How does American Dad manage to stay funny after all these years?

How does American Dad manage to stay funny after all these years?

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They aren’t funny. Every other TV show just got worse

It stopped being good around season 7. Anyone that still thinks the recent seasons have been funny are retarded zoomers that probably started watching from season 10


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Eh, tbs season's definitely aren't as good. They've just handled their downfall more gracefully than any other comparable show, and avoided turning to complete cancer, and it still manages to produce a few gems.

You say that like Tuttle doesn’t exist

The recent seasons have had some shit premises for episodes and the quality has dipped in general but I maintain the jokes are still consistently funny.

Like I said, a few gems. Tuttle is still fucking hilarious.

>No Vore Porn

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>darker shade of pale (not the song)

the song is "Whiter Shade of Pale", though

I assumed you were making shit up, but it's in there.

No it's "Hazy shade of winter"

you are retarded season 6-7 were horrible then it went up in quality again the last season is one of the best ones

It turned into family guy at some point in the last seasons. Family guy at least has the zoomer tier short jokes. American dad is trash since they ran out of stories.

No it's "Hazy Maze Cave Is The Castle's Septic System And The Poison Gas is Peach's Farts And The Boulders Are Peach And Bowser's Poop Mixed Together"


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This... This is important. This makes me happy on a very deep level.

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Welcome Nighthawks

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So this is that Lance guy you're so gay for?

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I must say this one felt like nu-simpsons

I hate the episode desu, I just love that one line.

I liked the Bones sideplot

Wtf Francine likes vore now? She should eat Klaus

Thinking everything in the TBS era is objectively shit makes you a contrarian faggot.

I feel like American Dad never lost it's humor, just that it's general premises and situations have become very nu-simpsons-esque

That's a pretty good way to put it.