New louiskino in 20 minutes on BBC2

New louiskino in 20 minutes on BBC2.
He's back at westboro baptist church

>Louis Theroux returns to visit the controversial Westboro Baptist Church, investigating what effect the death of its founder has had on its members and those who have since left.

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Other urls found in this thread:!4khmkS6Y!e7zKF-tSHSsoPDTwpLR34I3PV3iKuBV32iWyhJMUU3w

Isn't this 3rd time he's visited these people?

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More shit with the Westboro Baptist Church? Yawn.

He better have found out what happened to Shirley Phelps. She was the damn MVP of that family arguing before The Supreme Court. Throwing her out is straight up insane.

this seems like the autopsy of the trilogy

>yet another documentary on the same soil, with the same people and the same topics

Christ, how boring.

Louis time yeah boiiii

well it would be if shit gear didn't run over 15-20 minutes

fuckin tennis

Wow he is such a brave documentary maker. I wonder if he'll ever make an episode on the Muslim rape gangs operating under the protection of his country's insanely corrupt police forces.

His previous two ones about them were some of his best.

Back to circle the drain. What a joke this guy turned out to be.

Was the girl who quit the one in the first program who seemed on the verge of quitting?

>He's back at westboro baptist church
oh god more murrrica christian bashing how about the faggot go investigate the paki rape gangs in his own country?

Did this guy ever cover Jews or Muslims? Because the Westboro Baptist Church isn't as nearly as fucked up as those other religions.

>be louie
>have no problem watching parents put their kids on hormones
>get pissy when a woman soon to die explains her suicide kit to him

Is whataboutery the last refuge of the seething conservative?

>Westboro Baptist Church

unironically turned out to be right about many things especially in his first meeting where they said american is a faggot worshipping nation

15 years later we got 100 genders and kids are put on hormones

Aren't they essentially dead? Have they done anything in the last decade?

>Did this guy ever cover Jews or Muslims?

I know he's done one called Ultra Zionists. Covered black power movement too.

i know real issues and problems scare the leftist

oh no she went from cute to fuck ugly, shame

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>this random norf fc guy who saw Jeremy Kyle and married the cute girl from the first doc

This is a meme, right?

how stupid did you feel when trump made peace with north korea instead of starting ww3

can you even acknowledge it?

also the husband does not represent the uk, holy shit he is weird

he has a jewish wife so he has to condemn the anti-homo people.

>chest hair meets his neck beard
>Literal Brit incel

Top lel

Why the fook is BBC paying for all those shows in US? Shouldn't he be doing something in UK? Louis go make eurokino, enough with the burgers

I don't want to perpetuate the stereotype that all homophobes are repressed homosexuals. But this guy's straight up gay

>cant do a livestream
i miss old Yea Forums where people even had some basic tech skills

Americans are funny.

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people liked the weird weekend specials of the 90s exposing weird US subcultures

anything else he does no one cares about so they do the same shit over and over again


Is this the last argument of a seething leftist?

spending quality time w/ your dad = road to hell,
ok bud

>never been really around girls

of course he's an incel

That british guy is full of shit. Looks like he married a fatty and joined the church to escape. Based Louis can see this

No. This thread is literally full of seething conservatards whatabouting

can't wait to pirate it

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same thing you do when someone pulls out crime stats

>that must have been very painful

Based Louis asking her about how busted her vagina was after 10 kids
>Louis ran out of material and keeps doing the same shit
>Joe never became a famous director despite getting extremely close, his second film just failed and sealed his fate
>Adam might as well be an alcoholic at this point

are choker wearing girls allowed into heaven

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>so in a sense he's no longer part of the church. So in a sense it's not an internal church matter
Based logical Louis

>Changing the subject again

You have no self awareness do you?

>giving a fuck what the westboro church is doing
Couldnt he have seen what ETSUBATSU or neo nazis were now up to or something new

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>the muslims and gays are why I can't get laid
>this american christian admits no one would want her
he got a plane ticket as soon as he finished jerking off to the 2nd special

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Louis got these guys seething

>conservatards whatabouting
This is a thread about a British journalist going WHATABOUT USA THOUGH and you're complaining about whataboutism? Pretty ironic I'd say

>Did this guy ever cover Muslims?
He tried a few years ago to make a doc about muslim extremists but said it was hard to find many people to basically admit they were terrorists on camera. He also said a couple of the people he was talking to got locked up.

When he failed making a Scientology flick, he released it anyway. Not the case here though, makes you think...

>Making a documentary about something in another country when you're entire career has been that is whataboutery


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i think all the daughters are just unlucky genetically, at 25 they look about 40

how do you feel about trump potentially air striking iran on a whim and definitely reinstating the draft as a result? have fun getting blown up by hajjis fren

Boring, the weird weekend stuff is very past at this point.

>enough with the burgers
burgers are an endless stream of entertainment

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>asking a british journalist to cover british news is whataboutism
Do words even have meaning at this point?

>now why did you just say that right now?
>cause I hate fags!
Imagine this again for 2 hours

Fucking hell, Louis has these guys absolutely seething

What part of that post was too challenging for you?

>so... still don't like the gays... right...?

Do you think he is still there?

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This guy is a Yea Forums poster right?

>It doesnt count when we do it!

>louis makes doc about autism
>louis makes doc about post-natal depression
>louis makes doc about WBC

He goes where the money is, and the money is always in America.

>Literally only butthurt conservatards engaging in whataboutery itt
>B-but leftists do it too

Keep seething

not american but israels greatest goys should be drafted and blown up

the daughter is kind of qt

that pantranny definitely posts on /pol/


>room full of people with women in headscarves because of their religion
>Yea Forums doesn't say a word because they're white christians

Well do you have an answer for that? Imagine a Russian journalist showing up in US and making English language docus about social problems in US. What would you say to that guy? You'd say he's doing whataboutism instead of covering problems in his own country. That's why the term was invented you know, dismiss Russian journalists who talk about US and EU problems. And before you say that's a conspiracy theory, just google it first, that's a fact, pretty sure it's in wikipedia. So I think I'm using this term exactly as it was intended. Now you can argue with me or you can go MUHDIIIIICK on me, that's up to you

Not a christfag but i always liked the WBC for laughing at the american goys who went to die for israel and calling out the normalization of faggotry and other degenerate shit

They might be insane but they had a point

>fringe sect vs 1,8 billion muslims

>be american
>go to anime convention
>see british kid making a documentary for youtube
>ask him why he isn't covering the muslim rape gangs in rotherham
>punch him in the dick then start shouting race crime statistics at him

What's the point they are barely revelent to anything, just a thing for Internet atheists to point at

>Pirating a free documentary...

so you are the guy who beat up gigguk?

Is Louis a real nigga?

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Well there certainly all allowed down my trousers..

>S O Y s still seething about some literally who church decades later

>>ask him why he isn't covering the muslim rape gangs in rotherham
>>punch him in the dick then start shouting race crime statistics at him

is this lefty humor? you know about a terrible problem that gets ignored due to your politics and you think its funny when people who arent self hating faggots bring it up

Just fuck off you dumb fuck.

That's literally not what whataboutery is retard. Whataboutery is, when confronted with something critical of you or your belief/political affiliation, not engaging with that criticism and going"yeah but whatabout X?"

It isn't a journalist reporting on something interesting that nobody else is reporting on that happens to be in a country they weren't born in

Aaaahhw shit maine man I dunno.

What do you think?

What the hell are you talking about?
Pretty much. There’s only ever been like 30 of these fuckers, and ever since the mid 2000’s they’ve gotten way more attention than they deserve.

How dare you louis!!! How dare you make a fricking documentary in the US!!!! You're not allowed to do that!!! Not until every single societal problem in the UK is fixed!!!! And then once that is done you have to tackle topics in order of severity.

Why yes, how could you tell?

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Not same user but in your opinion Louis should not do documents about weird US cultures? I don't get why you are mad about this?

>something nobody else is reporting on
You’re kidding, right?

>christian bashing
protestants aren't christian

all the same shit mr double dubs

He's clearly acting there.

State of those eyebrows.

suggest good subjects for louis theroux documentaries
i'd honestly love to see an incel/lookism one or something about extreme capeshit fans

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where can i watch all of louis?

>thinking anyone is angry about Louis covering WBC
You’re trying to counter non-existent outrage, dipshit.

Incels already feature heavily in his documentaries.

I was watching a BBC Four documentary on the ming dynasty the other day when I suddenly realized: why are they discussing this topic when they should be making a documentary on NIGGERS? So I wrote a strongly worded letter of complaint to the BBC.

Only just started to watch it, and what the hell happened to that cutie that got hitched with a norf FC member?

She used to look so cute, I guess when the wall has 13 years to slam into a woman thats what you end up with...

legally, netflix and bbc i player

pakistanis that rape children in the north of england

It was alright

Literally this

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I'm not sure a rape gang would let him embed himself into their activities, film it and give candid interviews.

>hello i'm making a documentary about child rape. do you rape children? could i have an interview perhaps? *click* hello? are you still there?

he claims to be an INVESTIGATIVE journalist m8

pedophiles in the BBC

This, Americans have the correct balance of stupidity, sincerity and complete lack of self awareness that make for great documentaries

Are you being naive on purpose? Is this your shtick?

Not a bong, how can I watch this?

Louis Theroux meets the manlets

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Cannibals in Nigeria

Why the fuck are bugmen so obsessed with this church that has ~20 followers?

Israelis that sterilise Ethiopian Jews that move to Israel.

shut up you boring faggot

He talks about it on one of his Rogan interviews; like you said, it basically sounds like very few extremists were willing to talk to him and the one who did ended up getting arrested.

Louis isn't really that PC; watch his doc about crime in Milwaukee for example, he's not afraid to go beyond the issue of police brutality and interrogate why exactly so many people are getting killed there.

>He's back at westboro baptist church

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>it basically sounds like very few extremists were willing to talk to him and the one who did ended up getting arrested.
Sounds like he's doing a shitty job on purpose there just to shrug and say he tried.
Nothing on why he won't bash the kikes?

His country doesn't have that problem.

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What have the Westboro Baptists ever done to anyone? They're mildly annoying at worst.

>Nothing on why he won't bash the kikes?

"le whataboutery" is the liberals' attempt to institutionaly prevent a conservative from defending themselves from attack
This is the same thing the ess jay wublbeyous tried to do with "fragility". It's a rhetorical tool used to make any defense impossible

>being young enough to be drafted
Laughing at your life

I for one like it when Louis returns to a subject. His docs are much more about the people rather than the title topic so it's interesting to see where those people end up. Twilight of the Porn Stars
was kino.

Unironically MLS fans

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Have you ever had your family member's funeral picketed by them?

Let's play pretend! There is only one way that any open and honest discussion between someone on the right and left can go. For the sake of the hypothetical, let's take a random subject as an example: inbreeding

>Lib: lol racist republicans are all cousin fuckers
>Con: Actually, actually whites have the lowest rates of intermarriage in the world, the highest rates are found in the middle east and africa
>Lib: well, but, umm...

You see, allowing a response, the libtard has entered into a no-win situation. They are unable to logically argue thier point, and the only alternative would be to admit that they are a lying charlatan.
This is where le whataboutism comes in.
By introducing this jewish trick, libtards can make rebutal, in and of itself, impossible

>Lib: lol racist republicans are all cousin fuckerrs
>Con: Actual-
>Lib: WHATABOUTISM! I win, you lose!

I think it's funny because it's delusional and further exposes reactionaries as the cuckolds that they so plainly are.

They literally cannot stop talking about brown people raping white women.

No. Has anyone's funeral been picketed by them who didn't deserve it? Further, what's the harm?

I always thought it was a missed opportunity to revisit that gay for pay dude. I looked it up after the doc and he's still fucking doing it (or at least, was still shooting gay porn for a while after the original doc).

>Who didn't deserve it?
The soldiers who died in the service of a country that doesn't kill homosexuals on sight, killed by actual savages in the third world.

>What's the harm?
You're putting on this emotionless affectation to try and be cool on the internet, so I'm just gonna tell you right here and now that it isn't working.

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Let's go girls, give me 5 minutes

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>a country that doesn't kill homosexuals on sight
>savages in the third world.

sounds like a conflict between two bad guys

>Louis go make eurokino

Ah yes who could not want more episodes like 'Mothers on the Edge'

literally where


Gee I wonder!4khmkS6Y!e7zKF-tSHSsoPDTwpLR34I3PV3iKuBV32iWyhJMUU3w

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God bless you, you magnificent bastard

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Where is she? Her and Libby were the best ones.

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So, "no," I guess.

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That's pretty based user.

good guy user over here

>Look everyone I'm projecting!

This entire thread has been and trying to talk about a documentary Louis has made, going back to a group he made a documentary about nearly 15 years ago, with you coming in shitting up the thread going"hurr, whatabout mooslem take gangs in Rotherham!" But somehow is the"libtards" that are engaging in whataboutery

based and blessed user

based user, thanks

Does he have a successor yet?

these new docs are boring as fuck

>The soldiers who died in the service of a country that doesn't kill homosexuals on sight, killed by actual savages in the third world.
The wages of sin is death.

>You're putting on this emotionless affectation to try and be cool on the internet, so I'm just gonna tell you right here and now that it isn't working.
You're putting on this emotionless affectation to try and be cool on the internet, so I'm just gonna tell you right here and now that it isn't working.

What's the harm, though? Every once in a while you'll see people waving signs about their political beliefs or a liquidation sale. How much does that mess up your day?

how to spot a sjw at 5000 kms away

thank you user

they have their very own incel now aaaaaahahaha

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Did you even watch it? He's not a member.

didn't say he was, he's at the sermon or whatever and they're having him there

oh no no no no

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Can't wait for more anti-white, anti-Christian propaganda from patronizing Britcucks.

really? another special on these idiots? 2 was enough


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It's open to the public, did you see them acknowledge in any way they knew he was pansexual?

this is what it must be like to believe con men


is this what all soccer fans are like?

Too bad he is a leftist piece of shit, he has no right to criticize anyone else

what are you doing man

Hi Shirley

>he has no right
Actually he has

i didnt watch it yet but literally 'what' the fug is this? this supposed to be some new age skinhead?

He doesn't though

Why are yurocucks so obsessed with what happens in the American heartland?

I want to thank the user for making my evening comf with the new louiskino. Thanks user, may you slay lots of pussy this year

>mocking the capos
it's a good job you used spoilers because these guys seriously don't give a crud

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They want to deflect and laugh at backwards Americans while they have no-go zones and are getting replaced by Muslims and Africans.

>i dont agree with him, so he has no freedom of speech
Wow sounds familiar.
Protip, you won't learn much if you don't even listen to those you disagree with

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darn, those look like some tough people. what in tarnation is this?

Britfags are crying about some crazy hicks in the middle of nowhere that have never committed any acts of violence, while their own children are being raped by mudshits.

this is a terrible opinion, because Russians constantly comment on problems in the US as if that absolves their own problems. It's textbook whataboutism

is this what passes as white in america?

Why won't he make a documentary about the anglo problem?

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>dindu nuffin
Typical burger argument.

>blue eyes
>red hair
Not even American, but looks white to me. I'd be interested to know what "white" country you're from.

>create a network called Russia Today
>no news about Russia, just non-stop anti-western propaganda
It's so obvious as well.

>be me, a pakistani
>live in north england
>just now learnt the rest of my people are have their cocks in free cunny and are getting away with it

ugh, that is disgusting. i cant believe i am the same race as these people? Where? WHERE in north england are these disgusting people? I should go talk to them..

if you think whataboutism is a counterargument then you're an uneducated tradesman or worse, now tell me am I right?

alt-right whites are the lowest form of whites, essentially worse than nonwhite races

>>no news about Russia

Plenty of Russia related news there. Why are you lying? It's clearly an anti-western or at least a Russian government sponsored psy-ops. But then most western media is brainwashed anti-Russian garbage too.

this is some chick tract level delusion holy shit lmao

Calm down Vlad, I know you get kopecks per redirect but we're not clicking your link

Why do arrogant Brits keep coming over to America just to complain about it? Stay on your side of the ocean you subhumans.

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That was really good

Is there a mega link with all his docu videos? Please share

Pol, get out.

Kino so far, was in need of some new louiskino


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Who actually is this?
I know she's got great boobers but is she connected to Louis Theroux somehow?
She shows up in his threads a lot.

Too many refugees where they're from so they have to seek refuge elsewhere so they can bring more refugees

>They voted out Fred the fucking founder of the church before he died
>His daughter Shirley who carried the entire church since the early 2000's was cucked out of a leadership role for being a woman
>Some literal fucking who rando documentary dude is running the show now

What the actual fuck, no way this church will last for much longer.

>Stay on your side of the ocean
If they did that then your country wouldn't have existed.

British glamour model. Probably involved with some British tabloid attempt to smear Louis.

who dat?

Linsey Dawn Mckenzie
The only link I know is she's British.

So when is Louis gonna make some kino about this?

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Who the fuck would agree to an interview in relation to this? Aren't all of the perbs in prison now anyways

the bbc would never allow it

Never since he's a faggot liberal, and he knows he would get beheaded by angry Muslims if he did

Louis has said before it can be difficult to make a series in the UK because they just think "this would be more crazy and funnier if it was in america", this led him to make the one about drinking

and into the trash it goes

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Love how our lad makes all the amerimutts butthurt

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Pretty much this. They’re laughing to their overdoses and premature deaths.

Believe or not child rapists dont like talking about their crimes on tv, he tried it with Saville and got nowhere

I guess you didn't watch Louis Theroux: A Place for Paedophiles.

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>only americans are allowed to criticize america

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Those people were/are in prison for what they did, so the secret is kinda already out.
A bit different than interviewing non convicted pedos out in the wild, don't you think?

true they would rather just make a tv series about it


shit wrong link


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They've got their moms' shitty face but these Westboro girls develop nice racks.

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No beaming tradthot teens lusting for Louis, no hatespeech porn, broken people

WBC was always about the patriarch's harem, this was implied in the first or second doc where Louis asked how many women Gramps had had and only got shushing in return. With the changing of the guard, the numales enjoy having conservative af marriages, but their limp half-assing of their hate speech will undoubtedly lead to the decline of the WBC within one or two generations.

Also big yikes at the bald leaver. She has unironically substituted MCU for WBC.

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Only kino bit was Louis' fourth wall once again being broken. At this point the majority of the WBC has probably joined because of his docs.

Destroyed by the BBC.
Can't make this shit up