/ternobyl/ - /RBMK/ and /ttg/

muffled Fitzjames suffering edition

Showrunner podcasts:

>The Minds Behind The Terror
>Featuring Dan Simmons, David Kajganich and Soo Hugh, with Adam Nagaitis as a guest in episodes 2-4

>The Chernobyl Podcast
>Featuring Peter Sagal and Craig Mazin

>Sitnikov's wife discussing him dying in the hospital

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for Miner Chad

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You can tell he's right-handed because of his breast size.

Copied from last thread:

If you want Soviet suffering that isn't related to Chernobyl per se, you should watch:
>Burnt by the Sun
>everything by Balabanov, but particularly Cargo 200 and Morphine
>Doctor Zhivago
>And Quiet Flows the Don

And post-Soviet Russian suffering:
>The Postman's White Nights

Balabanov's film "Me Too" is somewhat Chernobyl/nuclear power related too.

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How much radiation was Mr Fitzjames exposed to?

>"Mom I gonna be tv!"
>"Really, Artyom? I'm so proud!"
>"Yeah I'm going to be a nameless miner with his dick out and you'll see me for like 3 seconds"

>the only nudity in Chernobyl and The Terror is of naked men

Is that why these shows attract so many homosexuals? Not that I mind

Bitch I'd fucking love that to happen to me.

There's also the matter of what few women there are being completely irrelevant to the main plot and the focus being on brotherly bonds between the male characters.

Are we brothers, Francis?

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What if I want russian movies with homolust

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I'll think about it. I have a feeling I've seen some but can't remember what they are.


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>>everything by Balabanov, but particularly Cargo 200 and Morphine
>cute young Bichevin
Highly recommend
There's also a really nice example of
quiet russian suffering called
>An Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano
From the director of
>Burnt by the Sun
but a way better movie

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The Ascent

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>wife and kids erased from the show completely
>shown living alone in a shitty single apartment like a neet
>clearly aroused by the miners
They were really going for the fujo dollar with Legasov, weren't they?

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Season 2 in September, lads!

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>posting this fag's face here

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Many heterosexuals like me also watch it.

I got you

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>season 1 token fag: qt, sexy, tight-bodied Nagaitis
>season 2 token fag: that thing

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was he gay?

I'll ask my grandma, ever since she read The Terror in Russian she's been seeking out gay Russian media. She recently watched some Russian film which was apparently called "Faggot" but I can't find any mention of this film online.

that's pretty gay

You will take what is offered.

Irl? No you dingus. He had a wife whom he loved very much and wrote poetry for, as well as 2 kids.
In the show I honestly can't tell. It'd be fucked up if they changed his sexuality just for fujo/sjw brownie points.

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So there is this Russian Chernobyl show from 2013 called "Inseparable" (Moтыльки)
Looks pretty kino and they have the whole thing on youtube in HD, only problem is - there are no subtitles.
I've been trying to find an english srt file forever, but no luck.


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is he going to be the Japanese Adam Nagaitis?

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Holy shit, this sounds like pure KINO. Downloading it asap.

Next time, without the attitude.

Suck my brapper user.

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it’s an appalling downgrade

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I'm still yet to watch this, but the movie has a bit of fujo following in Russia and this Serebrennikov dude it not so bad, so you probably won't be dissapointed. Have a good watch!

just watch the show and don't try to sound smart


i join?

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To call this a downgrade is to call diarrhea on a plate a disappointing fine dining experience.

Oh no not him.

Excellent, thanks user.
I have a massive boner, mostly figurative but slightly literal as well, for stories about people trying to become martyrs.

oh yes, and you'll lap it up bawahhsaaahhah

Downright offensive desu

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>using a common 9 letter word is trying to sound smart
based retard user

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well it's not great but it's not horrifying

>Lane Pryce

who can stop this man, he's kino in everything he appears in

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When's the new Russian version of Chernobyl coming out?

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he's just being uppedy

and he seems like a nice guy

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Did you know, user, that there is a semi-popular theory among art scholars which states that Christian depictions of martyrs served as a kind of church-sanctioned pornography in Medieval Europe, and that the focus on mouth and tongue torture that was prevalent in accounts of martyrs from that time was in fact meant to stand in for the vagina/anus and clit? Which would, if true, give us an insight into certain scenes in The Terror?

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I recognize Tozer, Magnus, and Hodgson, but who the fuck are all the dudes on the right?

nagaitis thighs

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>Nagaitis is never in cast photos

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where's nagakis?

Source at once you fucker

Just want to thank Chernobyl for giving me an easy option for a costume party I'm going to next week.

Pilkinton (one of the marines)
Des Voeux
The cook
And Robert Golding, ships boy. I think

Were you denied closeness as a child?

Bottom left is Robert Golding (one of the boys), then behind him is John Diggle (on of the cooks), then Charles Des Voeux (the one who guards Lady Silence on terror), then on his left is Pilkinton (one of the marines)

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Yes but that's irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

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What are ships boys even for?

Of course, the suffering is ready to embrase you
If I'm not mistaken, this movie (or a play, maybe) sometimes referred to as (M)Учeник
Учeник = a student
Myчeник = a martyr

He's probably an insufferable cunt irl

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I hope you're prepared for nobody to understand what your costume is in reference to.

God I wish that were me

I have no idea, I don't even think they've begun filming it.

Buttbuddies for the officers during long journeys

Loved the shot of faux Mr. Hickey cutting off his tongue. While it didn't work, I do love his level of commitment and resourcefulness to everything he did.

in the olden times, peeps didn't have porn. they just jerked and used their minds eye

Shut your whore mouth, he seems like a very nice man.

What did he mean by that?

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What makes you think this?

manlets are often difficult

There's only one Russian Chernobyl tv show that matters. First season only of course

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Ugly manlets are, there's no reason for qt manlets to be.

someones in love

to walk invisible

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meanies ar bad

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I noticed, it's pretty cool.

Just a well done antagonist.

Damn, young Gorby-chan was cute.

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What did he mean by this?

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he wanted pee

Imagine if you pulled him over your knee and spanked him to curb his cuntish behavior haha. I bet he'd never see that coming am I right haha

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it's all so tiresome

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I want to hang out with them
But also with Nagaitis ;_;

>Pilkinton is in every of these photos
>barely appears in the show

How does he do it

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i only know blanky and james

Say something nice about /my guys/ pls

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>blonde Menzies

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didnt know this was same bloke

Nice mustache, Akimov!
Cool diving helmet, Collins!

gays go

It's not. I just like them both

Why does Pilkington always hang out with them, he didn't even do anything on the show?

youre just gay

maybe he's funny and nice, unlike u?

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Being nice really gets you far in life, huh. Maybe I should be more nice.

This; I already have a bunch of Soviet crap, all I need is a lead diaper and a stuffed dog

Can you tho?

There is some weird girl who is obsessed with him on instagram and draw fan art of every role he's in but he's still polite and comments on the photos. Seems like a nice guy.

I actually put in effort to be nicer every single day. One day I will be very nice.

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Collins had the best hair in the Terror, no doubt

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Be careful, I once got banned for this picture. Apparently a cartoon man's buttocks aren't advertiser friendly.

What this pic even supposed to mean? Didn't watched the Terror, but I surely will soon.

david young's actor is so cute :3

in his mouth

wrong, as usual, anons

It's not FAIR

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And remember, God lies in all realms!

Why was Crozier such a dick to Hickey? If he didn't lash him for doing something helpful maybe things would be different.

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He knew Hickies was a fake. And hickies deserved every single bad treatment he got from the start.

>In a thread full of Hickey asshole salivating

Not him but, this is why these threads deserve to die. One post out of order, and the faggots start eating their own kind

Anyone else started reading on the actual story, and about other Polar-related expeditions after watching the show?

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>stays loyal to god
>dies a horrible death at the hands of a manlet sodomite

What did god mean by this?

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He was helpful on the voyage, who cares if he killed some retard.

irving got his just comeuppance for being an intolerant bigot

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He wasn't helpful at all. And pretty much everyone died because of him. He didn't even know where Lady Silence's camp was. He was just an opportunist who got his just desserts.

Just because you fantasize about him, doesn't mean he was helpful, or good, or anything positive.



War movies

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They both deserved better

I can't remember the saying now but it was in some documentary about the sea: "Beyond latitude x there is no king, beyond latitude y there is no God."

They should've gone to Antarctica. Penguins are inherently more kino than polar bears. I mean have you seen Planet Earth 2?

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I just want some Shackleton and his crew kino

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>if you want Soviet suffering
The only commies I want suffering are the ones in the U.S. The actual soviet people have suffered enough

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Did anyone ever have someone like dyatlov as your boss?

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I was the Dyatlov

I agree but Russian literature and kino make suffering really poetic and compelling.

what would Dyatlov think of Hickey?

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I've had multiple, but luckily only for a short period of time usually.

>milquetoast socdems

burgers have it really bad

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>mfw I have to lash a fuckboi yet again

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>Irving shitting on Hickey for being a sodomite when he himself is a degenerate who wants to race-mix with the possibly underage Lady Silence

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Is that from the book? Irving was a pervert?

Yeah. He wants to fuck Silence real bad, and Silence is any age between 15 and 20.

the fact that you consider them closer to moderates makes me think you're even worse

Not great, not terrible

The Russian show is going to be so bad.

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God I want to be the guy who lashes people

I'll put a bullet in my head beforw i drink gin

Dead Man's Bluff is a hilarious post-soviet gangster comedy everyone should see.

I don't think I've ever watched Russian cinema before, is it shit?

Goodsir's chops have me jealous

When are they gonna be in another kino together?

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>no The Terror season about Scott’s doomed expedition to the pole

>You will never have a weird girl draw fan art of you everyday.
Why live

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What the fuck?

>degenerate homos must corrupt the bonds of brotherhood
Hickey is a perfect representative for them.

hickey wouldn’t have corrupted anything if only gibson hadn’t broken his heart

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I'd be a bit creeped out if I were him

Hickey was a psycho who killed "Hickey" from the start. The homo stuff was just a way to manipulate men he otherwise had no power over.


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And with good reason. He was such a small part of the show, I don't understand how someone could become that obsessed with him.

That's in the book, in the show he's just full homo.

i think hickey was legitimately homo

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In the book he's a complete disgusting psycho who basically only fucks men for control and has no real sexuality beyond desire to dominate people according to Dan Simmons. But Simmons also confirmed show Hickey is legit a genuine homo and he found that an interesting take.

You could always be the hero we all deserve and buy it and upload the subs or a new rip yourself


No, thank god.

How come this board worships Dyatlov when he did everything wrong and passed the blame on everyone else?

and that makes him a psycho

You guys know they had Xenon issues while they were making plutonium at Oak Ridge, right? Xenon build up on the very crude nuclear pile at Oak Ridge. Made me think of it watching Chernobyl.

I wish there'd be another massive nuclear meltdown somewhere in the world so we could get more radiation kino, but I doubt it'll ever happen.

Here's your crew

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They probably just didn't have the time to include all that.

They are /fa/ as fuck, honestly.

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>this is my favorite Akimov pic

Make it happen

Which actors do you wish had been on the other show?

I wish Sam Troughton who was Akimov in Chernobyl was on The Terror. He would've been a good fit.

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i would’ve loved if tobias were in chernobyl

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>I forgive him. I forgive them all. But you.
>I didn't have anywhere near an equal on this expedition. But you.

Pottery. I'm on my third rewatch and picking up new things.

It should've fucking happened. They already had Roose and that Dagmer guy, why not Tobias?

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I would if there were any power plants near me.

I'd say keep your fingers crossed that China fucks up one of their CANDUs, but China would be nowhere near as open about it as the USSR.

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qt rare Hickey

I'm imagining Stellan Skarsgard being in The Terror and I like it.


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The Tupac should have just been a regular polar bear. The cgi hybrid creature shit was the show's only mistake imo

I prefer them uncut.

A regular polar bear wouldn't have even been a threat though.

Irl Collins and irl Fitzjames are /my guys/

Well then a regular looking, but giant polar bear

Just finished the series. My fucking god, that final episode, that epilogue, that music. One of the most moving scenes I've seen in awhile. My feels were not prepared

Who else could have done these things? They heard me, but they listened to you. Of all the ministers and all the deputies -- entire congregation of obedient fools -- they mistakenly sent the one good man. For God's sake, Boris... You were the one who mattered most. :'(


Feel with me bros

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Also Brat 2 if you're from /pol/, classic film

Franklin looks like a midget

Why was this a big deal? Why did a soldier com notify Boris and Valery?

Are you Alex Ferns's wife?

Those are some nice asses.

is this kingsman?

I meant to post this but its still a hilarious post

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Did he died?

>Mr. Collins ... I am an RBMK reactor. Do you know how I work?

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imagine preferring mutilated genitals
next thing you're gonna say you also prefer fake boobs

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>safe sane and consensual
even gay porn needs to be the most Unproblematique experience possible for fujos. good god.
but you didn't answer. is that screencap about kingsman?

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Yes, we were shitposting in a mfu thread and thats the one that made me lose my shit

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how do i get this natty physique?

this is a perfect general because those 2 shows are literally the best thing on TV ever

It was honestly fine the less they showed it. Whenever they showed it, it ended up being a mistake.

Cleaned it up a little bit

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These two shows showed me how important almost droning like soundtracks are to making a very dramatic show come to life.

these two shows showed me jared harris is probably the best actor alive

He is amazing. He was also given an excellent script with excellent directing and fantastic music for both shows.

These two shows showed me beautiful chins

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>this projecting

No one has attacked you and you have literally no evidence that those anons are fags.

They should have made the lady scientist a black woman.

whoa, is that black jack captain randall? im starting to love this dude, im assuming this was the terror? he was one of the few good thing in got, and is outstanding in outlander

Old victorian slang for an effeminate man, roughly comparable to the modern "basedboy".

Wow, the filter is still on, huh?

they should have made the lady silence a black woman

But user that would mean taking a role away from another woc. For shame.

He's amazing in The Terror. At the start of the show he's the right hand man of a terrible leader but he really shines in the second half.

They should have made Crozier a black woman.

absolutely based. i wish it had a sequel.
i'm a huge hitmanfag and everytime i play that game (2016, sapienza map to be precise) i listen to this movie's soundtrack. it sincerely elevates the experience to something vanilla hitman music could only dream to accomplish.

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Hold on, there's a Terror Season 2?
>Internment Camps and Japanese-Americans
>Oh, and some spooky specter
Any bets on what the specter is?


>Any bets on what the specter is?

Mr. Hickey

Probably some sorta gook spook, like a Kitsune or Tanuki or Whatanooki.

it will never even come close to season 1

what if tuunbaq got exposed to the radiation at chernobyl?

The ghost of Collins. It escaped from the tuunbag, an has unfinished business.

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>look forward to the party, Mr. Collins
>a little fun is what is needed

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what the fuck was hickeys problem?


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Why didn't Crozier and co. just fucking chain him up?

>he likes mfu
fucking based user, its severely underrated. Everything about it is about as on par style wise as chernobyl, its just so fucking cool looking. sequel never ever still makes me ree because guy henry deserves better than fucking aladdin

Fuck boys, i'm starting to have dreams about working in a nuclear power plant

Being a homosexual.

How much radiation are we talking? Looking at the core? Roof cleanup? Trudging through feedwater?

Nothing, he'd mating press core-chan


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This show will get meme'd to death, right?

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Graphite up his ass

Impossible, there is no graphite. What you saw are cairn stones.

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Can you explain to me how an HMS ship ends up *on top* of ice?

it froze with the water and over the years the ice accumulated under it, tard.

user, he was doing a "Can you explain how can RBMK reactor explodes" joke. Apologize.

...I can't.

LOL sorry

just finished The Terror. it was absolute kino.
what is the general consensus of /ourguy/? for me, it’s Goodsir.

>the scene where Sitnikov goes on the roof, followed by Dyatlov being carried out, and all the shots of the absolute chaos that's taking place, ending with a shot of the reactor looming in the distance
>all this coupled with the droning depressing music


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based grandma

i'd recommend watching Durak (Fool) movie of 2014. It's basically Chernobyl in its message.

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From The Terror? /Collins/.

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are you stupid?


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then why cant you?

why didn't they eat him?

Didn't Hickey get to his corpse?

I love a detached retina

yes, he got fucking eaten anyway, and by the bad guys, francis should have fed him to the men.

Wouldn't that be even worse for you then the cans because of the lead?


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I think the scurvy would have killed them faster than lead poisoning, hence why fresh meat was important

Why did Hickey think it would be a good idea to time travel to the 1980's and live in the fucking Soviet Union?

Watch it Hickey

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because of the radiation


Can't tell which one seems more kind in that picture.

Goddamn what a casting.

Probably because he was busy filming S3 of The Crown dummy, and Netflix probably is paying him more for that than he would've gotten from HBO

But he missed out on being in true kino and is instead gonna be remembered as the retard uncle on GOT for normies.

terrible leader... A sophisticated Chad leader

a man of culture

Emily Watson is my momfu.

That's fujos aka femincels. Inceldom manifests in women as an obsession with gay relationships, and fantasizing straight guys in gay relationships in particular. You don't see them shipping actual gay characters or obsessing over actual gay relationships in tv and books, but they go rabid when they see bromance or any kind of camaradarie between men.

It may be cause they can't have such wholesome friendships with other women and in their damaged sick subconscious minds such bonds between people of same gender has to be sexual and involve romantic love. It's quite possible they envy such strong bonds cause they can never have them, and try to smear it with their revolting graphic porn garbage.

Or simply it's just lack of sex turning them into perverts.

Inceldom is bad for you.
Have sex.

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>Roose and that Dagmer guy
>no love for Jory

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>You don't see them shipping actual gay characters or obsessing over actual gay relationships in tv and books

They do though when it's well written and features main characters, fujos love SKAM which is nothing but gay relationships all over the place. But most canon gay characters are usually written to be side characters with no interesting personality or interactions with others, hence why fujos prefer fully fleshed out main characters who have a strong bond with another man. There do exist ships involving two straight dudes that both have fucking no character at all (like Hawkeye/Coulson from the MCU) though and there's no excuse for that shit, those fujos are sick.

Also it's not that deep, men enjoy women-on-women, women enjoy men-on-men, women obviously need more stimulus than just seeing two dicks collide to get off, so they create a whole romantic fiction in their head about these characters falling in love and fucking.

based. he was so perfect.

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You forgot Come and See. It's Partisan suffering in WWII.

I always forget Jory even exists.

Oh shit, how could I forget. It's really great and so is Tarkovsky's Ivan's Childhood which is vaguely similar.

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I mean you're not wrong and it doesn't just apply to femcels. A woman can never truly know or comprehend what camaraderie and friendship between 2 males are like. Women are by nature too competitive.

reminder that the hickey we know and love was not irish, merely pretending to be so

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>A woman can never truly know or comprehend what camaraderie and friendship between 2 males are like.

true, but by the same token a man can never truly know or comprehend what camraderie and friendship between 2 females is like. the insistence that women can’t have deep bonds of friendship with each other is pretty dumb.

>cutting off part of your dick to impress women
The Modern Burger.

Because IRL Dyatlov was a completely different person that defended the actions of his subordinates till the day he died and never blamed them for what has happened, giving out lengthy and constructive criticisms of RBMK's design instead.

absolute unit

>prolonged descriptions of characters lusting after 2 separate underage girls in the first 1.5 chapters of The Terror
Wtf Hickey seems like a saint now

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I just finished it. So allegedly it's a 9,5/10, hm? Strongly doubt it...

So many facts they altered, to make their tear jerking drama work. Could have been great but wasn't.

lol ok dyatlov

Good, fuck the Irish



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Make Hickey my bf right now

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wrong, his name isn’t irish and crozier was surprised to find out he was irish when he got a chance to meet him

>Soviet suffering
If only there was an adaptation of Leonid Yuzefovich's 'Winter Roas'
>tfw scraps of White army return to Siberia from China to fight Red army after the Civil war is already pretty much over
>tfw they are hopeless romatics believing themself to be somewhat of the crusaders
>tfw their leader Pepelyaev is melancholic autist who thinks his destiny is to probably fail and die there
>tfw there's still some greedy fucks who just want to buy cheap furs from locals amongst them
>tfw at some point they march through snow at minus 50 degrees Celsius
>tfw cannibalism amongst deserters who try to survive in hunting cabins in the woods
>tfw Pepelayev-Strod stand off at some shitty abandoned village
>tfw piles of frosen dead comrades and their horses instead of redoubts
>tfw tiny groups of survived Whites trying to make it to coast and fuck off back to China
Would be some great Russian suffering in the North kino

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>Winter Roas
Fuck, Winter Road

>not putting Tobias' face on book Edmure and constructing your own GoT in your fantasies where everything is exactly like in the book except with the actors you love


Good morning /ternobyl/

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I want to be teacher Akimov's pet.

did LITERALLY nothing wrong

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Based and Basedpilled

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Goodsir is a sodomite and isn't even a real doctor.

I want to be Akimova

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Reminder that Collins was happy once.

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>ywn lovingly whisper 'Sasha' to him
Why even live bros?

Don’t remind me, user :__;

I miss these two niggas like you wouldnt believe

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Can’t tell who the first is on the left but the rest are Pilkington, Hodgson, Des Voeux, Tozer and the remaining ship boy from Little’s group


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Why are you so rude user?

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Me too

new thread?
