Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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literally so low effort omg
I just want to talk about this creation from Alan Moore
>mfw I'm supposed to sympathize with the low IQ """good guys"""
>unironic phoneposter thinking he gets to have an opinion on anything
Manhattan has the power to walk on the sun but can't quickly teleport to a couple hundred military installations across the Earth and turn every warhead into bubbles?
What a weakling
Manhattan and the others.
Blue Dong was wrong. Hobo Man is right.
Hol up....
Rorschach was wrong.
The hat for abandoning Rorschach and going back to its home planet.
Dr Manhattan is never wrong.
True homosexuals don't like shemale porn. However true heterosexuals don't like shemale porn either. But what's interesting is that true heterosexuals enjoy looking at big dicks. It doesn't necessarily mean you want to suck or get fucked by a big cock, but it definitely means you enjoy seeing them tear apart women. It doesn't make you gay it just means your normal. If you get flustered at this simply biological response then you're probably a closet case.
snyder for making an almost shot for shot adaptation that missed what made the comic great. it was a direct downgrade. i doubt he understood the source material and i even usually like his movies
Dr. Manhatthen. Always.
Imagine being proud of the fact that you can't afford a smartphone
>But what's interesting is that true heterosexuals enjoy looking at big dicks
Oh shut the fuck up. Because that study totally makes sense, right?
>show a guy some dicks
>he thinks they're hot
>ask him if he considers himself heterosexual
Anything but a 0 on the Kinsey scale is full on faggotry that needs to be purged.
I suspect it's a positive feedback mechanism. A man gets an erection and feels or sees his own dick and this further arouses him. Leading to sex with a woman...hopefully.
Most of the time, there isn't any right or wrong. Just shades of gray.
Well no. We can objectively say that dr manhatten is wrong.
He cheats
He is distracted from his relationship
He gets manipulated
He acts in anger
He is arrogant
He kills his friend
The weakness of a God with a human mind is his human mind. That's superman's weakness. The man part.
This, Manhattan suffered from the worst pride in the world, he still believed that he was infallible even after Adrian tricked the shit out of him and played him out.
Rorschach was right in the end, this is the thing that Alan Moore didn't understand. We don't naturally trend towards agreeing with Rorschach because he is a reactionary, or that he had a terrible past that caused mental health issues, we're agree with him because he's right, he doesn't subscribe to idealism and sees the world and human civilization as it is, understanding that you can't fake your way to utopia and saving human lives in the short run isn't necessarily the best option.
I remember them distinctly saying that he had the power to stop quite a few of the nukes, but just not enough of the nukes to change the outcome.
>Humans are bound to nuke eachother
>I'll nuke them instead so theyll forget about nuking eachother for a bit and then... idk maybe remind them every once and a while when they don't immediately start solving every conflcit with hugs and kisses?
Rorschach was wrong too. He was an idealist. He was right before the deed was done. There was nothing to be gained by revealing the truth once the millions were dead.
Also ozymandeus was wrong too. We know from IRL that nuclear armageddon never happened from the cold war stand off.
as a side note i think the movie's justification for uniting than the graphic novels
why didn't they just nuke antarctica with the eagles
>what if superheroes but wrong
Damn Moore is a genius
You have to go back
based Blueberry Faggot
>We know from IRL that nuclear armageddon never happened from the cold war stand off.
right and how many terms did Nixon have?
>Neuroscientists explain why straight men like trans women
Except straight men hate trans women.
Yea I remember this. something about a mona lisa effect.
so did russia just drop communism forever and held hands with america?
In this timeline Nixon was still president.
So what did make the comic great? I see people constantly talking about it but never actually mentioning this 'great' thing that is missing
>someone is fallible so he is wrong
the mind of a fascist