Is slicing the garlic razor thin actually a thing?
Is slicing the garlic razor thin actually a thing?
You can slice it razor thin if you wanted to I guess.
never tried it, I just dice/grind my garlic up
It liquifies in the pan
tried it, just burned
think i need more oil
Garlic does not liquefy.
It's a very good system
I have a friend who's a chef and he says that its actually bullshit, that you don't actually get any of the flavor from the garlic if you do it like this.
why were they so precious over this? the flavour of the garlic is in the oil of the clove, slicing it on the board and letting said oils soak into the wood seems stupid to me. why not just use a garlic press over the pan like a normal person?
cheflets will say no but its easy
A major problem with food-science is that its scientists view
nutrients in food in only two categories, good and destroyed.
That is like viewing people as follows: A person who is vibrant,
strong and athletic is considered good, useful and functional; a
person who is weak and tired is considered good, useful and
functional; a person who is crippled is considered good, useful
and functional; a person who is comatose is considered good,
useful and functional; and a person who is dead is considered
Nutrients that are mutilated are not very useful or functional
for creating and maintaining health. Yes, the weak, crippled and
comatose people are alive but how productive can they be
toward accomplishing the daily chores? How many weak,
crippled and comatose people have you asked to dig ditches and
I have observed that no matter how slight the damage to
nutrients, that digestion, utilization and assimilation are
impaired. Science fails to acknowledge that truth. I have found
that health is poorly affected when people eat food that
artificially reaches a hot-temperature as low as 93? F (34? C),
and cold-temperature as high as 40? F (4? C).
Research throughout the world shows that heat-treatment of
food alters, damages, or destroys many vitamins at standard
pasteurization temperatures from 140? to 161? F (59? to 71? C).
All enzymes are destroyed at prolonged artificial temperatures
from 122? F (49? C). Consider, as I stated above, that the
artificial temperature that weakens or cripples some nutrients,
including vitamins and enzymes is as low as 93? F (34? C). The
loss of mineral utilization due to cauterization 9 is significant.
Cooking protein-foods, including all meat, above 104° F (39º
C) produces toxins. Higher cooking temperatures create more
dangerous toxins, such as heterocyclic amines (caustic
compounds) that have proved to be carcinogenic in laboratory
animals. 10 Cooked protein is difficult to utilize for cellular
reproduction, regeneration and healing.
because they don't want the sauce overpowered by fucking garlic you mong
Jus' crush it.
9 Cauterization is when heat or a caustic substance burns a substance
to the point where it is relatively impervious and unable to exchange
molecules to sustain or promote activity.
10 “Analysis of cooked muscle meats for heterocyclic aromatic amine
carcinogens”, Knize MG, Salmon CP, Mehta SS, Felton JS; Mutat
Res, 1997, May 12; 376(1-2):129-34.
“Cooked casein promotes colon cancer in rats, may be because of
mucosal abrasion”, Corpet DE, Chatelin-Pirot V; Cancer Lett, 1997,
Mar 19; 114(1-2):89-90.
“Mutagenic activity of heterocyclic amines in cooked foods” Felton
JS, Knize MG, Dolbeare FA, Wu R; Environ Health Perspect, 1994,
Oct; 102 Suppl 6:201-4.
“Cancer risk of heterocyclic amines in cooked foods: analysis and
implications for research”, Layton DW, Bogen KT, Knize MG, Hatch
FT, Johnson VM, Felton JS; Carcinogenesis, 1995, Jan; 16(1):39-52
“Exposure to heterocyclic amines”, Wakabayashi K, Ushiyama H,
Takahashi M, Nukaya H, Kim SB, Hirose M, Ochiai M, Sugimura T,
Nagao M; Environ Health Perspect, 1993, Mar; 99:129-34.
“Occurrence of mutagens in canned foods”, Krone CA, Iwaoka WT;
Mutat Res, 1984, Nov-Dec; 141(3-4):131-4.
“The formation and occurrence of amino acid pyrolysates and
related mutagens in cooked foods”, Massey RC, Dennis MJ; Food
Addit Contam, 1987, Jan-Mar; 4(1):27-36.
“Food-derived mutagens and carcinogens”, Wakabayashi K, Nagao
M, Esumi H, Sugimura T; Cancer Res, 1992, Apr 1;52(7
yeah, god forbid you don't taste the 3 full onions
Heating fat above 96? F (36º C) causes toxic alterations,
including lipid peroxides (oily oxidizing compounds) that have
proved to be carcinogenic. Cooked fats cannot exchange ions or
molecules properly. An example: If the body forms, from
cooked fats, an improper or incomplete lubricant to protect the
arteries, the fat hardens and arteries become brittle after many
years, especially from heated vegetable oils.
Stockholm University in cooperation with Sweden's National
Food Administration (a government food safety agency) showed
that cooking carbohydrate-rich foods, such as bread, cake,
biscuits, crisps, donuts and French fries, produces high quantities
of acrylamides. The British Food Standards Agency confirmed
the Swedish findings that acrylamides cause gene mutations
leading to a range of cancers in rats, including breast, uterine,
adrenal and scrotum cancers. The British study revealed levels
of acrylamides 1,280 times higher than international safety limits
in fried supermarket potatoes, chips and crisps, such as Walkers
crisps, Ryvita crackers, Kellogg's Rice Crispies and Pringles
crisps. Acrylamides increase damage to the nervous system and
affect fertility. 11 The Swedish report showed that the average
potato chip contains up to 25 times more acrylamides than the
top level allowed in drinking water by the World Health
Organization (WHO). Heating food destroys many health-giving
properties and produces disease-causing toxins that accelerate
bodily deterioration associated with aging processes.
damn you're right, 1 garlic clove in a dish for 5 people would overpower it! how stupid of me
ptrotip: you can put in as much as you want
Jesus 2 already enough, what your onions to can ratio?
>2.55 MB GIF Anonymous 07/14/19(Sun)22:51:37 No.11
Your fingers gonna stink up for a whole week your wife is gonna complain that your daughter
I don't think I'm strong enough to do that.
i only use 1 per gallon of sauce, but he used 3 in the movie remember?
>crushing garlic with the flat part of the knife
>hand slips
>huge gash in your hand
>at best $10000 hospital bill
>at worst giant chunk of hand cut off
No thx
Wtf is wrong with you
>Is slicing the garlic razor thin actually a thing?
It's not. it doesn't liquefy. It just burns.
t. someone who watched a video of a chef critiquing that scene on youtube.
Never happens because you push from the back of the blade towards the edge. Your hand is moving in the wrong direction to get cut.
Raw food is the only truly healthy food
Go enjoy your quinoa and black bean burgers elsewhere homo
Yeah... i eat raw meat, all the body parts. Youre a loser
I'm too busy staring at that shiny fingernail
/fit/ is that way sverige