/lig/ Love Island General

Putting all your cards on the table

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Other urls found in this thread:


Couldn't decide on the OP pic

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Also, Ovie can' swim. Unseen bits confirmed it

No need to, he can just stand up and be fine

>they finally talk
>it’s about crisps

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show getting real stale lads

did they patch 4chanx? I see replies in r*ddit style wtf

An ad for the Bwitish Ámy?

Stream pls? Not in the country atm


Why is this slapper Caroline Flack given such a high status, and grandiose intros when appearing on the show? Her job could be done by an envelope/text message.


Fuck me, it's a joke Molly you dumb bint

Anton is a fucking idiot

Anton on the ropes

The girls are so miserable christ

Wtf, was there a vote for an elimination?

Oven is broke so had to cook chicken and stuff in one oven

>if you did it we would have been done

It's tommy's fault for ratting out his mate

Roast Lamb geezer

kill Molly

It's as bad as you make it seem

Lot of blacks people cant swim

this fucking show is a drag, this pointless drama and the lads apologising for harmless banter to these deadpan boring bitches

girls can't take a joke

Jordan you cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunt

Ikr Friday was so boring

God I hate Anna.

Just looking at her gives me heartburn.

Had a BBQ with the lads while watching the cricket
Honestly one of the best days of my life

I know man but the way anton was trying to play it off with the awkward laughter was peak cringe

>Anna being a fucking cunt

I kinda like Belle now

Sounds comfy, glad you enjoyed m8

Do the girls really listen to Molly? She's a shit stirrer

Toasted bagels

>Anna giving him shit

belle is so clapped

how can Tommy stand Molly?

Dominos. One half was 'cheeseburger' and the other half was a custom creation consisting of pepperoni, mushrooms, onions and jalapenos.

Belle is pretty cool.

Don't understand why she got irate at first cause she understand it's all bants.

Also fuck Anna for making drama out of it

desu did they even establish whether it was his real phone number? If not this is a COMPLETE non-issue... because i'm guessing the phones they have can't make calls or access the internet proper (and receive texts on some LAN text-service).

Curtis is such a fucking bent weirdo. He has no idea how to deal with women because deep down he finds them physically repulsive.

>It's not your decision
He is going Chad afterall

Barbecue in the garden with a few ice cold cans of Thatchers. So crisp and refreshing on a warm summer afternoon

I was thinking that, he could have written down any old shit as a joke.

What the fuck is the point of tea time audit?

Thatchers pay you for that post?

He literally asked Maura to fist him on extra bits.

Nice to know init

Made orange chicken was sooooo fucking nice

BASED MAURA strikes once again

I unironically had 6 thatchers today lad, I am such a sucker for advertising.

Based Maura giving a speech to Yea Forums

>filling Amber's head with nonce sense

girls are fucking delusional

Fuck off you speccy cunt

Haha no haha I just love Thatchers.

Thatchers - the taste of summer

Vital information mate don't be a sad cunt

The girls look much prettier without all that slap on

everyone creeping on curtis and fran talking and stifling laughter is quite dogshit desu she seems like the nicest girl in there so far leave her alone

1. Maura
2. Lucy
3. Belle
20. Francesca
21. Arabella
22. Yewande
4001. Molly Mae
4002. Amber
4003. Amy the troll

Attached: Aligntment chart.jpg (680x582, 80K)

*tips fedora*

is this the first thread of the night?

Curtis carries himself like a 19th century dandy, type to lay his coat over a puddle for a lady

Who's the best cricketer in the villa?

50 megaton thermonuclear truthbomb: Francesca is pretty and seems to have a decent personality, potentially the best pick in the villa

Heard you could win your own height in thatchers at the cricket. be a shame for pic related to win it

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Poor girl, they filling her head with absolute bullshit. Let her move on. Let Michael move on, it's quite clear he's not interested in neither.

Im gonna send yewande a request for feet pics on insta.

you guys think £100 will swing it?

ye it's true. all the girls are super unlikeable this year

Ovie is rapid


Anton is just too based, he probably

anyone else fuckin smashed from the cricket??

That's a good shout actually, be he has a delivery like a classic windies pace bowler

True lad she’s pretty qt compared to the coven of witches, just hope they don’t convert her

>>Onions milk
Dump her

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I really don't want tommy/molly to win lads, can we meme anton to vicory pls

She seems pretty wholesome, you can tell she isn't a slag by how awkward she was during the dance task.


imagine how would Adam and Megan clean up if they were in this year

Related question - do manlets get drunk quicker than normal sized men?

>bae fell asleep
Should I wake her lads? Reckon she'll make me rewind if she wakes up before the end.

No, /ourlad/ ovie has to win at all costs

missed the first 15
anything juicy happen lads?

Based Ovie

depends how fat they are

based ovie


Alri alri alri

i'll take either

based ovie

Belle looks fit in the mornings but like a pig in the afternoon

dont know why all the girls are attracted to ovie

why wouldnt they be attracted to a magnificent gentleman like myself

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based ovie desu

This series is so fucking boring oh yay another juvenile unfun challenge to sit through


Get in the fucking sea


Genuinely thought Amber was gonna give him a blowie then.

On a serious note he had a top ride

What challenges would you have them do user?

based Ovie

BASED and RESPECTED lig poster is here

This made me kek

Sorry I meant bev

Amber's chebs breaking my reality

Woeful tits on fran

the producers are literally 100 IQ max, do challanges that fucking shake things up

The head movement from Fury

Maura literally the only thing keeping the show going :/ otherwise it's pretty lame right now

what a fucking idiot

Anton you fucking mong lmao

Alpha move is to pie Belle now

>I dodged you once, I'll do it again

Honestly this bitch needs dropped

what was he thinking lmao

Should have pied Belle

Anton is foooooooooooooooked

Anton nooooooooooooooooooooooooo


man Anton is pretty damn retarded


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deserved (you)

what a spastic lmao

Marry Tommy Curtis you bender

/our incel/

Need Sherif back to cunt punt every one of these thots

she has a point man, if your girl did what anton did you would be furious

there's banter and then there's being a complete fucking idiot.
Waitress thing was nothing but that was just silly

Is Anton Autism?

Been watching the us one lads. The lads all strategise together and aren't as roofed.
Girls are the same kind of cunts

If I had to shave my lass's arse I'd be done anyway maaaaate


based ovie

An(t)on from /fit/



anton's trying too hard to be a lad like that tom lad was with maura

One guy from all seasons and one gal from all seasons, who we got?

Would love to string Iain Stirling up by his intestines lads

Lads need advice, anyone gone to the US with a police caution? I got it 6 years ago for minor crim damage. The question on the form is "Have you ever been arrested or convicted for a crime that resulted in serious damage to property, or serious harm to another person or government authority?". I answered no because it wasn't serious and my ESTA got granted. What do we think lads?

And before you say anything, where better to ask than lig?

>tfw from /fit/ and can confirm none of us has any game

Based Ovie giving the pig 2 pies

Tommy tried so hard to read that text


rah harvey's all grown up

99. The other guy

caution isnt an arrest or conviction kid

Where are you watching it to, is it on telly or am I gonna have to stream it?

are there people out there that unironically think Joanna is on Amber's level physically? LOL

him and lucies great tits

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If you didn’t cause serious harm or damage to a property you’re sound la

No idea but I want to know what you did

hello you cunt

Why the fuck is Harvey Price a public figure everyone just laughs at the guy.

Who will look better in 10 years is what you're looking for

google gmvh will answer a lot of questions

chris is a proper lad desu

couldn't of put it better myself son

But I got arrested :(((

Stay at home mums don’t

Nice (you) bait, take this one

>Based Ovie that low


Attached: ovie ovie.jpg (767x431, 48K)

Classic moment in British pop culture

Chadam and Maura

>72% of people have the same lunch every day

suicide inducing information

well i guess it states serious damage and yours was minor, now tell us what you did

Reminder he raped Katie and his sisters

Swap jordan the beta cuck (who cant say shit to ovies face) with Michael who pies roasties left, right and centre.

yeah say no to everything and you will be fine.
i got too drunk and stayed overnight in the police cellls and was all fine for me

It was new years eve and I got pissed and on the way to town I knocked on some restaurant windows saying wahey its new years and 2 bobby's saw me and gave me the ol truncheon (locked up overnight and then a caution and released in the morning.

>"The queen of memes"

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I have coronation chicken every day and its amazing every day

you can also be "arrested" and released immediately. I think they're after charges brought against you?

lads just joined

what did I miss from todays ep?

top kek

amber 100% lol black dont crack is fully real

Should have renewed your knocking licence

a lass I met last night just sent me nudes on Snapchat lads

Oh and the owner of a restaurant said I cracked his window but desu I have no idea it could have been cracked before, also the crack wasn't like from a smash where there's a focal point and cracks going outwards from the point of impact, it was like one long crack from the left side to the right and it was honestly really thin. Not trying to absolve myself or anything but i've always pondered if I actually cracked it because I was incredibly shitfaced.

christ anton ever heard of after sun?
u need aloe m8

Anton is such a melt lmao

>cracked a window from knocking on it
fuck me you should've taken up boxing la

these days if you say wahey its new years they'll throw you in jail

>embarrasses anton
>I would never embarrass someone

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>I would never embarrass someone
>Embarrasses Anton in front of everyone
Great logic

Belle so ugly man, how did she get on this show?

Like she seems nice enough, but come on...

Belle is really fit 2bh

Defo fitter then Dani dyer

how old is belle?

I started taking sandwiches to work a few months ago to save money, within a week I was ready to go postal

Aloe aloe aloe


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are all women insane?

>"the meme"

belle turned into a chavvy munter in 0-60 damn

Based logicians

>im a respectable woman
>im a good woman




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I'm kinda falling for Belle a bit lads. Just a tad

Gotta have a couple fatties these days

I'm afraid so user

Famous dad

>a lass I met last night just sent me nudes on Snapchat lads

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>regularly shaves a man she barely know's arse
>>i'm a respectable woman

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contrasting opinions

molly mae pisses me off t fook

lol you look like this, cunt


womyn do a lot worse than that la’

you’ll learn one day

watched unseen bits for the first time this week, is actually more entertaining as you see actual conversations/banter between people, rather than being force-fed narratives solely through challenges and conversations about relationships/villa dynamics

Fuck me is that him????? HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

He always talks about Stacy's and shagging but look at him jesus what an ugly cunt

post ways you would embarass yourself in the villa

>get pissed of the two drinks and jokingly spar with tommy only to get knocked out for real

Anton is such a precious little bitch lmao

>telling anything to anna

Belle is both fitter than Dani Dyer and ugly.

The lads all going mental and jumping in the pool and splashing about was so pure

u wot

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lol what is anton doing


hope tommy knocks out some Pedros

Dani is my waifu :( she a cutie

being based and a mega chad

Anna is stunningly beautiful lads

The right thing

Anna is such a cunt

belle would be back in her shithole flat if it werent for our lad anton picking her in casa amore
the only reason she is still here is cos the public love anton and keep him in, not cos shes a banger or nothin
absolute nothing of a munter fuck meeee

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based blind and deaf and retarded user



>oim sow excoited carnt wait to gow to thu club..

chimney black typed this on a stolen and cracked iPhone 6s

Yes. For them happiness and fulfilment is only ever judged by comparison to friends and others. They have real trouble achieving contentment.

Tommy’s the lad going about hugging everyone after 5 Smirnoff’s. He’d have you’re back when Deano kicked off though, he’d intimidate them before you got into throwing punches.

Maybe anton can get with fran once maura finally sinks the claws into curtis

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Knowing my luck I'd take a shit and end up blocking the toilet causing overflow then Maura will shout "OOOO TUK A MASSIVE FECKIN SHITE IN THE TOILET?!"

I can't take it.

>get a bonk on during challenges
>be caught staring at Amber/Anna's body of work
>reveal autism power level in discussions about politics, history, geography, economics
>fail to make a move and be booted out without having any impact

Comparison is the death of joy - Damon Wayans

Be nice, he's in this thread

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can't even imagine the grimness of working for the lottery, worse than being a lawyer or worrking in marketing


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Not liking Anton character assassination in this ep lads. What are the writers thinking?

It's why they can never have truly comfy friendships like lads

true, not sure how that lot sleep at night

>extracting money from the poor and ignorant to fund middle/upper class art projects


>check on a guy after he has been rejected and ask if he is feeling "blackpilled"


what do you mean user, Anton is being absolutely based

>glamourising working in a call centre
her life looked crushingly depressing lmao

Fucks sake, I've literally just got my law degree and plan to do my master's.

Was gonna do commercial law too


>go to jump in the pool and accidentally hit my arse off the edge

>Amber gaining weight

Attached: Masters degree in Architecture from uni of bond burger.jpg (1500x1000, 104K)

Why is there a load of cocks in the voxi advert?


>Accidentally refer to something as "based", tabloids report that it's a hate speech term from the evil Yea Forums and get kicked out for being a racist

I dont even wanna check twitter and see all the cunt gels posting about anton being a reet knobed
why do i hATE WOMKENQWE!!!!!

Inbound call centers are fun. Telemarketing is the bad one

These party sequences look so awkward lmao

how many takes do you recon it took

All. According. To. Plan.

I worked for them and got to visit loads of charities, it was a great job.
Wasn't in a bloody call centre mind.

those waitresses are penger than Anna and Belle

I reckon Curtis prefers Fran as a person but he thinks Maura's proper fit and wants to shag her while he's here.

Based Thatchers poster

i'd get real sick of being told to 'party' then being given two small glasses of shitty cava then cut-off

>Using based irl
You'd deserve it desu

yaaah f a m all la’ galdem are mad ting on there

I'm a lawyer, it's not bad. Find the right firm and practice area and it's interesting work for decent money

That club looks absolutely shit, it’s basically a dj on someone’s patio

Franchesca is well fit

>Curtis shagging a woman

Never gonna happen.

They need to let them get pissed

lmao it's a game luv, he couldn't marry and 'snog' you

C'mon lad he's fucked up a bit.
All he needed to do was kiss the girl on the cheek and not call her "the best kisser" or whatever. It wasn't a big deal but it was obviously gonna get a reaction out of her and he's just being a baby about it now.

What area? Crim defence here

Bar lady is pretty cute, Anton should try it with her

I unironically get nightmares and shout out in the night

>belle thinking she should have cracked on with someone else
honey.....youre a 6...
Youre lucky Anton even kept you about and took you to the main villa

Kino cinematography in the club here lads

Property litigation

Nervous of getting a training contract, but this gives me a bit hope, thanks mate

kicking off

Belle wearing all her insecurities like a dunce cap
she knows she's least attractive in the villa
that's why she's mad

>gives his number as a joke
>kisses Anna in a challenge
>um it's over sweetie

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Belle needs a Sherif special right in the minge

Hang on is the waitress the one Anton gave the number to?

What an absolute chad

why should Anton shit in a jacuzzi?

everyone thinks antons based love.
pack your bags

someone put this piggy out her misery


Is she trying to push "That's the truth" as her catchphrase or something?


>tfw no sex doll gf

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My brother watches this and I watched on with him, is this Anton /ourguy/? Who is /ourgirl/?

>Anton walks away

fucking hell this made me laugh
have a (You)

she's auditioning for Footbal Factory 2

Where the fuck has this come from? Wtf I thought belle was cool

>Anton shaking

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Nah bruv, Ovie is the real /ourguy/

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Maura, formerly lucie

>A girl will never open up to like this

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micheal should get with amber shes based

Amber meet brick wall

Cringe..Ovie is boring and is in the wrong half of the villa desu

Pretty clear she went straight for Anton for the easy coupling/safety with public. She's just bailing ASAP.

>amber's hands shaking trying to confess to michael

poor lass

Thought the same

Wouldnt the mics pick up the music?

Was the club silent and music added in, in post?

Amber PENG

That's the bottleneck, it's just a massive numbers game. When you get to the interview stage don't try and be corporate and professional, I get so many fucking robot candidates and it's the opposite of what we look for. At the interview stage it's a given that you're smart enough based on the fact your CV gets through the initial sift. At that point we're looking for the right personality and a bit of character

"that's fine" KEK

He seems pretty based as well, for you know, one of those.

>Amber spaghetti
Didn't think it was possible

wait how did michael respond i wasn't paying attention

What, someone over 6ft?

lmao cos this really worked well for lucie

Sorry but how the fuck can anyone be on Anton's side after that lmao.

The guy absolutely shit himself and him constantly trying to control the situation is embarassing

oh fuck off mate

5 more minutes lads so sad


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processing it, clear consideration going on

you can remove it in post

>15 mins extra
Praise be

Flack walks like a heaving meat galleon

I'll actually keep that in mind honestly mate, that sounds like pretty solid advice.

I appreciate that, genuinely

impressive camera work and editing for a reality show desu

imagine taking the bait that easily, he didnt even say nigger outright and you couldn't help but give him the (you) he craves

he's in love

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Like a pillowcase stuffed with ripe offal

fuck off incel

yeah they play like 2 songs,
te slow mo bits are done in silent and blocked out. the music is off for the conversations.

What? I don't like basketball players.

Do you think Michael would go back to Amber?

Nah I like to think they’re dancing to absolute silence for the cameras, think how tragic that would be

so what do we think lads? Is Michael gonna dump the annoying bitch for the even more annoying Amber?

Flack has had more cock than all the girls in the villa put together and then some, guaranteed.

samira was underrated

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She's a nonce mate


Ovie is going to drag amber straight to the final. Based ourguy and chebs

She was so peng

I would hold on and never let go

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Flack will die without her twice daily ration of underage semen

imagine being scared of a word

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

Maura seems like a slag

the flack bits are so overproduced its so shit
like its the end of the week and we've just done a fun thing OH NO here's caroline flack again what a surprise what a disaster

Are you just the same guy pushing Ovie?? I’m seriously confused

Please behave, this is a civil thread about a light-hearted tv show

She's definitely one nigress I'd date

Flack needs to fuck off really

why do the producers treat her like somebody of consequence to the show? It's quite bizarre

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slag with a heart of gold

Not really mate, love for ovie seems pretty universal on /lig/

Stunning insight there, next you'll be telling me that Curtis seems bent

>Wheeling out grandma Flack again
Let her rest

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Ovie is literally unanimously the fan favourite of this season lad its not that surprising
white twitter loves him, black twitter loves him, the deanos love him, etc

Look user, I just don't like fags with tattoos. What's wrong with that?

rip Micheal and Joanna, twitter bitches got them


nothing wrong with a bit of racism la

Yeah, I'd love to go for a Thatchers with Ovie


Yeah. Damn. Amber will walk

Just seems pushed tbf..he doesn’t do anything all ep

these scenes drive me up the fucking wall they long it out so much like i get building up suspense but c'mon

Well now that you mention it...


aren’t you an edgy little edge lord you

im half black mate not having it!!!!!!!!!!!

shit I don't want to miss Jordan tho


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No worries mate, happy to help. Good luck

It surely cannot be Monday tomorrow can it

Whenever he gets screen time he says something funny or based.

wtf they've clearly edited the everliving shit out of this one.... Anton and Belle now hugging?

aren't you a noncey little nonce

threadly reminder

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wow how did you come to that conclusion

Anna OUT

this repeated script yikes, will go down to michael and joanna and one of them will stay (michael)

Please god be Anna

>want anna gone but not based jordan

Anton crying for Jordan?

holy mother of BASED

Tommy you fucking snake



it says a lot that you're made uncomfortable by the word nigger but not when you're literally shagging underage girls

One step closer to that 50k and all them Pryzm appearances


will be glad to see Joanna go desu, cold bitch

She's like the undertaker

Heys guys i hiope were all enjoying the summer! well here at thatches we want you ll to enjoy a crisp and joyful summer coutersey of us.

All you have to do is call us on the usual customer service number and be sure to quote "ambers chebs" so we know its one you (you) ;) nd we'll send you a nice crate of cider on the house. Becasue were a family a buisness and a family farm, and well we think /lig/ is a little family aswell.

Peace out x

Just a hunch is all

Jordan and Michael both his boys

Dumb /pol/poster

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Imagine being served by Anna at her Pharmacy lads

they tryna be crate


Hmm..I’ll stick my Banton for now


wouldn’t even acknowledge the slag

I'm voting to nuke Anna from near earth orbit lads

only 5 epsiodes left

michael dont deserve this shite

She’s not going back to the pharmacy, she’ll be doing adverts for car fresheners on Instagram like everyone else

would spaff me kecks

Based Anton


this lot are devastated. hope no one gets cancer or owt

Anton is modern day Macbeth

Michael's going

He didn't deserve this. Amber and Anna needs to fuck off

>watch it /lig/

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the bond between the first lot of BOISE is unbreakable

anton is fucking funny. we wana couple up with

Yes Curtis you beautiful bender


Fuck off anna you fat arsed gobby shite

You just made the list




Will black twitter finally get their hit on Michael this time?

Chances on Curtis coming out after this series finishes?

Tommy is cancelled

Fucks sake Fury you daft twat

basically always is

Tommy is now a villain

what the fuck has tommy done


>the wink michael gave curtis

my heart boys

told yous

I now hate Tommy

I guess today is her dolmio day

Anna was only saved because of the fucking shit cunt clique the girls have formed

ohhhh shit

ffs if they cliffhanger this...

thought there were 2 weeks left?

fucking abysmal decision


>they thought they could get rid of Michael

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Requesting webm of the flack wink


Yeah fuck off Joanna you beige as fuck slag

>amber has been the one playing 6D chess all along

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save Michael

Hope everyone in this thread has a great week (Except him)

right then ... night you bunch of twats (faggots)

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Holy shit, Anna then to Curtis

She makes me rage

I noticed there's no ad-break before after sun because its so shit they know people wont wait

Anton did nothing wrong.


>Joanna leaves and Michael goes crawling back to Amber

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>Hey Tracey
Do people actually watch that trash?

For fucks sake, the slag clique saves Anna


Someone make a thread for aftersun

>calling a mixed race person 'beige'
piss off back to /pol/ mate


Lucie and Amy on aftersun lad

>Joes been camping outside Lucies house

Lucie bros

You are now aware of all the boise we've lost along the way

>punished danny
>punished joe
>punished sherif

Everyone knows beige is a personality reference

fuck off

You know all three will be last to go

>michael has done some terrible terrible things

like what you fat fucking bitch

I still don't get why people want them both back together. At this point she is a full on psycho going after him.

Please die you big fat cunt

desu lads, no matter which couple they saved, we would've been stuck with anna either way

some chebs on the Derry girl

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havent watched, whats going on with michael and tommy and the recoupling

Tommy has done worse things, selling his mates at least 3 times

Caroline Flack has a horse face

along this journey ive come to realise just how fucking clueless young women really are


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