You give me a time and a place, I give you a five minute window. Anything happens in that five minutes and I'm yours...

You give me a time and a place, I give you a five minute window. Anything happens in that five minutes and I'm yours. No matter what. Anything happens a minute either side of that and you're on your own. Do you understand?

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>You give me a time and a place, I give you a five minute window. Anything happens in that five minutes and I'm yours. No matter what. Anything happens a minute either side of that and you're on your own.

What did you mean by this?

if you do anything outside the 5 minute window you're on your own. learn english you stupid fucking cunt

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I think he's saying that its 5 mins guaranteed and 7 mins total. If they show up too early or too late he may drive for them if its within the 7 minutes. Otherwise he will just leave.


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LOL!!!!! The bottle package is ripped in a certain way as to resemble the Driver's jacket from the movie, Drive (2011), where he was played by Ryan Reynolds and directed by Nicolas Winding Refn, I recognized that quote! F*cking top tier content, keep it up friend!!!!!

no you fucking retard
its a five minute window

he means that if anything happens a minute before or a minute after he won't help

minute is interchangeable with MOMENT.


How can a window be measured in time

kek that does look like the driver

you sneed to go back

If that were true he wouldn't specify the minute before or after. He'd say:

Anything happens [before or after] that and you're on your own.

not really
>anything happens on either side of that

but stuff does happen on one of the sides, literally the arrival and the escape, and they are not on their own during these

He is literally helping before and after that five minute window so what the fuck do you mean hombre

Took me literally 20 seconds to disprove you

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so are theses the windows


Its semantics. he doesnt mean a literal minute. its interchangable with the word moment.

he isnt helping he's waiting for the heist to start to begin the 5 minute window

the 5 minute window is how long he'll wait for you

its a five minute window. period. he sets a timer the moment they begin the heist for 5 mintues. bottom line

what the fuck is a five moment window????

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Its like this

Attached: The 7 minutes.png (673x300, 11K)

why did you add FOUR boxes to this? it's a five minute window, not 9 minute window

>he's waiting for the heist to start to begin the five minute window

ok but after the window he is still helping so what did he mean by this


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The phrase "anything happens a minute before or a minute after, you're on your own."

That part is interchangable with minute. Not in general.

He doesn't mean that there's a tiny one minute window before the 5 minute window that he'll help you during. He means that if ANYTHING HAPPENS AT ANY TIME BEFORE OR AFTER THE 5 MINUTE WINDOW THAT HE'LL WAIT FOR YOU, HE WON'T HELP YOU



because they climbed into the car during the 5 min window. once they climb into his metaphorical time house, he will help them



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the window is the countdown to return to the driver and tsart the getaway. once ur in his car before the 5 minutes are up and you've finished your heist, he drives you to safety even if that means he drives for 40 minutes.

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well well look at the city slicker pulling up in his metaphorical time house

So what happens if he’s in the middle of a chase and the five minutes are up?

>pulls up in car
>gives them five minutes
>if they get fucked before that they're done for
>if they take too long they're done for and he drives off

The five minute window is irrelevant once the robbers hop into his car, at that point they're just escaping together

I see... so the countdown is only in reference to the heist

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fucking retards

Attached: 5min.png (1536x864, 50K)

you have five minutes to get in the car once you're in anything on the side of the window you're on has 5 minutes to get out of the car then he's you're in 5 minutes


so what if im on side 1 and something happens on side 2

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That would be a future thing, user.

you guys are so autistic holy shit

You guys are fucking retards. He's talking about minutes of a meeting. He'll record minutes for five meetings total, but only sequentially, because he can't record minutes for meetings which occur at the same time in neighboring rooms, due to his existence as a limited, temporal being. What's so hard to understand about this scene?

I'm not autistic.
I drive.

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its simple

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You guys do realize that a minute is a minute long, right? Five minute window is 12:15-12:20, so you have:


All where he's yours, but once it hits 12:20, you're out of luck. 12:20:000-12:20:999 is the minute after, and 12:14:000-12:14:999 is the minute before.

that includes six minutes though: 12:15, 12:16, 12: 17, 12:18, 12:19, 12:20

God what an embarrassing thread

blessed thread

t. bernie rose

god fuck refn

Best thread on Yea Forums right now

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ITT: kino drive moments

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Didn't he say a minute on either side? What if both minutes were on the same side?

No, because a minute is a minute long. It's a starting point and an ending point. It starts when the clock hits 12:15, ends when the time clicks to 12:20. Start a timer for five minutes in one hand when the watch in your other clicks to 12:15, the timer goes off when the watch clicks to 12:20. It doesn't continue on for a minute after 12:20, going through to a millisecond before 12:21.

Holy fuck that's really based

>Ryan Reynolds
...Ryan Gosling?

Best thread on Yea Forums today so far

How about this? Shut your mouth or I'll kick your teeth down your throat and shut it for you.


That would make more sense. That means the driver offers three separate time opportunities in which he may or may not help, including (minute)(minute)(five minutes), (minute)(five minutes)(minute), (five minutes)(minute)(minute). The question is whether or not they all apply or not, which would enable further expansion of the possibilities, including (minute)(minute)(five minutes)(minute)(minute), (five minutes)(minute)(minute)(minute)(minute), (minute)(five minutes)(minute)(minute)(minute), (minute)(minute)(minute)(five minutes)(minute), and (minute)(minute)(minute)(minute)(five minutes) which are actually NINE MINUTES each and a whopping forty-five minutes altogether when added up. So yeah, I'm thinking he's helping.

so its a 45 minute window?

okay, now i get it. thank you for your help.

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Then you have 5 minutes to exit through the window

then it would be 12:15 - 12:19, not 12:15 - 12:20

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What if it happens 2 or more minutes before or after?

I demand answers Mr Gosling

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>im going to go find a different driver

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There we are

same as insidde the minute


So you're saying that there's a 40 minutes window too?

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Yes jesus christ, he's waiting five minutes because any longer he'll risk being fucked by cops showing up.

Obviously if they take four minutes and fifty seconds to get into the car he isn't going to drive them for ten seconds and then kick them out because their time is up.

im fucking walking

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>driver won't wait if something goes wrong before
More like he won't even have been there yet

He can still help. But for a minute to either side of the 5 minute window he's unable to help, as he goes through a transformation process as he becomes (and later stops being) the Driver, Ryan Gosling's alter ego. Unfortunately, Ryan Gosling isn't a real person in that universe so no matter how much he tries, he won't be able to help as much as he could while he was being the Driver

The definition of Driver is someone driving in a car, so that means he enters that persona as soon as he steps behind the wheel. That means he would have to start his timer as soon as he left to meet up with the robbers. If he's not finishing the entire job within that five minute time frame then he's not following his own rules.

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why did this make me laugh so much?

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I can't believe this is necessary

>12:15-12:19:9999999, repeating nines to infinity

But really, it isn't that hard. If somebody says they have five dollars to spend, you don't expect them to be okay with paying $5.75 because it's less than $6. We understand that $5 is the ending point. If you have a five minute window beginning at 12:15, you drive away when the clock clicks from 12:19 to 12:20.

And what of good Solonius?

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>Ryan Reynolds

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It's singular, though. Regardless of the variable, it's a minute, meaning one minute.

how is five dollars the end point if it's the starting price

since it's 100 cents to a dollar it would be 575 seconds (9.583333333333 minutes) so your driver is basically waiting 10 minutes for you to finish up

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maybe Yea Forums is still worth browsing

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why didnt he say 10 minutes then
why did he word it so confusingly
what the fuck are the other guys on the job supposed to plan for
what am i doing

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If you give the Driver a certain time, e.g. 16:00, how does he distribute the time window? 15:57.5 to 16:02.5? 16:00 to 16:05? Something else? Seems needlessly vague for a life and death situation.

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you don't give him one time, you give him the window

Let's say you tell the driver "16:20:00" as a time
From 16:20:00 to 16:25:00, he will be guaranteed to be there
If you're more than a minute from those, he will NOT be there. That is to say, if you arrive before 16:19:00 or after 16:26:00, he will not be there.
During 16:19:00-16:19:59, there is not information to correctly deduce the location of the Driver. Any attempt would be purely conjecture.

yeah but why didn't he just say seven minute window then

He's autistic and misspoke, he meant to say "five minute windows" because he's referring to the getaway car

Because there isn't a 7 minute window? There's a 5 minute window and people are theorizing that the window extends to 7 minutes. However, there's no evidence for this

don't chuck him out so quickly

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You shut your fucking mouth

>and what of based solonius poster?

Attached: Matsu.gif (250x180, 954K)

someone told me that driver will wait 5 minutes for u to finssh heist...

He stops the car, kicks them out, then drives off at a reasonable speed as an innocent.


So how long is the driving window? 40 minutes?

>So how long is the driving window
It's called a windshield retard


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C'mon sneed try a little harder

most windshields are 59" x 31.5"