I can't believe a show is making me miss The Mall.
I can't believe a show is making me miss The Mall
Other urls found in this thread:
>Main Streets are dead
>Malls are dead
do Americans only shop at Walmart/Target nowadays?
Walmart or Amazon. Welcome to the future.
no amazon
Fuck malls.
calm down, joyce
Is that dude with the beard checking her out?
the redhead is an annoying bitch
she brings the show down unless you're an incel that wants to fuck her
Why does the redhead always have that obnoxious fake smile the entire time.
This is the true joy of malls
Rich neighborhoods still have boutique stores. It is Amazon and Walmart for the proles.
>Rich neighborhoods still have boutique stores.
So did malls.
Until mass transit brought in nonwhites and general economic fuckery raised power and utility overhead. Malls could've survived one or the other, but not both.
I have never been to a mall.
Are they really like they're portrayed in the show?
This thread made me want to watch mallrats
Chess King, bitches! My Miami Vice wardrobe was fucking strack!
I've never watched the show. Is it full of loud niggers and women? Then yes
>Are they really like they're portrayed in the show?
They were like that in the 80s, not now.
Well that sucks.
Looked really comfy in the show.
Malls were filled with teeny bopers good riddance
>Looked really comfy in the show
Then it served it's purpose, the show has an idealized version of the 80's, except its mostly bullshit. The iconic "80's look" with bright pinks and greens never really existed, it somehow got idiosyncratic after the 80's.
Niggers shoot each other at my local mall
Fast Times at Ridgemont High had authentic 80s mall scenes.
>the mallrats mall is right down the highway from me.
Same with mall of america. Minnesota loves indoor malls thanks to the winter.
The mall USED to be the greatest thing ever. At least mine was until they closed the arcade.
>tfw that arcade had Metal Slug, Silent Scope, Initial D, TMNT (89) and, Gauntlet Legends
>problem, El?
Okay, okay.
Malls suck, I get it.
Not anymore. The modern shopping mall contains:
>refugee shoppers
>speed walkers
>a food court that always, ALWAYS smells like baby shit or baby puke or both
>fountains and other attractions that look like they haven't been maintained since 1995
>mallrats, which are surprisingly still around
So definitely not a place to bring Millie.
Malls are still here and they still suck.
is there anyone else who would get nervous as fuck standing in the food court?
I'm not watching the normieflix shows but malls before the 00s hit hard were places you could kill 3 or 4 hours without spending a dime. Granted, you'd have more fun and for longer if you did.
Now though the ones that haven't closed down are either on life support for when the land is redeveloped by the owners or are just space for medical professional offices. You might go there for lunch and leave from boredom after 30 minutes unless you are a woman with very bad credit who needs new clothes constantly (women's clothes are the only shops that still get good business).
Take her to somewhere nice
Are balls a dying thing in the us?
Here in Ireland we still have plenty, although they're all soulless white tiles, white walls, glass cielings. Only at Christmas do they look comfy.
>"but malls before the 00s hit hard were places you could kill 3 or 4 hours without spending a dime. Granted, you'd have more fun and for longer if you did."
But did they have actual activities like arcades, etc. or did you just have to fuck around?
I wonder if she'd be cool with just going to the movies and getting ice cream afterwards or if I'd have to really impress her with something fancy.
Doubt she's picky considering she likes to sleep on the floor.
mmmh html
>unless you're an incel that wants to fuck her
implying i watch that crap for any other reason
My city has two super active malls. It's odd. I took my girlfriend yesterday to get her some shoes and it was literally packed. A lot of them were niggers and spics but still.
The Mall of America is still popular.
Not sure if it's intentional but it's hilarious that the show had local businesses closing down because of the mall, and nowadays, malls are dying all over.
Can confirm. Most 80s malls were kind of 70s hold overs with weird wooded installations and lots of browns and orange. The only neon you would find would maybe be at a cassette shop.
They did have theaters and themed food joints though. Usually pizzerias.
This is the mall I went to a lot as a kid.
Except I run into the occassional white devil dressed like a sex tourist.
and finally.
Most of the 80s is retro revisionism. I also take real issue with kids their age knowing anything about the Thing. Mostly adults went to horror/sci-fi movies, or kids in their late teens.
I was born in 78 and didn't really watch anything but Star Wars and The Last Star Fighter. There was lots of violence in kids films but most kids didn't go to horror movies like Day of the Dead. It also wasn't that popular in the mainstream on any level beyond like a Michael Jackson video.
Yeah why on earth would you want to have fresh cunny to look at while you do your shopping? So disgusting!
look at these numales
Was at Garden State Plaza in New Jersey the other day and can confirm it is still doing well. Pretty full, even at 3pm on a random weekday.
I grew up 5 miles from this mall- it's Gwinnett Place Mall in Duluth, Georgia. It has notably fallen apart and was so vacuous that in very same food court, they found a dead body that had been rotting for at least a week before being noticed
The only place that is appropriate to bring Millie is a back alley or a casting couch
I go to my local mall every other Tuesday for a long running Starfinder tabletop game.
My mall also has a Round 1 which is pretty cool.
God I hate that ugly 40 year old looking cunt so much
really good game. even if its made for 12yo girls.
This first episode is fucking garbage. Does it get better?
Do they even still have malls in America? I haven't seen once since like 2010
lol jesus
I live a block from perimeter mall. it still gets good traffic
Episode 4 has some great cinematography, and it picks up fast from there and stays fun. If you can put the political crap out of your mind you should be fine. The last two episodes are really top tier movie produced kino.
I'm consistently baffled as to how the 70's was utterly dominated by brown and orange.
what political crap?
Yeah.. idk what it was. Carpet. Couches. WTF were they thinking?
It wasn’t amazon that killed malls, it was just the death blow. Amazon etc would have eventually killed them or reduced their numbers but it would have taken a lot longer. What killed malls was minorities. They started going, and since poor they didn’t spend any money there. Instead they raised security costs by beating each other up all the time, raised overhead by stealing all the time, and most importantly drove away most of the white people that kept the malls in business. Malls were great as a kid/teenager. Arcades, stores to shop at, maybe most importantly it’s where a lot of the cute girls hung out to pick up. Hang out with friends, play video games, get a date with a cute girl for that night. Like everything they touch though, brown people ruined it. Ah well. I’m an adult now so I don’t care that much but it sucks todays kids don’t get to enjoy it. It’s weird that liberals don’t care that all the brown people they invite here are destroying the country for their children
I'd like to go to the mall unfortunately it's a really depressing experience. 90% of the people are 3rd world immigrants including humans from the most far flung shithole enclaves wearing burkas, hijabs, somalians and Indians in native garb. I live in the DC suburbs in a formerly really nice area. You'll also see a few MS-13 members and of course Ghanaians and Nigerians
>Why yes, Stranger Things does make me feel nostalgic. How did you know?
holy shit, that extra is genuinely checking out MBB's ass. fucking kek
All true
>me on the back checking eleven's ass
>It’s weird that liberals don’t care that all the brown people they invite here are destroying the country for their children
Boomer Libs live in agted communities and never have to deal with these things. Millenial and Zoomer Libs won't have kids anyhow. It's once again, up to the courages few to set things straight and forge the future.
How come all those get ibto the US, but as a white western European it's almost impossible to move legally?
Well that's mostly because Sandy Springs business district is built around the mall and a lot of people eat there for lunch oddly
What's really cool is that over here in Japan, malls are still prosperous and lots of fun to go, and unless you're in Osaka, Tokyo, or Fukuoka, you aren't going to see more than 5 non-japs
There is a lot of truth in this. You can even find evidence of malls that were hanging on into the late 90s and 00's and eventually died out to gun violence.
Lefty youtubers like Dan Bell at Dead Malls shows again and again that malls decline because of murders, shootings, and violence.
That said sometimes it was just poor marketing and saturation + Amazon and web buying becoming a thing.
Most civilized people don't want to spend their time at malls. They are crowded, loud, nigger soups. Even hipster liberals hate the mall. They don't actually want to be around the trash they force us to integrate with.
>What killed malls was minorities
Looks comfy bros
>get a date with a cute girl for that night
You're willing to lie about one thing, I'm willing to assume you lie about other things as well.
i live in a predominantly white country where malls have died out without any violence by coloured people causing exorbitant overheads
you lads are full of it
Duluth is such a shithole
fellow user that grew up in bumfuck GA
It was nice. I remember seeing a guy dressed as Darth Vader once in the mid 80s. Scared the living shit out of me as a kid. There was some awesome mask/costume shop in my mall and they did stuff like that.
>Adding delusions of grandeur to your bigoted lies and voting a literal toddler into the white house.
The absolute state of you people.
Europe was basically a ghetto before the african/muslim invasion of the last 5 years. Your GDP's all sucked and none of you had money to spend on malls.
I feel like I never got the heyday of the teenage mall experience. By the late 90's it was already a lot of sketchoids and obvious gang members; still good for buying a bunch of shit and some hanging out on the weekend but it was teetering.
I was a perfectly normal teenager lad. I’m a shut in now but it wasn’t always this way. You realize not everyone here has been an autist neet their entire lives right? People from all walks of life come here, it’s weird how some of you guys project your own life on everyone else.
Democrat Party policy initiatives
Britain had a lower GDP than the lowest states in America. Even shitty southern states. You're all white trash. Italy has luxury goods and Germany has fine electronics and some cars. But that's about it.
you know nothing about europe if you think it's entirely populated by immigrants; there are large swathes of territory and several countries where you won't see anyone from a foreign ethnicity
only in affluent white communities like westchester county are american malls still comfy and alive.
Are actually malls actually dying or is it being exaggerated? I've been to two, one in New York and another in Texas. They were dull mainly because they were mostly clothing stores. Not arcades and shit like said.
>bigoted lies
Mate living around minorities is horrible. This is a fact. Every metric effecting quality of life is lower around brown people. Either you haven’t lived around them, or have only lived around them so don’t know how amazing it is not to. It is what it is man. You can choose to do what you want with that information and it doesn’t mean you have to be some nazi or something. But facts are facts
ahh the westchester...now that's a mall.
dont know what shithole you're from by the mall where i grew up, Westfield at Montgomery, was nice up until the 00s
I assume you actually believe in your own made up world and are not just trolling because of how infantile your antics are.
I hate it. There's a mall where I live at and it's so goddamn empty it's clear that the theater it's connected to is only there to be an IV drip. Stores closed, the oddly placed foreign store here and there. It's fucking depressing.
malls close to big cities are doing fine. the ones further out in the suburbs (or the 2rd/3rd malls in big city areas) definitely have been dying out.
Mate it’s a complex issue, and specific causes as to why any one mall died and when has multiple causes they vary by location. Online shopping hurt malls everywhere. Doesnt change that any mall where minorities came in large numbers suffered massively from it.
what shitty suburb do you live in, dmvbro
what are good indoor malls that are still around? Closest one to me is South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa
Malls are pretty dead in my area. One big one next to a movie theater has been dying for years, and it was tor down a few months ago. All other malls are dying, but an outdoor shopping/eating center recently opened, and the high school kids love it.
t. Baltimore county
God she's such a horrible fucking character. She should have died so Based Billy could live.
Protip: Suburbanization was the most disastrous instance of urban development in human history.
wrong, retard. Some suburbs are poorly designed but some are very well done.
we had to get away from niggers somehow. Now we're re-invading because cities are more funa nd pushing them out to skirts.
I don't get why minorities decided to head to malls more recently in the last decade or two. My city was always mostly white/asian and we were next to a black/hispanic area but in the 80's and 90's they never usually went there but now the spics and nigs love to only shop in our area even though nothing was stopping them years ago
If the mall is an analogy of Netflix as a service killing small retail (video rentals), are they hinting at them being owned by a secret power just like the mall was with the russians? Was this season a cry for help?
>reddit seething about President Trump
Like clockwork.
And Dan Bell is a huge fat liberal cuck.
It’s weird how it’s framed as racist when people don’t want to live around blacks. Is it really so horrible to not want to get shot when you go to the store? Silly racist whites wanting to live lol
they're certainly not gonna be splitting the atom any time soon
they shop at amazon, they just go to the walmart to shart
My local mall is just non-whites lounging about. You see women in hijabs with strollers and tiny groups of arab boys just hanging out.
Non-whites loves The Mall more than anything.
i really wish i could experience, at least the aesthetic
Walmart/Target and Amazon.
>tfw the mall you were a mallrat at back in middle/high school is pretty much dead outside of a movie theater and costco
Online only, minorities outnumbering caucs really just obliterated Malls, they are just scary now
>that stand
by the types of foreigners hes talking about, my guess is Arlington
Las americas shopping mall is awesome. Chula vista center too.
Let's all have another Orange Julius
muslim women suck at parenting too
Here's the mall I went to in the early 80s. It's still there. I really liked the design when I was a kid. I guess it's art deco.
It looks really sterile, now. And empty.
in the early 90's my mall still had all the brown tiling and carpet
worse unless you are a straight up normal. Its like it is in the show only without the interaction because - surprise surprise - life isnt as dramatic as television. people usually just end up walking around to act cool
I'm glad this happened, malls deserve to not exist.
t. brown guy
comfy warmth
>country has plenty of malls, in fact most cineplexes are inside malls
>find out malls are a nostalgic thing for Americans
weird as fuck
hmmmmm hmmmmm
Is this show even good or its just some normie pandering bullshit?
>he's upset that he sees immigrants at the mall
What a pathetic bitch
It's great
>Is this show even good or its just some normie pandering bullshit?
A little of both
Oh shit, Fox Valley? I was there a few months ago, it's got a pretty awesome level system. Love that food court in the bottom. And Round 1 is always sweet. Some of the stuff on the other end is emptied out though.
pedo pls go
Middle of Fairfax. It gets worse every day
i bet they'd look kindly on a thousand white guys in trucker hats taking over their ghanian mall
tfw live in moderately sized canadian city, mall still going strong and still has plenty of white people shopping. go there once a week on average for stuff i don’t want to pay shipping on.
My city still has a mall that opened back in 1968 and has a good chunk of people that go it. It's two floors, 2nd floor being a gym and just underwent a huge renovation to celebrate its 50th anniversary. Malls are not going anywhere
I live in a smaller city of around 100k people, and our mall is surprisingly not that bad considering how small it is
>food court is fucking expensive but tastes pretty damn good
>a lot of minorities but there’s more families and cauc teenagers
>one of the best places to go for clothes (very expensive tho)
>lots of restaurants that replaced the old department stores
>two arcades and a bowling alley
Now that I think of it, it kinda does remind me of Starcourt
>posts pokeshit
buddy you aren't in any place to be calling people numales
>family goes to mall of america
>i don't want to buy anything
>act like im having fun
>decide to buy some books i never read
>be 18 in San Fernando Valley in 2009
>spend last year at home taking the bus to the fuckhuge mall to smoke cigarettes and drink monsters off the $20 I bummed off my mom monthly
>me and five other nerdpunks just did laps around the interior and walked a mile down the street to the smaller theater-centric mall
>bumped into random fellow teens we knew, acknowledged cute girls and never talked to them, smoked more cigarettes, never bought anything but food court grub and energy drinks
>bus home at midnight listening to The Aquabats and Streetlight Manifesto, spend the rest of the night playing TF2 and eating nutella on white bread
>watch the sun rise with dad's leftover coffee and a cigarette, go to bed at 8 am
>wake up in the afternoon, head back to the mall
>join Marines, get out in 2013
>malls aren't dead, but the only people that shop there are boomers and rich 30-somethings
>I start relying on Amazon 100% for everything but groceries
>nobody wants to hang out anymore unless it's at a bar or on special occasions
>women in my city aren't impressed that I fought for Israel
>nutella has too many calories
>TF2 died the year I left home
>the shoppers own the mall
Get a load of this faggot
she looks so cute! no make-up that makes her look older, simply herself
nutella also causes cancer
Yup, crazy how much better she looks without make-up.
Ok, I'll just assume that this is Stranger Things general
Wtf, the americans soldier find two civils wearing soviet uniforms in a secret commie base and just let them walk?
I miss my city's mall
I want to go back, I miss collector's connection
there was the literal comicbook guy running it, ponytail and all. the first pack of pokemon cards I ever got (they had just arrived) was from that mall store, and it had a charizard in it!
lmao dont call me buddy, you balding narrow shouldered faglord
That mall montage was the worst part of the season, so fucking cringy and cliche.
This, and the fact that the Russian scientist dude got shot in front of hundreds of people, with his shirt covered in blood, while the bald bastard screamed his lungs out and ran towards him and yet no one else there noticed?
It was set up like this to make a bunch of ad money. This whole fucking season was one big ad
>hur slurpee
>Burger King
>Coca Cola
You guys being right wingers are supportive of capital holding all the wealth rather than the wealth being held by labor (the workers, therefore the "masses"), yet your butthurt malls are dead. Who the fuck is supposed to be shopping in those malls, and with what money?
Malls were cool, unlike Blockbuster
you all have capital, idiot
this season made me miss Sam Goody
that was my favorite place in the mall
capital is the investment/upper class you fucking dolt.
Having $4500 in the bank doesn't make you a capitalist, owning the factory does. If you don't own the factory or the company, you're not a capitalist, you're a schmuck.
have you tried going to the mall?
I live in the third world and malls are alive and well, it's not really a place to shop, more like to just go to fast food, Starbucks, Cinema, play video games in the bookstores, Bowling, and then you have the wealthy minority that actually buy overpriced stuff there keeping mots of the stores alive.
lenin pls
>tfw the mall in this season is literally less than mile from me and didn't even know they filmed there until the release of the show.
money is capital
you build capital, you invest capital, your labor is capital
everything is a market for capital, and everyone is a member of the market with their own capital to invest and transfer
Malls are absolutely dying because they were overextended to begin with. The idea behind them is to concentrate as many stores as possible with a wide variety of products in an enclosed area so that people who would normally not be exposed to some types of products would be exposed. The other idea was that they were to be the bastardized version of the American public square which symoblically made citizens into consumers.
Why they died however is subject for debate. I think the internet is the main culprit. Not just because you buy stuff there but that's where most people hangout these days. You don't hang out with your friends at the mall you go online and play a game with them on steam or group chat. Boomers are usually the ones complaining because they cannot understand that they're old and the world left them behind.
>the air you breath has a small percent of Millie's fecal matter
Yeah, but even if they were fake brands it would've been a terrible scene.
now that i think about it, here in south america malls are alive and doing well and there are only few shitskins you encounter there
I'm starting to wonder if the demogorgons were just a creature the mind flayer mind controls. If the mind flayer created them, wouldn't you think that would be the first thing it started making? That giant blob mind flayer wasn't even immune to bullets or axes
They're fun with friends
Malls use to be a wonderful place to hang out with friends back in the 80's and early 90's. They started going down hill once they banned smokers!!!FACT!!!
That sounds like absolute bollocks.
the 60's got everyone sick of bright colours. the 70's were a decade long hangover
fucking crazy to read this thread since in australia my mall is just like it was in 95 and i love to go there. there's no security guards
Oldfag here, just hit 50 (okay go easy on me)
Times were definitely different. I think guys took just as much, if not even more time getting ready to go out and look good. Had my shirts buttoned down more than normal. Sex was crazy, I miss bushes.
well Australia is like a time delay zone is it not? So much latency the temporal fabric of the universe itself has a 999 ping.
The Definitive Mall Kino coming through guys
>The Definitive Mall Kino coming through guys
That movie is fucking trash and doesn't capture mall culture at its peak in the 80's. Mallrats came out in 95 when Malls were losing their luster and the movie reflects that!!!FACT!!!
can someone just post the full spoilers to season 3?
i watched episode 1 of the season and decided not to invest anymore time in the rest.
im confident that based on the first episode that the whole season is absolute shit.
seems like a desperate cash grab to milk the last drop out of the cash cow.
the sjw bullshit in it is also a big yikes from me as well.
Here's my childhood mall. This photo was taken a few years ago, but it looked exactly the same in the early 90s
If you don't care enough to watch it, why do you care about what happens?
It actually gets better by about episode 4 or 5, if you can tough it out it is worth it
>sjw bullshit
THIS IS A 100% TRUE. Any mall, even if it was in a good part of town, went under if there was a bus route from inner city coming to it.
King of Prussia Pennsylvania master race
because i watched the first 2 seasons and liked them.
at least tell me if the 3rd season is open ended, as in will there be a 4th season?
There's definitely going to be a 4th season.
okay now post the spoilers pls
Yeah but without Hopper do you really think it’ll be as good?
I think this is at least partially true but the fact that the rent in American malls is incredibly high and that 95% of the stores there are clothing stores targeted only towards woman or kids is a pretty major blow.
>without Hopper
You really think he's gone for good?
He's not dead. His actor was specifically left in the dark about Hop's fate which pretty much means he's alive.
Hopper is alive, dummy.
How did they do the hologram fight at the end?
Why? Just watch it.
Here's mine, image is from 2017
>looked up my childhood mall to see when it closed
>to my shock, it's still open, but they spent $300 million a couple years ago to revamp it into looking like every other current day mall
Not sure how I feel about this.
I haven't been there is ages, is it still kind of inner city neighborhood in feel?
She is such a little dirty whore
This video goes into detail about the process I think.
>Taking Over
Holy shit spend less time on this website.
nigga im busy as hell trading crypto and watching/trading 6 fucking assets right now
just post the fucking spoilers and quit being a shill about it
Yeah, the mall in the show looks more like the mall that got put in near my dad's office in the early 90s than my hometown mall in the 80s.
My local mall used to have a bunch of faux flagstone walls and a bunch of water fountains and columns that looked like the Space Needle. Didn't even have a food court until 2000 or so.
>About a month later on Dec. 21, 2017, a maintenance worker found Man's body in a back room of the vacant Subway restaurant at the mall. Police initially considered it a suspicious death. They said she had been dead for about two weeks when her body was found.
Watch the local news video, they even pan around the abandoned food court where they filmed all those Starcourt scenes. and also where her body was found in
>looked mine up
>looks exactly the same
I remember when I bought my Dreamcast here, at the Electronics Boutique.
is this where we post our childhood malls
I live in Ohio and every mall like this that was here rapidly died in the last decade. All that's left now are the big open air everything broken up and outside type malls.
>half the stores in the pic are closed
listen here buddy, mall were NEVER great ok??!? Kevin Smith knew that and made the movie to reflect the TRUTH!!!!1
I don't care what autism you're up to, if you care enough about the plot of a show to beg for details then you care enough to watch the fucking thing.
The moment your mall gets a dollar store you know it's days are numbered.
The spirit and feel of a mall actually lives on in theaters
>until they go extinct too
and if you can find an albino theater that's a bonus
feels bad man
few in my city went from enclosed shopping centres to outdoor "power centres" aka strip malls
all of them were pretty shitty and dead anyways but a comfy kind of shitty and dead
quit being a bitch and post the spoileers copypasta
rest in peace
Both of my childhood malls are now parking lots.....fact.....
Right. 80s nostalgia is kind of lapping into the 90s reality. Malls were a 70s thing that got bigger in the 80s and then some were reworked in the 90s with the economic boom to be little corporate playgrounds for consumers. Then the bottom fell out.
I wish walmarts were all reduced to parking lots
Yeah, series really feels like it's written by people who "totally" would have been into The Velvet Underground if they grew up in the 70s.
The Thing flopped in theaters, and zombie movies were considered lame in 1985. Summer of '85 would have been Back to the Future, Goonies, DARYL, Real Genius, Rambo, Teen Wolf.
Honestly the lack of Goonies quotes from 13 year olds less than a month after it came out is complete horseshit. My brothers and friends were quoting that movie for a year.
That's interesting.
I don't even buy anything but groceries and computer parts. All my clothes comes from goodwill. What the fuck did people buy in the 90s that they needed fucking malls?
Not sure when this is from but that elevator was so cool and there was always a huge line to ride it. There was this great comic book store right above the food court, and across from that was a card, table top, and model store that used to sell Japanese Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh cards, as well as import Gunpla, and Zoids. They even had a service where you could pay them to build and detail the kit for you so that it'd be professional level. I never did that but my one friend's mom paid them to build the Lightning Saix for him and at like the age of 10 it was the coolest shit to see a fully detailed kit like that. I think they painted table top figures for a price too.
Both stores sold import toys so as a kid I had the Japanese version of Fire Convoy/RID Optimus Prime. Shit was so cool.
>and zombie movies were considered lame in 1985.
Yeah I mention that in another post - that Kids did not watch the thing. We watched the fuck out of back to the future but it just wasn't a thing. And the kids in ST's talk about it as dreamily as boomers do when they elevate it to myth status.
Everything was so much smaller then. Only a few small things dominated your attention. I don't think peoples brains even understand the concept of 3 network tv channels, and one movie theater, and the radio and that's it.
Yeah they should have all been talking about the truffle shuffle non-stop and been a lot more vulgar and racist lol
Things for the kids, toys, shoes, all sorts of boutiques for the ladies, trading cards, board games, sports equipment, cars, boats. Unique items, all the consumer goods a household had an interest in all in one easily traversable location.
This depresses me big time and I have no idea why.
that movie flopped though.
Anywho, the only mall I actually like going to it Square One in Mississauga, Ontario. It's always busy and really comfy during the black Friday and Christmas season!!!FACT!!!
>All my clothes comes from goodwill.
This is so gross. How do people wear used clothes?
Even as a kid the only thing I remember being interested in at the mall was the store that sold replica swords. I begged my dad for a shitty 100$ sword because it looked cool and he beat me. Fuck malls.
The mall was an attraction back then, it wasn't just for shopping. You went there to hang out, eat, look at things, and there was usually stuff happening at the mall to take part in/observe, especially if you had kids. There were also usually people with kiosks who sold oddball stuff you really couldn't get anywhere else.
Everything is so soulless now.
>be bong
>first mall in city built in 1997, lots of childood memories
>bigger mall comes to town in 2005 and slowly replaces it
>2016 old mall (dirt mall now) is dying and many stores close down (independant CD store still open somehow)
>empty stores are replaced with free table football, free ping pong and other empty spaces get public games added
>hang out there all the time playing ping pong as a teenager, mall is resureccted
pretty much every mall in my city has a dollar store apart from one
brehs... what does this mean...
you can find some good quality proper wool clothing at good will, cleans easily, no different from a hand me down
surely there's lots of valuable shit for vandals to steal like copper and marble, right?
nobody watched or talked about them though. I remember going to movie stores in the 90s and horror was basically treated like porn. You weren't proud to read comics and like horror like you are today. It was for losers and faggots.
Now it's still for losers and faggots but we accept people who are losers and faggots and let them celebrate it.
A hand me down comes from a family member or someone you personally know, a used shirt is a nasty thing that could have been worn by anyone. I don't care if you clean it. It's gross.
Because it symbolizes the death of an era, and essentially the death of the society we grew up in. All remaining traces of pre-9/11 America will be gone in another decade. It sucks but it's life.
malls transitioning from shopping areas to recreational/social areas (focusing on attractions and restaurants) would genuinely save malls as a whole
basically the concept of west edmonton mall, mall of america, a bunch of those bigass malls in dubai and china, it's far more futureproof since online retail isn't going away
your dad sounds like an asshole, malls were dare I say based
I recall getting micromachines at a place that stacked them by the crate at the edge of the store
not to mention the arcades, those were the absolute best, I murdered so many many quarters
>tfw still have a large, thriving mall near me
> all the stores are fairly expensive and security is too tight to steal anything so there are never any basketball americans in it
Also, when me and my wife are in Toronto, we check out Chinatown and there's this indoor mall center that's been dying over the last decade. When I first started going there it was always busy with lots of stores filled with Chinese nick nacks, junk shops and dvd sellers. I use to love going there. But each year it got more and more empty to where it's now a ghost town!!!FACT!!!
>I don't care if you clean it. It's gross.
It's only gross if you have a pathetic third worlder's definition of "clean".
If anything Malls changed for the better. Stop confusing "growing up" with "everything is soulless". You have no soul, the malls are the same.
sounds like a personal hangup of yours, I wear shoes my great grandfather wore over a century ago
t. dumb zoomer
Hot water and detergent? I mean denim jeans that have already been worn by someone else for a couple years are way more comfy and flexible than buying a new pair, especially with a giant sack like mine, I need to buy them all stretched out. Coats and overshirts and all that won't be rubbing directly on your skin so maybe go for those? New socks and underwear provide a layer for used shorts and shoes and whatever else you get used.
Was just about to post Square One. I also live near Erin Mills which is small but comfy
>meeting random people that day
>the store smells
>the echoing chatter
>wishing fountains
>everyone eating something different from the food court
>all the stores
>spends hours there
Malls were kind of a weird experience.
I mean truth be told the kids in ST are losers and faggots. Horror among kids in the 80s, as far as I can gather from talking to people I know who were kids in the 80s, is more of a late 80s thing. Post-Aliens. And then kids and horror didn't really become mainstream until the 90s.
Pretty much every kid I knew growing up in the 90s watched horror movies. Especially It and Child's Play. Then again when it came to the pre-oughts you had way more regional interests. Kids in one area might have been all over something, but kids in another town might not have been. There were major fads sure but it was all about what your friends were pushing at any given moment.
>If anything Malls changed for the better. Stop confusing "growing up" with "everything is soulless". You have no soul, the malls are the same.
I can tell you were born around 2000!!!FACT!!!
I remember lots and lots of brown in malls in my childhood.
>you will never have hot Sam and orange Julius back to back again
Some of my fondest memories as a kid were spend in a similar store. This is Shirokiya in the Ala Moana mall in Hawaii. Since there is a significant Japanese population, products from "back home" were in high demand. I got all of my Gundam figurines, rare Japanese language Pokemon cards. All of my friends from the mainland US were super jealous.
It's all still there. Lots of little food shops now, not so many figurines as far as I hear.
hurr durr 80s were better hurr durr
Go in the attic to search for your furbys and walkman to remind you of times where you weren't pathetic, grandpa. Or maybe go to an actual mall out of the thousands in the world and realize you don't miss the 80s when everything had "soul" and "color", you just miss being a kid who thought everything had soul and color.
>Because it symbolizes the death of an era, and essentially the death of the society we grew up in. All remaining traces of pre-9/11 America will be gone in another decade. It sucks but it's life.
I hate it!!!FACT!!!
japanese pokemon cards were so rare I got a bunch in trades living in northern minnesota
Main streets have actually made a huge comeback in the last decade in many parts of the country. Retarded liberal millenial types love that shit.
Well the Mall of America still exists, though it's constantly packed with somali refugees. Two in my area (well I only know one used to be a mall for sure, but they have the same function) were turned into gallerias. Basically outdoor malls. Fresh air, sidewalk, and a bunch of stores and restaurants and movie theaters.
zoom zoom
I wasn't alive in the 80s, retard.
my sister had gone to that one mall with the stabbing a few hours before it happened, wish the metro wasn't exporting them
I would love for a fake mall to be built just as a museum to show shopping malls circa 1950's to 2000 and also showing the evolution of store types and displays and products
I like the mall near me. It has a cinemark and a state-of-the-art arcade/bowling alley. Basically as snazzy as the ST mall was to the characters.
The mall back in my home town went to shit with all the niggers in the area though.
Is there any chance a mall could be designated a historical site, since it is now becoming a dying form of architecture?
Based FACT!! poster
Are you retarded? I don't know when you grew up, just apply it to your generation. If you can't hide your jealousy of young people by calling them "zoomers" like that changes how they're in their prime and you're way out of it, this comment obviously applies to you.
how is any of that weird? considering cellphones weren't as widely used/capable as they are today, going to the mall was equivalent to going on ircQ because everybody would meet up there
Malls were an absolute great way to waste an afternoon, especially if you had like $30 on you because you could just bullshit walking around stores in the mall, go to the food court and get something to eat, see a movie since most malls had a theater, and spend at least $10 in quarters at the arcade lining your quarter in the screen for next match in Mortal Kombat/Street Fighter 2 Championship Edition
going to the mall was the tits 25 years ago
Speaking of malls in Ontario, time to bring back this gem
Doubt it. However there would doubtless remain a few that exist just because of the sheer novelty of it, while they get replaced with gallerias where you achieve the same goal but don't actually have a building to maintain.
blacks were watching people sneak into dead malls on youtube and used it to find ways to go steal all the copper and tag dead malls up. happened to northridge in milwaukee
Lol the boomer resistance festering in the comment section:
>This 100% - the black pill is hard to resist. We will triumph in the end, if not for ourselves, for our people. We are all so pampered and comfortable, when the battle proper commences, the comradery we will feel with our brothers and sisters will be worth any hardship, and fuel us through any struggle. Things will have to get much worse before they have a hope of getting better.
These people are going to go into the grave unironically seeing themselves as misunderstood heroes while the world they destroyed burns around them.
this is why giving those monkeys cheap androids and allowing them to purchase iPhones rolled into carrier plans was a bad fucking idea
you're a hero to me, user
Classic pampered child outlook. Everybody is to blame for my shitty situation except for me. Trump did this to me. Schools did this to me. Church did this to me.
No responsibility because fuck it.
>These people are going to go into the grave unironically seeing themselves as misunderstood heroes while the world they destroyed burns around them
nobody is the villain of their own story
the world burns at the end of everyone's attempt to save it
look upon my works, ye mighty
The mall where I live is always busy desu.
Malls weren't just for shopping. I remember the longest conversation while taking the bus to the local mall was always about what we're going to eat. It was always about walking into random stores and looking at shit. I often left without anything but had a good time.
>Mom says you can only get one thing
>Contemplate what you want on the way there
>Go to every store, contemplate choices, return to the store with the thing you want before leaving
I know it sounds silly now but when you're like 8 that's just the hypest feeling.
easy for him to say. Russians never let jews fuck up their country. Of course.. they were all shit poor so the jews had no way to fuck up their country. Also Stalin wiped most of them out as he killed loads more than hitler.
But I'm sure as a communist you know all that.
Right user kun?
>Speaking of malls in Ontario, time to bring back this gem
The literal embodiment of spoiled brat boomer entitlement. I hope he died/dies a slow painful death!!!FACT!!!
Amazon. I never go to Walmart and I only go to Target if I absolutely need something right away.
Go to a mall that wasn't changed since the 80s since there's like 50 of these in the USA alone.
malls arent dead they just dont have roofs and the parking lot is in the middle
My city has two very healthy malls. There was a third but it's been repackaged into offices to survive.
a bit of both. It's a show that you don't want to talk to normies about because they start talking about "MUH NOSTALGIA," even though most of them were born in the 90's.
>people need to take responsibility
>The jews are why I have no girlfriend
It's FUN but if you're looking for anything but fun you're going to be pretty upset.
>Tfw even 10 years ago you could take a qt to the mall, not spend shit on anything other than food, walk around all day, and it counted as a date.
I remember going to the mall in my city (around 300k pop) and hanging out during the 90s with friends. We'd play at the arcade, try out cds at Sam Goody, eat at the food court, and go see movies at the theater. Sometimes theyd have a shitty local rock band that would play a show on the weekends. One of my buddies got to do that one time with his band. Watching this season definitely brought back some nostalgia but in the end, who cares. This show is running out of tricks and needs better writing and direction. I've enjoyed it, especially the first season, but it's time to end it.
You can try to take all the responsibility you want but when a de-unionized, service based economy has been pressed upon you through no fault of your own, you cannot make yourself "marriageable" through sheer force of will.
>a literal toddler
he's literally a man in his seventies.
does he unironically believe that all small towns used to be completely different and have an entirely different character?
careful there, because you sound just like niggers crying that DA MAN is keeping them down
i dont understand spics and niggers going to malls. if they are poorer than white people on average than you would think they would order online to save money, plus mall stores and restaurants do not take EBT cards
I have 3 girlfriends.
And yes, they do.
you're backwards. Nigs and spics are poor because they can't save or manage money. I've had several black guys at my job ask for loans from the company because they buy car parts and computer shit they can't afford. Shoes. Rims. Stupid clothes that don't matter. They have no fucking sense.
That's why all their women are so shit bird crazy about money and running shitty "jewelry" scams on the side to make extra money. Their men spend like women, so the women have to scramble to get money for their own bullshit.
Proud to report that my local mall is comfy as fuck and still going strong, always totally packed. Pictured is sort of the main atrium which they redesigned recently with modern fixtures and the like. It always had fireplaces instead of water fountains, it's much bigger than it looks with an identical one on the opposite end of the atrium. They each have a bunch of big comfy leather couches around them. At Christmas time they hand giant wreaths and thousands of twinkling white Christmas lights drop from the ceiling, trees and nutcrackers and different ornaments dot the landscape. I spent a lot of my time here as a kid and still do today since it's got the movie theatre and basically the biggest book store in town. Great place to grab a bite, grab a coffee, pick up a new book and settle down by the fire to read and to people watch, maybe strike up a conversation, particularly with the older folks that frequent the place and like to read the paper by the fire. Truly a kino experience, love my mall.
reeeeeeeee boomers ruined the economy. Not our socialist, SJW policies and letting women ruin everything. We can't stand up and be men and go to work because we lost our balls user-kun. Reeeeeeeeee im in this state because of the "MAN"
Why is "Minorities did it" your explanation for literally every bad thing that happens?
I like it, hooray consumerism
it's quantifiable and proven by facts, but you don't have the experience and you've brainwashed yourself to refuse to see it. The entire way you view the world is wrong and you won't be able to change it until you're older and understand.
It's pretty much the constant struggle between old and young. Defending tradition vs trying to destroy it.
>go to mall of america
>fucking cool
>lots of neat shit
>roller coasters
>chic fil a, awesome
>only one kid got tossed over the rail
Waste of fucking time.
it awesome being a teen from 2003 to 2009.
hanging out at the mall near the hot topic store where tons of cute goth/emo chicks were was so awesome.
what the fuck happened to hot topic? it doesn't even have emo/goth ppl there anymore
>what the fuck happened to hot topic?
Your faggot-ass generation made nerd shit cool.
My town still has a mall! It's a very wealthy and successful mall too!
We also have a near-dead mall too, about 20 minute drive away! It's only got like three stores left in it! Very spooky!
meanwhile hitler loved mussolini's big italian sausage up his ass. no sense of irony there?
>movie theater and costco
Christiana mall?
the mall in my hometown in southern ontario had a gloryhole scandal around 1999
>only went to one mall as a kid to buy pokemon cards
>that kid who had a folder with all of them
The coolest kid at the store. Also is the Glendale mall worth visiting?
If your mall didn't have a CPK, you had a trash mall desu.
Mine has a Sbarro's. That restaurant is a survivor; it's been there for over 20 years, and I bet it'll be there for 20 more.
doubt it exists past the eastern side of the rockies, I've never even heard of it
>his mall doesnt have a waterpark complete with wave pool, bungee jump, zipline, and tiki bar
I mean why dont you just put yourself out of your misery
>using a pool that's ever had children in it
Fucking never.
>his mall doesn't have an olympic sized skating rink right in the fucking middle of it
I feel bad for you user
Nearest mall I grew up around is a mini mall that they kept adding more and more shit onto over the years, while the parking lot shrank more and more making it irritating to look for parking. It's not a bad mall, gets a fair amount of traffic and is rarely completely empty. Used to be a tower records in the parking lot way back when.
The other nearest mall is almost always empty save for the Round One they have. It's most known for being the mall from Back to the Future, they even had Doc's van, the Delorean and the Twin Pines mall sign set up outside of it on the 2015 date from 2. Think the sign is still in the mall on display somewhere, but I havent been in the mall proper for a good few years.
>total non-sequitur
>his mall doesnt have a fucking amusement park with the worlds largest indoor tower ride and the worlds tallest and longest indoor roller coaster featuring a triple loop
what does the fact it's not a set of gardening shears have to do with anything
>his mall doesnt have a fucking lagoon right in the god damn middle of it featuring a replica of the santa maria
>do Americans only shop at Walmart/Target nowadays?
that and also Costco. Thank fuck my mall near me is still alive and vibrant, but god damn are most of the goods prices still high. I blame the chinese flooding it.
>his mall didn't have not one, not two, but THREE mini golf courses including one that GLOWS IN THE DARK
all other childhoods pale in comparison
remain jealous
That's in Georgia.
It could have been worse. My city's mall got bombed by the IRA in the 90's.
Canadian malls are thriving. Toys R Us is still alive and well up here.
Living with white trash is horrible too.
IRA cunts. I sympathise with the shit the irish were going through back in the day but the fact they targeted civilians in retaliation is inexcusable.
good on them for trying to blow up thatcher in brighton though, shame they fucked that up too
I lived 5 years in ghetto and it was not that bad. I got along with most people in there and the ones that didn't care for me didn't bother me. Also not all black neighborhoods are ghettos.
only black neighborhood around los angeles that is ok is little ethiopia. ethiopians hate american niggers.
The creator of the "mall" concept grew to loathe his creation. He envisioned malls as social gathering hubs in the middle of cities. However, they were much closer to living communities than what they eventually became. Malls were originally designed to be places not just to shop but to live and work around as well. Rather than becoming interconnected with one another in a metropolitan community, society moved further from downtown cities and into suburban neighborhoods instead.
It's an interesting topic to read about if you are interested in malls, Utopian design or both.
No one hates African-Americans more than actual Africans. It's something niggers seem to fail to grasp when talking about the "homeland" and wearing shitty afro style clothes.
suburb design actually got good in the 70's and 80's where the landscaping and shaping of the community was not as bland and had a more organic feel with more variety in street shapes plus more trees and lakes/rivers
>the father of the American shopping mall
Jewish architect (((Viktor David Grünbaum)))
It all makes sense now.
>It's something niggers seem to fail to grasp when talking about the "homeland" and wearing shitty afro style clothes
The same goes for italians and guidos, and the irish and plastic paddies.
Just because they didn't have jews fuck up everything doesn't mean russia isn't shithole.
Is this what Bubba actually believes?
Smartphones were mistake anyway.
That is also a thing with white trash.
you could say it's a universal thing for americans and the countries those americans ancestrally emigrated from
Asked my mom when we went out to dinner. She said that going back 100+ years rust colors come into fashion whenever there's a recession or depression. Probably because Red Dye #5(Madder root extract) is cheap as hell to manufacture.