Is it even possible to save this board
Is it even possible to save this board
formerly ruin
Yeah but it's going to take a lot of Sneedposting and all of our energy
Image needs "dilate" and "tranny" in it too these days along with a lot more "muh /pol/ boogeyman"s
fuck off /pol/tard
Fucking cucked kike piece of shit tranny
It's not even a strawman, you retards have negative self awareness. Also good job saging when people bump the thread replying to you
No, once Sneeposting gets boring we all know Baneposting is going to make a comeback. It’ll be a perpetual cycle of (you) with cunny bait on the side
If Hollywood consistently made good movies and TV shows the board would be fine.
You can't force people to like blacks.
Three posts later
>Yea Forums wouldn't be an extreme right hugbox if it movies were better
>/pol/.....and not all the reddddit, /lgbt/, tummmblr, insaagraam, underage cancer that's actually responsible for shitting up this board.
Not really. I have to hide 50 shit threads just to get the top of the catalog filled with tv or movie relevant threads and every time I refresh, I have to hid 5-10 more. Board is drowning in garbage.
/pol/ IS the reddit tumblr underage cancer etc. That includes Discord as well
gookmoot wont do it. he does not care if all the boards turn to Yea Forums.
I wonder if someone can convince him to sell Yea Forums.
Thread reported
Enjoy the ban ;)
it all started with /pol/. all of the newfags flooded there after mainstream coverage
>being this new
Yea Forums was the one that brought the masses. back than /pol/ did not exist. it was /n/
you forgot
>obvious /pol/ faggot opinion
>tell him to fuck off
>wow muh /pol/ boogeyman
>muh pol boogeyman
is that way
you should check out the traffic statistic after the 2016 elections
>has a literally all-consuming /pol/ obsession
lol talk about self-awareness
>once Sneeposting gets boring
That's not the point of a forced meme
Unironically i'm lol'ing at this comic
more cunny
Kelly C made it to the front page of reddit and from then on, screencaps of us were all over reddit. When something of ours hit their front page, millions of normies were seeing it. They loved us, and other boards. Yea Forums and Yea Forums just so happen to be the most accessible boards.
What a coincidence that in the next few years, a bunch of retarded anons campaign to get Yea Forums moderated. Feet? omg ur weird lol. Banned. Pedos? Banned. Oval? Gone. Actress discussion? omg waifuists are weird. Banned. Movie discussion? Ignored. They begged for moderation. For anything not forced memes to be purged.
Reddit came here to spew their shit. This was their place where smear shit on the wall and not get banned. They get off on smearing shit on the wall, waiting for the home owner to come home and laughing when the owner freaks out. Why would they discuss movies here? They discuss movies on reddit, their home. Yea Forums is for memes and memes only. Yea Forums to them was a place famous for being shit, so they came here to shit.
Once the teenage reddit mexican Yea Forums and Yea Forums faggots realized you could create any meme by spamming it for months, this place died its final death.
tl:dr: bane and Yea Forumseddit cancer killed Yea Forums and if you started posting after 2012 you're 100% here because of reddit
really hard when every other week they decide to turn some random character like bond into a nigger.
>Enter an anime website made for social rejects
>Mock social rejects and promote normie shit
>Complain that the native population reacts to this
but you're the redditor here, election newfag. how have you still not learned that board names have slashes in them?
Wow nice straw man dork. I bet your favorite movie didn't even crack a billion dollars at the box office. You don't know a damn thing about movies kiddo.
cuck desu
Reminder that the /pol/ imagination equates not complaining about minorities 24/7 with loving minorities
based intelligent sneedbro
no it didn't. it flows from media growing more and more retarded and nihilistic as the media elites' bubble grows increasingly insular and deranged
Not to mention them hating Jews but loving Trump who is a Jew lover/supporter
People would fucking discuss movies you retard. Movies are bad, no one watches them or cares so everyone shit posts.
I've been posting here since 2008... I don't even remember how I found it. All I remember is how magical Yea Forums was
No, no, no, /pol/ is against all that cancer, as am I, but I don't spam it all over the place.
Go away.
>hurr durr DA JOOZ dindu nuffin!
The board is fine as it is, you seething kuknumalefaggot Chapoid.
>being part of the problem