It's Salt

It's Salt

Attached: It's Salt.jpg (500x503, 37K)

It's Salt


Sodium Chloride

It’s objectively salt

No you idiot, it's salt.

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formerly snow

That’s what I said. Sodium Chloride.

It's sneed.

why is there such a thin layer of salt also why hasn't it hardened? is that entire planet completely dry?

We did it Reddit xD

I can just imagine Rian rolling around on the floor laughing like the retard that he is in the editing room at this particular "subversion".


Unironically the best scene in the entire movie

imagine been Gareth Edwards in this scene

salt isn't even white in it's natural state, but more like a dirty grey. We whiten it for consumption because it looks better.

It's NOT Hoth, we swear!

It's completely dry and has no wind because we want the speeders to do this cool red thing
Don't worry about how the no wind put all the salt back from when the base was occupied. Maybe it rains salt ok pal

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BASED its salt poster

wait wait wait wait wait WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!!!?!

why isn't there hair on his dick?

whoops wrong post. why isn't there hair on his dick?

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>You thought it was snow, but it was me, Dio!

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It's salt alright.

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