Why does this board have such awful, normie taste? It’d be the equivalent of Yea Forums talking about Ariana Grande and Ed Sheeran endlessly. Yea Forums is major cringe. Admit it. All you have is some stupid “sneed” meme and “bane!!1! xD”. Cringe board. Also, filled with pedos. You guys rarely ever even talk about the most entry level of kino like Lynch films (which even normies can into). Nope, you guys just keep posting little girls and superhero garbage. Major cringe.
Man, this board sucks
I remember when that chick confronted me here over calling her a boy, but I pretended not to know it was her and played dumb and called her a boy more. Good times.
based schizo
her name is Kat
All movies are normie tier
99 percent of the people on this board are reddit phoneposters do you really think their taste is going to be good
if the mods banned anyone who made midsommar or stranger things threads that would take care of the reddit problem
Film is a naturally more plebian medium. Their production and distribution involve many people so they end up being more like industrial products than other artforms so they inevitably have to pander to plebs in some form to break even. Also movies are easy to digest and require only passitivity from the audience, unlike reading or something.
she cute
Yeah, she's cute and I'd wife her up.
Unlike Yea Forums, Yea Forums isnt full of women
If I was doing a cam girl genocide this is the only one I'd leave alive.
what do you think of Madelyn?
my sneed
Film is actually the most patrician medium, it’s just that most people only engage with the most plebeian films.
I blame /pol/ for the low tier replies in threads that could have some substance to them.
She certainly has this "wholesome whore" thing down.
>unironically using Yea Forums as an example of a board where people have refined taste
What is an example of a patrician artistically elevated film?
Why did /pol/ migrate here anyway?
tiktokers are not camgirls
/pol/ deletes more threads than any other board now
Don't talk to the Emiliaposters, they are weird as fuck
swaglord's Yea Forums
Yea Forums is a safe space for redditors
I don't mind /pol/tards coming here and sticking to threads that are on topic but derailing threads time and time again gets old.
cute psycho with nice eyebrow movements
>posting the first one on the list in my genocide run
Yes, they are.
That goblin can't smile for shit.
One of bonbi's worst toks (until I saw the last one). I hope she retires for the third and final time.
>he posted it again
It's all because of the /pol/, redit and Yea Forums mongoloids that have invaded the board, they're scum and ruined this board with their terrible taste.
Yea Forums is for kids, I got bored of it when I got older. elitism is fun when your are like 17.
Yea Forums is a circlejerk revolving around horrid token "classics" and some assorted k-pop/jazz/metal/prog spergs. those oblivious faggots wouldn'tknow good music even if chuck berry himself sparkle shat it right into their spotty ugly faces.
imagine, just imagine how smooth her skin is and how light she must be.
what's the name of the red one?
first two seconds:left
rest of webm once she starts emoting:right, easily
>the amount of pit in that last one
Yep its official. She's a whore now.
Jesus. How annoying.
At least before she made an attempt to hide it and cover it up. She's graduated into full on whoredom now.
Bait. Who the fuck comes here to talk seriously about movies? Too much time on your hands op
Is she okay? I hope she doesn't get flooded by the hurricane
OP is a faggot that's upset nobody wants to talk about his arthouse and foreign hipster films.
Attempt to hide it while filming herself over and over and posting online? Get real, zoomer.
>It’d be the equivalent of Yea Forums talking about Ariana Grande
Have you looked at Yea Forums lately? It's all k-pop, Billie and mumblerap threads, so yes it is Yea Forums
this is the pinnacle of zoomer waifuism.
Does the radio ever talk to you?
Would marry
it's a big improvment over boxxy
That shit was embarassing
wtf are these
I can't resist to stockings
She really has that effect. I hate her.
>OP uses some TikTok looking tranny as bait
Perhaps Reddit is more to your taste then faggot?
bonbi, created by God to punish the trannies, bonkers.
She's the cutest girl I have ever seen. How can someone be that cute ? It's almost unbelievable. Where is she from?
When will we finally be rid of bonbifags? How much longer until they get bored of her like the last one?
once she turns 18 and is too old for pedofags
the land of the free
she lives on a farm in louisiana and is a good christian girl
France ? she doesn't look french.
she will be dropped as soon as she becomes a whore.
>Does the radio ever talk to you?
No, it talks to its friend Mr. CRT.
why do liberals want this?
How many black men do you think she's been with?
Exquisite bait.
Not enough yet. A few more should do the trick.
none because shes not an immoral whore from your cuck fantasies
How bad are the universities of Louisiana?
she looks like a fun and attractive and fertile version of daisy ridley
why doesn't she have a southern accent?
is2.Yea Forums.org/wsg/1561832967121.webm
She can really move. Also, notice how triggered the sub-average roastie got. Liberals can't have fun anymore and it's great.
>white woman living in America
Ok I'm not attracted to her anymore, thank you and god bless my dear user.
because she's a sperg that doesn't interact with anyone who isn't her parents or people on the internet.
wtf is wrong with you? there're girl just like that at every street corner
Accents are infectious and she's a homeschooled zoomzoom. She's probably heard more words through youtube than she has in real life.
>not loving a crying female even more because you want to comfort and protect her
are you even a man?
are you gay? you are talking like a gay?
Man attracted to fertile young girl?! shocking
i wish. shes pure.
>mentions pedos
>posts a tiktok slut
It's the way she talks, man. It kills my vibe
I blame you for bringing up /pol/ as the demon. I’m /pol/ (because my country is turning to shit and I need to talk freely about it,) yet I utterly detest shit like sneed posting and the incel/dilate duels. I come here to talk about films and actors without OTT politics.
>Bonbifag is going all out
She's of legal age. Bonbi however is not.
>Attracts cute Asian guys on purpose.
I was more getting at the point that "tiktokkers" or whatever the fuck are underage girls and pedophiles, for the most part.
Maybe in your backwards puritanical country. In mine shes perfectly fuckable
youre completely right no matter what anyone says, the media media and art consumption boards at least talk non entry junk from time time, here it's just non stop Yea Forums and politics, the original posters with a taste beyond capeshit left years ago along with all the tripfriends, besides the cunnyposters that is
lax moderation
They're cam whores, you pea brain.
imagine if this was your daughter lmao
>are you gay? you are talking like a gay?
and are you retarded? you sound like one.
I'm literally telling you can have a girl who looks just like her for 100$ if you go out of your basement for once.
not my fault if she dresses like a basic whore.
Reminder that Kat could dominate bonbi in a 1 on 1 fight
hookers look like THAT?
who made you the attraction police?
In France.
>imagine if this was your daughter
well better hope you are not a pedo or it's going to be difficult.
A strap-on lesbian fight as to who gets to be the top?
Nah, I'm a teddy bear, I promise.
But they're almost never French, right? they must be Romanian or something.
yes, it's probably the most common way they dress
All around the world really but maybe burgers are different as always
Why isn't Bonbibonkers in movies yet?
she lives in rural Louisiana
Is she willing to travel to various movie sets and locations?
give me a bonbi mega pls
every girl posted above or below this post is soulless
>thread is still up.
Mods must be doing a hotpocket run or something.
>Ed Sheeran
I don't even know who that is...
why are there so many beta orbiters here?
her good christian parents are keeping (((them))) at bay... for now.
But it's inevitable
that the one for webm
>posting a whore with dead eyes
OoooOooo, her hips, me likey long time.
>It’d be the equivalent of Yea Forums talking about Ariana Grande and Ed Sheeran endlesssly
Yea Forums already does that and it's terrible. The whole board has been overrun by kpop weebs and tranny art hoes
thank you friend. God bless
The pedos are an organized group of about seven people in a discord.