For me, it's a tin of Skoal straight and an ice cold 6pk tall boys of Narragansett lager

For me, it's a tin of Skoal straight and an ice cold 6pk tall boys of Narragansett lager.

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>tfw smokeless tobacco is illegal in my cucked shithole country

wtf where do you live?

Ireland, it's illegal to sell and EU members probably won't export it but I think you can import it on a personal scale.

That's fucking gay lmao

>he doesn't dip cope

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dipping is like the gay version of smoking

If you think that's bad, all off licenses have to close by 10 pm and they're probably gonna bring in price controls on alcohol (which arguably the huge VAT already is indirectly)

>use Skoal

why do people do this? beer isn't that great already, but tobacco and beer sounds like the most puke inducing combination on the planet

This happens in Minnesota as well


Enjoy your cancer!

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fucking miss gannies so much. i use lone star in its place, but it's not the same

For me, it's /snus/

For me, it's Bang Sour Heads energy and grizzly wintergreen

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none of that pussy skoal

for me it's iced latte machiato and an almond croissant

Funny you mention lone star, they just started distributing that up here in MA a couple years ago. I like to buy it because it's cheap and tasty, still prefer Gansett though.


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For me? A half gram of indica hybrid.

brutal soimogging

>yankee lager
Moderately based

That book any good?

Is that the jaws beer?

This is the only correct answer

Cope is ok but the flavor runs out too quickly. You can enjoy a dinger of skoal for a solid 45 minutes whereas cope it's 25 minutes.


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Yes it's a very enjoyable read good prose, interesting narrative.

tobacco is vile and I'm going to go ahead and assume that that beer is piss

beer store a few blocks away from me carries this beer, how does it compare to PBR?


tastes better than PBR, fresher.

For me, it's a nice fat baggy of нocвoй and the cheapest shit beer on sale at ATБ

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let's play country music from my jeep and play some lax catch at the park fa m

You're like the gay version of a man

le gum cancer has arrived

very cool, i'll pick up a sixer on the way home

Even cigarette smokers rarely get cancer. Most people who do are heavy smokers (multiple packs a day).

It's banned EU wide, only sold in Sweden somehow. Been thinking of ordering on eBay but I might get arrested for drug trafficking or something.