What would their kid be like?

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Physically, at least.

get supergirl more thick and you'd have a gigachad son

>Thick Kara after pregnancy and picking up her baby daddy’s eating habits

Depends on the manner of its conception.

It would look like Jeff Lebowski

Drunk tryst

>thinking her body isn't perfection as-is

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to skinny, kid would come out a numale

but with superpowers

Fat during pregnancy -> kid develops fat kid hormone profile. That's just science.

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For me it's superboner


does her torso seem oddly long?

me on the left waiting for classic wow

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What would THEIR kid be like?

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it would unironically look like sn**d

>Teen Dad Billy

I would refuse to pull out

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bet you have narrow shoulders, you faggot lmao

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remove yourself from the genepool

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I don't think Supergirl is into white dudes.

What about Mon-El?

You first.

have sex

You offering?

i would ravage your asshole, you low test numale

fuck why this picture make me so hard? The fact a ugly bastard (who's actually handsome) impregnating by rough sex this delicate white slim girl just makes my penis hard.
Like the beauty and the beast.

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Shazam is underage tho

Feminine and big. Real big

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underage boys can't get someone pregnant.

Billy’s gone through puberty, he can knock someone up.

hard fuck while drunk
just imagine thor drunk fucking supergirl while she try to resist but then he's a lot stronger than her, it's the first time she experiments that feeling. And she find it hot.


>Thor fucking Kara in his trash home with his filthy overgrown beard

Do it then, bitch

That was never an issue for Carol

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There's nothing implying that billy's powers are hereditary like an asguardian or Kryptonian.

He spreads the magic to his family

via a ritual, not nutting inside of them

You can’t say you know that

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What would THEIR kid be like?

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Uh, probably powerful as shit and ends up fucking everybody over a lot.

>Speed Force AND reality warping

Too fucking OP.

>post-pregnancy boobs kara
so that's how power girl was created

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>and ends up fucking everybody over a lot
and ends up fucking everybody a lot*

fuckign nice, i wish melissa had some wider hips and bigger tits

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Bless you

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~Ara ara~ even better

Would suck on them

for a fraction of a second I thought it's Charlie Sheen

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Wow. Yes please.

You should read/watch hentai, there's a lot of that

Gay or tranny most likely
