I have NEVER found Leia attractive

am I wrong ?

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of course you are

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are you kidding me?

Yes you are very wrong. Leia is QT as fuck.

Look up her really young stuff. Like around and before Episode 4. She was cute as hell, just got fucker by coke around Empire

Why does it matter? Can't you watch anything unless its porn?

not really she was never "hot" especially not by modern standards. not that it really mattered to the story

She was fat and completely unattractive in A New Hope. She looked better in ESB and RotJ, but she was still quite plain. You can find a more attractive woman at any Walmart.

> you will never be harrison ford having hot degrading sex with prime coked out sex-starved carrie fisher
why even live bros

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No I never understood the slave Leia hypr

why wont she love me bros?

She’s a used up coke whore yet women viewed her as an role model

completely agree, never got it. her body is fine, that's about it. face is busted, she looks goofy, plus shes a cunt

god damn that face is terrible

>am I wrong?
Yes, she was considered objectively attractive.

there’s no point, let’s just go kill ourselves

she's pointing at the gay

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You’re just gay.

no, she's average at best
look at this body, it's the most generic meh looking girl ever

i think she has a weird face

Carrie fisher was a solid 8/10 at her prime. Plus she actually fucked fans at conventions, so that gives her a .5 increase

>knees are pointy
>would not bang

looks like the gay is standing right next to her desu

You sound fat.

I never found her attractive until I had sex and rewatched ROTJ, holy shit nerds must have wanted to jack off in the theater in 1983.

She was never hot or a good actress but i still liked her

eh, look at her contemporaries. she'd be picked last in dodgeball.

>shut ins on Yea Forums would fuck her
>that means she's a sex symbol

>fucked fans at conventions

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Yeah she's obviously cute and at times legit sexy
Maybe you're gay or some kinda brownie

Prime Harrison Ford was WAY out of her league. He must have self esteem issues.

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She was a butterface, I don't blame you

She was never the prettiest but made it work.

Prime Carrie was hot.
She fucked all kinds of nerds and thought they were the best fans but remember she was over 40 at the time.

Protip: different men find different women attractive.
I always thought Carrie Fisher was hot, but I always thought that Julia Roberts and Cindy Crawford were unattractive women with sort of equine faces.

she looks like fucking Celine Dion
let me guess, you faggots think she's hot too?

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see, that's a cute face. that's 10/10. carrie fischer's face is nowhere near as good

She looks like an old hag trying to be young again

What the fuck lol? Chads fuck whatever is closest cause they don't need the validation.

Is it true she shagged all the cast including chewie ?

she was not a hollywwod-tier beauty, even at her prime
should have been someone like caroline munro or jessica lange, but lucas lacked the resorces for those kind of names

Obviously fake, or else nerds would be bragging about it for years on the internet

>I always thought that Julia Roberts and Cindy Crawford were unattractive

They are

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>am I wrong
no. but you're not straight.

see this makes sense.

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i never ever found her attractive either and it pisses me off so many people do

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Explain why he married that skellington hag Calista Flockhart.

Leia isn't referenced as being beautiful at any point. She was thought of as being a maid by strangers frequently as a child. The casting competition was Jodie Foster and Amy Irving who Yea Forums wouldn't find attractive either (except 8 year old Jodie)

fag detekt



go back
fucking weeb gtfo to /jp/

She was pretty hot when they first got together. Seems like a nice person too.

>Amy irving
>Not attractive

The absolute state of this board

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Broseph the very first time Luke sees her he says she's beautiful.

Now I’m imagining Hamill having the whole Japanese house in the 80s thing, Based proto weeb.

15 year old jodie foster would have been kino, but at that point in her career she probably was asking too much for their budget

you can look it up. She said nerds were enthusiastic about it so it was more bang for your buck.

She’s only hot when she’s kissing luke

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Fisher's face is really weird.

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No, you’re just gay.

(((Portman))) has a cute face but no tits and comes off like a prudish cold bitch. Carrie is super fuckable and probably rides like crazy.

Nah ...

have sex

>complaining about (((Portman)))
>but not (((Fischer)))

i find her very qt especially in new hope

I've always considered her beautiful in a not too show offy way. But let's face it, she was no Sharon Stone. Nor should she have to be. And that's a good thing.

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Padme > Jyn > Leia > Qi'ra > Rey

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it's her nose.

Is that lt paris?

leiah is much more of a bitch than padme. it should be considered common sense at this point. portman pulls off the "no tits" aspect well, but dont pretend that fischer was a titcow. her tits existed, but they werent anything to write home about. the blue slave girl won that contest

She's never been what I personally consider that attractive but she does have a distinct look that helped define her as more than a princess in distress.

Btw I would much rather stare at her for 2 hours than daisy ridley.

Fuck Disney. Fuck JJ. and Fuck KK.
Actual Rankings

Aayla Secura > Mara Jade = Jan Ors > Leia > Padme

Luke saw 2 human females that were his age while he pumped moisture on his uncle's farm. He'd say anything to get into a chick's pants at that point I'm sure. I still think Mark is in the closet.

I’m talking about their actual personalities. Portman always came off like a distant cunt to me. Fisher was a party girl that knew how to take dick.

no idea, i rarely give a shit about personal lives. im sure a coked up whore is more fun

>ywn be jew slamming jewess cokehead pig
I can live with that.

Her face is kind of ugly.

Her mother was much more attractive.

She hit the wall really early, and then she hit it again even harder.

pudgy faced kike.

I thought she looked really nice right before she kicked it. Not in a sexusl way but still.

>Posting that grotesque shit
>calling anyone unattractive

Yeah nah. Fuck off back to Yea Forums pal

Do they just pull that to one side when they piss?

alright, who would you cast in her place?

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>t.actual boomer

Cocaine's a hell of a drug

jewesses are god tier in the sack and ford is only a quarter jewish you dumb faggot

raquel welch

>tfw dated a chick who looked like prime Carrie
She was a freak in bed too. Kinda miss her.

porn has completely ruined your standards

have SEX

You're right, I feel the same way. Always looked haggard and plain

>not wanting a big tittied jewfu

I had an enormous crush on both Leia & Carrie for years & years, but learning more & more about her & what an incredibly huge whore she became by Empire has almost entirely killed it.
I still think she's attractive but I wouldn't fuck Carrie in her "prime" with someone else's dick.

take the facepill incel

she cute

Qi'Ra > Jyn > Padme > Leia > Rey
But I admit it was hard to choose between Qi'Ra and Jyn

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what a sexy man

stop breathing heavily on your screen, it's gross

Me neither.
Kinda looks like her face suffers from down syndrome.

who are half of these non-legends characters and why should i give a fuck about thots who were getting it in the ass by harvey weinstein and jj abrams

you mean you've never heard of ojobo nono?

That made the movies better, IMO. A supermodel Leia would have been strange and distracting. Girl-next-door Leia went well with farmboy Luke and lowlife hotrodder smuggler Han.

No, she always had a grandma face.

It's okay to be gay, OP.

same OP
her face looks old and her body is so average, overall she is just so plain and generic it feels gross

typical ugly jew face and non of the milkers to make ti worth tolerating. shameful. Coke makes it worse.

The 40 - 50 year old Fisher was ready for all wild parties at conventions, but the sex part with nerd fans is just a rumor.

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Nah she's got an ugly face. The girl in Rouge One is much hotter.

she's plain looking, not terrible not great

that bich fugged Paul Simon, there's hope 4 the midges

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You obviously haven’t grasped the full meaning of “YMMV”.

Nice feet

Not sure if typo or Yea Forums tradition.

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Good taste

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No, you aren't. Only in the scene where she's fixing something on the falcon did I ever. Her big mouth ruined it in part 1 or 3 or whatever.

same tbqh

true. but then again, fischer is easily the ugliest starwars leading actress


What the hell is wrong with zoomers? Oh right, none of them fuck.


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for me, it's the cute little actress playing Qi'ra on Solo. Can't remember her name though.

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Same here. When she was very young she had that new wave french actress vibe and eyes, and that must be why she had been cast originally, but she hit a serious wall at some point. She didnt stay hot for long.

I know many girls that were jaw dropping hot around 16-23 yo that are now super ordinary and took on some weight. OTOH, theres also some girls a bit less hot when younger who are now gorgeous and their facial traits fit well with more mature look. The latter ones tend to stay milfs for a long time after.

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Yeah, she an ugly hag

More like overreddit.

the porn of her is better

takes one to know one

margaery tyrell

Carrie Fischer isn't hot lol. If you haven't banged someone better by 25 it's probably time for the rope.

seething leiacels
imagine defending a dead person LOL

>carrie fisher: *dies*
>me: *jacks off to another exquisite padme morsel*

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She was a female in a franchise for kids and sex starved nerds. These were people who didn't know any better. Today's nerds have high speed internet porn competing for their attention, so the girls need to be cuter. But back then any nondeformed girl would do.

Leia is plain af. She's got that dorky midwestern look. She's considered sexy because she revealed her skinnyfat body in a metal fetish bikini once, but I'll take a fully clothed Padme, or anyone else, over her. Even the xenomorph.

thats a dope fucking gun

Neither have I.
People who rank her as high as Daisy, Felicia, Natalie, etc. best be tripping

nah, even 50's B movies had way hotter chicks
she was just ugly, even at the time

Ya'll mutha fuckas need Jan Ors, space asian superspy waifiu > all others.

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>Can't remember her name though.
Eyebrows Overactfu

pass, Titan AE was the only scifi kino that got that type of waifu right

I disagree.

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her mother was debbie reynolds. who had fucked everything in hollywood and had the blackmail on them with Hefner. it was the easiest way to get a greenlight for the movie. good old nepotism.
there were 2 suns and no girls, he would have given Jabba the fucking of everyones lifetime if someone said "yo dawg, that chubby chick said "He cute"".

The only time I DIDN'T find Leia attractive was in her Hoth costume and that ewok dress. All other times she was really hot, like her endor camo thing.


Or a young Ann-Margret

She does. That and an ok body at best. Not a sexual icon at all.