Laughter stops

>laughter stops

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>needed a re-release
thats a * for me

>*rereleases Avatar and hits 3 billion*

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This image has now become the hallmark of cope lel

all he has to do it hit china. capeshit made like 600m there, avatar only half of that because they have less screens

Avatar had multiple re-releases and was in theaters longer than Endgame has been so far.

No one would give a shit, user

it's obviously going to be re-released during the hype for the sequels, if he ever finishes them.

Having never seen it in 3D, I would be there opening day. I'd do the same for Gravity.

I don't care. It doesn't count. I'll never accept it.

>We settle the mood by singing a horrible song about these two horses fucking

He should just re-release Avatar.

Unlikely since nobody cares about Avatar anymore and the 3D Gimmick is dead

Look at how badly Alita bombed despite the Cameron name, for instance.

Its not obvious at all retard. Jesus this cope

>b-but but btu tbu tbu
Not inflation adjusted

If titty ship and avalard count no reason it shouldn't. It's infinitely better than both.

>magically makes 8 million

>implying the Cameron name AS A PRODUCER wasn't responsible for it making more than 50 million at the box office

Is it mental illness?

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Yes but the same applies to you box office goys

Pretty sure Avatar doesn't win at all if you factor in inflation.

how did it make so much money yet have zero cultural impact? I mean sure normies wouldn't stop memeing it for the first week it was in theaters but I've not heard a single person IRL talk about that movie since.

Which is good because the film that's on top in that instance is actually great.

because nobody gave a shit about the movie, literally everyone went to see it because of the 3D which was like the most amazing thing ever at that time, Avatar is the reason we had a 3D movie trend from 2009 to 2012

big corporation's movie 1 is about to beat the same corporation's movie 2, holy shit guys

My sisters all took me to see it back then because it had the 3D shit. We did not talk about the movie afterward and never have.

is this shit dem good?

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Reminder that Avatar was not in theaters during a three week span in August 2010. Therefore, Avatar has a RE-RELEASE.
Endgame was still in theaters, making it a THEATER EXPANSION.
Not that it matters but say goodbye to your record anyway, Avatards. We are...inevitable.

Sit down.
Be humble.

well its no King of New York but the first 2 seasons were OK

it's funny to think that video games, and in particular mobile video games, make a shitload more money than this

>over $3 billion

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(I mean King of Queens)

I'm so fucking tired of this box office shit.
Why do people care?

Why would Disney spend so much money keeping their movie in the theaters for an extra half year? Couldn't they just bribe the aggregation sites to change the numbers?

They already buy their own tickets, why not?

I haven't seen any 3d televisions in years for sale at Best Buy or Costco. Will any 4K TVs work with a 3D Blu-ray disk?

some mild forms of autism are expressed via obsessing over statistics and records for things that do not matter.

Confirmation bias

stop seething, mcuck

So every sports fan is mildly autistic. Good to know Dr. Fucknut.

Why are you so insane and schizophrenic?

now search for "TICK TOCK"

Have sex.

Sounds like the dr. needs a dr., have you taken your meds yet today kid?

why can't your disney cuckold squadron stop that image from being posted, seething disneycuck