Post fun movies that couldn't be made today
Post fun movies that couldn't be made today
Poor, poor Dana Carvey. He honestly thought this movie was going to launch him on a successful career as a lead in comedy movies.
Any movies similar to this?? Enjoyed the humour in it.
All i got was: eurotrip and the usual blazing saddles, airplane!, etx
They literally just made this movie bruh
Hercules because everyone was horny, and a centaur tried to stick his horse cock in Meg so SJWs would be mad, and the Muses were black so it'd piss off /pol/ and it was 2D which will never happen now because of the Jews.
Dude Where's My Car
40 Days & 40 Nights
Boss Nigger
Triumph of the Will
Probably would have if 9/11 didn't happen
well, aside from being near death for a decade.
Unironically my favorite movie ever
If you haven't seen this, you absolutely should. It's amazing
You can make any movie you want, pussy. Who cares if bluehaired women get mad
>>Post high pitched whining by MRAs about how the Jews/SJWs control everything
But that’s every Yea Forums thread, user.
Pure kino that would offend every zoomer alive today.
But that was made just a decade ago?
You'll get deplatformed.
just barely made the cutoff. once obama became president blackface was "wrong" again
grandma's boy is right up your alley then.
Rat race is basically a remake of “its a mad mad mad mad world”, which I recommend if you like old school 60s comedies
Hans Westmar (1933)
still don't know how he got away with this
>tfw the "Crying Game" scenes couldn't be made today
Came out at the right time, thank God. Hopefully the leftists don't prohibit it from being shown on TV.
Why wouldn't this get made? Great movie btw.
No minoritieis
any Wayne film, but this comes first to my mind
Wrong,19 year old zoomer here,me and my friends who saw it love it faggot.
Only good answer itt.
>MRAs about how the Jews/SJWs
>NPC Spouting jargon they read on their social medias echo chamber
Please use the thing between your ears user - itd there for you, not for others.
I'm not sure if of Cohen's movies would've been made today
Context for this webm?
most realistic movie ever. Man I remember when I wasn't getting laid in HS girls were all up in my shit.
guy promises to go 40 days AND 40 nights without sex
Is this the movie that ends with a Smashmouth concert?
Why is there music so perfect for kino?
>19 year old zoomer here
Come back in about 8 years and just maybe you'll have developed some relatively respectable opinions kid.
wonder why you don't see this new in movies anymore.
Blazing Saddles is the film Tarantino wish he could make
Rat Race is such a good film until the ending. The final scene with them all throwing money into the crowd as Smash Mouth sing All Star is so painfully American
it was good for the first half
Thanks for the spoilers you pathetic non-American
All the Austin Powers films
Wasn’t he named “the funniest man of all time” a couple years before this came out or something? What a shame.
not a movie but still the funniest thing ever
It's not that fun, but Sleepaway Camp.
The film came out about 20 years ago geezer
This but unironically. One of the few films where the controversy wasn’t some artificially manufactured bullshit to promote the film, but literally almost stopped it from being shown in theaters.
Before anyone cared about white people wearing blackface. Fred armisen wearing blackface for snl also gets a pass for some reason
A race!
I hope I veen
Corky Romano
The eternal GOAT parody.
god what a shitty movie
>Not enough fuckable kids
Nice try Ep(((Stein)))
>be dunston
>check in
I watched this not long ago and realised where a lot of my parents jokes come from
didn't he do this awful movie just for his children?
Never saw this movie, what's so politically incorrect about it?
>Lovitz, Cleese, Goldberg
>"Quite possibly the funniest movie ever"
Afro whores
this movie was trash though
its about race. (((that))) race. read the movie title
the best part about this BOAN is its direct accuracy in portraying the intolerance on direct contrast to the melting pot that was early America. and the film was so misunderstood he made a follow up called Intolerance that was 3 and a bit hours of reflection on the human history of such things, but the studio cut it down to just one of the segments. In short: Griffiths made films that reflected America as he saw it, as a runaway from the Kaiser's Germany seeing the nascent nationalism in both countries
Tenacious D: Pick of Destiny
This is how every movie should end.