Lol why do you guys do this to yourselves? White people are funny
Lol why do you guys do this to yourselves? White people are funny
based reddit poster
It's because they're selfish.
pick one and only one
I have no problem with people that decide to do this, it's their life and their decision
but why the fuck would you post on social media about it? What can you possibly get from it?
>that cuck face
>yfw two years later she drops a black baby on you and you're left a broken man with a snipped sack
Social points. Humble bragging. They want people to think that they're noble beings who are saving the planet, while ignoring the incoming hordes who know nothing of restraint in terms of population growth.
>#frozenpeasaisle4 #peanuts #alltheicecreamhewants
at this point just put us out of our misery
It's because in every culture except anglo culture, not having a family and having offspring is considered to be ultimate cuckholdry.
Foreign people laugh and cringe behind people like that.
>>yfw two years later she drops a black baby on you and you're left a broken man with a snipped sack
It can be reversed, but yikes.
white """men""" are so pathetic they'd rather mutilate themselves so their roastie doesn't have to take harmless pills
They look British but are American
Anglos confuse me
reminder that the jews forced them to do this
I got my cat neutered
these people are probably unhappy with their lives and don't even know why, the way society has been pushing the child free life pulls people away from the biggest source of happiness there will ever be
>We know that there will be challenges ahead
Lol just one challenge, sweetums.
wh*tes are just naturally cuckolds. Its in their blood desu
good, all these people who want to fuck without the consequence of pregnancy should just sterilize themselves instead of getting abortions.
>being able to blast your cummies into your waifu without consequences ad infinitum without having to worry about some fucking kid ruining your life
Sounds hella fucking BASED to me. Imagine giving up 18-30 years of your life for some fucking rat that just happens to share your DNA. Having kids is the ultimate cuck move -- you're conceding all of your power, all of your mastery over your own existence, to some fucking brat that will forever disappoint you.
why doesn't the bitch just get her tubes tied?
Based and dad pilled
>Not making the woman be the one to sterilize herself instead
shiggy diggy
Then she leaves him 2 years later and finds a younger guy and starts a family with him.
I hope that happens, then he'll learn.
>to some fucking brat that will forever disappoint you.
speaking from experience mate?
>blast your cummies into your waifu..
yeah i got my answer :-)
imagine being this desperate to be in a relationship at all costs
having sex with women is the ultimate cuck move
Yep. Never get a vasectomy. It's just a way for women to control men. It's better to have a choice.
>guy gets a vasectomy
>woman suddenly wants a baby
>leaves him for a black guy
This will happen, I guarantee it.
This. I go to clubs and reject all the women that I run into; It’s essentially the anti-cuck.
how is there any other outcome than cheating/breaking up for these people? im not talking about not having kids, but a "man" who have no respect for himself and then acts like a retarded child must be so sexually demoralizing for the roastie. #alltheicecreamhewants indeed...
>savages disapprove of your lifestyle choices
>4channeler thinks this matters in the slightest
a sterile man or woman are less sexy,
they are flawed, unironically and biologically inferior
a biological dead end
they are death
Why wouldn't she get an abortion if she got pregant like normal liberals?
Unless she wants to get bareback creampied every time, its real easy to not get pregnant using only condoms
She's advertising black men she's available now
>Yea Forums autists are the most obsessed people in the world when it comes to having kids
Of course, the literal scum of the Earth would want to make copies of themselves. These are dark times for planet earth.
you seem angry and lonely.
you're human scum, else you wouldn't be here
Modern women wants creampies but not get pregnant. They don't want to take the pill because hormones bother them. They just tell the man to do what it takes.
>a diet cope please!
>implying society isn't totally inverted now and we're not the real salt of the earth
>not wanting to bring scum to this rotten world
lmaoing @ you
chan autists are the most obsessed people in the world when it comes to having kids
literally go outside. the most obsessed people in the world when it comes to having kids are religious people, catholics, amish, muslim etc
That shit gets into the water supply through their piss (most water is recycled). It's why you have man tits.
Not harmless.
nothing more pathetic than a guy getting snipped
To keep her options open.
That's why women want their husbands to get one, it makes them less attractive to younger women.
>dating a girl for longer than a year when you dont plan to knock her up
never understood this. same with people who get married and dont plan on having kids whats the point?
>never understood this. same with people who get married and dont plan on having kids whats the point?
Not many want to die alone.
based psychopath
you can live with her without being married
if you dont want to die alone then you should have kids
well the most fertile region right now is africa so i guess we agree
>based psychopath
i am not the guy willingly sterilizing myself
But the savages are right
i have the same armchair from ikea
is this supposed to be funny? i dont get these faggots who laugh at their own emasculation
>enthusiastic for what the future holds
A future of work, netflix, and dressing up the dog in baby clothes. Sounds exciting!
Holy projection
You can tell she's loving this.
Look at the perfectly placed beer and Xbox controller.
> "See, now you can just play video games and drinks beers haha!
Even her thumbs up pose seems off. There's something sketchy about it all.
My brother got it done because he has 5 kids, 4 boys, and a girl no more required.
You shouldn't get it done if you have no kids, especially if white unless you're a genetic dumpster fire or have born blood diseases.
>tfw got to fuck a white girl whose fiancé had a vasectomy
i’m non-white btw
Bro's, just dump the bitch, she's not that worth it.
castrate and have sex
Imagine snipping your testicles
what kind of fucking mentaller
I'd rather never have sex again than surgically disconnect from my manhood and I have had sex on 4 occasions in the past 5 years so I know what I'm talking about
Sewer waste is not recycled into the potable water supply, retard.
This, raising kids is the most beta thing you can do
what an unhealthy relationship
ahh a nice cold beer, that'll take the edge off the fact that my girlfriend made me literally end 15,000 years of evolution and my very bloodline