It's fucking over Drumpf
It's fucking over Drumpf
>mfw I openly admit I’m racist and it takes away their power of right-think
>drumpf that socialists and islamists create ahithole countries
>leftshits are reeeing in the face of overwhelming evidence
I am still waiting for Hollywood scumbags to fuck off to to lands of equality and social justice as they promised.
>tumblr art avatar
>cringe Disney avatar
>anime avatar
wow im shocked
>inb4 deleted
whats this about?
Why do they base their entire identities around having brown vaginas?
Those 4 women are the reason it’s going to be trump 2020
Everyone is racist, its physically impossible not to be.
Yea Forums - Television & Film
Trump pointed out that progressives should fuck off to fix the shitholes they virtue signal about before they start telling the greatest nation in the world how to run things and told them that Pelosi can set them up with travel visas. Cue anti-American shrieking by a bunch of neo-bolsheviks.
>telling the truth and saying what everybody is thinking will definitely be the end of drumpf this time
I love how much chaos those women cause for the Democrats. At the end of the day they're just 4 irrelevant congresswomen from small districts who have no real power, but in typical female bureaucratic form they're turning the party into a nightmare for everyone else.
Trump will win again. Just accept it.
Why does the jew fear Omar?
It's obvious all these shitskins have dogs in the fight. That's why whenever I have justify my political alignment, I say simply say "I have dogs in the fight" and these foreign fucks don't have a response. Thank you based Mel Gibson
drumpf forgot commie mommy is from america
>no real power
Recent poll revealed that Occasional Cortex has enough pull in few swing states to turn them for Trump.
Leftists are not American. They are not any nation.
dumb phoneposter
‘Fix your own countries before you give your 2 cents about ours which is infinitely better’ is what he said.
The reporting is ‘Orange Hitler prepares to deport senators to protect his death camps’. I’m barely hyperbolic. This is the level of sustained reality distortion the left could actually lose the election by. The progressive wing of the party is going absolutely insane. Bush derangement and Obama derangement aren’t even in the same universe as this.