Reminder that casting a black female James Bond was a decision made specifically as a marketing tool to draw online outrage, produce "woke" counter articles about how "white-men" and "alt-right" hate the new Bond, and elicit a culture war where purchasing a movie ticket for this film is not just for entertainment, but a vote against racism, sexism, and online trolls. Movie studios and corporations have figured out the youth of today (target demographic) are heavily influence by politics and will purchase products that pander to those political ideals. Just remember that you are being manipulated to react a certain way. Be aware of that conditioning and remember this is a product they're trying to sell before you write 10 articles a day or create 50 Youtube videos with James Bond in the title. They are literally creating an army of marketing employees they pay nothing. Their worst nightmare is that they cast a black woman as James Bond and nobody cares
Hey Dum Dums
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What can we do to stop this, I mean this has gone too far.
Alright seriously what does it mean?
>I ate my own shit just so people would go "stop eating your own shit". I got em again!
Is that YOU Mike B?
Literally just don't care. Its just a movie.
Nobody cares.
>Online "outrage"
They create all that too, who the fuck do you think is making 100 threads here? Same shit as star wars, two random twitter accounts said they were boycotting nuwars over the negro character and the press threw a hissy fit
this honestly.
but i genuinely don't care. haven't seen a bond film since casino royale, and thought that was garbage anyway.
this will blow over like that all female ghostbusters movie. just free press from mad 007 fans, and free press from non-007 fans who won't watch the movie anyway but are happy about a black female lead
barbara broccoli stated there will never be a female JB
this is all bait
stop it
holy christ people can't read
i certainly dont care about whatever youre talking about
It means absolutely nothing because the effete marketing boomers that do this shit have no actual understanding of how outrage culture works, the sizes of the demographics, and how it influences people to empty their pockets. Any attention is not good attention and doing shit like this loses them money.
Nobody cares about 4channel
if they dont do it now then they racist
Reply to fp is bp this time
Has anyone ever found out? I pierced your sister's buns? The order is off though.
Fascinating user, did you know that Spectre was the last ever James Bond film?
Great series with hits and misses, great collection. We’ll always remember it.
What a financially genius move, they will earn sooooo much money, the fans of the classic movies will sooooo go to see it....
well james is a terrible name for a woman
Same tactic that Idris Elba used everytime he had a new movie coming out that he needed to promote he would just mention Bond and both sides of the political spectrum would lose their shit
Yea Forums has had paid shills posting as far back as 2012
We all know this.