What are your hopes for Zootopia 2, if it ever gets made?

What are your hopes for Zootopia 2, if it ever gets made?

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Zootopia is a city for mammals only, right? Maybe the sequel has a city only for reptiles or birds.

bunny cunny

cunny bunny

_ ____ __ ____ ____ ______

A blue whale.

I want to fuck that bunny

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Just post it, you know, the abort comic

First movie is about getting herbivores and carnivores to live together in peace.

Second movie will be about accepting interspecies relationships and interspecies children.

More ass shots and more porn, preferably with less of the fox guy

Along with a 30 minute sex scene between the fox and bunny
It will gross 5 billion dollars

I want to see this. World. Fucking. Building.

Fuck, that's hot.

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Now post the whole story

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If you don't post the rest you're one evil man.

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Interspecies sex

This and more buddy cop shenanigans.

They really can't ruin it unless they do too much romantic bullshit or are heavy-handed with political commentary (which is unlikely for a disney family movie)

And which country will gross the highest, excluding the US?

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What the hell would their kids even look like? Or would Disney go down the infertility route?

There better be another page, I'm about to cum buckets and you better not blueball me.

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A plot we're not expecting.

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That was cute.

cute story thanks user

Based, i remember when these were made on Yea Forums. Good times

>no Judy gf

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>no cumshot
Disappointed. I want my money back.

I want Nick to be gay. Just to put an end to all the porn

Most of Nick's porn is gay

>He thinks Nick being gay would stop the porn

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But user, she's too small.

That would just generate even more porn

I once photoshopped my own dick onto the doughnut so it looked like she was hugging it

BASED I love Weaver's Zootopia stuff

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>Judy is revealed as a polyamorous lesbian
>1 fox 20 rabbits porn

Now that's fucking based

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i want a live action remake featuring as many black actors/actresses as possible

uwu what's this

i want humans to come and start slaughtering all of them

I legitimately think Zootopia is going to create more furfags than any movie ever

t. degenerate furfag


Full on penetration

of Nick