saying shit based on what others said about people. I don't go around saying that Zizek is a drunk movie critic, or that Paglia is a terf.

tranny cope

Formerly open minded

Fuck Faggots Fuck niggers Fuck woman Fuck Muslims Fuck fat people and fuck you op

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based based based

Implying fear.
No one is afraid of trannys, op. Sane people are simply disgusted by them.
If they do not disgust you, then it's likely you are as mentally ill as they are.


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And yet nobody's in jail.

das not ein BOOBIE

Why can I hear it talking

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Sneedophobia and prejudice against sneedposters is sadly all too common in our society. As with all other prejudices, sneedophobia is based on misconceptions and negative stereotypes about a group of people (in this case the sneed gang or those who are perceived to be sneedposters) that are used to “justify” discrimination, harassment and even hate crimes.

The following are a few examples of sneedophobic attitudes:

The belief/insistence that sneedposters are cringe.
The belief/insistence that sneedposters are spammers.
The belief/insistence that sneedposters are unfunny.
The belief/insistence that sneedposters are comfyfags in denial.
The refusal to acknowledge a sneedposter with a 'based.'
Repeated and deliberate reporting of sneedposts.
Exclusion of sneedposts from Yea Forums.

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Someone please tweet this post and that pic to that niggers Twitter lol

I love trannies. Glad they're getting more roles.

Well la di da, Mrs. Park Avenue Manicure (Formerly Mr. Park Avenue Manicure)

Formerly male

We just want to be like Hitler. Is that so wrong?

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