Apollo 11

50 years ago lads.

Post space kino

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>not a single star to be seen
must be all that atmosphere blocking them out

>flag rippling in the wind
Kubrick should be ashamed of himself

>retard doesn’t understand how a camera works
must be all the chemtrails in your head

gibsmedat moon

what is it about moon landing deniers that makes them so irritating?

I can take my shitty phone camera out at night in the desert, take a pic and they'll be stars in the photo.
why did they take special non light receiving cameras to the Moon?

We went to the moon. Most of the footage is fake though because it didn't meet propaganda standards.

Kubrick should win the Oscar for filming this space fantasy kino.


I like all the photos of Neil Armstrong on the moon. oh wait a sec there is only 1. hmmmm.
**strokes chin***

There's a new documentary and it's pretty great.


Not if the object of focus is extremely well lit you fucking mouth breather. The sunlit foreground is a thousand times brighter than the light of the stars in the sky.
Put a flashlight down in that desert at night, focus on it, take the pic. See if you can see a single fucking star

fictional drama you mean

First Man was pretty good, the soundtrack was pure kino desu

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can you see the stars in the day time you drooling turposped

This is my favorite kubrick film.

This is also pretty good


>Most of the footage is fake though because it didn't meet propaganda standards.
Dummy, Nixon wanted the star spangled banner to play during the landing, Nasa told him no. An American flag on the fucking moon says everything that needs to be said.

I like how the Astronauts talk about how stunning the stars look when on the Moon.
oh yeah they dont mention them once. hmmmmm.
****strokes chin*****.


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I can't tell what would be more impressive. Actually landing on the moon? Or the government being able to convince the entire world that we did while also convincing the population to believe that deniers are possibly mentally ill.

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>the moon landing

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please, take a picture of the night sky with your phone today and tell us how it turns out?

>what is atmosphere
holy fucking brainlet


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>Post space kino
Plenty of gas babe, plenty of gas!

you can't see the stars at night because of the atmosphere?

>An American flag on the fucking moon says everything that needs to be said.
No it doesn't, you need to market it to the masses (who don't own a fucking telescope that's capable of seeing the flag). Television was a relatively new medium to do so, hence most of the fake footage. NASA even "lost" the original footage. The audio was probably real though.

Is moonlanding-denying a new form of maximum bait shitposting?
Because it just works

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serious question, do you think the The sky is blue because the Suns light is blue?

>what is it about moon landing deniers that makes them so irritating?
It's because they're shitting on something so pure, so intrinsic to the human spirit, the recognition that for one brief glorious second we were one species who marvelled at our own capacity for ingenuity and intelligence and did something that would truly unite us

Okay, anons. Which entry of the Apollo trilogy is best, 11, 13, or 18?

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A Year in Space

Docu playlist:

why can't you just take a picture of the night sky with your phone and compare it with the moon landing photos? that's all I'm asking

>haha, i was only pretending to be retarded

Is this the HBO mini series?

jesus christ I'll bite the bait
nobody in here has allowed you in
get the fuck off back to pol and don't return

50% are /x/ tards leaking out of their shitty board.
50% are genuine trolls.

Moontards are the easiest to troll.
Intellectual idiots, one and all.

>jokes on you I was only pretending to be retarded

I think more like /pol/tards
I don't think /x/ REALLY thinks it was fake

It is, kino all the way through, Spider and That's All There Is are my two favourite episodes, there are other shows/movies etc. that deal with specifics of the other missions better, but for Apollo 9/10 and 12 you can't get better

right on. the moon landing was a fucking awesome achievement, and you can just see on archival images how excited the people were all around the world. If there ever were five seconds were people around the world put their differences aside to marvel in unison at something mankind (well, the Americans did technically) accomplished, that was it.

I like all the TV interviews that Neil Armstrong has given. Oh wait a sec there only one, EVER.
*strokes chin***


>moon is exactly same size as sun
>natural phenmonemon

yeah right

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I think it has more to do with more people not believing what they are being told by media and those in power as their facade thins. It's a side effect of propaganda. People lose confidence in their ability to tell what's real and what's false because pure lies are being sold as unarguable fact by the most powerful people.

>To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first lunar landing in July, the network is presenting an encore of its Emmy-winning 1998 miniseries that chronicled NASA's Apollo moon missions. All 12 hour-long episodes have been digitally remastered to be in high definition.
>On July 15, all 12 digitally-remastered episodes will be available to watch on HBO Go, HBO Now and HBO On Demand. Then, on July 20 — the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing — HBO2 will air a marathon of the complete series, starting at 8:45 a.m. (ET/PT).
Fuck yeah

so you believe in the moon landing?

>If there ever were five seconds were people around the world put their differences aside to marvel in unison at something mankind (well, the Americans did technically) accomplished, that was it.
This is the thing for me, The American's did it, and nothing can ever take that from them, but it truly was an international effort to make sure it was as great as it was, for instance the TV pictures were received by the Parkes radio telescope in Australia, and no matter what anyone says nobody has ever been hungrier because we landed on the moon, and no one has been colder, and certainly no one has been stupider; because at the end of the day Cause we came out of the cave and we looked over the hill and we saw fire. And we crossed the ocean and we pioneered the West and we took to the sky. The history of man is hung on a timeline of exploration.

Yeah, and I mean, I'd wager that when the day comes we finally start mining those freaking asteroids, a lot of people are going to benefit from that. And this is going to be Magellan's trip around the world when it comes to the solar system's exploration/exploitation


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>moon is exactly same size as sun


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The apparent size of the moon is the same as the apparent size of the sun when viewed from the Earths surface, which is why a total eclipse looks the way it does with the suns corona visible but the disc hidden.

>this triggers the yuropoors

>op is literally from europe

Don't reply to him user, we're experiencing something beautiful here and we shouldn't let him ruin it

>Why does things that are far away look smaller than they really are?


Moon lander retards try and find common ground with logic like oh we did it but the footage is fake then they inch further by saying well we know the footage is fake so maybe it all is
Dumb gaslighters
It's all real it's all been verified as real by people far more intelligent than iou
Fuck off

Yes, user, that's the idea. Why the greentext?

Only 12 people alive today have seen this with their own eyes.

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So, here's my Apollo 11 build up / the day itself / post playlist, anyone got any additions / suggestions (note: not necessarily presented in the order they'll be viewed in):

The Right Stuff
When We Left Earth
From The Earth to The Moon
Apollo 13
The Dish
First Man
Space Race

Plus watching "Apollo in Real time" in the build up to the landing

I'm glad I've had the privilege to meet 3 of them

In The Shadow of The Moon
Moon Machines

through work or some kind of event?

Already posted itt but

Apollo 11
Mission Control: The Unsung Heroes of Apollo

Also, BBC has made an excellent podcast called 13 minutes to the moon

Luck, pure luck
I met Michael Collins at the National Air and Space Museum when I was 8, Alan Bean because my dad decided to fill up with gas at the same time he did, and I recognised him, and Jim Lovell because I attended the North Carolina Science Festival in 2017


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>Alan Bean because my dad decided to fill up with gas at the same time he did
that is really a one in a million kind of thing

I like "For All Mankind"

Everyone knows the moon is just a hologram

i think the same could be said about the holocaust

>How do film and exposure work?

Some people do unironically believe the moonhoaxer memes.

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>that is really a one in a million kind of thing
It really was, and he's my favourite of them all, he was so friendly and self effacing. As a 13 year old, it was life changing. When I heard he'd died, I picked up the phone to call in sick as I felt I just couldn't, the slightest thing was going to set me off into a a depressive cycle, but I thought to myself "what would he think of me?" and I cleaned myself up, went in and maintained an even strain through the entire day until I got home, and my fiancee presented me with my birthday present early, which was a signed print of one of the paintings he made ("The Fantasy" for those interested) because she knew how much I loved this stuff, and then I just broke down crying for a good couple of hours because I knew something so wonderful was gone from this world.

if the atmosphere block out the stars, how do we see them at night ?

we need more spacekino

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>tfw we didn't kick on from the moon landing and make space travel commonplace
>tfw you'll never be able to explore space

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>the United States could devote 10% of its military budget to NASA and push its budget above $100 billion a year
>the United States could set out a mandate to build a colony on Mars with that budget thus focusing the efforts of the agency rather than letting it do scatter shot programs
>the United States doesn't do this because there's no political will and killing goat herders wins more elections than grand science endeavors

fucking Americans, hopefully the Chinese will shake them from their malaise and they'll get to fucking work.

Thats pretty based

All true user, I'll lie about many things, but shit I care about I'm telling the truth about that

I see 50 stars in that photo you fucking Commie.

god bless america

>give nasa a bigger budget
>shit still gets delayed by decades
we'd have to allocate 3-4% of our GDP to nasa if they wanted apollo tier funding and even then it would take them 20 years to get us back to the moon

why do that instead of putting that money to better use, like welfare programs for the old and underprivileged?

that's a really heart warming painting m8. Good for you on that story.

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>welfare programs for the old and underprivileged?
Show me an old person, or an "underprivileged" person worth the same as making us a multi-planet species

show me your penis first

gas the xenos race war now

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The problem is not getting back to the moon. If there was enough will we could do it by 2030 without any problem. The challenge is a hodgepodge of missions that disperse their budget across all sorts of stuff, and that every district in every state wants their finger in the NASA pie because that is how democracy in this nation functions. With $110 billion a year and a mandate to get back to the moon, as well as spending earmarks designed to keep that spending on in-house technology development rather than outsourcing to Boeing, Raytheon, and BAE, they could easily do it. One of the most common lines in any of these films about the Apollo program is that they did it with slide rules and a computational ability that is less than your Casio watch, I'll be damned if we can't do more with what we have today. Things these days are expensive solely because of pork barrel politics.

Solving that particular problem comes down to political will and a leader who will lay down the gauntlet in terms of national credibility, of whether our nation even has the capacity to repeat such a feat. You'll have people who unironically say but they will always exist, yet the elderly will be here today and gone tomorrow - all you have to do is ask them if they want their generation's legacy to be one of indebtedness and petty politics or one focused on the grandeur of the exploration of what lies beyond.

The real challenge is getting money from the DoD - if it was my policy I'd essentially frame it as saying Gemini and Apollo turned military aviators into nigh-legendary figures, in a world where their recruitment figures are falling through the floor would they not think that 10% is a reasonable price for rebuilding such mystique? Whether that works really comes down to cajoling and beating away MIC lobbyists with a baseball bat.

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This fucking shit right here. Love it.

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>yet the elderly will be here today and gone tomorrow - all you have to do is ask them if they want their generation's legacy to be one of indebtedness and petty politics or one focused on the grandeur of the exploration of what lies beyond.
There's a proverb that says "Societies become great when men plant trees who's shade they know they shall not enjoy", and I truly feel that that's what's missing from our culture. People only care about what they can get today


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James May flying in a U2 is pretty great btw

To be fair, I used to be one of them. The arguments are initially convincing, until you do some actual research independently. Everything the moon hoax conspiracies are based on, much like flat earth theories, preys and relies upon the uninitiated having very little to no knowledge of the science and physics involved. Unless NASA somehow built a zero-g soundstage out at Area 51, there is no way the footage could be faked. The simplest thing to point out it that dust does not behave as it does in the lunar footage under the influence of earth's gravity.

Fritz Lang's Woman in the Moon

even if you're not good at science, it takes some serious silencing of common sense to believe in the flat earth theory. the fucking greeks, for all their constant gays sex, had figured it out ffs

The moon is not zero-G.

Take your semantics and fuck yourself with them, you know what I meant.

>people believe this piece of "metal" junk literally flied to the moon
l m a o

Google words like "aperture" and "exposure" and remember that there's more computing power in your cell phone than there was on an entire Saturn V, let alone their cameras.


Fucking inbred brainlet.

It's not even worth it, if they're too fucking stupid to appreciate the difference between a modern cellphone camera (digital, tiny sensor, massive computational power thrown at algorithmic image correction for low-light photography to compensate for tiny sensor, etc) and a fully-mechanical 60's era Hasselblad shooting at a fixed f5.6 aperture on Kodak 70mm film, you might as well just let them believe everything is a gubbermint cunspirucy.


Glad to see the usual based retards up in here. There's a reason no one likes you and girls laugh at you morons.

I'm a brainlet when it comes to this sort of thing, but wouldn't a fixed aperture cause most of the pics to be over or under exposed? How did they figure out the correct aperture to go with considering the light conditions on the moon?

>flat earth strawman
>greek pederasty strawman
This poster is jewish or jew infected caution is advised.

Might as well tell them about the third-party evidence from Japan and China while you're at it.


Judging by this picture of one of the lunar Hasselblads, the aperture was adjustable from a minimum of f5.6 to a maximum of f45, and focus distance was variable including infinity focus. No wonder Kubrick nicked lenses from NASA...


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I fail to see how this random buzzword fits into describing a perfectly mundane sentence.

Chosen confirmed

my gf keeps asking me about various conspiracy theories and I don't even know what the fuck to say anymore. she was unironically questioning the moon landing last weekend and I felt like hitting her. she is a mechatronics engineer who makes the rest of her team look like shit, yet she seems fundamentally retarded when it comes to things like this. are women just inherently gullible?

I am a complete neophyte at photography, but non digital cameras have something about them I can't describe that newer don't. They also feel more satisfying to use. I have some old piece of junk from soviet East Germany, I really like it (it's called Praktica)

I have no idea what you're saying

>thinking it's a female problem
All those NBA flat earther's say hi.

> govt repeatedly lies to its own people on basic shit people can just look up themselves
> people are ackshually surprised when conspiracy theories abound

Reminder that Gil Scott-Heron's mindset won and that's why it's been 50 years since a human walked on anything but the Earth

I'm not going to work for the shitskins who will inherit my country

>not knowing what pederasty is
>not knowing flat-earthers unironically exist

>my country
Who do you think you are?

Someone whose ancestors built this country

So you're admitting to being black on the internet? Brave stance.

imagine getting mad at grammar.

>Reminder that Gil Scott-Heron's mindset won

Well NASA was not shut down after Apollo , there was the Space Shuttle , the ISS and planetary missions to every planet in the solar system , including Pluto. If the Lefties had won all that money would have been thrown away on new entitlement programs.

>Space Shuttle

That budget-sucking disaster kneecapped the space program for literally decades. The ISS is slightly more useful than Skylab and trying to get excited over tiny robot probes, when the last humans to walk on the surface of something that's not the planet or a satellite are dying of old age, is kind of hilarious

I mean, state and federal governments are supposed to spend $100 billion-plus per year just supporting illegal immigrants, not even our own domestic poor -- it's hard not to be bitter thinking of what NASA could've done with that sort of money.

> playing liberal on the internet just to bait people
So brave

conspiracy theory: The government never invested enough in space transportation to where it could be economically viable for civilian travel and space colonies, because at the same time as apollo is when we had globalists who were starting to push a global market and open borders and 1st world people moving into space colonies makes it very hard to flood 3rd world poor immigrants into those places

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>footage is fake

Today, multiple countries have put orbiters around the moon which can precisely view and map the surface of the moon.
In the 60s and 70s, they didn't have the moon orbiters, and they didn't have computers that could do 3D modeling of the moon's surface.

The topography on the moon, as viewed and mapped out by today's orbiters, exactly matches what's in the moon landing photos and videos; the hills, craters etc all match up perfectly. Explain that.

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Thank God, Americans would fill Mars with niggers

really weird how we still don't have high res pictures of the landing site, right?
just a few blobs and markings with arrows saying "THIS IS THING, BELIEVE US"
really weird

>Explain that

>Explain that.

While not him, and not a Moon landing tinfoiler, for the sake of argument: the Moon got the shit imaged out of it, pre-landing. It wouldn't be hard to infer the topography from various photos taken at various stages of orbit and build a halfway-decent set

I know the landings weren't fake for all sorts of filmmaking-related reason, like how the inverse square law gives you a light source that's massively distant to the area being filmed

Here comes another Chinese earthquake


One of Kubrick's more underrated works imo. Armstrong was hard to work with and Buzz Aldrin was a dick. The fact that they even made it there is a miracle.

Wait we went back to the moon after the first one? How many times? I never remember seeing any coverage.

You're never gonna trick me into seeing that traitor movie. It's already been forgotten by normies, just let it die.

Six times. 12 astronauts.

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>went back to the moon after the first one?

Apollo 8 - First to leave earth orbit and orbit the moon.
Apollo 10 - Flew to the moon and practiced landing but did not land.
Apollo 11 - landed
Apollo 12 - landed
Apollo 13 - Couldn't land because oxygen tank blew up, flew round the moon and came back.
Apollo 14 - landed
Apollo 15 - landed
Apollo 16 - landed
Apollo 17 - last landing 1972.

Bitch I ain't playin'.

>Apollo 13 - Couldn't land because oxygen tank blew up, flew round the moon and came back.
what a bunch of pussies