Paul Thomas Anderson

what does Yea Forums think of PTA? Favorite movie by him?

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He is okay and has talent, but some people overrate his films, specially the Master, although all of them are good

I like There Will Be Blood the most


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dunno lol

Magnolia is one of my favorite movies

Inherent Vice
inb4 pig fucks call it overrated

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makes boring garbage for film students to overrate

definitely Magnolia. RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman

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hes slipping

Boogie Nights or Magnolia are my favorites

The only way for him to save his career is to direct The Turner Diaries for Netflix

nah, Phantom Thread was heavily overlooked. He’s reaching new kino levels that are unprecedented


Magnolia is fooking top notch moite cant go wrong with magnolia

fucking plebs

Patrician-Drunk Love

When you look back at his work this decade I can't think of anything else that looked or sounded like what he was doing. I think he's transcended his influences

For me, it's Punch-Drunk-Love. Then Phantom Thread.
But I do think The Master is his best.

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I like Sidney/Hard Eight

Trite middlebrow dogshit. And just look at the guy, look at his fucking face. He could be a character on The Office.

He's pretty good. Magnolia hasn't aged well but its still solid. I really enjoyed Inherent Vice but I can't really recommend it. Seeing PTA as a director of a movie means I'm more inclined to watch it but I haven't seen all his stuff and don't care to.