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based jake by far


I went into far from home knowing full well that Mysterio is the villain but Jake honestly convinced me that he was genuinely a good guy in the first half

>one of these men won in the end
>the other is in prison
Keaton Vulture is still pretty damn good though. If only every other part of MCU Spidey was as on point as its villains have been.

Haven't seen the last one but first villain was absolutely fucking retarded.

>innocent people get poor
>im mad about this
>i kill innocent people haha

Vulture did nothing wrong. So it's not a comparison


Love the portrayal of the character and movie but that mask blows, I think I remember reading somewhere they tried a non gay non metallic mask but it just didn’t look right. Not sure if I’m making that up

Vulture never wanted to kill innocent people and he never killed anyone except Shocker

The only guy he killed in the entire movie was on accident though.
The studio changed it since they thought it was too spooky for kids

the only person he killed (by accident, mind you), was a piece of shit criminal who wouldn't respect his authority, took unnecesarry risks, and threatened to expose his crimes to his wife. Compared to Mysterio who decemated a Mexican village and repeatedly tried to kill children

I connected better with The Vulture as they took his job.

>Falling for his obvious bad acting
Ur an idiot mate

That is a little scary, may have been great

Mysterio, easy.

Didn't meant to reply to him but I guess that works.

Such a shame they didn’t go with this. All the more horror-esque scenes make so much more sense with this design in mind. Especially how horrified aunt may is at the sight of him.

Mysterio was robbed by a terrible script.
Keaton Vulture was pretty much as kino as it gets.

What my name

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Doctor Strange.

That's good! ....But it's taken,

No, he do it on purpose. His employee is fucking annoying


Why didn't either of them pose a threat like Raimi's villains?