What does Yea Forums think of pic related?
What does Yea Forums think of pic related?
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Who is your favorite letterboxd user? For me it's machill54
The top reviews are usually terrible and some of the core userbase is incredibly obnoxious. It has good UI and it's great for logging films. Also there are many useful lists.
most reviews are jokes and a lot of them only approve of a film if it follows a certain criteria. Look at the most popular film lists and most of them follow a certain trend. Lots of the users are teens who are in the "woke" category and use a film "review" to give their political opinion instead of their thoughts on a film. It's either that or small time journalists who are looking to post snippets of their reviews on their LB profile. The site would be better if there more interactions between users. Not saying I have the solution to the site but it could be improved for sure.
Trying to move over to MUBI but its feels dead at the same time.
it's a social media website for normie shitfucks.
I really only use it to find new films & log what I watch desu
Its fairly decent when you follow the right people, if you read the top reviews for the most popular films, you'll have a shitty time.
Also is this the /lbg/ thread for tonight?
It would be great if half of its userbase (or rather 75% of it) wasn't from fucking tumblr.
Is this /lbg/? Where is the Griffith autist
yeah I hate this current trend of “OMG DEPRESSION”, it’s fucking ridiculous. I wish the tumblrfags had never been a thing, they’re ruining everything
it's for faggots to give all the shit opinions that their friends are tired of hearing about films no one cares about anymore
not sure if its the official thread of the night
Ill assume this is the /lbg/ thread for the night so ill be the first to post my profile.
It's distracting as all hell because it takes away from any actual discussion on the site if there was any to be had in the first place. It makes it so obvious that the site is catering to a specific demographic by removing reviews before a film has an official release date because of what happened on their site with the release of Captain Marvel earlier this year. Also any film featuring teenage girls or trans people become some of absurdly highest rated films of the year or on the site in general. It's a mess all around.
good rating spread and interesting 10's
I just recently got into film & I downloaded this highly rated film. I got all cozy, grabbed a drink & it turned out to be about a hideous tranny prostitute. All the reviews referred to the character as “she”. I’ll never understand the current need to be “woke”
thanks, what add on/extension are you using?
That's Twitter.
Are there any people on Letterboxd worth following, serious question
Fuk u
it's a very useful tool to catalogue all the movie you have and haven't seen and it's really useful for finding new movies with how easily you can go through entire discographies. I think the site itself is good but like 99% of the people who use it are enormous faggots. People who unironically review movies on letterboxd like their opinion actually matters are pure cringe.
the LB enhanced addon
lmao i meant filmographies
the quality of the reviews is garbage now, but it's still the best site to find great films
Jesus christ, why does this thing have the a description longer than most film scripts?
Thanks, unfortunately not available for firefox.
Theres this Rovhul guy...
Where's swain at?
nice spread and Jarmusch ratings
>rovhul has watched 5 films released in the 1900s.
>rovhul has watched 1 film released in the 1910s.
>rovhul has watched 3 films released in the 1920s.
>rovhul has watched 4 films released in the 1930s.
>rovhul has watched 7 films released in the 1940s.
>rovhul has watched 12 films released in the 1950s.
>rovhul has watched 491 films released in the 2000s.
>rovhul has watched 789 films released in the 2010s.
That's a big red flag if I ever saw one
If a person has logged less than a combined total of 250 films from the 1910s - 1940s they should be prohibited from posting
go ahead, prohibit me
yeah only mindless drones give a fuck about what someone else thinks of a movie. I’ve seen some of my all time favorites ranked at 2/5 for no apparent reason
or maybe I just have shit taste?
these are the kind of faggots who use letterboxd
if you make an account just use it as a watchlist tool and ignore every single user on it
>If you don't watch old movies, you shouldn't watch movies at all
have sex
>commercial website that people spam on Yea Forums
Fuck off.
Yeah I agree. Im trying to watch older films, I know and admit that I dont have great taste but im trying to improve what I watch.
Gee, it's almost like it's legitimately useful or something.
You need to go back.
You are a fetus. What are your honest thoughts on The Adventures of Dollie (1908)? Go ahead and log it on your profile, I will wait.
You aren't impressing anyone.
>What are your honest thoughts on The Adventures of Dollie (1908)
I think the barrel would have been one of those images I'd get randomly obsessed with as a kid
>Go ahead and log it on your profile, I will wait.
I don't feel like rewatching it and I don't log films I watched before I made the account
kek dude what the hell
>please respect film history
honestly blue-pilled
Very cool
Welcome to /lbg/
Oh yeah? Well at least rovhul posted his profile and I don't see you posting yours, coward. What are you afraid of? Get bent. Bootlicking Marvel twerps can post their trashy gifs all they want but they never have anything interesting to say.
If you look around enough, they watch alot of obscure stuff sometimes, do wish they'd write more reviews though.
what the fuck is going on in this thread? You people take movies way too seriously. Calm down..
I(, )'m not rövhjul btw.
Im rovhul, thanks. I may be a fag but at least im not afraid to post my profile and admit that i dont have fantastic taste but its my taste.
Who /normal distribution/ here?
based truthposter
I'm not afraid either just lazy
I only rated once to correct for obvious friend-of-the-director-rating
Why did she say this? That's not at all what the movie's about. The South losing is a pretty big deal in the movie. Did she even watch it?
synt obviously
tsa joke ya dippp
synt and shao_liu_ringon are the two biggest npc to come out of lbg
>I think the site itself is good but like 99% of the people who use it are enormous faggots
D. W. Griffith’s legendary controversial epic: Birth of a Nation: Portrait of a historical memory in America as neo-Roman romantic-fantasy — synthesized as absurdist comedy. First, we have part one, much tamer than part two and much more seriously structured with regard to traditional storytelling. Part one has a real concentrated sentimentalizing effort, the warm small mannerisms and movements of the characters (set up as tragedy). My favorite scene is still one towards the beginning when our hero protagonist ‘Ben Cameron’ (who’s name sounds like something out of Star Wars (more on that later)) jogs from the right offscreen into frame, and slightly turns around to his left. Griffith invokes so much warmth in the first half organic movements of his characters, the shot alone seems incredibly modern and is almost surreal and immersive breaking in its subtlety. But even for all the Shakespearean tragedy that Griffith aspires to, the absurdist comedic truth of Griffith’s imaginative aim still leaks through in part one and completely becomes unrestrained in part two.
For everything said about the controversial nature of Griffith’s epic, when you have scenes like the mixed race protégé of the ‘Uncrowned King’—Silas Lynch — maniacally ranting about creating a new black ‘empire’ with white Elsie Stoneman (daughter of the ‘Uncrowned King’) as his queen, you have to re-examine your mental faculties and judgement if you’re not seeing this as the hilariously absurd culmination of Griffith’s beautiful childlike imagination. Just look at the usage of the words ‘King’ or ‘queen’ or empire’, the tone and context is completely off the rails. Griffith’s drunken passionate imagination twists and synthesizes itself in a microcosmic symbol of the spirit of America’s drunken passionate imagination. Before the ‘Uncrowned King’ is Uncrowned he is merely just the master of congress under Lincoln, his name is Austin Stoneman.
The change from part one to part two, from the focus of the Civil War to the reconstruction period, twists and inverts everything about the film. The characters become ‘Kramer-ized’ in a fashion all to familiar to the viewers of late 20th-early 21st century big studio sitcoms, they become extreme parodies of themselves. Griffith’s ‘Luke Skywalker’ (Ben Cameron) ‘the little colonel’, the heartwarming image of the scrappy underdog soul of the south, twisted and transformed as thelemic ritual practicing warlock. Almost every scene featuring the Ku Klux Klan baked in a rage red color that harkens the mind back to ancient Bronze Age or antiquarian cults. Austin Stoneman, the one legged wig wearing Afro-fetishist, already comedic in tone, is transformed into Darth Vader (his gait and presence on screen is extremely similar).
Griffith’s microcosmic creation is a clear representation of the twisted macrocosm of the later development of the visual medium in the later 20th century, the exaggerated racial stereotypes, the neo-Greek/Roman emotional sentiments. Even over 100 years later the biggest epic of the past decade - Disney’s ‘Infinity War’ is a twisted and disturbing inversion of the proto-typical Greek tragedy. And yes, this cyclical motion throughout time is an ‘infinite war’. Since the beginning of the fall of humanity these same rising tides of mirth and creative inspiration will be destroyed and inverted into a synthesized disturbing ‘comedy’, where even the irony stops being funny and all is destroyed or turned to ash. Until we see the day that Griffith beautiful paints at the end, with Christ the redeemer dutifully vigil over the shared fraternity of man, no inversions, no twisting, a victory over the man on the horse swinging his sword tyrannically reigning over the soul of humanity, which Griffith also paints in juxtaposition to Christ’s stewardship.
is birth of a nation actually unironically worth watching?
Represented in these end images is part one and part two of the very film itself, which is a microcosm of the soul of humanity, one part romantic-fantasy — another part disturbing-‘comedy’. So, now, let us wait for that day brothers, the victory of Christ the redeemer over the sword wielding tyrant, an end to the infinity War and the beginning of a mirthful era that will never be inverted. Liberty and union, one and inseparable, now and forever!
Just finished this examination. My profile
There is letterboxd.com user who rates other movie half and shill his movie, who his name i forgot?
I liked it. The beginning is a little slow, but you get used to it as the film goes on. The first half is really just a Civil War drama, and its depiction of the war is a bit more nuanced than you'd think given the film's reputation. The second half is where most of the racist parts are, and you kinda just have to get passed that to enjoy it. If you're at all interested in watching it, I recommend you do. I don't think it should be your first silent film though.
Its not my first though I am not that well versed in the genre. I think I'll give it a try during college. Thanks user.
Watch this one not the one from 2015
they haven't posted itt yet ;_;
>I think I'll give it a try during college
Literal underage zoomers in this general, this is unsurprising
Whats wrong with them?
bunch a city slickers
they're soooooo BORING
how embarrassing
pee pee poo poo
It's nice for keeping track.
What he doesn’t understand is that he thinks Griffith is some calculating racist genius when really he’s basically just the early 20th century version of George Lucas. The racist and offending parts are really just as comedically absurd and childish as they are disturbing. Griffith’s intertiles and his whole tone of written text in the film really just prove that he’s sort of a misinformed hopeless romantic.
Has anyone actually seen the 2016 one? From what I've heard, it's not a remake, just a movie with the same name but different story
koé portuga
Needs a free speech alternative. All of the funniest users, incluing Uwe Boll, I've found have been shadow banned or terminated by trigger-happy mods. There are a lot of great writers on there if you're willing to go digging and sort reviews by lowest rating to find the contrarians.
All of the below are redpilled to one extent or another and post regularly.
Reviews are good when they're actual reviews and not one line zingers, in-character SNL audition tapes, or driven by a clear agenda.
Though some of those one liners can be legit funny
I can barely be fucked to write reviews anymore but I'm trying to get back into it
oh i guess i should post this image too goddammit
Good site for keeping a movie watching diary, but the reviews are mostly garbage, and most people don't know how to rate movies.
The most popular "review" of Three Billboards... is a prime example of garbage reviews.
absolutely correct
the only user I pay any attention to on my account is the one person I know irl
A pretty good site for logging films and keeping track of what you need to watch, I found it pretty useful during my university studies. The community, however, shouldn't be touched with a ten-foot pole.
Lock me up
>most people don't know how to rate movies
what do you mean?
>it's a Brat Pitt has the highest rated review because it's a snarky comment episode
Nobody this cancerous coexisted with Yea Forums being good
The site itself is very good,but the community is filled with nigger loving jews
Good list
>You are a fetus. What are your honest thoughts on The Adventures of Dollie (1908)? Go ahead and log it on your profile, I will wait.
So i just watched the big short and now i want to get into stonks and shit
Is there any other 'social networking' website that allows more than just movies?
I want to catalogue all the vidya, shows, albums, books I get into in one place.