Gadgets for black bond

>It may look like an ordinary watch Ms bond. But it's actually 15 minute ahead of time

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Other urls found in this thread:

Colored Peoples Time will be a major plot point in these future Bond films:

>From Da Ghetto Wif Luv
>Dem Gibs Iz Not Enuf
>Da Kangz Who Luved Shiet
>Dr. Kno I Ain't Got Dat Bitch Latasha Pregnant

>this key will unlock any bike lock ms bond you'll be able to steal any bike in the world

Attached: we wuz keys n shiet.jpg (600x691, 52K)

Lipstick made out of hotsauce.
Nanofibre hair weave.
Crack pipe multispectrum analyser.
International food stamps.

this wasn’t even remotely funny the first time you posted it, and it’s definitely not funny now

I chuckled

>it might look like an ordinary phone, but actually it is a detector, that can help you locate the father of your child

Some 13/50 joke I'm too lazy to make

Go to bed sooty

I thought I was funny, but my favorite is still
>Da Spy Who Dindu Nuffin

>Dem Gibz Iz Not Enuf
Made be giggle, here's your (You)

>it may look like a regular gun but it's actually glock 40

Attached: this-is-my-problem-solver-right-here-3814949.png (500x302, 81K)

I dindo 0!

dindu 0 7

>may look like an ordinary watch Ms bond. But it's actually 15 minute ahead of time

Attached: ......jpg (500x564, 35K)

observe. The seeds are actually highly explosive bullet shells. Do use it wisely, 007.

Attached: seeds.gif (480x253, 18K)

>International food stamps

Attached: 5bf.jpg (600x398, 24K)

>International food stamps

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you faggots are doing Sony's marketing for free just like you did for Disney

>There will be many cars and bikes hijacking
absolutely based

>We are inserting a tracking device Ms Bond, so your children will always know where you are.

Look at them double ohs!

>Now, Jamiqua, these may look like ordin....PUT DOWN YOUR PHONE AND PAY ATTENTION.....where was...oh, yes, these may look like ordinary weave you'd find in any ghetto hair salon, but the ribbons are lined with enough plastic explosive to cut through 7mm of even the strongest steel alloys and....what....what is that tha....TURN OFF YOUR PHONE....that's it, hand it over. No more phone until after the conclusion of your in-brief....are...are you crying? THERE'S NO CRYING IN ESPIONAGE!

Attached: C4 weave.jpg (225x225, 6K)

>International food stamps.

>"007, Blofeld has taken control of several thermonuclear devices and holds them in a closely guarded facility in Belarus. We need you to infiltrate and sabotage these devices before he takes the world hostage."

"Mmmmmmmmmmmm that's not my problem."

The Spy Who Ran Off Leaving Me A Single Mother.

How she gonna drive an Aston Martin in London without Police shooting at her?

>International food stamps.

Attached: boomer di caprio.jpg (470x470, 27K)

>007 now fights in Waffle House

Erm, he sorta did have that in Tomorrow Never Dies.

>police shooting

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M is now reffered to as DAWG

how dare you bring up a WHITE concept!!!

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Holy shit you incels really are seething. There's a dozen threads about this in the catalog.
Unironically have sex.

funny but its already kind of a bond thing to love em and leave em

listen bitch, you already got space jam 2, leave us one white hero goddamnit.

t. never been to London

Police have guns there.

I don't give a shit what color skin you have, black culture is the shittiest thing to hit this reality. pleb tier bottom of the barrel garbage. the robots couldn't come soon enough.


friendly reminder the new mib flopped really hard
we have pretty much no control over what's gonna happen

>This grape drink packet actu.....WILL YOU PAY ATTENTION.......this grape drink packet actually contains a powerful sleeping agent that works whether it's inhaled or ingested, all you do is rip open the packet like this, and then you simply...what are.....JAMIQUA, DON'T SNORT IT!

Attached: Grape drink.jpg (316x517, 76K)

>This may seem like a normal cell phone ms bond, but on it is a direct satellite connection to worldstar hip hop

It's fucking hilarious you humorless cunt. Fuck off this board if you don't like it. Go the fuck back to reddi t.

ms bond, why are you leaving the movie? theres still an hour and 30 minutes left?

>Dem Gibs Iz Not Enuf
Fucking dead

>International food stamps

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>This may look like an ordinary SNAP card
>but this will work when purchasing beer and a dutch

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This device ms bond, though primitive; will help you communicate with people who don't understand monkey-speak

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If you keep getting mad and they keep making more of them, maybe it's time to stop being mad about thinhs you have no control over.
Just don't go see it, ignore it exists.

The studio wants your anger, they promote the films off it to progressives. If you aren't angry they won't go see it just to spite you.

Attached: insanity.png (320x192, 57K)

I wouldn't even have a problem if it was a black man. But a woman? Of any color, a woman? It's called JAMES BOND ffs

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this is a stolen cellphone ms bond, that stole. you can use this white womans uber app to get around.

>if you make fun of this thing THEY WIN
Sure thing, shlomo.

>this may look like ordinary grap drank Ms. Bond, but it is actually a deadly Neurotox-
>wait, dont drink that!

Mrs bond, this a deployable father

Attached: Pappy Bond.jpg (500x500, 33K)

>International food stamps.
Very good

>International food stamps.

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Sure, a couple thousand autists circlejerking in a self contained safespace will work wonders for a billion dollar franchise which has to appeal to hundreds of millions of people

>Here is your new car, Ms Bond
>I'm afraid it's the best we could do with your credit score

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If they were worried about appealing to hundreds of millions of people why would they cast a fucking nigger? Or are you referring to the population of the united states, specifically.

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>these spring loaded sneakers will allow you to hop over any subway turnstile in the country, ms. bond

Potion that turns any drink into malt liquor
Instakill race card
Aston Martin w/hydraulic twerking ability


>exploding hubcaps
>Meaning that, if someone tries to jack your whip, ms bond, dey ass gettin litty

Niggers are in. The fuck have you been the last decade? Besides, Idris Elba is going to be next Bond.
Might as well check two marks with the lady bond, and make millions out of it.

They can tell you niggers are in all they want but most people don't want to see them.

They only use them if you post racist tweets.

>how to kill a franchise in the asian market

this is fake right? there is no way this black dude in the new 007...

If you mean China, I'm not chinese so I couldn't tell. My most ignorant approach to it is that the chinese don't like niggers.
But that's my opinion about it.
As far of the rest of the world goes, I'm assuming that they don't care as long as they can act.

A bond blaxploitation satire film could be kino

>Dr. Kno I Ain't Got Dat Bitch Latasha Pregnant
Fucking hell, man.

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>I'm sorry, mrs. Bond, but you were surely not behind the three point line.

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Da World Ain't Nuttin' Ta Fuck Wit

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In Her Majesty's Prison Service
Chicken Royale
You Only Live Vice

I'm looking forward to the release of

>da bish wif da gowden grillz

Hot sauce watch.

Dr. Nog
From Wakanda with Love

Mandingo Royale
You Only Murder Twice
On Her Majesty's Food Stamps
Diamonds Are For Stealing
Live and Kill Whites
The Man with the Golden Rims
The Spook Who Loved Me

Never Say Nigga Again

License to Commit 53%
Tommorow Never Works
The Gibs is Not Enough
Get High Another Day

Quantum of Shaniqua
Inspektah Blackjit

>From Compton, With Love

>license to steal

quantum of Shaniqua, I lold

A Jew to a Shill

>International food stamps

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She would fit perfectly in the reboot Coonmaker

>international foodstamps

well played good sir

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How are they gonna sell this one to China?



have scenes in china in the movie. "oh rook, rowr countly is in firm. let rus watch"

>Now pay attention, Jamelia. This is no ordinary Wu Tang Clan bandanna. It's laced with a highly potent chloroform that will put any guard to sleep the moment it touches their mou-- NO, DON'T PUT IT ON YOUR FA-- oh, for fuck's sake.

grenade watermelon, also cheked

Attached: watermelongrenade.jpg (304x164, 8K)

holy fuck your concept of language is excruciatingly awful. if you're going to mock a speech pattern please do some research before shitposting.

> they do appear to be some fresh fanganails , but in fact these are razor sharp nanocomposite resin claws that will cut deeper than a knife. They are also touch screen compatible for your phone.

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>nigga how I activate da ejecta seat?
>I dunno nigga try da chinese button

>Now for your vehicle, 007. Today the engineers and I have suped up this 1987 Toyota Corolla. Perfect for blending into low income urban environments, it now has reinforced wheels to better absorb potholes, defensive hubcaps to deter tire jacking, bullet proof windows, and, of course, a full surround sound stereo system with all the hip hop stations hotkeyed for your convenience. We even took the liberty of enlarging the cupholders to allow for 40 oz bottles.
>I see you've also installed an oil slick system for easy getaways during car chases
>actually, no 007. This is a rather old car so that is just a normal oil leak.
>I see, and I notice the passenger seat is missing, surely because you are preparing the passenger eject system?
>em, well no, that was already missing when we got it.

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lol, tell your Asian mom I will be over tonight for sup of her mandarian chicken you fucking faggot

>00 Sheboon reconnoitering Russian compound, streaming footage to Q directly
>it's night time so she's pretty hard to spot
>an officer is standing near a mcguffin with a huge goon,starts getting angry about something
>Q: Focus on the officer, we need to identify who we're dealing with!
>some low rank private runs up and salutes, visibly trembling, officer chews him out and walks away
>big hired goon steps up to the trembling private
>Q: 00 Sheboon we need that mcguffin!
>hired goon slaps the private with an ear shattering smack
>W O R L S T A R
>#alarms go off#

>dont TOUCH that! it may LOOK like your dealer line pager but i can assure you mrs bond that it is NOT. Its a small electromagnetic disruption device for getting into any vending , ATM , or redbox machine in the country. If you set it off in MI6 it would cause all sorts of havoc.

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bro asian's don't put 'R' in front of everything, they can't pronounce the letter 'L.' you are an idiot of the highest caliber.

catch a disease you ugly bitch

>International food stamps.

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>International food stamps.
Damn,that actually scary

Don't you mean behind? If it was ahead they'd be showing up early everywhere instead of late.

it's ahead to counteract being late

>From Wakanda with Love
>On Her Majesty's Food Stamps|
>Get High Another Day


Why would MI6 want him to be late?

>ay cue , what this birth control lookin thang do?

"thats just birth control , on your last mission you got pregnant and then went on "vacation" for 2 years without telling us and had triplets , Mi6 will not foot the bill again"

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Oh man I am dumb. Thanks.

>is u expec me 2 talk?
>no Ms Bond, I expect you to do nuffin

It's days like this when I miss the god damn imdb message boards like you wouldn't believe

>International food stamps.

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This is awful

>International food stamps

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>international food stamps

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>We have developed a new covert explosive system disguised as a baby. Given your racial background, it will not look suspicious in the slightest for you to carry at least 5 of these with you wherever you go. It also means no one will question why you have a tendency to leave one behind somewhere, making it perfect for detonating from a safe distance. However, the baby daddy is not included!
>Yes, indeed 007.

Attached: IMG_20190714_133047.jpg (1017x1320, 355K)

>oooooo cue u know me so good i love cocoa butter!

"that isnt cocoa butter Its a extremely powerful micro oil that will repel any water around your body and allow you to swim twice as fast as normal"

>uhhh.... yalls know i cant swim right?


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My assumption was that she'd get to show up late to places and pull the "nigger time" excuse

>It's a pistol disguised as a pen, Miss Bond.
>How come it aint fire?
>Stop holding it sideways, my dear

>international food stamps

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>Get ugly dyke nigger to model
Like every fucking time

>international food stamps

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>International food stamps


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Underated post, fucking hell my sides

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>Tomorrow never works

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she looks exactly like p diddy

Attached: pdiddy.jpg (748x421, 29K)

>International food stamps.

"Now 007, do at least TRY and not use these all up the first week."

"Sorry Q, but I don't make promises I know I can't keep."

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>international food stamps
based and redpilled

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It looks like an ordinary watch, Ms La'Bonda.
But if you press this button, you will be able to see everyone within a 20-mile radius who is selling loose cigarettes.

you people just want to make the same hack jokes in every different context you can possibly find

Time, the future, and all abstract concepts are not white concepts. They're just not black concepts. Here's an article talking about how african languages don't have the ability to express abstract ideas because blacks have never evolved the ability to have abstract ideas.

Attached: black abstract thinking.png (697x8275, 1.99M)

I'm on board with Wesley Snipes as Bond, but him wearing makeup is a bit much.


Attached: 1562429648512.jpg (667x590, 71K)

Marketing for what, exactly? A movie no one is going to see anyway?


>international foodstamps.
My fucking sides, this almost makes having a nigress 007 worthwhile.

Attached: Screenshot_20190622-212504_Chrome.jpg (270x440, 49K)

Tazer Ankle bracelet

Attached: 71hS1+G7XRL._SY606_.jpg (436x606, 27K)

>International food stamps

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>blue eyes

Attached: 1206346186513.png (351x369, 247K)

>International food stamps.

Attached: 1503503429210.jpg (297x445, 46K)

cringe. fuck off Yea Forums if you can't take politically incorrect jokes. there are billion safe places with coloring books for snowflakes like you

fuckin based and bindpilled

>Basketball recon drone
>Cyanide filled fried chicken
>Jaws teeth reverse engineered into gold grillz
>Dark shades for nighttime stealth missions
>Purple Drank

Attached: q.jpg (1200x675, 81K)

>International food stamps
Goddamn my sides actually hurt

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From Harlem with Love

You heard it here first. This movie is being made by leftists to try and call everyone racist and sexist for not seeing it, when in reality they are making a movie that nobody asked for and nobody wants to see.

Nigger detected

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>International food stamps.

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>international food stamps
Don't let Jonah borrow them

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It wasn't that funny, dumb redditors.

worst samefag ive seen in years

It was gold.

>International food stamps.
I'm crying laughing at this

how does one cope this hard?
