Is Iron Man real life?

Is Iron Man real life?

Attached: flyboard-afp-m.jpg (1024x576, 102K)

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It's goblin you retard. Get your capeshit right.

You leave Isabela Moaner out of this!

Good one, made me laugh.

Imagine him getting sniped, and then just having a dead Frenchman floating around above your battlefield

I doubt it would stay up with a dead dude slumping over. But talk about easy targets.

>stick soldier on a drone
>it's considered high tech
wow, we truly are living on the world of tomorrow

The concept is retarded but I'd love to see 1000 of them awkwardly charging over the battlefield, that would be the best scene in 15 years of capeshit.

Its not really a drone. It uses a jet for propulsion.

even so, it's pretty underwhelming. Pic related is much cooler.

Attached: birdy_bois.jpg (750x480, 108K)

The UK has Iron Man

I really love these retarded army projects, at least I know some of my tax money is not going to feed a rapefugee.

Attached: One man flying platform.webm (555x382, 2.79M)

so this... is the power... of n64

>OUT, AM I??

Attached: MGS3.webm (484x360, 2.86M)

This is just an accident waiting to happen

>not dangerous at all bro

wtf its the flatwoods monster

I don't think that one is a military project here - just a private venture.
The only military connection is that the guy who pilots it, is a former Royal Marine and they take him along to some events as a publicity stunt doing shows with the Marines.
