What is the dumbest thing you got banned for on this board

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got this one recently

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Replying to this thread probably.

>fuck niggers and fuck jannies

saying anime is shit
witch it 100% is
and it wasnt even a thread about anime, its was OP asking for recommendations, user recommended chink toons, I said "all anime is shit" and got a 24 hour ban

>bad guy bans me
>post from my phone

Replied to a Daisy Ridley thread ironically


>banned for replying to off topic garbage
>meanwhile the thread was left up

I don't understand

""""off-topic posting""""

Called Jay a qt.

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>off topic garbage
This is most likely a "opinion not overlord approved"- ban since Yea Forums is garbage by definition and something can hardly be off topic here.
Too many threads get deleted in the last time.

Once I was banned for saying "checked" in a check 'em thread.

>absolutely dunking on a Star Trek fag on how shit the whole franchise on
>mod gets booty blasted
>I'm not breaking any rules
>bans me for "off topic" but doesn't even link to an offending post because he knows I didn't break any rule

Faggot mod

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Starting a thread that's an essential part of board culture

Another user started the same thread the very next night, and it stayed up for hours and got archived -______-

making a Euphoria thread for being """"off topic"""" despite the fact that there was a Belle Delphine thread, a Sneed thread, and a frog post merely captioned "Fuck Niggers" that were all allowed to hit the bump limit.
I thought Yea Forumss narrative was that discord trannies ran this board?

for me its assposting

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>making a Euphoria thread for being """"of
You deserve the ban asshole

>board culture
this is just what cancer started calling itself when there came to be more of it than anything else

they pull this shit all the time, faggot jannies

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>thread made with a webm of a white girl sucking a big black cock
>call OP a cuck and say fuck niggers
>my post gets deleted and I get banned within 5 minutes
>thread is left up for an hour getting over 200 replies with tons of porn posted in it

Really makes you think


they should have banned you for longer cletus

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Literally saying 'Sneed'

It was a thursday morning a janitor was mad as fuck I think. I remember it was the same day S3 of Stranger Things aired.

Some time ago, 1 month for making a joke about being 13 years old. I'm not.

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You fags collectively deserve to be perma-banned. It was never funny to begin with.

A couple years ago during the height of "Hola reddit!" posting, the mods started doing blanket bans of anyone who mentioned the site in any context. I got banned for warning someone that use of the word "reddit" could now get you banned

Well pardon us, Mr. Gucci Loafers!

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>get banned for saying dumb shit that doesn't add anything to the discussion
>can't even speel
Dare I say mods=gods

I got banned for anti-tranny posting.

i got banned for shitposting on this board then I mentioned it on another board and I then got a global ban for ban evasion. An entire month of not being able to post. I was still new to the rules I guess

Not Yea Forums but I got a ban so bullshit, I quit the site for 2 fucking years

>main Yea Forums
>in an NFL game thread
>making webm's of big plays and user requests
>touchdown is scored right before halftime
>user asks for a webm of the touchdown
>say I'm going for a beer run, I'll make the webm when I get back
>grab some beer and return
>make the webm
>post it
>you are banned. reason: off-topic

Fucking shit ass mods

>attacking the most vulnerable members of society
>on an anonymous imageboard
You’re a coward and a bully. Grow up.

I asked a guy to tell some bad things hitler did in a thread about hitler.

I later got banned for posting a screenshot of my ban after I was unbanned for "complaining about moderation".

Please don't ban me again I'm not complaining I did my time please janny

you know you would, faggot

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Replying to an off topic thread that was already an hour old with 100+ replies

I once got a three-dayer for an "off-topic" post (not the OP!) in my very own off-topic Jenny thread. That made me chuckle.

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Some random tranny janny horse shit.


Yea Forums mods have the big gay
worst moderated board

>mods ban anons for replying to a thread that mods let remain up

Why don't mods ban themselves for being shit at their jobs and letting blatantly off topic threads stay up for hours on end?

s-stop bullying me

You retards shouldn't be replying to off topic threads

That sucks, sounds like a comfy thread

because they do it for free

I don't know but the mod on Yea Forums is super triggered by Pepe and will ban any anyone who posts him even if the text is on topic.

This is an off topic thread retard

t. assblasted janny

Off topic threads are against the rules. Thus when an user sees a thread that's been up for an hour with over 100 replies, it's reasonable for the user to assume the thread is on topic and sanctioned by the mods


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some dickwad was using me as his proxy

these dubs

Constantly posting Daisy Ridley's amazing feet

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Reminder that making fun people who collect hot sauce on /ck/ gets you permabanned.

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Got banned for saying nigger once


got banned for "replying to off-topic garbage" like 4 times in a row. amerimutt posting, replying to cunny threads with innocent and wholesome posts

They say im using proxy but is my shitty phone

What do they do with all that hot sauce?

I only have tabasco sauce and tapatio.

But they are fun

>I can’t even post about my favorite basketball player on TV anymore

I wonder what about this “trolled” the mods so hard? Seems like they’re angry about something totally unrelated to my basket ball discussion!

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Exactly and what I posted wasn't even bad at all completely g rated dumb joke. Also was banned from all boards. ?

The mod is a butthurt boomer

Many, if not most, of these shemales are complete failures at life and at being a man. So what do they do? They get out of being a man. Make your life about the so-called hardship that is being a "trans person" - in other words, a mentally ill weakling - and look at all the support and lack of expection that now is the focal point of your life. You can just get by on faggots like you calling them vulnerable, when in reality they are hyper narcissistic, superficial retards with zero character. Luckily, at least 44% of them realise that, while they can ignore the truth for some time, eventually the truth does catch up to them, and they try to sudoku. I can only pray those numbers go up by a lot in the future.


calling out a nigger tv mod that protects off topic 5 hour old threads he likes.

sneedfaggots need to be killed

Wow you sound really intelligent and well informed. I see it took you over 10 minutes to come up with that enlightening analysis.

was this based or cringe?

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Don't you have some dilation to deal with?

nice ip ;)


based mods

I was banned on three different boards for posting "check em" incessantly and "friday night's on Yea Forums"

>What are some video games?
>BANNED. All discussion must pertain to video games!

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The posters on ck are literal boomers and they report ANY post that pokes fun at them. It’s hilarious.

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I got banned on Yea Forums for pointing out the (objective fact) that negroes are bad at swimming due to their higher body density (specific gravity) compared to normal people

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3 day ban from all boards for apparently posting in an off topic thread

didn't realize I did, so I am replying to this one because it could happen in any thread the mod doesn't like

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Have sex. And rent free.


Mods love banning me for racism and saying nigger. But I won't stop being racist and saying nigger. Ever! MAGA

>he's a janitor
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power and control he wilI ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girIfriend
>he will never have any friends

Got semibanned on Yea Forums for replying to the usual, sneed, nigger, reddit, discord tranny joke like it was my fault. Fine. Then weeks later I was on Yea Forums and we were having a thread on Zizek and some faggot mod noticed I'd been temp banned previously so banned me for two weeks on all boards for being off topic! Fuck I hate the mods here

i got permabanned on Yea Forums for posting pictures of my own revolting shit in a toilet every single day and telling the janny to clean it up, also that he's a fat faggot virgin

i got banned on Yea Forums for posting a picture of Neymar with his son and the mods thought it was pedophilia, when that picture was posted on Instagram

like lmoa

a ban every once in a while does the body good

How many bans are you at now?

Extremely based

ultra based

>he unironically watches niggerball

>ctrl-f Yea Forums
>6 results

Where is the rule that says "no replying to off-topic garbage" because this ban reason seems to be increasing allot


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the basadest man who ever lived
you should have done that here

I unironically get banned for other anons posts that were not my own.

Every post in this American Psycho thread was a GET roll but the newfag mod only banned ones that literally said they were rolling.

Do your “job” right or don’t do it at all.

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It's their way to control the narrative here since we all know they're ResetEra Reddit nigger faggot trannies that should get gassed.

thank you. how's your teethy hairball doing?


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/x/ tier

I got banned for calling Krager a nigger, fucking horseshit

she seems like such a cunt

For almost every "dilate" post I see there's a "rent free" reply. "Rent free" isn't a common enough expression here to explain this.
Don't tell me you're a butthurt autogynofag searching Yea Forums for dilate posts. Holy fuck

Requesting porn lookalikes for Max in Stranger Things, preferably ones that do hardcore interracial.

I don't recall now, but I was banned for a few days for something completely within the rules of this board for reasons I can't imagine. It's left my mind as freely as the one responsible for the incident spends the hours of his life.

pedos should be shot

I work at an auto auction house and can run VIN's. I made a thread on /o/ telling people to post a VIN if they want me to check it out. Ended up getting a 2 week ban for "doxxing." All I posted was the cat's accident/insurance claim history if any. I never posted any names or addresses.

that's what you get for being a phoneposter

are you phoneposting? just turn airplane mode on and off

But he was a nigger or at least the original was. All Tripfags should get banned if they're not attaching pics or whatever.

Well instead of mocking the jannies so no one wants to do it except for trannies then why don't we become the jannies then we can defend our board from trannies and ban them? Why did we let trannies take over?

I don't think people would give the mods and jannies as much shit if the minimum bans were 24 hours like they used to be. 3 day bans are just excessive especially when they are handed out like candy on this fucking site

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>Yea Forums mods are shit
Tell me something I didn't know

Got banned because i was asking for some depression kino after my ex had left me.

>the only way he can win the argument is strawmanning an imaginary transgender person
Oh, no no no!

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Riley posting in an Obi Wan movie thread.


saying the n-word with no asterisk
posting "sneed" in spoilers in a simpsons thread

it wasn't in response to a cunny post retard.


They say have sex and rent free but they're on here morning noon and night so obviously they don't have sex and live her rent free. Fucking trannies

>it’s all vanilla shit

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Yes my fap station is down atm

saying something pokemon-related in a cunny thread. got a 15-day ban because of that

yeh because you kept making threads

I have never done a single torrent in my life.

Because we can never have nice things. Plus Hiro wants us to suffer most likely. I'll nominate you user at the next board meeting for Yea Forums assuming I'm not banned.

trannys are mentally ill faggots. no strawman needed there.

nah man, i made like one and got the instant ban

they would be perma bans but then we'd be able to file appeals for their faggotry.

Like, do your fucking job and there wouldn't be "off-topic garbage" to reply to. More importantly, how are you gonna ban me if you can reference neither rule I actually broke nor post breaking the rules. I get "there's no rules to moderation, enjoy your ban" but these sorts of blanket bans reek of salty politically motivated asshurt.

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what argument, I merely posted facts

Posting cheesefu's nudes. Got me a three day ban IIRC. Very ungentlemanly on the mods' side.

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So it's not just me getting arbitrary bans here judging from all these posts. And I'm super normie barely say any /pol/ memes. Something strange going on here?

banned for shitting on alitatards just for the thread to be moved to /trash/ hours later

agreed, I really can't wish them death enough on the rare occasion this happens, and it's always three days

they can seriously diaf


I got banned from /ck/ one time for talking about the history of beer and how the slaves used to build the Egyptian pyramids were rationed a half keg of beer every day.

This beer was around 1.5% abv so not only did it keep them hydrated and relatively buzzed all day, it also was guaranteed to be sterile in an age where if you drank water from an open source it could be potentially lethal

i like this one. the dog-one dog goes one way and the other dog goes the other way.

Yeah but so are you though

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all these and for mass replying

i don't think im a woman because I put on a dress. there is no defending trannys. you will always lose.


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Everyone in this thread should be banned.

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What did you post

one dogs facing east and the other dogs facing west so what?

I love how this site pumps up it's anonymity and yet everyone gets banned for hurting the mods fee fees. When did we become the Reddit?

I think you're complaining, count yourself in

it's just weird i prefer to phonepost on Yea Forums now for obvious reasons

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Do it nigger. And we'll burn a cross on your lawn tonight how about that?

the day the moot died I think

But mass replying isn't against the rules as long as the content of your reply is on topic

Defending them from your retarded rants on Yea Forums‘s dumb bans thread? I’m sure they will survive without my help I’m just mocking you for being such a coward about your backwards redneck opinions. And judging by your constant replies, it’s working.

>post apu
>get ban for avatarfagging

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Faggot /o/ mods are literal retards. I said that "Landcruisers are actually built in Nippon" and got banned for racism

>that subtle tan line
Cute! A cute!

Fucking KEK

that way he'll know it's time to leave

while i'm sure there was slavery in ancient egypt, i think the modern consensus is that it wasn't slaves that built them. it was skilled, paid builders and architechts of various sorts.

yeah well tell that to the mods, they ban a lot of mass repliers fairly quickly desu

The story about a mod banning Mel Gibson from Yea Forums?

This one's fact.

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you are so stupid you are replying to multiple people faggot. but keep defending trannys. you like their mentally damaged minds, are great to make fun of.

I guess so. But honestly if we wanted reddit we'd be there right? Fuck this shit

>gets banned for ah-bloo-bloo posting

>littering is illegal in the United States
>user posts a pic of him littering
>report it for illegal content
>get a 3 day ban for false reporting

What the fuck?

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reported a tripfag from /trek/

at least the mods eventually got their shit together and nuked that general

I've been banned for too many dumb things to pick just 1

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they don't know the name of japan is nippon?

typical fat left americans

kek that's actually pretty funny

I agree with that ban, fight me

Posting some stupid bullshit in an RLM thread. Those threads are watched like hawks for some reason.

Stay mad and back peddle harder. You’re still weak and insecure as fuck for trying to harass transgender people on Yea Forums Yea Forums of all places.

>Actually post about a film, tv series or actor
>Janny deletes and bans you

not on Yea Forums but one time I got banned for "filing false reports" even though the post I reported got deleted anyway. Felt like janny was assblasted I made him do his job

wtf m*ds

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join the 40% faggot

was this one deserved?

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well you know, rich is responsible for 9/11

and this guy's sayin 'whaddaya want from me?"

this without a doubt

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Wtf you do not deserve those dubs faggot. Trannies are ruining Yea Forums and Yea Forums(Nel)

imagine getting this upset about someone making fun of trannys

Talking shit about china, the jews, waifu faggot threads where they post the same fucking images with the same fucking comments over and over. I get they want the board to stay on topic for the most part but some of these bans are absurd.

this one is good

I was in that thread lol

Deja vu, didn’t you already try winning this argument by strawmanning an imaginary tranny boogeyman?

Boy you’re really just a 1-trick pony aren’t you Cletus?

Mad you made him delet a cuckold thread most likely

Posting Brie Larsons naked body

I got a temporary ban for posting about japanese high speed trains on /jp/

clearly I was mistaken what jp means

calling people niggers and replying to off-topic garbage, i don't give a fuck though i'll take the time out fuck the jannies, this thread is probably a honey pot for idiots like me

Yea Forums birthed dilation meme though

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post height and jaw

>i make tons of shit threads daily. giga threads, fight threads, /pol/ threads, bait threads, frog threads, and mods dont even ban me but just prune the thread
yeah, im thinking im based

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i got banned for saying HOMMINA HOMMINA HOMMINA posting


you need to up your game to maths equations with unclear orders of operation and gf surveys

Why is it so hard for mods to do their jobs? They just need to sort threads by creation date, hit refresh every once and a while, and they'd be able to nuke 90% of off topic threads a few minutes after they're made

>shit threads
All I saw was quality content listed in your post, user.

Crime against humanity. You should be judged at the Hague for humanitarian war crimes bud.

>permabans literally do nothing

Literally me
Mods in cahoots with DC confirmed.

they're not vulnerable, they're predators of the vulnerable
i know more than a few of these "people" who do this; over and over vindicating my hatred for their perversion

fuck you

please, we all know the sorts of people that actually clamber for those posts, don't encourage them

Meant for

she is the dumbest thing

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Posting a Jewtube screenshot that I grabbed from another fucking Yea Forums thread. Said thread went to archive with that same screenshot still there.
Permabanned. Appealed & won, jannies.

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>Dare I say mods=gods
anyone who says this is a massive faggot on a planetary scale

yeah sorry i ninja deleted the original post because the new shiny pepe i made was more relevant to the post

what just 1 day? Yea Forums has it nice

don't worry m8, I also laugh and point at them when I see them irl. makes me feel good to know I hurt their feelings. just hope I can be the one to finally push them over the edge.

imagine this: they get home all worked up, their bony shoulders shuddering, their sugar beet knees too weak to carry their manly weight, their fluffy upper lips covered in male snot. they collapse halfway into the hallway and try to grab their pillbox with antidepressives. but their huge man hands can't pick up the little pill, and in frustration they look into the mirror and see a fucking car crash of a human looking back at them. and then they hear my sniggering laughter playing back in their chemically imbalanced brain and they just can't take it anymore and they hang themselves from the ceiling fan by their size xxxl pokemon stockings.

>appealing the ban instead of just resetting your router
are you a cuckold?

cute girl


Yeah changing your sex by playing pretend does not make you an honorary victim or something. It makes you a crazy piece of shit.

you are a freak

I'm a boomer who posts on /ck/ and the only reports I make on any board are for mlp or furry shit. Oh and actual cp, not harmless cunny posts.

You don't need to be redneck to see trannies as the degenerate freaks they are.

Pretty based, keep em on their toes user!

i have never been banned

>not appealing when you're 100% in the right
Are you a faggot?
Could I have evaded? Yes.
I didn't even appeal for a fucking month because the level of bullshit was entirely disheartening. Just went to 8 for a while instead.

Based boomer doing his part vs janny nigger asleep as usual

you sound like a completely well adjusted human being. There seems to be a lot of projection in your post, and the fact that you irrationally hate transgenders probably comes from the fact you yourself are sexually confused.

trannies should keep their mental illness to themselves instead of flaunting their ugliness to the world

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Spamming the old lady from Cat in the Hat

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banned for posting image of merchant schlomo.

>Permabanned. Appealed & won, jannies.
How often do we need to go over this? Jannies can't ban, only mods can
Jannies can only report threads to mods or delete single posts

sadly tv is a phoneposter board now

no point getting global bans when tv mods are the most pathetic

pedos should be doxxed

cringe and bluepilled

This is actually the first fucking time I've even been back on Yea Forums since that ban. Coincidental this is the first thread I see & post in on here.

Jannies kick it up to mods.

One time I got banned for Coolsville-posting, even though Sneed is allowed to run rampant.

posting big dicked tranny

>but their huge man hands can't pick up the little pill, and in frustration they look into the mirror and see a fucking car crash
Holy shit fucking kek, that got me good.


agreed, I fucking hate pedos and their lewding of my lgfs

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no u

Antipedos should be doxxed.


>never get banned for schlomo posting

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Based and redpilled.

Also got a 3 day ban for creating a bane thread with 150+ replies

hard to care about your job when it's unpaid overtime 100% of the time


Somebody started a thread about how hot Emma Stone is.
Lots of people commenting on her body, tits, ass, legs, etc.
I comment on how she has sexy feet.
Banned for being off-topic....

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that was a big thread...

sneedchads face persecution


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mods start posting the IPs of pedos. see if they stick around.

>Having these creatures saved somewhere

footfags get the gas

How? Bane and The Dark Knight Rises is literally a movie and thus Yea Forums related. The mods fucking stickied a goddamn Bane parody porno

>replying to off-topic garbage
Don't even know what it was

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