RLM talks Star Wars 9 predictions for 41 minutes

RLM talks Star Wars 9 predictions for 41 minutes.


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>said on patreon there aren't gonna be any new Half in the Bag eps for a while

am i the only one who gives 0 shits about best of the worst and reView? everyone who isn't mike or jay from their crew is cringey and adds nothing of value. yes, even rich, though he's alright as an addition to just mike and jay

reView is ok when it's mike and jay but they obviously don't do that often since they already do HitB together

fuck this.

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the fuck is with that gay pride zelda shirt rich is wearing

that's not gay pride, it has like 3 colors.

You’re probably not the only one but based on average view counts, Best of the Worst is more popular than Half in the Bag

dam, it's true. people really do just watch this shit as a friend simulator

I don't like best of the worst either. re:view is hit or miss, mostly miss.

Or it’s just an entertaining show that appeals to more people than Half in the Bag. Cool projecting tho

Do Americans really look like this?

very comfy

In Milwaukee they do


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No this is all CGI

>tfw no girl Jay gf

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>from the writer of Batman v Superman and Justice League

holy shit, what the fuck? why would JJ hire a writer that fucking bad?

how many threads do we need about this?

limited resources.

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>the slow zoom on rich after he hears about the writer

>criticizes fan theories
>makes whole video of retarded fan theories

>there aren't gonna be any new Half in the Bag eps for a while
but i wanna see jay sperg about midsommar... : (

i agree with rich, i thought mike was setting up a joke when he said that

Time to get comfy!

because jj is a shit writer too

you mean him making fun of the rings theory?

He talked about it on Twitter. Didn’t seem to think too highly of it.


A fan theory is not the same thing as a prediction. Also they approach their prediction videos from the perspective of what kind of decisions a studio or filmmaker would logically make, not what a story prediction would be.


>tfw no mike gf to bully you
why live

>no young and handsome Jedi main character

no thanks

>be gay guy with small penis
>want to have sex
>hook up with other guy with small penis

retard. you'd want a guy with a big elephant trunk cock

yup..add in their cynical nature and those predictions/theories funny

Girl Jay is super cute.

Fun fact, Aidsmoby has a twitter script to autoblock people who call him Aidsmoby, and he actually screamed at Mike IRL because he was angry Mike wasn't telling the fans to stop calling him Aidsmoby. He really gets that triggered over a nickname.

where's my plinkett reviews you hacks!!!!?

kek that's pretty funny. not sure why he'd get mad at mike tho, what the fuck does he expect him to do? put out a vid saying "BE NICE TO JACK REEEEEE"?

Finally. I got worried when they didn't review the latest capeshit yet.

He should wear contacts and put on some mass then.

mike's massive tits

Oh boy. I can't wait to see how Mike tries to save face and defend JewJew for a fourth time.

How did Jay feel about the fact Mike released a 40 minute video about some retarded shit nobody should care about while he was away?

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yes we know the franchise is garbage. shut the fuck up and move on with your life. its still consuming your pathetic fishboweled brain.

>jay clearly out of town on vacation
>still gotta be a prick and interrupt him for a picture

It's still just Mike covering his own ass by defending Abrams and feeding the same sort of baseless pop culture speculation that he criticized. He's a pleb with no integrity.

this is horrifying and no one ever needed to have made this

penis size not important. young and handsome important.

Thicc Rich is so cute

They're probably slowing down on it so they can get #200 for Episode 9, like 100 was Episode 7

Mike is must have, without him the episode is unironically soulless. If he is not in I don't even watch.

Jay and Rich Evans work well in addiction to Mike, it can be just one of then, but both of then makes anything better.

I couldn't give a single fuck about the rest, I don't even know their names.

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I like reView more than half in the bag honestly

oh no

oh my fucking god the time travel theory is 100% plausible, fuck this

They almost get it right almost, but their mistake is thinking that disney and the 9 crew have any actual love and respect for the franchise and the old characters. They'll burn what dregs that exist to ash and then piss on it. There's no way they can resist.

Yea Forums predicted that months ago

there's aidsmoby, beardfat, canadian #1 and #2, random infrequent italian looking fellow, and the guy from home alone 1&2, and that woman who mysteriously vanished


when will they learn

I actually fronted the idea of time travel during the last jedi apocalypse as a means of fixing everything

Episodes with Culkin are always comfy

it's impressive they actually have someone of that caliber involved with their work

Ok but is there a reason that they gave for why no nore half in the bag for awhile? Why are they slowing down??

Im now convinced, fuck it

Mike still hasn't owned up to nu-Wars being his fault by recommending Abrams for director. He needs to pretend JewJew cares.

makes sense too, traveling into previous films is the ultimate nostalgia movie.
You get Obi-Wan, Anakin, Luke, Young Han and Lando (played by the Solo actors), Yoda, and even Vader, it pretty much writes itself

Rebels already made time travel canon. Maybe Mike is right.

I thought it couldn't get any worse

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> someone of that caliber
Washed-up child actors aren't that expensive.

Some of us speculated that Rey will travel back and become Shmi.

>the star wars ix writer also wrote justice league and batman v superman
holy shit, I didn't even know that. What the fuck are they thinking?

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was captain hook the father?

Finally, a good fucking video.

Kylo is the father

>justice league part two

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This, he still doesn't understand the real reason Disney is avoiding any original characters. This video smacks of fanboyism.

But they make story predictions? Mike is too much of an autistic fuck to not.

>What is: Nepotism?
You should be able to solve this one.

>time travel

Oh god, I didn't take it seriously when Yea Forums was talking about it but now I can't stop laughing

Could anyone share the latest leaks about IX, please frens?

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Patton Oswalt filmed an episode of BOTW with them. His wife confirmed it on Twitter.

that's a really retarded reason but i could believe it

>We have written a Spiderman comic book.
I don't get it.

>His wife confirmed it on Twitter.

He got remarried, believe it or not.

I now believe that he killed his first wife.

I think Mike is taunting Rich for being a comic book nerd.

>that sinking feeling when the time travel theory actually sounds plausible

I'm fucking out if it happens, shag this for a game of soldiers

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I want this to happen if only to see mass shootings at the Disney HQ.

something about having a backlog of shit to edit and not being interested in any of the upcoming releases

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Are they still together? When will Mike commit suicide?

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>last few episodes of Rebels introduced Jedi Temple with a time travel chamber
>multiple hallways leading to multiple important points in history
>you could hear sound clips from the OT and the Disney trilogy in the background
>time travel is the only reason Asoka is still alive
Oh god Mike's right

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they'll go back in time and rey will have to undo all the evil and failures of the previous generation of disgusting incompetent and evil cis white men.

When you think about it, it makes perfect sense. You can't really go forwards in star wars.

Marvel did this countdown a month ago and nerds went ape shit. The big reveal was that JJ and his kid wrote a spiderman comic, and nobody cared


>when Rian Johnson fucks everything up so bad you have to use time travel in the movie

I want to time to travel to the year 2000

Probably. I only watch BotW and ReView. Half in the Bag is bad because modern movies are almost all bad.

>no michelle gf to spread your embarrassing childhood pics

You're also leaving out how Palpatine's entire scheme during Rebels was to get a hold of the time travel power within the temple and he even uses it to attack Ezrea and Asoka.

Out of all the predictions, I just hope the wasteland ewoks come true

I don't understand how you're going to kill Hitler in the year 2000?
Unless the timeline is fucked again!

I just want go back before 9/11 and see the world hopeful for the new millennium again

>When you think about it, it makes perfect sense. You can't really go forwards in star wars.
Well, you could with something like the Vong, but that's about it.


>I use the patreon
Holy fuck kys

long as len and macaulay arent involved, ill watch the content. oh. no Nerd Crew either.

they could have made an organic storyline that followed the events of the wars that followed the death of palpatine at endor as warlords struggled for power of the empire's vast wealth and systems in a void of central leadership

what ever happened with that jedi kid? i only watched first serason or 2 of rebels, did he eventually die before a new hope, or was he just somewhere else in the galaxy during the rebellion as a nobody?

skulloven and xiangwong @ twitter

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i don't use patreon, somebody on Yea Forums mentioned it a few days ago

Don't worry the next decade will be more optimistic. We're overdue for a hippy dippy bohemian era again.
I hope there's good music and drugs.

>they could have made an organic storyline that followed the events of the wars that followed the death of palpatine at endor as warlords struggled for power of the empire's vast wealth and systems in a void of central leadership
If they go with the idea that the movie is about telling Luke's story, it's going to be fucking stupid.

>addiction to mike
freudian slip

I think drugs are a small part of the current problems

My bet is that they are not just going for time travel, but for the most retarded time travel possible.

post feminine benis culkin

Star Wars was forcibly gang-raped with AIDS dicks by Jewish nepotism and "muh intersectionality". Merit wasn't taken into account.

Where did they get these awful grandma chairs?

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I'm really upset how likely time travel is. It's perfect from Disney's perspective. They can now redo the older movies and change anything they want. It's perfect from a business perspective.

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At the end Thrawn brings his entire fleet to try and destroy the rebels but Ezra calls in help from space whales he met in an earlier season who basically travel through space using the same logic as how hyperspace works.

Ezrea confronts Thrawn in his main ship, the whales come and and warp the entire ship presumably trillions of light years away. Ezra basically sacrifices himself to save all his friends and the rebellion.

The show the proceeds to shove the Rebels characters into the final battle in RoTJ and the final shot is old Asoka and the bounty hunter girl going to try and find Ezra

It will probably be some sort of complete time breaking thing so that all time exists at once or its really no time at all, so from now on everything is just new but also sort of at the beginning.

shut the fuck up you fat ass american

Yeah not enough of them.
The fact is you need drugs to change peoples paradigms. Also in hippy era's people tend to ramp up innovation.
Its all good.

>Mike mentions Old Republic
>tfw Last Jedi could have gone a Kotor 2 route but didn't
Kotor 2s story is a meta deconstruction of Star Wars done right

those are obviously their literal internet armchairs retard

the amount is fine its just the wrong drugs. opiates arent doing anything to progress our minds, they just help you live.

Theres nothing wrong with them and theyre probably comfy as fuck, should they be in a bean bag or something zoomer faggot?

actually drug addiction is worsening the life expectancy in numerous states across the country, and rendering people unfit for work, military service, or many other sectors of civic life where responsibility and dependability are vital

They were heading to the Manhole

The only thing that might mean its not is because like they said in the movies theres so many inconsistencies that its more likely that its just shit writing then anything, also they mostly show things in the trailer thats clearly after the new movies but could go either way

I think Rey is carrying 3po's red arm, or a black dildo in that bag.

jj abrams types being the big part

Luke is coming back as a Gandalf character guaranteed, but maybe not to battle anyone or be much of a part of the story only to tell Rey that she is the only one now.

super eight is so fucking bad


How much could Disney sell Star Wars for? They might as well get money now. If time travel is in Episode 9 no one will ever watch SW again

If that happens im fine with it, they made a mockery off him last movie and id be happy if he got a decent ending, if not only just for mark hamils sanity

The ending is unbelievably horrible

>rehashes E.T. and Close Encounters endings with sappy music despite the alien being evil and a cannibal

>Luke is coming back as a Gandalf character guaranteed, but maybe not to battle anyone or be much of a part of the story only to tell Rey that she is the only one now.
He almost certainly can't battle Palpatine. The Sith can't ascend like the Jedi can.

You're right, you need psychedelics
Portugal is the case study for legalizing ALL drugs. Since 2000 I believe. No marked increase or decrease in drug usage. Fact is there will always be a segment of the population who will HABITUALLY abuse drugs.

It seems to line up. Luke will suppress Palpatine while Rey delivers the finishing blow. Maybe Kylo will make Palpatine mortal, and be fatally injured for betraying him after coming to his senses. He'll die just like Darth Vader, it'll be like poetry. Then Rey does the thing, goes back in time to ROTJ Endor and makes it so the First Order never rises, etc.

You mean that they might fuck up the only good 3 movies of the franchise for the sake of more money? I see it happening.....

Then again, I don't know why Luke wouldn't come back fully after we saw what Yoda did in the last movie.

I always mix up Super 8 and that movie with the kids that find a cube that gives them super powers and one kid turns evil.

I'm surprised they didn't mention that Lukes presence in the final battle of TLJ was literally as some ghost spirit fakeout bullshit. It'll probably just be the good spirit of luke whispering into reys ear and the evil spirit of palpatine into kylos ear.

>fuck books
>regards, Yoda

Plantain figured out how to cheat death 5 minutes before Luke arrived on the DS2, he's technically still alive.

They should be sitting in something like the solid bronze Piraruku armchair.

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clone emperor when?

The more I think about it, a ghost fight with Sheev is probably the only satisfying ending.

If you take the first 6 to be all about Anakin destroying the sith, you could stretch it a bit to having his son put the final nail in the coffin. Making Rey and Kylo pointless is an added bonus.


The boycott is still on isn’t it?

Rey is Shmi, She gets trapped in the past and Anakin is Kylo's son.

>luke the white
holy kino

I wish I was an american, at least I'd look just average and not some fat fuck.


and since they're both luminous beings of the force, palpatine's throwing suns and planets at luke as they battle instead of insignificant matter like senate vestibules!!!!!

The time travel theory make perfect sense for Disney. You can bring even Darth Vader instead of another 3 movies with Rey vs. Empire 3.0

I mean ideally, but you gotta pay for the booze somehow

So the Skywalkers are forever trapped in a loop and Palpatine is trying to break the loop trying something new each time Rey comes along again.
Its like LOST - it rhymes.

no, Luke the Kenobi


but you need modern audiences to have taste and discrimination for that outcome

this is so stupid

this is like a conversation I'd would have with my friends, but I can't participate in it

why does anybody watch these videos?

>every century sheev wakes up to "I bombad yousa babbusa"

matt smith amirite?

>tfw fully convinced on time travel bs being in star wars too
i hate you mike

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you answered your own question

it's too late in the game for they to try and replay the "the badguys are the good guys/ it's all morally grey" card.

The fact that these guys are still posted here amazes me. There's really no avoiding it, I've grown up, and Yea Forums simply remains infancy. Look, RLM are the living embodiment of the smug, detached Gen-X ethos. What do I mean by this?

Well, I'd venture to guess none of them has felt a single sincere conviction about anything since childhood. They exist as polyps upon the colon of culture, satiating themselves on the perceived failures of others (i.e. "The Man") while adding nothing new to the discourse aside from ironic complaint.

They're a group of insecure, lost, rapidly aging burnouts who silently believe they could do a better job of making films than the professionals in the industry. Yet they lack the ambition and ability to actually enter the very industry they're obsessed with. They choose instead to fuck around and make student film piss-takes well into middle age.

They are awful, awful people. I've met thousands just like them, and the last thing we need is for these people to gain any attention for their navel gazing.

Please, Yea Forums, do not aspire to become anything like these people. Theirs is a lonely and pathetic road leading to depression and a life devoid of real purpose.

I hope they disappear and their disaffected followers stop subsidizing their lifestyle. Perhaps that would force them to do something productive with themselves.

you have the answer in your post, it's a friend simulator

Exactly why you said, it's a friend simulator.

thats the magic of RLM

>this is like a conversation I'd would have with my friends, but I can't participate in it
exactly, you normal fuck with friends

Evil Ewoks worshiping Sheev would be based, which means 100% Disney won't do that.

I like most everything from RLM except when home alone fag is on

What was that song in the credits?

>shiny and yub nub

>Evil Ewoks worshiping Sheev would be based, which means 100% Disney won't do that.
The ending was supposedly shot in the same place that was used for Yavin.

are you saying you and your friends are hacks frauds?

>defending abrams when he shits on him and his inability to write

Now THIS is Podracing!

>time travel
It's going to be Madoka isn't it, Rey is going to be the one who is the center of all timelines isn't it, she will sacrifice herself to save the timelines won't she
oh my god it is going to be awful

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Mike criticized a baseless fan theory that tries to justify the series' bad writing. This video is spouting generic fantasy tropes that Disney is likely to use (time travel, reviving characters) as well as joke predictions like the evil ewok cult.

disney primed us for time travel with rebels

it's like how the season before the doctor became a woman, a male timelord regenerated into a woman so they could say "look, look, we have established canon you bigots"

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Didn't stop him from sucking his circumsized dick in the Force Awakens review. And even if he does criticize the movie, he'll handwave it all because it was "fun" like the pleb faggot he is.


Sheev is the father boyyy

you dirty liar.

>Rey is going to be the one who is the center of all timelines isn't it, she will sacrifice herself to save the timelines won't she
Depending on who you ask, she either dies or survives. There's no indication of time travel.

>Mike trying to take credit for the time travel leaks that have been out for a year

What a fraud.

yes, fanboyism is totally shitting on a movie series for 40 minutes.

also won an oscar for writing argo, can't believe they didn't mention that

>the leia and tarkin CGI was a trial-run for going back for the OT through time travel
>the vision Rei has after getting the LS in 7 of the death star interior was actual foreshadowing

Jesus fucking christ they're gonna animate the entire corpse of star wars and make it dance for money

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They're on 165, it's impossible

there's no finer fiddler than the Disney corporation, friend


pier 1 imports

Nah, this isn't the plot. The plot would make more sense of

1. Rey trying to rebuild the Jedi Order with Kylo trying to stop it

2. Resistance trying to take over the First Order and become the Galactic Alliance (have FO version of

3. Setting up the reveal that Snoke is Darth Plagiueus.

Remember, these Disney Trailers are HUGE misdirections. Remember how nobody could figure out the plot for Infinity War or Endgame simply by looking at the trailers? They had no idea because the trailers flat out LIED about what was going on.

They did this with Last Jedi too.

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Much as I like RLM the Star Wars stuff feels like a broken record. It's fun to watch them rip into it but by now it's just too easy. In their Pixels review they talked about the same thing with Adam Sandler, that by now all the jokes are made and when he makes a movie it's just the same old shit with the same old problems and there's nothing new to say, basically picking on something that's sad and bitter and shitty but won't go away.

We know Star Wars is going to be shit. It's been shit for over a decade. It's just the same old walk-in-place crap over and over again. What's even left to say? If anything it's just sad that Star Wars can't die. It keeps getting resuscitated so it can be fucked for more cash and no one gives a fuck about quality. I'd go as far to say it's been happening since the 80s when the fuckawful expanded universe became a thing.

Just let it die already.

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That implies this was the plan all along, which means They had a plan at all

So no matter how much he shits on JJ you're always gonna bring up the TFA review? What a baby.

How many times does Mike have to admit he was wrong about Abrams before you get off his ass about it

Star Wars fags do that alot when you talk about RLM. They try to discredit everything Mike's ever said or will say about the movies by bringing up Force Awakens, and despite Mike going back repeatedly and saying he was wrong they hold to it like it'll never be forgiven.

Why? There's nothing wrong with making Star Wars predictions. They've only done a video like this once before with Solo and it was also hilarious.

>much he shits on JJ
He somehow always makes excuses for his Jewish masters

Someone test this

There has only been two good Star Wars movies and they came out 40 years ago. Everything since then has been mediocre at best and a clusterfuck at worst. It’s pretty impressive that the series has managed to remain so relevant to this day.

>There has only been two good Star Wars movies

This would genuinely be based

What excuses did he make you dishonest cunt? He shits on JJ and literally says he cannot write or do anything other than make flashy action scenes with no thought or meaning. In other words he thinks less of JJ right now than what you would an average movie director.

What's wrong with you?

Two and a half. ANH, ESB, first half of ROTJ.

Not that guy but RLM has been pretty all over the place whenever it comes to Star Wars nowadays.

They were on the money with the prequels because it was easy to dissect.

The problem is essentially they are going with the fanboy crowd of "Let's listen to the fan theorists instead of holding onto our own thoughts".

TFA was a good soft reboot but not a good movie

TLJ is a fine movie with just a handful of poorly executed scenes

Star Wars was an 8/10
Empire was a 9/10
Return of the Jedi was a 6/10
TPM was a 3/10
AotC was a 2/10
RotS was a 4/10
TFA was a 7/10
TLJ was a 6/10

Like to point out that a 5/10 is just average.

you didn't watch this video did you?

>The problem is essentially they are going with the fanboy crowd of "Let's listen to the fan theorists instead of holding onto our own thoughts".
What are you talking about? I didn't know the evil ewok cult was a popular fan theory.

But Jewish nepotism won’t let them

I was thinking that too, but it is just my male brain talking louder trying to find reasons for stuff.

It will never ever be explained why Rey is overpowered, just like it is never explained in chick flicks why two buff Chads are into her even though the MC is neither super hot or have a shining personality. Rey is the construct of a character for female projection, she is just the center of stuff and a mary sue because she is the self insert of a fanfic story.

If you think there will be explanations about why she is a Mary Sue, is because you didn't understood the character in a story construction sense. It is not a bad thing for you to not see this, it just means you never watched female driven stories enough to have a critic view on then.

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>TLJ is a fine movie with just a handful of poorly executed scenes
>TFA better than the prequels
Opinion discarded, Disney shill.

I’d pay to see this and I haven’t paid to see nuWars yet. It’d be fantastic

I love BOTW but review is boring.
Half in the Bag is the main fucking course.

you have rated the sequels like they are good films

you are wrong

They went with the fan theory about time travel with the sentence "A 1000 Generations live in you now" line. That's literally going full blown fan theorist.

>can't provide a counter to my argument
Okay fanboy. Clearly you have nothing to work with than "OpInIoN DiSrEgArDeD!!!!"

>brother, all the exciting stuff happens when they land on the planet where they're hiding the blueprints for the death sta
Yeah, as does all the stupid shit. It's TPM finale levels of inconsistent and pacing nightmare.

That actually happened in canon, but we only know like the first 2 years after the RotJ, then there's a huge jump to right before TFA in media outside of the movies.

i'm sorry, i totally had a brain fart. i somehow read rotj as rogue one

>That's literally going full blown fan theorist,
As opposed to? What do you think this video is? A fan theory. That has nothing to do with copying others and in fact they bring their own theories about it. Time travel is an extremely popular trope in fantasy and it's very likely that Disney will use it, and that's what this video is about, what's likely. To NOT include time travel in the video would mean straight up being dishonest.

They did that in the expanded universe and it was incredibly retarded and badly executed. They gloss over it in the new shit and I honestly prefer not knowing the details, because if there's one universal truth about Star Wars it's that going too deep into any details will only leave you disappointed and angry.

Fanboy of what? You stupid or something? You're the one defending Disney movies.

if you've never read the books, yet purport yourself worthy of judging them I can only think you're an American

Luke's ghost vs Sheev's ghost throwing force lighting on the rests of the Death Star. Luke's rays will be green and Sheev's will be red because he is even more evil and powerful now after training in the Sith ghost zone with all the Siths from the past. So his rays are now red not blue or white like in the past.

Dialogue between them:

Sheev: hehehehehehehe(in Sheev's laugh) I told you it was inevitable young Jedi... Huahuahuahuahua(evil Sheev's laugh).
Luke: You destroyed my father and you are now going to die forever!

>They went with the fan theory about time travel with the sentence "A 1000 Generations live in you now" line. That's literally going full blown fan theorist.
I don't get your complaint at all, it's like you're complaining for the sake of complaining.

I see the Mouse Defense Force is here

Fuck off prequel defense force.

I've already pointed out that the plot will more likely be It's basically jumping on a one line to present something stupid instead of something that would legit work

I just said that:

TFA was a good soft reboot but not a good movie

TLJ is a fine movie with just a handful of poorly executed scenes

Then you got pissy over the fact that I rated the movies as such. If anything, you went fanboy.

Thrawn was nice, Rogue Squadron was good

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Poetic justice is Star Wars brand becoming so damaged, Disney has to announce special one-time accounting charge to mark down the value of Star Wars acquisition to almost nothing.

Thrawn was written by a guy who was building off of the OT.

Lucas decided NOT to go with this back in the mid 90's and instead go with the prequels. The Sequel trilogy exists BECAUSE of the outlets created by the Star Wars prequels.

That's the major difference

from start to finish the nuwars is pretty bankrupt soulless claptrap

>death star interior
that was bespin (the last place we saw anakin's saber before episode 7)

Good call putting the duration, people would prolly think it was yet another one of their stupid 2 minute "gag" videos otherwise.

TFA's story was just a reboot of ANH with a little bit of Empire BECAUSE of the reception of the Star Wars prequels combined with a few outlets from the OT

TLJ basically confronted the Prequels with Luke Skywalker becoming disillusioned with the Jedi Order of old. Even going so far as calling them failures.

TRoS will clearly be confront more of the past including revealing Snoke being Darth Plagueis and rebuilding the New Jedi Order

TLJ basically took everything and threw it in a dumpster while star wars sounds played on the screen

Wait, is that an owl?
Owl is the guardian of worlds in occult, it leads the travelers between the worlds/dimensions.
What kind of game is Disney playing here?

>because of
look i lampshaded the compressor!

Nah, it got rid of fan theories and confronted the Prequels for what they were. They created the outlets so now the Sequels had to confront them and deal with those outlets.

I'm really curious what the total net gained or lost for Disney is
4 bil for the license
in terms of real profit that wasn't eaten up by advertising TFA did 2 bil and TLJ did 1.
RO and Solo barely broke even
They've sunk 2 bil at least into the parks for GE

>also was given a Good Goy Award for instant forget-able tapioca flavoured "tru story" award bait shit #468.

I, too, remember the literary artistry that was Argo's screenplay, user. Bergman-esque.

Uh, TLJ did 1.3 billion

Plus Parks sell at a loss like how consoles sell at a loss with video game companies.

Attached: reylu.png (640x720, 476K)

Is there any info on merch revenue?

it's an avatar for some force god from clone wars

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Overall, the studio's share is about 30-50% of the total box office if we are generous.

According to /toy/, aside from the meme merch (sphero BB8) and helmet characters (helmet characters always sell toys) nothings really moving.

But that’s /toy/, I don’t have any actual citations

Actually from what I heard, they broke even with the purchase because of TLJ.

They last made a public report on SW merchandise in 2016 and if I recall they actually were in the black already back then, they're doing fine.
Could someone post this info? I'm on a train.

I thought it was a Porg for a second

>yfw sheev possesses a porg

that's problematic

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I remember when snyderfags where all about "BASED TERRIO" "TERRIO WILL DELIVER KINO"

and then the movie happened....LMAO

people already predicted this even BEFORE TLJ, you fucking retard. with that retarded force tree

One of the tv shows already introduced time travel.

its a mike corrects the record episode

>doesn't get the joke

I wish they covered more movies, considering they do one HitB a month, they leave a lot of possible movies out. Even their end of the year catch ups they leave shit out. They should also start reviewing popular tv series, would be nice to get their take on w/e (got, dark, w/e). They only did that treatment for strangers things, and that was because it blew up and was casual friendly. If anything they do more of the series that featured The Clovehatch Killer.

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HitB was stale as hell since all they do is superhero movies and main big blockbusters. There is only so many times I can hear Mike bitch about the routine of a superhero movie before I stop watching.

>they're all kind of hot
missed the point

I just want to be irl friends with jay

Yeah I wish they would stop talking about big superhero movies like Paddleton and Under the Silver Lake and Childs Play.

ah yes, time travel, the shit writers crutch

Prediction: Rey's powers will be explained by her being related to Neil Breen, Palpatine's force ghost will come back but she will delete him

Attached: rey-eating-tuna.gif (356x198, 517K)


God imagine getting fucked by both of them at the same time

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The replaced dish on the millennium falcon is just one of Neil Breen's satellite dishes

Shhhhittt. I was going to say that.

this ain't the only scene of her running around in the desert

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I believe they also said on McCulkin's podcast that they only really wanted to do HITB on movies they had something to say, not just whether the film was good or bad. If that means we don't have to hear their opinion on the live action Aladdin remake, so be it.

If the time travel theory is right, I hope the russians take us over.

Who's gonna buy it? When Star Wars was sold to Disney it made sense simply because they were one of the few companies big enough to buy it.

they're going to have to fight china, israel, and mexico for that right

just take us all at this point

>worse yet, you have to use time travel in the LAST movie of the trilogy

time travel jumping means you can make new toys of all the characters

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There are better gay clubs in Vegas.

>all those rose ticos layering over ET the game

EVS brought up a good point about the leaked Rise of Skywalker poster. He mentions Luke not being in the poster means his role in this film is miniscule at best.

Attached: Star-Wars-Episode-IX-poster rise of skywalker leak leaked.jpg (942x1280, 197K)

Why? He can waste people at no risk to himself. Just ask Yoda.

>why does anybody watch these videos?
because they have no friends
they are white, virgins, no friends. nothing. just sitting alone in the basement.

that giant dick-slug being on the movie poster.. if he turned out to be this movie's Jar Jar then Jay Jay would become a legendary mad lad

love how mike backtracked on that jj abrams quote
>I MEANT O N L Y for directing, he's shit at writing (because he's such a good director right?)
what a fucking hack. holy fuck.

softballling shit movies for the chance at being "legitimized" ie:payed, as film critics for money later on in life.

they only watch certain movies
rich for example only watches the most popular crap
mike only watches the most popular crap and mumblecore/comedy momcore movies
jay only watches horror movies, especially if they are from the 80s or are 80s inspired

Time travel is a horrible trope and anyone who uses it in a serious setting should be blacklisted.

i really love the mike/rich stuff so much

that'd mean getting 35 HITBs out in 5 months

same. anytime mike shares a video with him mike is always enriched

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>Don't worry the next decade will be more optimistic.
No it won't.

I'd like best of the worst more if they weren't always so whiny about having to watch bad videos

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>why does anybody watch these videos?
you already answered your own question.

what's it gonna feel like when we find out Rey is l the original Skywalker... terminator theme starts playing!

Holy fuck, the moment Mike mentioned time travel my heart fucking sank, it's going to happen.

>Holy fuck, the moment Mike mentioned time travel my heart fucking sank, it's going to happen.
That's not the story. Apparently, they're broadcasting Luke's story.

Considering they "exposed him" as a washed up murder hobo with a milk fetish last movie that may even be dumber especially for rey since he was a giant retard and loser to her.

BORING and nothing he did in TLJ was inspirational. Give Rich Evans full creative control over Star Wars already.

Still dismal. I'm not seeing it in theatres. It won't be good or even entertaining. Stick a fork in Star Wars, it's done.

>dat pic

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Just like normal Mike -

Apparently, they're using Threepio's memories as the subject of the broadcast, so they're only going to be focusing on the original trilogy.

Rey goes back in time and becomes Shmi Skywalker.


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is there any legit reason to think the leaks are real or is this some mike zeroh shit

btw if anyone is interested in reading rogue squad, the best EU series, but is to lazy to read it, the graphic novels are pretty good, no wraith squad tho

>mike zeroh shit
freiendley reminder that "mike zeroh shit" is sourced from set leaks, set designs, the concept art, and storyboard descriptions et cetera

>is there any legit reason to think the leaks are real or is this some mike zeroh shit
It makes sense in the context of the lack of any sort of significant battle scenes.

What was Rian Johnson Thinking?
Was he trying to be a dick to JJ abrams?

was he not aware that these would be films in a trilogy and would require an entire next film for closure?

TLJ would've made a great way to introduce/set-up another 3 films at the end of the present trilogy, but it's just too "hard" of an ending to work in the present.

then again I think that Abrams decision to make "Force Awakens" have the New Republic get completely destroyed by the first order and starkiller base get blown up in the first film was also a mistake.

should've had star-killer-base be revealed at the end of the Force Awakens and be the majority of the plot of the 2nd or 3rd films..

idk, also that whole knights of ren project should've been there sooner.

>What do I mean by this?
Nobody asked. Didn't read the rest.

>should've had star-killer-base

no death star garbage

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"American Redditors"


These dudes are unfunny as fuck and their videos are geared towards normie trash. Yea Forums gives better reviews and insight into movies than these fat, ugly, unfunny fucks.



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>and confronted the Prequels for what they were.
Rian Johnson likes the prequels so there goes that theory.

>When reviewers like e;r are around

Fat fucks liking a bunch of other drivel speaking fat fucks. How entertaining and enlightening

t. disney

Rian Johnson "likes" everything, he lacks a spine.

K? Your theory is still wrong.