*McNulty crashes car*

>*McNulty crashes car*
>*gets eggs*
>*bangs waitress*

Very realistic crime drama you got there bro. Bravo, Simon.

Attached: the wire.jpg (735x1000, 86K)

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invincible omar
serial killer plot

Its still bretty gud desu. Did it claim realism as a priority or something? Its not even a muh poor black people fest, they show what hopeless apes they can be constantly, especially in the school scenes.

Tried to watch The Wire. Gave up after four episodes. My prime reason was that I just could not figure out what the fuck anyone was saying. Does everyone in Baltimore mumble? Fucking Bane was easier to understand.

You're thinking of True Detective

I wish this were true and the entire cast was Dundalk guy.

The 'Mother Fucker' scene is brilliant.


Lived in baltimore during that time. Maybe a block of it was bad. Now all the white people left

Now its bad

Yeah I know right. You should go back to NCIS where you belong.


In The Sopranos, you have an obese alcoholic, balding, depressed boomer who constantly seduces sexy-ass women and beats fit dudes half his age in fist fights. That doesn’t mean the show isn’t the greatest drama to ever air in American TV. Realism is for documentaries and the History Channel, user.

>invincible omar

Yeah real invincible getting shot in the head by some little kid while buying a soft pack of marlboros.

>invincible omar
>gets shot by a fucking kid

season 2 of the wire is the best thing television has ever accomplished

>The perfect woman doesn’t exi-

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Blacks smoke Newports zoomer.

>black people

Filthy Yurocuck/zoomer


Go watch the episode again zoomer fucks who skipped summer school. It's a soft pack of Marlboro reds. Fags.

Is Omar white after all? Can we claim him for the white race? WE DID IT, BROS!

that's actually very realistic. Some of my relatives are policemen and this is 100% something they'd do. The Wire is much more than a "crime drama"
as cartoonish and crazy as omar sounds, Ed Burns has said he's based on real people he's met, the stash robbers, who are some of the most useful snitches ever. And it's not like he didn't get killed. The hamsterdam plot being purely fictional doesn't stop it from being interesting, it's a very well thought analysis of a crazy "what if". Their point was that even if drugs were suddenly legal, criminals who have been brainwashed to be "soldiers" since they were kids won't suddenly stop being criminals

The Wire is widely praised for its realism while the Sopranos isn't. I'm guessing that's the point OP is trying to make. There's more to be expected when it comes to the realism of this show than any others.

Yeah if you have Mcnulty's looks and personality, its that easy

>McNulty's looks
You mean like an old timey racist caricature of Irish people?

i have some free time, is it worth watching this or six feet under

he's literally irish and looks like that irl

If you don't see how McNulty is attractive then you might have legitimate autism

I'm 26 and don't know what niggers drink or smoke. There's not many in my area and I don't associate with the fee I see here and there. It has nothing to do with age, retard.

The wire is boring


You might just be gay pham

He didn't deserve to go out like that

Attached: The_Wire_Bodie.jpg (400x249, 19K)

Fuck this murderous nigger. He made fun of Wallace pissing himself, called him weak then killed him. He deserved torture.

are you implying Tony pulling mad pussy is unrealistic in some way?

chill d'angelo

>Having sympathy for a snitch

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I wasnt redpilled when this came out, but I avoid all jewish written media

Are you foreign?

based Irishmen intelligence on full display

>unironically calling yourself redpilled
go the fuck back

Irish are the most powerful people in the world.

Bodie, Yo Bodie!

Attached: The_Wire_Slim_Charles.jpg (400x249, 22K)

He wasn’t a snitch. Stringer was just paranoid.

I bet you use words like iphone and literally. You fucking tool.

Slim Charles was based as fuck

Modern day Samurai

ever notice how serial killers aren't a thing anymore

They're replaced by school shooters now. I unironically think serial killers don't exist and was just used to control the people

>not watching all kino with subtitles

well you fucked up

Serial killers can’t make themselves known anymore do to how crazy good technology is now. There are serial killers but you have no idea they’re out there.

Mind wagering how she was used to "control the people"

TV stations are forbidden from informing on ongoing investigations and police depts don't give out any info anymore.
It only ever gets out if it's about children like those 2 girls recently or if there's a quick succession of victims like in Tampa where the whole city was scared shitless and the police couldn't contain it.

Yes he was, he snitched about Brandon.

you should never use subtitles when you don't need to. At the end of the day it is just a distraction from what is going on on the screen

Pretty much. Every famous one claimed they worked with someone but it would all get written off as crazy talk.