>Grape soda, shaken, not stirred.
Grape soda, shaken, not stirred
I'm indifferent about the whole thing really, but for the rest of the anons on this board that are seething, you're part to blame for this trend lol. You keep giving it attention, spamming threads upon threads each time something like this happens, giving it free press & attention. & you cause the contrarian normies to go out to see it just to spite you because of the "fake" outrage it caused. These studios don't care about "diversity", not really anyways. They go where the money's at. If you just ignored it & let it fall into obscurity to flop, this trend wouldn't happen so often. But just like with pepe & wojack, you idiots blow it out of proportion & let it get media attention with all your whining & whatnot
shaken soda? what a complete madwoman
>Purple drank, stolen, not paid fo'
>no tip
>chicken, fried, not baked.
>Grape drank, fanta, not sunkist..
I dont think anyone here actually gives a shit about james bond
I mean britbongs probably do but their opinion is irrelevant
That's the thing though, it doesn't matter if anyone "genuinely" gives a shit about, it'd the fact that numerous threads are being spammed about it. & Media picks it up & makes click-bate heads like "The whole internet is outraged", which creates it into a whole bigger issue, when there really never was one to begin with
These threads exist to wake up white cucks that they're in a race war whether they want to be or not
you know the producers made this casting decision specifically to get internet wars going and prop this up as captain marvel 2.0 free culture war marketing. right? their worst nightmare is actually people just ignoring it and not caring
why do you care so much? Why does this make you seethe?
Yeah so? It's still something to talk about.
why dont u just fuck off and let us have fun
There are no good Bond films.
Shes english so it would be rubicon
Why didn’t they just make Moneypenny the next 007? If they are gonna blackwash it then might as well use an established character.
>inner city crime statistics
>disproportionately increased not proportionally increased
This is why sjws are a thing in the first place
Hold the cough syrup.
Because you whiny cucks shit up the this already shitty board with all your complaining & crying. Over & over again. Like a bunch of insufferable women. Making a bigger issue out of race-swapping, then crying when it happens more BECAUSE of your complaining. Going out of your way to find screenshots & post from LITERAL WHO'S to make threads on here, just so you can bitch & moan about nothing. Pic related is literally all of you that fall into this category
>inb4 you're complaining as well & "no, u"
Simply answering your question