i cant believe that guy didnt ask for a single tiddie pic or anything from this chick id kill myself too if i was such a fucken nerd kek
I cant believe that guy didnt ask for a single tiddie pic or anything from this chick id kill myself too if i was such...
oh no no no no
Those two were completely fucked in the head, nothing about their "relationship" was normal
I'd cum on her eyebrows desu
whos this ugly broad
>go documentary thinking she's a psycho bitch
>that trial footage of her "friends" basically saying they all thought that she was weird and that they avoided hanging out with her
>end up feeling bad for her in a weird way
Also that reporter looked like Post Malone
Is the cara delivigne?
>1: she looks like a wojack megamind head. How high is her power level?
>2: What if she really believed suicide was the best option for the guy? I don't think this is a jailable offense and maybe ethically a case can be made here that shes not even ethically in the wrong.
I didn't read her texts or ever read up on her. I doubt she was quoting Camus desu so Its probably more she just wanted to see the nerd off him self.
tfw too smart for murder
My coworker told her ex to kill himself after he pestered her to no end about having suicidal thoughts. He was just being a bitch and looking for attention though, this guy actually went through with it and this Cara looking bitch probably just wanted him to fuck off as well.
goddamn that hairlines is epic.
klaus kinski but a women
Conrad's parents deserved more blame for his suicide than her, in my big brained opinion. They seemed like total garbage. The fact that he tried killing himself like 4 times before he was successful and the mom acted like she didn't think he would do it again was fucking mind blowing. And dad beating the shit out of him over a bowl of mac and cheese or some shit. The girl is a fucking weirdo but she's not some incredible mastermind manipulator or anything.
>beating your children bad
And the Dad was getting his ass beat by Conrad's mom leading to the divorce. They were a trailer trash family.
He was probably low t so no sex drive.
I wanna creampie her too but don't speak ill of Conrad
That evil cunt should have fried.
Conrad was a faggot Michelle did nothing wrong
>I told my boyfriend to kill himself and he actually did it! The Absolute Madman!
She is SO ugly.
I've seen much worse.
Has she considered bangs?
That's pretty sad.
What if that guy was one of her only actual friends. Factor in how many times he's tried to kill himself and talk about doing it.
Maybe she felt like "fine do it. Just do it." Feeling like he's taking something away from her. Someone who likes her.
Same. Great doco though. She went full batshit when she started using lines from Glee in her text messages
His Dad was a super nice guy.
>Super. Dooper.
she has Rick & Morty head
>some retard killing himself is suddenly her fault
If he is easily manipulated, it is
She did it because she wanted attention. Her selfishness is on another level. I would love to see her disciplined by Mood Pictures.
He'd been trying to kill himself without her help for ages. He should be glad.
She looks like the Mask