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the final cuck
Fk off Reddit
What's up? What would they even be reviewing right now?
>They're just like beige filler
one of the funniest things Mike has ever said
Oh my fucking god Mike is right. They're going to time travel retcon everything.
Fuck off back to r*ddit.
>making a reddit pun
>Well Jay, the writing was nothing special but the movie had bright colors and a familiar story so I liked it.
>Oh my fucking god Mike is right. They're going to time travel retcon everything.
I honestly think that it's either that, a future threat like the Yuuzhan Vong, or the dumb as fuck leaks.
got the leaks?
I don't have the text, but the Resistance is supposedly engaging in information warfare against the First Order because they don't have the numbers.
>They want to get Luke's story out.
>Rey thinks that there is a way to do it, but they have to use the Death Star.
>Palpatine is in there as a cameo.
>Kylo is trying to hunt the Resistance down.
>He orders his men to fire on the Death Star's broadcasting area.
>Rey dies protecting it.
>Luke's story inspires people to overthrow the First Order.
It doesn't make sense, but that's what the supposed leaks said.
wow, fucking garbage
>written by the dude who did Justice League
It's OVER for Star Wars
Its worst than anything Mike and Rich came up with.
There's another supposed leak that says that the last battle might actually be on Yavin and that Palpatine has already possessed Matt Smith's character. Rey and Kylo team up to defeat him.
there is no forward, only back.
Assuming they would do the time travel plot, do you think they would show the Old Republic era? As much as Star Wars is shitting everything up recently, an Old Republic trilogy could be interesting at the best least.
I'm going to love shitposting about this flick on Yea Forums
The Star Wars defense force is scrambling to construct new narratives, their Disney managers have sounded the alarm that these two 10.2" dick chads have already destroyed the new movie and predicted everything in it. Movie may be delayed now and Disney will reconstruct the shit out of it like they attempted with Solo.
>there's no way they'd be stupid enough to do time travel
>laughs in Rebels