They’re laughing at us again Yea Forums!!!!

They’re laughing at us again Yea Forums!!!!

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Just like Lefist and Progressives, they don't really believe what they preach. They simply do it to agitate the ones they don't like. It's all an attention seeking, anti establishment, laugh in the face of your enemy, mentality.

This is why the virtue signalers always lose. This is why women's soccer and basketball gets no attention. The all female remake of movies. Why don't they do so well? Because they're not made with a passion. Women don't see them because most women aren't feminist.

They're all losing. It's all okay. The Little Mermaid will bomb and so will this. Fuck them all.

wait this isn't a meme?

what the fuck were they thinkig

No. Are people waking up yet? I'm a non-/pol/ goer but this shit is getting obvious.

Wanna know a small secret? The studio knows these movies will bomb. They know it'll cause a stir. It's a tax write off. This movie is a fucking big time tax write off.

I laugh at white fragility all the time too

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Reality outmemed us this time.

>what the fuck were they thinkig
black panther + captain marvel both broke a billion

Nobody likes/cares about Incel tears and their outrage is just a form of free marketing anyway

>staright hennessy, with no alize please.

He says, while giving them attention

Just like black panther and captain marvel were gonna bomb right? lmao

Obviously satirical twitter. Don't be retarded.

>hollywood panders to these people
>they dont even consume the products they alter to appease them

It makes no sense

inst it obvious that she'll end up being one of the villains

>The Little Mermaid will bomb and so will this
They won't though. We're in for another 5 years of this at the very least.

Why can't they talk like normal god damn people.

>normal god damn people.

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I'm just not gonna watch it.

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Black twitter isn’t a parody anymore retard go look at any thread where black people are reacting to it, they love how angry it gets white people

Hi /pol/

That's not how it works.

5 years of what? What other classic franchises are left to sully? Back to the Future? The Goonies? What else?

Were looking at another ten years user. At this point I’m cutting my loses and taking the anime pill.

That's shit too now though. You're better off reliving 80s, 90s and 00s media exclusively.

thats capeshit,literally millions of children and teens went to see that and its incomparable to a boomer franchise like james bond. no one will care about this forced nigger james bond aside from niggers wanting to piss off whites,it will bomb,it will be shit and no one will care about it aside the controversy

Indiana Jones

The little mermaid won't bomb. This will though.

I understand that they want more diversity in the current year, but how about creating NEW characters instead of changing already established ones.
When you think about it, it’s actually insulting. As if new black characters can’t be interesting, so they just change a character that’s already loved

Kek that look like a troll /pol/ twatter account

What about black fragility?

Why does everything need to pander to them, imagine being that fragile.

It is. But retards on this board are so hopelessly gullible that it's impossible to reason with them.

"leftists" have no concrete policy, they are entirely slaves to big capital. "muh late capitalism" is a joke.

I sure love twatter and the colorful way my fellow Americans use it

Doesn't your ideology preach compassion to the frail? Whats wrong with white frailty then? It must mean you're anti-white.

I bet (((((they're))))) unironically pissed off (((((they))))) can't turn characters like Spider-Man, Batman and Superman into stronk black wimmin without calling them something else first.
Just wait 10 years from now all of those characters will be considered inherently misogynistic.

>t. Owning the libs

>while giving them attention
Did you even think when you wrote this response? I'm curious because it makes no sense. I want you to explain what you mean. Giving them attention how? I simply stated a small opinion. And you think I'm giving them attention? You are probably fucking stupid.

Did you guys know that jews control both political parties in the US? Never mind the democrats, the GOP is controlled by descendants of trotskyites. Trotsky was a genocidal jewish communist

These films are anti-white and promote cultural erasure the same way a film about a straight Elton John or a white Black Panther would. These niggas would cry bloody murder if Power Girl was made into Power Man or if Kamala Khan was replaced with a white suburban boy named Kenneth Karlson. But if they do it and upset decades of established lore in the process they act like you're criminally insane for objecting.
These people are the ones butting in on our civilization and making our race feel smaller and targeting the native inhabitants of the west by rewriting their history and minimizing their place in the world. These people are the criminally insane ones.

If they want to cast a Black Bond WHY DONT YOU PICK IDRIS ELBA?

He is a fucking idiot. Just ignore him

She's not Bond retard, she gets chosen to bring him out of retirement

No but these were capeshit figures that existed as a comic before.
With Bond they rape an established Character.

1) those movies were part of the mcu the most profitable movie franchise
2) a black guy portraying a black superhero, a white roastie portraying a white superhero, whats the problem? just mediocre movies
3) seethe more :-)

What did they mean by this?

AYOooo y'all crackas mad coz we finna dab on ya.mWe'll guess what y'all needledicks....

James Bond BLACK

Ariel da lil fuckin mermade, BBBLACK!

The guy fuckin yo wife right now BBBBBBBBBLACK!

we doin this issa revolution know yo fuckin place whitebois yall aint shit, this is reparastions yall

Why do leftists and the mainstream media want to genocide whites so badly?

because those in power are anti-white

I love how their default response now is always “but it’s different because these aren’t real characters”. As soon as scarjo’s whole I can play whoever I want speech came out they ran to that bullshit excuse

See how many of them would be okay with an all white remake of Friday

Another round?

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Not a single soul:


>literally invent genocide, have enacted genocide against Native Americans, many African Peoples, Indigenous Australasians, The Jewish People. The. List. Could. Fucking. GO. ON
wh-why are they mean to us?

They can't keep getting away with it INCELS RISE UP!

What do you get out of being a leftist?
Why do you hate yourself so much?

and their next excuse is "haha x culture isn't even real, like what is x?"

This is embarrassing fellow white people.

these retarded negro names are so funny

Meanwhile they do black panther salutes and quote that fucking movie like it’s an actual place kek

Every race has genocided people.
It was whites that eventually abolished slavery and genocide and created human rights.
We literally had to drag the third world mud races to accept human rights.

Why do you hate the people that did this?

Also the native American genocide is mostly a myth,unsupported by basic history.

Don't care. I have the most comfy most kino Bond movie I can watch over and over again. No need to waste money on The Nigger Who Loved Me

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Holy shit leftist shitstains are fucking pathetic.

It seems you've missed the diagonal threat, Ms. Bond.

>The little mermaid won't bomb
I don't know. Not every live action remake has done great. And if this is too different to the original it might not draw in as much as the nostalgia crowd as it needs.

niggers still cant own property its given by jews or stolen be them.