Why is this the greatest animated movie of the decade?
Rango discussion thread
Art style was retarded
Really? Name one character that came out bad. Other than the fact some rare characters are way out of proportion I see no complaint with the artstyle.
because Johnny Depp of course
Definitely up there. I found the animation hard to follow at times but I think that added to it.
ahem... no u
Simple, menacing, and creative. Is their any better animal character design out there?
this dude sees a Youtube vid and asks an obvious question three weeks later...
Jake is great. He's the villain that gets away with everything done right. He doesn't magically turn into a good guy, he just tips his hat at Rango and leaves.
What are you talking about? I just re-watched Rango right now.
Didn't like it.
the plot is incredibly shallow and annoying to follow
the snake is alright
rest of the cast is retarded
>the plot is annoying to follow
I see. Yeah, movies with more than 2 antagonists are bad.
This is my dog. He was named after this movie.
I tip my hat to your dog pardner. May the spirit of the west bless his soul and give him proper hydratation
the art style was an utterly fantastic example of functional ugliness
nice doggo, I had to give up my german shepherd a year ago. still hurts
ah yes, its much more preferable when everything has big, shiny eyes and soft, characterless features like every single other 3d animated movie ever made
disney really did ruin animation for everyone didn't it?
i don't know why Rango threads make me laugh so much
maybe it's his stupid fucking expression
look at this fat lanklet
I bet you saw those faggot videos on jewtube and then watched the movie.Fuck off faggot,we already discussed it when it came out.
Nah mate, you're retarded. It's ok you can't enjoy it though.
Why are you obsessed with youtube. You should watch more movies.