It wasn't supposed to be a documentary

It wasn't supposed to be a documentary.

Attached: uhh.jpg (1536x2175, 1.66M)

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I haven't seen it, was the economy booming and unemployment hitting record lows in that movie too?

It was though.

What, you think eugenics is wrong just because our communist ruling party doesn't like it?

They were just politically correct in the movie.

This movie was high key redpilled if you think about it in terms of race instead of intellect.

Seems like a paradise with prime trash pussy around every corner

No but the president was a TV star, THEREFOR DRUMPF

I don't understand, what else do the "moderate liberal" fans of this movie expect to happen when they vote to mass import low IQ people from broken dysfunctional nations?

This. If anything they said the language had deevolved to what its predominantly spoken in urban areas of the major cities today.

Then again the big message it tried to get accross is the 'capitalism is ebil' argument, but there is also a strong message of government involvement in the economy which ultimately lead to the rampant issues of brawndo monopolizing everything, causing a minor hiccup in anything leading to an economic downfall

Even anong whites, all the white people I know who are under 30 and have kids are mostly stupid girls who got knocked up by accident when they were in their late teens or early 20s.

Im in my late 20s now and 3 of my good friends are now married yet none have kids as all are pretty intelligent with high paying jobs and "they don't have the time right now" or X and Y isn't right for them to have kids.

Dumb people fuck and deal with the baby later. Smart people completely overthink what is the most natural part of being a human.

It plays like a dystopian future of stupidity from the mind of a 100 IQ pleb, which may be intentionally ironic but will we ever know?

it's complicated okay?

I love it because I see it as a potential future for losing western culture.

My friend loves it because he sees it as trumps america. Pretty much the same reasons he likes the purge movies.

liberalism is founded on the idea that browns and blacks are a "blank slate" and their low IQ and poor impulse control is the result of white people using "institutions" to make them sell crack rocks to teenage kids

One track mind you got there. Not even the plot point.

isn't it incredibly racist to assume that other ethnicities have no agency other than what the white man inflicted onto them?

It certainly wasn't an intentional plot point. But it was obvious with the writer's vision of the future, likely without him realizing.

shut up incel

That's why a lot of 19th century liberals were imperialists for racial reasons

Fuck You, I'm Eating

its not just being a TV star. He has the same mannerisms and appeal as Trump. Pure demagoguery.

At work today mtv was on in the break room, there was a show that had a bunch of fart noses and black women twerking and my coworkers were laughing like Frito. I unironically thought of idiocracy at that moment

Except trump is smart and a successful businessman who has actually accomplished quite a lot outside of being a tv star.

He's an asshole, sure. I'm not denying that. And yes, some of his fans are fans for the wrong reasons, but outside of that I see very little he holds in common with President Camacho

Or maybe they just don't want to deal with kids and that bullshit? I grew up with brothers and I never want to have a child in my home ever again. I lived with my mom and I will never be married, doubt I'll even try for a gf either.

>Except trump is smart

kek imagine believing this

"wind turbines cause cancer"

and look at him being moronic in front of his own trade rep

you aren't supposed to be a monkey.

The guy says some dumb things, sure. But he isn't stupid.

The poster alone makes me not want to see this movie

>all of the faggots who ignored the film for like a decade latched onto it as a Trump insult meme

Yes. He unironically is. The people who believe otherwise are just as stupid as he is.

Nah he isn't. Like I said, he's an asshole and says stupid things, but he isn't an idiot. Anyone who believe otherwise is orange man bad

Alex Jones loves this movie

WTF I want to give all my money to browns and women and open the borders now.

I love this movie too. The nice thing about it is different people with different ideologies like the movie for different reasons.

It wasn't supposed to be a documentary.

Attached: The-Passion-of-the-Christ-movie-poster.jpg (800x1200, 306K)

Funny how they concentrated on rednecks rather than niggers and spics as the blame for overpopulation of dumb people.

They were too small a minority to matter at the time of the film. How times have changed.

>Yes. He unironically is.
and that's unironically a good thing, this retard is keeping us out of 3-4 different wars being pushed by pompeo, abrams, bolton and the mainstream media.

I'm too old for the draft, so I don't give a shit.

Give me kino of carrier groups getting sunk by ballistic missiles.

So did South Park back then

He's too naive and trusts his intel too much. No different than Bush in that regard.

Your shit's all retarded.

>it's OK if he's stupid, he's not going to declare war!
Meanwhile he purposely staffs his cabinet with warhawks and unironically provokes every dangerous bad actor in the most volatile places in the world because """He'S kEePiNg Us OuT oF WaR!1!1"""
Good job being just as retarded as he is.

>but he isn't an idiot
Backup your bullshit or go die in a revolutionary war airport you simpering chimp.

>he has TDS
meanwhile in the real world...

>propagating your own races stereotypes
Not all rednecks are idiots.

DJT may be naive but is no where close to being in the same ballpark of evil cunts Bush I and II. That the media has turned them both into lovable old quirky granddads while turning Trump into literally Hitler is a testament to how fucked up an institution it is.

I'm not voting for him, but can you imagine if Hillary had won? It would be constant bloodshed on multiple fronts and the media would barely cover it. Trump likes to make a lot of noise and get his fan club hollering without producing the bodies of marines in caskets and it works. Obama on the other hand was very good at doing a lot of killing (which he bragged about) without making any noise and it made him look like a pussy.

>can't combat facts
>fallback on pretend mental disorders and cliches

>never saw Krazy Kripples or Jackovasaurs

>It would be constant bloodshed on multiple fronts and the media would barely cover it.
Why? Because "your media" said it was true? Hillary would've pulled out of the Iran deal? Really? Who is it you seem to think she would've arbitrarily gone to war with and under what pretenses?
>fuck foreigners and fuck combat but also the president who kills terrorists without wasting a troop is a pussy
Too bad there wasn't anyone stupid enough to coin the term Obama Derangement Syndrome. Oh wait, that's just good old fashioned racism.