What is the most hopelessly blackpilled film?

What is the most hopelessly blackpilled film?

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What is that from?

Event Horizon.

Event Horizon

hellraiser 4

Chinatown, no contest. Directed by fucking Polanski, it's like the universe is rubbing our faces in it.

I thought so.

The Sopranos Season 6B

The new Hellraiser anthology series.

Saló:or the 120 days of chuck

How did the ship become evil?

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Spending an eternity in hell


it entered hell by mistake

The Road

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Whatever, the film.

>proceeds to fold a paper in half and pokes a hole in it with a pen

The 22 films of the MCU, if you are actually paying attention

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Synecdoche New York

the funniest thing is the corruption of the english language in post-apocalyptic England

>What is the most hopelessly blackpilled film?

Tzameti (13)

The Last of Us

Air Bud 9: Into the Warp

Has a happy end

>22 films
Jesus fuck

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No it doesn't

Earth is forever fucked and pretty much all multi-cell organisms are extinct besides humans and 1 dog.

It will take 100's of millions of years for earth to recover

there it is!

>happy end
Geh ins Bett Hans

Entering a hell dimension, some theories say it’s the chaos dimension from warhammer lore

Watched it expecting fallout, remember watching Family guy after to elevate the misery

The Counselor was pretty good.

>The world in which you seek to undo the mistakes that you made is different from the world where the mistakes were made. You are now at the crossing. And you want to choose, but there is no choosing there. There's only accepting. The choosing was done a long time ago

The boy was born into that world and he finally got what he always wanted, thats a happy end

Leck mich du Hund

Event Horizon starts really well, and by the end of the movie we’ve got a dumb fistfight between a demon and the protagonist, complete with cheesy “psssh!” punch sound effects. The last thirty minutes are awful.

that's what happens when the studio interferes with the director when he's making a movie.

such a great concept

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What was the original ending like? Can one find the script online?

Cormac McCarthy is nihilism concentrate

It entered the Warp.

Threads is the ultimate blackpill.

Apparently the video of the crew of the event horizon was longer, as well as the visions grant displays of the Lewis snd Clark crew entering the hell dimension/being tortured

Would’ve been a full clip instead of flashes but studio wouldn’t allow it. There’s a rumour that this cut was found in a salt mine a few years back, can’t source it though

Still my favorite Scifi horror, much better than alien imo. As a horror movie I mean, Alien is still the better movie overall

Most of the footage they found was too degraded to use, here's some of it though:


the ultimate blackpill is that we will never see event horizon uncut

excellent choice

Heaven Knows What

Vas is das?

Is that the one where he finally gives in to the whiskers of chaos?

threads, a meme flick about nuclear war. everyone acts like it's super hardcore but it's pretty boring.

I wish there where more like event horizon, though it’s probably difficult to execute. Would it be right to call it cosmic horror

>What is the most hopelessly blackpilled film?

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>maggots eating body parts
seeeeewwwww scareeeeee

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Check out Pandorum

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Yes, it is cosmic horror, since it deals with the smallness of man and the vastness of the unknown.

That one was weird, I remember watching it with 22 and I loved it, recently rewatched it 7 years later and thought it was absolute trash.

if you guys like this kind of shit then seriously, read 40k Novels. You don't even have to acknowledge the game, just read the books.

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commit suicide

dont listen to this idiots.

its from the philadelphia experiment

Every Bergman movie with the exception of Wild Strawberries and Winter Light

Blood Diamond.

"I wondered if God will forgive us for what we've done to each other. Then I realized: God left this place a long time ago."

Based too-retarded-to-properly-images each poster

Like, what book? I know nothing about warhammer, what would you recommend to give it a try? Sci fi horror sounds great

Dancer in the dark, you faggots.
>All these meme answers.

Is Event Horizon any good?

>inb4 40k kidtards



Why the homophobia?

No. Objectively a shit movie that some people only remember fondly because they saw it when they were 9.

They eat him bro. They're the cannibals that were hunting them in the bunker

warhammer 4k: ultra HD


Fuck the Blackpill.

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crawling down the ladder like that is probably the weirdest thing about the video honestly

>ending is a qt white woman along with two niggers

Yup, I'd call that cosmic horror.

That's not in the book

Blindsight by Peter Watts, absolute GOAT scifi horror/blackpill book.

this movie is 40k for babies, ironically.

go to Black Library and check out their books, they employ a lot of different writers so there are dozens of series all depicting different parts of the setting and different perspectives. There are books that are 1 offs, and many that are meant to be read in sequence to another one, just grab whatever looks interesting to you and do a little research. If you like sci fi horror then you'll want to focus on the books that involve Chaos, since those will have all the demons and shit in them.

40k is babby's first scifi, it's honestly embarrassing that anyone over 18 likes it

black library is trash filled with trash writers

fuck off and shoot yourself you dumb fuck

trilogy of 80s nuclear holocaust KINO:

> threads
> the day after
> miracle mile

all of them miserable as miserable can be. 80s comfy aura is just that, imagine living in an era of nuclear holocaust and HIV.

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It is in the film

Yes it is faggot

The Two Towers: Extended Edition (Widescreen)

where else do 40k books exist then? oh enlightened one

its been around since the 80's kid, its responsible for more than you know.

You're both full of shit, kys

essential despairkino

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This is great, but the ending is the opposite of blackpilled.

nowhere and that's the best thing about everywhere else

40k is trash fuck off

obligatory Houellebecq-pill

ah ok, go read Asimov for the nth time you pseud.

>Sci fi horror sounds great

If you want some existential sci-fi horror that leaves you with crippling despair, read Blindsight.

There's a good reason that Yea Forums has a fat boner over it.

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the minds of men. there is nothing more hopelessly blackpilled than the reality you live in.


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There's a bird in the film and an insect, both of which they come across as they head south, with the sky also getting lighter. I don't think everything has died out

>don't read 40k, its for children!
>read this book about space vampires instead!
never change Yea Forums

>if you don't like SHIT you must like _________

seriously shoot yourself brainlet

Not really...

While I do like the idea and visuals any of the actual horror parts fall flat. The one scene I do like is when the kid gets mind controled or whatever and opens the air lock

>this mad because he can't reverse image search

pandorum is fucking trash. never got why people shill this


no no, go read some lovecraft, because you obviously love the genre of sci fi horror, or else you wouldn't be in here, so please go tell me how profound and amazing lovecrafts giant space monsters are and why 40k's are somehow not, you people have your heads thoroughly lodged up your asses.


good one, but also...

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Decent or average for its genre. It is the gore, set and concept that made it interesting.

>There's a good reason that Yea Forums has a fat boner over it.
since when?

It's even more obvious the family that find the kid are cannibals in the book

The film got fucked over hard by studio meddling.

Originally, there was going to be zero narration or exposition: just Ben Foster bumbling through the ship. The audience was only going to have context clues and sparse dialogue to figure out what the fuck was going on.

The Human Condition (9 and a half hour long Japanese film)
The Tragedy of Man (animated Hungarian film)
Flight From Death (documentary)

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the movie tone is ruined when the black guy comes back

Not him.
He has a point. I like 40k for the models and old lore but the BL library is awful.

>that echoing vault harrowing shit will never be expanded on

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>so please go tell me how profound and amazing Shakespeare's love stories are and why Stephanie Meyer's are somehow not

It's not about the subject matter, it's about the quality of the writing. 40K is kiddie tier, and shit kiddie tier at that. You would unironically be better off trying to defend the Hunger Games or John Green or some shit.

>Earth is forever fucked
what a blue pilled thing to say
>100's of millions
That is nothing in earth years

It will recover and will host new beautiful creatures

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yea I really don't care, I'm not here to tell you guys what you like and what you don't like. An user asked for sci fi horror suggestions and I gave him one, then replied to some pretentious cunt who chose to attack me.

What is this expression even meant to convey

Read another book

>it's about the quality of the writing.
this is like trying to argue the quality of art. I think Van Gogh is a fucking talentless hack, but other would disagree with me and I couldn't tell them they're wrong, its art.

I will, books are great and its not a competition.

actually, the Earth will become uninhabitable to all cellular life in 800 million years due to the Sun emitting more heat as it ages. it's not correct to act like "100s of millions" is nothing.

your politics boner may be further engorged to hear that all the CO2 we've emitted will be reabsorbed by rocks in 100,000 years, though. so there's that.

>dude everything is subjective lmao, Rembrandt, the crayon drawing on my fridge, neither is really better, it's all just opinions man

Absolute cop-out of a post. You have shit taste and you're making shit suggestions and you deserve to be called out as the manchild you are.

>a fucking talentless hack

that's objectively a stupid thing to say, though, because a hack is someone who copies other artists, and he didn't. you mean you don't like his paintings, but you're using language shittily because you think it sounds assertive.

This is the most pseud post in the entire site right now

and yet you all understood my meaning perfectly, kindly fuck off now, you pretentious cock gobblers.

Like what?

Gears of War?

Fucking Destiny?

Starship Troopers?





>stating the oldest known truth of art is pseud tier

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Blindsight has nothing to do with WH40K and all of his books are pretty good, I don't think he has any book where things end up on a nice note

What exactly is wrong with Van Gogh tho?

His paintings are comfy

Impressive isn't it, truly a "marvel" of our times. That's about the number of James Bond movies that were made in the last half century.

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>earth will become uninhabitable to all cellular life in 800 million years
> it's not correct to act like "100s of millions" is nothing
If that is the case, considering for how long this planet has been around I would say that it had a good run

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>something can't be good if isn't part of my critically acclaimed list of shit that other self righteous fuckwads said was good

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I'm just not a fan of that style of art, I can see how it may appeal to others but it doesn't do anything for me. to me it looks like an angry teenage throwing scribbles onto a canvas, which is fine I guess, its conveys emotion, but that still doesn't do anything for me.

Shit game

why the fuck are we here

to argue over trivial and ultimately pointless subjects.

I hope Billie's music career dies and she starts doing porn. She has the perfect blowjob face.

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the only blackpill about this is how big of a nutjob the people who made this "doc" are

Unironically Der Untergang. I can't think of another film which so effectively captures the sense of hopelessness, dread, and impending doom.

if you compare picasso to michelangelo, picasso literally looks like a crayon drawing on a fridge, so yes.

Search for meaning is a human feature.
Outside of the human world there is no meaning.
In the end the base condition that allows a human to experience something is being alive.
So in the end boils down to surviving.

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Acting like that is an objectice truth sure is.

Well Starship Troopers (the book) actually influenced 40k a lot, but 40k in turn influenced the Starship Troopers movie. But yeah everything on that list is basically correct and there’s probably a few more that could be added.

It harbored evil people

Complete aside but I'm terrified of the concept of death

Like I can vividly imagine lying there in a hospital bed as my life slips away knowing only the void awaits and of how terrified and helpless I will be.

And there's thousands of people experiencing it for themselves as I type this.

And there's no possible escape.

And the death of a nation,Germany will be dead by 2050,100 years after its last defeat.Fells sad in a way,but they deserve it.

and here it is, the one who had the audacity to label me as a manchild now wants an excuse to delve into the "stop liking what I don't like" argument, pathetic.

It's set in the Doom universe

Just to suffer

Existence at all is bizarre and a complete joke.

I didn't label you as shit you schizo, you were talking to someone else

OK so you're telling me that Starry Night looks like teenaged scribbles?

Have you ever seen a teenager painting anything as comfy as Starry Night? Have you ever seen a teenager painting EVER?

Dead Mean Walking is excellent and sad as shit. It's about the Death Korp of Krieg who are essentially WWI German Army in space.

Alternate is Fifteen Hours. Again, very WWI in space, title refers to the average lifespan of a new soldier on the front.

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you don't remember anything from before you were alive correct? death will likely be no different. you may fear drifting through an endless void, but you likely won't be conscious for that drift. If heaven and hell exist then perhaps something different will occur when you die, but if they do not exist, I wouldn't worry about suffering eternity, you won't be suffering much of anything.

Holy fucking shit, never knew that. Haven't read the book & could only stomach one watch, it was so hopelessly bleak as it was.
But it's likely the most realistic view of what all would happen & how shit would be.


you were already dead for billions of years before you were born, it wasn't so bad, was it? stop being a faggot

I mean no offense here, but yes, this looks to me exactly like the kind of painting you would see plastered over some basic bitches kitchen wall, that she painted herself.

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What has it influenced, nigger? That's what I'm asking. Everything that 40kids CLAIM was influenced by it either has power armored space marines, which are a staple of sci fi since the start (let's not mention that they by their own admission are the weakest part of the 40k mythos, which is true), or chainsaw weapons.

Out of curiosity, why did you feel compelled to ask? His post is about how art is subjective, so you shouldn’t need to justify liking Van Gogh to him. Don’t let Yea Forums make you insecure, user, or you’ll start disliking everything as a defense mechanism instead of learning to form your own opinions.

That's the most brutal interpretation. The actual ending leaves it ambiguous because a valid reading is to take the favourable view of people like the boy did and just hope they were good people and not cannibals.

>Reddit spacing
>Calls others brainlets

What kind of fucking prodigies have you been hanging around with and why haven't you accomplished anything with your life?

my apologies

I wanna hear fools speak so I can better understand their retardation.

I'm guessing you don't have a strong grasp of colour theory? Dunning and Kruger may be able to help you with that.

>Love Space Marines since I was a kid, played tabletop Warhammer since I was 12
>Start reading some of the books because I like reading.
>"Oh a big omnibus of Ultramarines novels, sweet! I play this army, I know all about them, let's see what this is about!"
>It's about a Mary Sue Captain of a unit that doesn't exist and was completely made up and also says "Fuck the Codex" after taking on a Necron God alone and then gets excommunicated to the fucking Iron Warriors homeworld where he and his buttbuddy singlehandedly beat three Iron Warriors legions and their Warmasters and then he just gets taken back home and everything is fine.
>Man fuck this, ok give me something better.
>An omnibus about a Chapter called the Soul Drinkers who are kind of weird but they kick some ass so it's cool.
>It's a story about how they literally murder an Inquisitor who's investigating them for doing some fucked up shit and then literally half the Chapter including the Captain get Warp-possessed and turned into horrible mutant monsters, but they still think they're good so they're horrible mutant monsters who fight Chaos Space Marines and try and pretend like they're just a normal Chapter.

I don't think I want to read Space Marine books anymore.

How exactly did 40k influence Starship Troopers in any way?

Is it because it's about grunts fighting giant bugs?

I went to Britain, I went to their national museum, I saw renaissance art, and was disgusted with the lack of talent in comparison. I'm not even religious either.

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why can't you accept that I dislike something which you clearly like? why must there be a reason for that? are you so lacking in conviction that you need an excuse for me not seeing eye to eye with you?


The religious art was just paid for by the church, not all the artists had actual godly inspiration. There's a lot of religious music that escaped the church because Mozart could write it down from hearing it once.

Wow what a unique viewpoint, look how brave you are, we're so impressed that you lie to strangers online about not caring about death

I worry more about the interim. Like insanity where you're still in the meatsuit and aware but you can't access all of the person you used to be. Like imagine sitting in a bed with your grandchildren and not knowing their names or faces but having a distinct feeling that you love them but also there's a fog in your head that means you can only remember details of of your high school graduation and you want desperately to connect with the person you're sure that you know and love but they weren't at that party and you don't have anything else in your head.

I think I'll probably kill myself if I ever get dementia.

No, I need to understand why you're such a faggot.

You seem the be the one getting upset here, user. I'm just asking you to elucidate your shitty opinions.

The fear is literally of the void though, as outright stated. Why bring heaven and hell into it?

"its okay your last moments will be of complete terror and helplessness because it doesn't matter"

Very comforting

considering event horizon came out in 97, its entirely possible that 40k influenced that, even if only on a visual level.

>Ultramarines omnibus followed by Soul Drinkers omnibus
Ouch dude. Though I will say the Soul Drinkers heresy stuff gets better at the end if you stick it out.

Read Guard books, they're way better.

It says a lot about your mental age when all you can list is video games

She's unironically an illuminati industry plant that is made to glorify drug use without actually mentioning it. I mean, maybe she does, I wouldn't listen to her shitty music, much less dissect it line by line. But basically having a vacant, out to lunch expression is "cool", promoting both anti-intellectualism and narcotic usage.


My Dinner With Andre

I don't think anyone can fault you for not liking Van Gogh. He's not the kind of artist that you can just look at one his paintings in abstract of who he was and go "woah, this is worth the 150 million dollars someone paid for it". That being said, a teenager could never do that. Don't stop at the simplistic shapes, I think it's more about the overall movement you see when you look at the painting, and the pairing of colors. Don't listen to the pseuds thinking they're better than you, there is nothing worse than an art dilettante.

that was 2 books but sure, you're entitled to feel that way.

Because it's like saying you don't like Shakespeare because you don't know what the words mean. Opinions should be informed if you expect them to be worth a damn. I'm not sure I understand ballet, I like the music and how the dancers make me feel but I'd never presume to comment on its validity as art.

>but they still think they're good so they're horrible mutant monsters who fight Chaos Space Marines and try and pretend like they're just a normal Chapter.

Even in chaos, I still serve. C'mon, that's a pretty cool concept.

It's entirely possible, but it's also possible (and far more likely) that it didn't.

There’s a reason he never sold a single painting and killed himself, dude. I like his stuff too, but “comfiness” isn’t a criteria most people use with art. Some people are more impressed by skill, and Van Gogh definitely falls short compared to renaissance painters in that regard.
His weird brushwork isn’t as simple as it seems, to be fair. I think where he really shined was his understanding of color though. Personal taste is one thing, but you’re severely underestimating his work. I understand your overall point though.

Expain. Been a few years since I read it

It was actually 7 books, because there were 4 Uriel Ventris novels at the time and 3 Soul Drinkers books. An omnibus is a collection of all the novels in one large book.

So yeah. More than two.

To be fair, Avatar is basically a video game.

no you simply want to argue and im not going to entertain that any further. There are plenty of other people ITT who disagree with me who have the mental capacity to actually discuss things at an intermediate level, good day sir.

Shrek 2 1st edition bluray release, deleted scene number 4

Evangelion live action.

my post stated that there would be no void, you cannot experience a void if you lack consciousness.

Just cuz a nigga didn't sell a painting and killed himself doesn't make him a bad painter tho.

>the minds of men
>literally made by Dykes
haha what a reality folks

>C'mon, that's a pretty cool concept.
It's kind of dumb because from what I remember they basically become like this "rogue not-rogue" chapter that tries to save people and assault Chaos worlds and stuff, but they also fly around in a giant Space Hulk and they keep mutating and they have to attack Imperial ships and planets because they are supposed to be killed on sight. Also most of their Chapter is dead and they have no way of replacing them and also one of their dudes lost both his hands so he replaced them with swords and then becomes super evil and turns into a regenerating jello-man and leads his own band of former Soul Drinkers who have turned to Khorne.

It's all just very weird.

>in English!

*tips fedora*

Good day to you as well, my fellow philistine

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>Like insanity where you're still in the meatsuit and aware but you can't access all of the person you used to be.

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I only remember a few fragments of the whole Soul Drinkers thing, mostly in the last book where Tellos finally admits he's with Khorne, and also where a bunch of Marines are holding a bridge against incoming Chaos forces.

I also read some Salamanders books and the Horus Heresy but really a lot of the stuff just felt like writers having this fascination with subverting everything Space Marines were supposed to be, and all I wanted was a book about a Codex chapter doing Codex things.

I've never read it, I only saw the film. In the bunker there was a dog and two people sniffing about looking for them. The Father thought they were cannibals so they ran. At the end there's the people and the dog and they have stuff from the bunker showing they're the same people. The Father dies so the Boy in desperation takes a risk and goes to them in hope that they'll look after him. The hug the boy but hold him uncomfortably tight which could either be them trying to comfort him or they're trying to stop him escaping

that was a terrifying read.

Here we find the mindset of the porn addict. He maintains a deep hatred for women and only values them for their sexual abilities to please him

Tellos and his little group going schizo was fun, but yeah the Soul Drinkers books came off as anime even for 40k which is already heavily anime.
Horus Heresy would be good but it's got the Star Wars EU problem of being so fucking loooong.

Idk about Codex stuff, maybe one of the one off novels, but desu Marines are pretty hard to make interesting especially if they're rigidly following the Codex.
Despite the bullshittery with doing whatever they wanted and being OP as shit, I had a good time with the Ultramarine Ventris novels, especially Killing Grounds where the Grey Knights show up.

This is the most blackpilled short film I know of for exactly this reason.


The machine spirit was seduced by the Chaos Gods.

there is without question a rawness to the blending of colours that I can appreciate. To make a comparison with music, Van Gogh is to Michealangelo what rock and roll was to Mozart. It's wild, its untamed, its perhaps intentionally out of line and without structure, but in doing so creates a structure of its own. maybe there is also symbolism that I don't appreciate or comprehend, like the moon being part of the sun, either eclipsing it or uniting as one. then there is that white building which stands out clearly from the rest, and the large pillar of flame rising up from the town. There is conflict in this picture, but also serenity, however, on a purely mechanical basis my opinion remains unchanged.

Kinda. The grunts share similar themes with Imperial Guard (propaganda, victory through attrition against enemies which are far more effective in combat) when in the Starship Troopers book they’re all superhumans in power armor. The bugs in the book are a sentient race that use guns and stuff, whereas the in the film they’re more like Tyrannids. The book is where 40k got the concept of guys in power armor fighting space bugs, but 40k is what popularized those two things within the genre.

Prove consciousness ends with death.
Protip: you can't. The existence of consciousness is unexplainable in the materialist/reductionist worldview.

40ks Elder Gods are actually pussy ass bitches who get slapped around by some Grey Knight fag and a Anatolian zombie.

I actually just kind of came to hate Uriel Ventris by the end of his books.

>Dude has been on the Iron Warriors world trying to lead a rebellion of horrible skinless mutant demon babies along with a random rag-tag group of other Marines who happen to be stuck on this world too.
>Gets caught in a battlefield and taken in a meatwagon into the Iron Warriors birthing room where he's other Marine friends get butchered.
>He himself gets stuffed into a Chaos birthing womb
>Bites his way out
>He and One-Arm Buttbuddy are surrounded by Iron Warriors, they're naked and have no weapons
>"You take the five on the right, I'll take the five on the left."
>Get shot to shit, but because they're "too close" apparently the "bolts don't have time to arm themselves so they pass through and through without exploding" allowing this dude with multiple holes in him to still beat up 5 armed Chaos Marines.
>Never mention these injuries ever again.

I was literally begging for it to stop at that point.

Jesus that's horrifying

Fair enough. It didn’t sound like you were trying to start an argument, so I figured I’d offer that advice just in case. Lord knows this place can fuck you up when you’re still a teenager with an innate desire to fit in.

>miracle mile
I fucking love that film.
My stepmother was a pretty successful casting agent, I took her to see it and it fucked her up a little bit. She was definitely used to ‘Hollywood Endings’, MM was a real challenge to her sensibilities.

ok pal keep denying death

I like 40k and all, but don’t go comparing the lore to Lovecraft. That’s just retarded.

It went to Michigan

No it’s not

You’re wrong, it’s ambiguous at best

He doesn’t seem like he’s denying it, just saying we don’t know what happens after. The popular concept of “heaven” seem unlikely to me, but that doesn’t mean there couldn’t be other possibilities. There are more belief systems than Christianity, you know.

>all I wanted was a book about a Codex chapter doing Codex things.

Most of the Ultramarines books were exactly this, a blue boy company deploying to do its thing, which I thought was awesome.

What is consciousness? Why does it exist? Science has nothing to say about it.

Evolution explains why animals evolved from the big bang, but it doesn't explain why we EXPERIENCE anything. In a purely material world, any "creatures" that evolve would be unconscious robots essentially, just carrying out instinct. Like the machines we can build now. But we experience life and have the feeling that we're inside our physical bodies watching our lives play out. Who is it that is watching?

>like the moon being part of the sun
nah, nothing of the sort I would say, when it comes to context surrounding the painting, what is important is that Van Gogh was absolutely mental when he painted, ADHD levels. He was always in a hurry (think Pollock if you saw the movie where he just throws the paint on the floor hysterically), and that movement is translated on the painting itself (look at those curves). I mentionned Pollock, and there is another parallel: expressionism was the first movement in which you could "see" the hand of the painter on the canvas itself. What I mean by that is simply that the paint was so thick, in Van Gogh's case, that it literally stands out of the painting like clumps. That concept later became a thing that influenced a lot of artists in the XX century, and Pollock's paintings are mostly about the art, seen as the imprint of the painter's movements on the canvas (that's why it's abstract, the content is literally the hand movements of the painter painted on the canvas.) That's what I meant when I said you can't really look at Van Gogh in abstract of what he was.

Haha, yeah it’s fucking awful here... please help

Thank you for making interesting posts on this shit board.

Courage The Cowardly Dog

That doesn’t mean they were cannibals.

Recursive feedback in the brain. Complex neural patterns leading back ton themselves.

Everyone who's alive is a cannibal.

Seriously Michigan is a giant shithole, only Missouri is worst. Get out bro

The book is so much better and so much bleaker.

Is it worth watching?

>directors other work mostly consists of resident evil movies

I'm a bit hesitant

>OP asks for “blackpilled” films
>gets a few suggestions
>thread suddenly derailed by three simultaneous arguments about Van Gogh, Warhammer 40k, and the nature of consciousness
Unironically the best thread I’ve participated in for quite some time. Thanks OP.

You just explained nothing. At best you touched on how neurons accomplish the computations they do, which results in our bodily functions and actions. But why is there a consciousness there to experience this? There is no consciousness inside a computer experiencing the computations of the CPU.


I've seen one quality discussion arising from an unrelated thread, but three at the same time? that's new.

>their sexual abilities to please others while he watches

You don't even try to understand. You simply reject the notion of an explanation. It's futile trying to continue with the conversation past this point.

Yea Forums best place to discuss Yea Forums
Yea Forums best place to discuss Yea Forums
/pol/ best place to discuss Yea Forums
Yea Forums best place to discuss Yea Forums

Why is this a thing?

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Nonsense. You've got to have an actual explanation before it can be accepted or rejected. "Feedback loops in the brain" is not one.

Thanks, and one last thing before I go to sleep, I mentioned the movement of the author as art here , and that is precisely where "expressionism" comes from. What counts is the act of expression of the author. In contrast, you have the "impressionist" movement that started roughly around the same time, and that's the opposite": the painting depicts the world as the painter views it (it's not an objective representation anymore). Interestingly enough, the prominent painter of that movement, Claude Monet, painted his paintings all blurry, as if everything was surrounded by a mist (this became the bread and butter of the movement). That is because he had a cataract, and was going essentially blind. So there you go, his view of the world was a blurry mess and he put it on a canvas. I recommend you view his paintings at a distance, they look much better. In this case, notice the difference between the thumbnail and when you click on it.
Modern art is cool if you go beyond the Urinal type edgelordery.

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lesbians are pure. we should only have lesbian porn.

I’m at a weird spot in my life. I’m kinda aimless right now, but I also have nothing holding me here. I’ve been considering leaving, and I think I’m gonna assume the universe is sending me a message right now. Thanks bud, I think this was important.

Seeing this scene just made me want a System Shock movie. Can we please get a System Shock movie?


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Based McCarthy


sometimes a fresh start changes everything

the ending is uplifting though so i don't think so

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Hola amigo

>According to Chinese medical face reading, when the white part of the eye, known as the sclera, is visible beneath the iris, it represents physical imbalance in the body and is claimed to be present in alcoholics, drug addicts and people who over-consume sugar or grain.

>In August 1963, macrobiotic diet leader George Ohsawa predicted that President John F. Kennedy would experience great danger because of his sanpaku condition.

She's fucked

thousand cock stare

"Cave Johnson here. Just wanna let the cafeteria staff know to lay off the onions green. I'm holding a memo from the President, and it turns out that onions green is... [paper rustling] let's see here... doubling in price. Now listen up: I don't care how good people tastes. This stuff's costing me more than lobster, so we're going back to fishsticks."

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I think the filter makers on this website didn't foresee the problems it would create when trying to discuss 1970s science fiction.


Hard to Be a God (2013) is the most blackpilled film I've seen.

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Because you're a brain-dead frogposter

There's actually only one answer and it's Wake In Fright. Every single element in it combines to create the greatest psychological torture movie ever.

>the ruined vacation
>the being trapped in a place you cannot escape
>the constant unforgiving sun and endless sweating
>the loss of fidelity
>the loss of innocence
>the real kangaroo murder scenes
>the complete mental and physical violation of the protagonist

And it's all done in a realistic, believable scenario. It will never be matched and it shall never be replicated.

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Blackpilled people (aka fedora pessimists) need to be put down like dogs. There's nothing positive about their mindset, in fact they only bring society down

Yeeeah, charging fully decked out Iron Warriors unarmed with zero consequences was pretty bullshit, I guess you can either buy into the invincible main character hero or not.

Have you checked out the dedicated Iron Warrios novel, Storm of Iron, that's basically a prequel? It's not bad.

Also Titanicus cause it's great Imperium stuff

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She's been groomed to be a music superstar since she was 4 and the entire industry has her back. She isn't going anywhere.

Open your mind, bigot

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You forgot When the Wind Blows

>since she was 4
>entire industry
Well, that explains the look on her face.

>There's nothing positive about their mindset,
thats the point. Who says everyone has to have a "positive" whatever that means mindset anyway.


>no punctuation
>reddit double enter
>autisticaly angry
People should do the exact opposite of what you say, always.

No thanks.

>I watched True Detective Season One (TM) once

that's a great scene. i don't buy the character being spoken to as a hopeless loser though, but i guess that's cinema for you.

>t. Never opened a non-franchise book in his life
If you'd have read any Lovecraft whatsoever you'd know his stories aren't like that at all.

searching for positives at all costs defeats the purpose of positivity itself. And that's not me saying it, it was a faggot called Buddha, maybe you've heard of him

>implying this isn't a very blackpilled fedora pessimist way of looking at other people

I'd like to see you try

your taste is shit and your understanding of what art is is it too. the crayon drawing is art and so is the rembrandt what you and many others think is art is illustration or painting. there is a difference in writing quality however and black library and its hacks are not it. read more books that are not shit.

If being honest brings society down then please send it down to Hell

The look is fake, user. She's doing the three whites stare so she could tap into the audience of le quirky alternative teenage girls, the same demographic Lana Del Rey exploited in the previous generation of disposable pop singers.

As I said, she's been groomed by her extremely wealthy and influential parents to be a music star from her early age, literally everything she does is scripted.

the concept of germany is a meme along with all other nations. nations are fucking spooks meant to manipulate you. stop being a dunce. fuck nations and fuck governments and fuck capitalism. unironically.

>leftypols first day on 4channel

That works great in Africa. You should move there.

This or The Seventh Seal.

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happier than a pig in shit
and heavier

>nations are meant to manipulate you
>but communism lets you be free and independent ;^)
Why is all left capped at 80 IQ

This is not kino. Fuck off.

Freedom of speech
Alt right we support it they don't give us money
Alt left we support it they don't give us money
Every fucking issue. Both sides agree on 99 percent of shit its just those at top want idiots to give them attention. And money
Fuck I hate both sides just die already with the baby boomers you morons

Go reeeee over a stonetoss comic on twitter, summerfag

>t. Ohiofag
Sorry u don't like the outdoors or euchre


>Angron, he said, his voice low. Angron seemed to flinch, but Perturabo turned and raised his hammer, not in threat or challenge but in salute.
>I speak to the warrior who was my brother in life. You cannot die. You are cursed to the eternal. You may stand here and watch your sons and mine fall, but you will not be released. You will never be released. Not if a river of blood flows
>It matters not, so long as it flows! roared Angron....
>You have a choice said Perturabo into the moment. Angron froze. I shall stand with you, Angron. We were only brothers by blood, but here and now, I shall stand with you if you choose. We shall fight, and I shall fall as you wished to fall before our father denied you the death you deserved.

Let me guess you're a libertarian too

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bluepilled liberal capitalist cuckold good job being fucking retards i guarantee you're all american

i want someone to make a kino of ''i have no mouth and i must scream'' but i know they won't ever do it justice

>the concept of tribe is a grass blade in cave
>tribe is meant to take your rock
>fuck tribe
>fuck elder
>fuck hunting

libertarians are just company cuck fascists too

well, good thread everyone, was fun while it lasted.

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>posts are 90% buzzwords
>reddit spacing

Literally me

I'm neither you mpron. No rational person is a single thing
Pro legalization of cannabis
Anti gun control
Pro universal healthcare option
Strong military
Flat tax
Univeral college and tech training etc
I approach each issue separately not like a regard with his head up his ass

Janny coming in to delete the thread in 3.. 2... 1...

Fuck janny

This is what happens when you get your political education from memes and shitposts.
>can't even greentext
Good old summer. I remember being 13 on four chanz too.

It really isn't that bad, people like you hyped it up and the only thing that was suspenseful was my fruitless waiting for the "psychological horror" that never came.

Only a pussy like you would be scared of visiting the Yaba

book is great, didn't know there is a movie

So you are for gun control, anti legalization of cannabis, anti strong military, anti universal education and anti universal health care option plus you like the government taxing people for making more money

Presumptuous turd.

What the fuck are you even talking about. Are you 13 or a legit schizo?

Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties

It actually is. Maybe you should watch it from the perspective of the main character, who is a mild-mannered, posh professor who just wanted to see his girlfriend instead of ~le super tough guy internet persona.

But by all means, go ahead and get beaten up, trapped, made to kill and eventually raped if you want to.

she has so many pics with black bulls so it's pretty guaranteed she's been spit roasted a couple of times now.

epic retard

lmao fuck off roastie

Art school confidential

>values them for their sexual abilities to please him

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That movie is cringe personified. I get it's partly a satire, but it's a film about contemporary art made by someone who only knows art through tired stereotypes and PragerU videos. It's like it's been written by that autist user who made a dragon in art class.

up in the air with kevin bacon.