Who are your favorite Greek actors / actresses / kinographers?

Who are your favorite Greek actors / actresses / kinographers?

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Adam > Nick > Stav

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>tfw iTunes deletes pro-Adam reviews

absolutely not this fat hack

Based. this is the year of the bug

>year of the bug
>just broke up with his fiance

yeah i'm thinking NOT

Did he really? That's based. Adam is one of the FUCKIN BOYS again.

it's unclear who broke up with who and why but he seems more salty about it than her so either she broke it off or he broke it off due to her cheating or something

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nick is the only person out of the 3 of them who is remotely funny or creative and even then he gets boring extremely quickly
no idea how cumtown has sustained s fanbase for this long

Nah, my boy, the bug, is out there living his life, he went to the Sopranos house and the diner where Tony got shot.

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because Nick appeals to the "omg he is literally me" autistic reddit demographic then they convince themselves they like Stav and Adam

>ick is the only person out of the 3 of them who is remotely funny or creative

honestly i think that's what makes it work. other ""comedy"" podcasts where all the hosts are trying to be funny and talk over each other are trash. adam and stav have the self awareness to set up nick for bits and then get out of his fucking way when he's on a roll. everyone kind of knows their place on the show

cumtown is the perfect background noise because it's a stream of consciousness discussion with occasional gems. whenever you hear stav's REAL laugh, you know they're digging into a good riff and you tune back in for a few minutes.

The only Greek film I know is Dogtooth. Had a few good wanks to that when they used to show it on Film4.

this is it exactly..other comedy podcast are good, but they don't have that same feel..comparable to RLM tho

Adam is better than the obese laugh track at this point. Thank god he wont make it far past 40.

cool adam is becoming real

I know greeks exist, but I can't name any

Stav thinks he's also the funny one though

Nice, I went there last year. Looks like he's got Carmella's mercedes too.

How is he so pale. Does he not go outside much?

Amy Sidaris

stav is mildly humorous, he's good for filler because nick can't always just carry shit for a full hour himself. adam is solely there to get shat on, and while i think he's important to the dynamic i do kind of wonder why they keep him around since there are lots of episodes where he just barely participates at all. surely he isn't getting a full third of that patreon money

Cumtown stinks!! I would have loved to see Patrice tearing them to bits.

im pretty sure they do or did split it in 50/25/25 favouring nick

Comedy isn't for everyone. Nick is a riff machine unlike the world has ever seen.

He would have an infowars show and be clinically insane unfortunately.

>he's good for filler

*Nick finishes 5 minute improvised comedy skit playing every character*

Stav:...so uhhh guys uhhhh who's been fucking lately...man I'm hungry

Patrice met Nick and said something along the lines of "good set" to him.

I'm glad that in the final days of his retarded fat life, Patrice finally got to meet someone funny after a lifetime of hanging around O&A bums like Rich Vos and fat retard Bob Kelly.

Patrice and Colin or Louie was always the kino combination.

Yeah i'm not buying that at all, Nicks standup is just as bad as tom myers

Adam has always been the funniest Cum Boy. He is so low key about it too, especially compared to Nick "Joey Diaz" Mullen who has to interrupt people and bring every conversation to a screeching halt just so he can unleash his lame one liners.

Hi Adam, we're pulling for you dude.


reminder that dasha is a 5 at best and incredibly unfunny and annoying. adam can unironically do better

Adam and ScarJo would make a really cute couple.

>adam can unironically do better

only because of his money, he's like a 3 in looks and not that funny. he does seem like a legitimately nice guy though. based on what people who have met the boys at shows have said, nick is nice but too autistic to really talk to, adam is friendly as fuck, and stav is an aloof asshole.

they actually deserve each other but good for adam kicking that promiscuous women

its procksus

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>stav is an aloof asshole
literally never heard this

Nick Stav and Adam are my friends.

i fucked them

> he's like a 3 in looks and not that funny
Look I know the bit is to rag on the bug, but Adam is actually a handsome guy, and decently funny, on top of being a nice person.

I want to edge Nick

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i'd take all 5.68" easily

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I think they all work well and I like them all, but I think Adam is slightly better than Stav.

Ian Fidance would be really good as a fourth member on the show. I don't know if he'd be good enough to replace Adam or Stav, but the eps with Ian are gold.

My Imzadi, Marina.

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How tall is he?

Reminder that Dasha's a whore!


Look, if I have to get herpes, I'm getting them from sucking nicks dick.

Adam over Stav is retarded because the episodes without Adam are almost always good and the ones without Stav are completely lifeless


>two catan boxes
>retard helmet

nick has engineered his life to be one big bit

>an expansion for catan
>a bike helmet

Nothing about this is weird

Name a funnier podcast, if youre so great. Prime OnA is obviously better.

Chapo Trap House


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Dasha has never expressed any qualities hinting that she's anything other than a stuck up, unlikable, vain fucking skank. Adam is better off without her.

like pray for me

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Nick pretty much always forms the good bits himself but Stav usually contributes a good line or two, and his cackle accentuates the humor of the actually funny bits, though it is tiresome when it's on a joke that's just obviously not funny. Adam helps keep the show slightly grounded and is fun to hate because he comes across as the most full of shit Brooklyn hipster of the three by far. It's also funny that he gets bullied the most because outside of Cum Town he's by far the most cool and socially successful of the three. Stav has the most successful career even though his podcast persona is extremely stupid and immature (there is no fucking way him needing an explanation on Wiemar Germany wasn't a bit, he went to college, he can't be THAT retarded) in another of Cum Town's great ironies. The best of all is that Nick is the smartest and funniest of the three on the pod, but is autistic in social situations, is trapped in an eternal cycle of isolated bitterness, and isn't that great at standup because he tries to force himself into a more upbeat, normie-friendly persona when his natural humor style and personality are more suited to a cranky cynical "cool" comic.

Unironically no more than 5'6 according to fans that have met him

Adam will become so based if he 360 dunks on Dasha by shitting on her and letting the boys rip her to shreds

obviously his body looks good, but at the same time something looks very off. probably just the way he's hunching

He won't sadly, he told someone on Twitter to leave her alone. It's too bad, I'd have loved to see him just fucking roast her.

Ian is too much of a "character" for the podcast. I'd get tired of him if he was on every episode.


>mfw Opie & Anthony will never return and we have to settle for Cum Town and Legion of Skanks

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>stav is the most successful

by what metric? nick gets the lion's share of the patreon money, nick gets the most guest spots on other shows. adam at least got a (now ex) girlfriend out of the show. i'd say stav is objectively the least successful even if he might tour the most of the three

nope he already freaked at some guy on twitter saying "leave her the fuck alone". according to nick they weren't even going to say anything but then dasha talked about moving out on her podcast immediately, fuck that plan up

Most successful outside of the pod, as he's the only one who gets Comedy Central online appearances with hundreds of thousands of views.

>Comedy Central online appearances with hundreds of thousands of views

didn't know that, good for stav, but clips of just nick's bits from the pod are broken up into youtube vids that definitely get thousands of views too, but i guess that doesn't really count the same since it's recycling podcast content. his shit on other people's podcasts generally does well (at least the ones i've watched) but stav might have those too