Film's audience is virtually all male and most women don't like it anyway

>film's audience is virtually all male and most women don't like it anyway
>pander to women
Why would they think this would be a good thing? Women don't care about James Bond, they never have. Why would you alienate your fan base when your series is already on life support?
Women aren't going to watch this just because you cast a woman in the role, and men are going to skip it. This is how you kill a franchise for good.

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Other urls found in this thread:

yeah but think of the favorable internet articles and twitter posts it will receive for a couple of weeks, surely that will offset any loss of revenue somehow magically

Goyim, I....

because they'll beat you into thinking it is, meanwhile they'll cry about misogyny and racism

Delicious incel tears. Keep them coming!

This has nothing to do with incels and pol memes. I'm serious.
What does a dying franchise aimed specifically at men have to gain from alienating their core audience? Women have never and will never like James Bond films. They aren't suddenly going to start now.
This will only serve to make less men, your only real audience, not watch it.

Not good enough for me, I won't rest until Bond is a non-englisgh speaking, transexual, little person who is also gender-fluid at times, but identifies as an elderly handicap person. I heard, Scarlett Johansson could handle this role.

why the fuck arent black people mad that they are being used like circus animals, swapped into things they werent before simply to appeal to them in the easiest and laziest fashion? seriously what the fuck is going on

Honestly this. They should be upset they're getting used so blatently for an agenda.

She looks like a man.

I'll just tell you the truth. When you are confused by the modern political actions, just ask your self, "Does this action make sense if we assume that it is motivated by hatred of ethnic Europeans?"

Sorry white boys, you don't get to be secret agents anymore. Your fantasy is over. You just have to accept that your penis size is beneath the global average, you aren't appealing to women, and you're probably a wagie at best. Probably no friends either. 007 doesn't even want to be your friend anymore. It's over.

Imagine making this post in response to a thread about what a studio has to gain from alienating it's core audience

its about to be BTFO in the chink market

Blacks have no culture and quite literally, have to appropriate from whoever they can. Usually they have to steal, like they do with Egypt, but if they are given things for free....well, have you ever heard of blacks that don't like gibs?

because they are circus animals.

>Esptein arrested
>This happens not too long after

Just a coincidence
Im sure

Nice dubs but they don’t care about the loss of money. All this shit is organized by billionaires that will gladly take one step back to take several forward. Movies, music, pop-culture, sports are loss leaders that are just a means to an end.

They aren’t smart enough to see the forest from the trees

>when your series is already on life support?
Actually Bond is a hugely profitable franchise, why do you think they offered $50 millions for Craig to return? This shit is so profitable they're confident they can experiment and reach a woke female audience.

They aren't intelligent enough to think that, they are just happy because they see more of them taking over white cultural icons. Every ethnicity wants to rule over their dominion.

>if we assume that it is motivated by hatred of ethnic Europeans?"
These movies aren't made by minorities

It's Sony, what do you expect?

No one gives a shit about James Bond. It's why they have so many years between films. Less people watch it now than ever before.

>007 doesn't even want to be your friend anymore.
hard cringe

>why do you think they offered $50 millions for Craig to return
Because they had no faith in restarting the IP with a new bond so they threw 50 million at him to protect their investment. If the IP was so strong they wouldn't have done this

Asked 10 yearold nephews who have been obsessively watching through all the bond movies ever since their dad got them a home cinema what they think about a black woman playing Bond.

Their response "James Bond isnt a woman"

No, they are made by Jews.

Jews are a minority.

I guessed originally that they would give it to Lupita Nyongo but they actually managed to give it to someone lower

Wait this is real?


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did 007 ever do well in the chink market?

>Jews are a minority.
Technically, but when you hold as much power as them, that word is inappropriate, it's more a parasitic entity that took over a host than a minority group

>Bond is retired at the beginning of the movie
>they've given his number to another agent
That's all it is. There is zero percent chance they make any movies with this character as the lead, but I still look forward to seeing this thread five times a day every day, because it's perfect for /pol/'s outrage farming. They're probably fucking giddy about this.

unironically if i were a minority in a country and suddenly big films were out of nowhere just swapping my people into roles previously portrayed by other races for brownie points instead of creating new characters id be fucking pissed

They had to overpay for Craig, stupid. They fake leaked Idris Elda taking over and people lost their shit. This will be the final nail in the Bond franchise coffin.

Also sorry but women want to see attractive people.

>Movies, music, pop-culture, sports are loss leaders that are just a means to an end.

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I'm upset. But at the same time I'm indifferent. Hollywood as a whole is going down the shitter.

Who the fuck is "Lashana Lynch"?

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She played James Brown in some superhero movie

apparently she was in captain marvel

It doesn't matter. Why did they use a black female as his replacement, even if it's just for some minutes in the movie?? What's the point? This kind of shit is extremely distracting and we know they're doing it solely for woke points.

>basedboys don't like 007
>women don't like 007
>fags don't like 007
>appeal to them

>not Idris Elba

>apparently she was in captain marvel
HAHA she's that female negro pilot? Her acting was just as bad as Brie

Exactly. What the fuck are they thinking?
While at the same time pushing away the only ones that do like your movies

Normal people despise /pol/shit so the more those tards spaz out the more people will see it as a fuck you. Source - every fucking movie you cry about

Oh was she Brie Larson's black friend? I never saw that movie.

Don't complain about it, don't watch it, ignore it. They want and crave the attention. The worst thing you can do is to not give them any then enjoy the slow death and low returns.

>Torpedoing your film for social brownie points
Executives really are out of touch, didn't MiB 4 just flop

>replace all your white characters with shitskins and bitches
>calls you "racist" and "mysoginist" if you complain

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Ghostbusters Reboot was a HUGE hit, Incel!!!

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>Women don't care about James Bond, they never have.

t. brainlet shut-in

Women care about James Bond because they are attracted to him. Without that, why would they see the film? That is the real reason why this is a risky move, not your dumb theory.

This is gonna bomb in China. The Chinese usually don’t like black or female leads and I seriously doubt they’d like a black and female lead at all.

It would've been so easy to just cast her as another Bond girl...

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How poorly will this do in the box office?

My mom fucking loves James Bond but she wouldn't give 2 fucks about no Lashana Lynch.

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On the bright side this probably means Tessa Thompson's career is over since this should have clearly went to her


This was leaked to get the sexist and racist backlash narrative going. You all are playing by their rules now.

Oh no, user actually thinks movies and music are made with artistic integrity still and aren’t just consumer schlock with an agenda. Laugh at his autism.

Good. Fuck them. I hope it ruins the franchise forever now and those morons will forever be known as the idiots that killed off one of the most beloved action characters known to man.

Miss me yet?

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>‘Bond, of course, is sexually attracted to the new female 007 and tries his usual seduction tricks, but is baffled when they don’t work on a brilliant, young black woman who basically rolls her eyes at him and has no interest in jumping into his bed,” a source told the Mail.


lmao anglos and amerifats

What do you mean weird? He's a suave, charming, romantic and dangerous English man, he's wet dream material.

Kek. This real

This is a man, right?

So is she going to be Jamie Bond or something? Ugh


la creatura gigantica....

Based digits

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I’m sure this has probably already be said but a female James Bond is literally one of the most pointless things in the world. This isn’t even an incel have sex post. 007 is literally a male power fantasy about a spy with charisma that can bed hot women and save the world. This is shit exclusively aimed at men. There’s no wiggle room for a woman to portray this character. You’d have to completely flip the dynamic of how she’s supposed to function. Why water down the franchise to this degree? I get that 007 might not be the household name it was in the mainstream but fishing for woke points in a franchise like this is so fucking pointless. I don’t even really care about Bond and he’s a dude. I double won’t care for a woman.

Lashana is a good actor. She made Brie Larson look like a 3rd rate act in Captain Suevel but this is fucking retardad.

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It isn't for woke points, it's deliberate ethnic replacement. Get your head out of the sand. They don't do this so the outrage gets them more tickets. They could make a normal movie without any outrage and get the same or more sales.

Ok so if Bond is gone forever can we at least have a Man from U.N.C.L.E. sequel please?

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At least get an attractive one, holy shit she looks like a cavebitch

I'm sure it will turn out fine.

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So will it be woke that she’s killed due to not being good enough? Because the only alternative is to let her keep the 007 number. Woul they still consider that a sjw victory?

Can kikes stop forcing niggers down our throats

Yes please! I loved that movie and there weren't any blacks in it at all

>Why would they think this would be a good thing?
It's the popular marketing campaign of the late 10s/early 20s: identity politics as an outlet for outrage farming. The politics serves 2 goals: to satisfy the smug Leftist elites who wish to signal their virtues, and to create controversy among social media circles to generate free advertising. Youtube celebrities take care of the rest of the marketing with 24/7 coverage of the outrage.

Marvel comics has been dominating their industry for the past 10 to 15 years using this exact method. Then video games, which sparked the gamergate era. Now Hollywood is doing the same.

Because pandering is all that matters nowadays. Who cares what the original target audience was? Who cares what the essence of the character is? It's all about those millions of NPCs on twitter and the soulless "critics" and "journalists" who will eat this shit up like candy and ask for seconds while showering you with praises.
Oh, you were a fan of the series for decades? Too bad. It's the [current year].

>would've been fine with a handsome black Bond.
>would've possibly been fine with an attractive female Bond.
>Hollywood instead casts the ugliest black chick they could find.

>Normal people despise /pol/shit

I can't wait to hear how racist I am for not giving money to something that doesn't interest me whatsoever

>Marvel comics has been dominating their industry for the past 10 to 15 years using this exact method.
Marvel comics are fucking dogshit that nobody buys or reads. Marvel subsists mainly on movies and merchandise.

I really hope this happens, it will redpill so many people.

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Nothing weird, not all women are so shallow that they can only watch movies were they feel represented. This shit is jewllywood gimmick. They are so lazy they given up on good stories they think they can drag ppl in the theaters with identity politics

>Marvel comics are fucking dogshit that nobody buys or reads.
That's true. The only real customers Marvel has are comic book shops and Scholastic books. But the point is that Marvel publishing sits on top of their little ant hill of comic books because they implement the same tactics we're seeing today in Hollywood. In fact, Marvel recently wrapped up a 5 year period of books in which all the white and male heroes got replaced by diversity heroes. Guess who Captain America was replaced by.

This. These pandering revamps of franchises should piss people off. It's insulting. Make something original.

You're a retard. It's to slowly get people used to a new black bond.
Of course it will backfire and this will be the death of the franchise.
But you will still be a cuck.

>craig gets fired
>ngubina becomes the new 007
>she's this perfect professional agent that washed up craig never was
>ngubina gets captured
>MI6 begs craig to come back and rescue her
>he complies for one final time, traveling to the location
>turns out it was a bait. 007 captures craig, revealing that she's a spectre double agent
>craig breaks out of super duper secret prison somehow, kills people, does the typical james bond shit
>final confrontation with ngubina
>007 kills ngubina after a lengthy fight
Would you watch? I came up with it in a minute

How did Trump win then?

He said there shouldn't be a black James Bond and he wouldn't want to take on the role if offered.
Pretty based.

Unironically 100x better than what we have.


Is Cary Fukunaga the next Rian Johnson? Director who made good movies but completely justs with a franchise


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She’s not James Bond, she’s just 007. Craig will be playing a retired Bond.

>Normal people despise /pol/shit
But that's wrong. Where do you get your information? Tranny e-buddies?

And then at the end he passes the mantle on to her and they churn out James Bond films starring her.

Why do you think this is at all about money? Honest question. At what point do you just accept that the Jews hate you?

when the fuck is this going to stop

lol go read twitter retard, the normies all hate it. you're the fucking minority you tranny faggot

Please be shitposting

This movie is going to flop. Best approach is to just ignore it. They want people to get pissed so leftcucks will swarm the movies

I actually thought this was a shitpost at first Fucking hell.

its not all jews

there's tons of whites that hate us too

Unironically this
They want to drum up the narrative so they can release statements about russian hackers being racist and sexist. The average normalfaggot woman will see this and will go see it JUST to prove to everyone that they aren't sexist or racist.

It's the exact same power move they're pulling with Ariel. My normally right winged female relatives are now all suddenly outpouring support for the casting of Ariel all because of the huge backclash it caused.

Get off Twitter

True, you will likely never meet one of the Jews and their evangelical elite supporters behind all this in person, but there are an awful lot of useful idiots among the ranks that you will meet.

>the name's Booga
>Ooga Booga

>African black girl called Lashana Lynch
thats odder than her being james bond


Do they not understand how this hurts black people and kills their careers? By changing a movie and making it into a financial failure they are hurting black women like Ghostbusters 2016 killed Leslie Jone's career, MIB3 killed Tessa Thompson's career, Lion King is going to destroy everyone involved's careers, and this new Bond will destroy whoever Lashana Lynch is. Nothing is more damaging to black women than casting them in blackwashed remakes. It treats them like third class citizens who aren't worthy of their own original movies.

Shit like this used to make me mad but now I honestly just don't care. Is this what age does?

Why the fuck can’t they make an original black female lead role? Saying to black people “you can’t carry nor have your own original roles so here’s some white ones” is the most racist shit ever. Literally whitewashing black people.

>we’ll confuse the masses into thinking this hurts the nazis
Jesus fucking christ.

After seeing it fail so many times it's just depressing. It's like watching someone commit suicide over and over again in a time loop.

What agenda exactly?

she looks so scary, like a deranged death roll jailbird in drag that I had to run to the toilet to take shit or I'f shit my pants.

they try but it doesn't work, cuz no one wants to see that not even blacks

Can't wait for scene where black bond finally seduces black money penny.
Black lesbian sex would be so progressive.

The agenda of using woke capitalism for free marketing.
>Attach token SJW agenda message to movie
>Receive hundreds of thousands of free advertisements on Twitter and Facebook
Disney turned the liberal agenda into a marketing tool to make corporate profits larger at the expense of minorities. It's one of the most evil and dishonest moves in capitalist history.

I wouldn't even have a problem if it was a black man. But a woman? Of any color, a woman? It's called JAMES BOND ffs

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the villain will be some sort of white nationalist-type.

It's neither evil nor dishonest. It's capitalism at its finest; if you don't understand this then you don't understand freedom.

Immensely based and supremely redpilled

It's evil because it hurts minorities and undermines equality movements. It's dishonest because it pretends that a corporation cares about people.

There hasn't been a good Bond film since Casino Royale. I have some hope for Fukunaga's film but to be honest, it's mostly me being curious as to whether or not he can actually make a good big boy film.
So yeah, I guess I just don't really give a fuck if it's a nigger, sandnigger, currynigger or potatonigger who plays him.

They are not pandering to women, they just hate white males

Hollywood is filled with corruption and nepotism, plus it gets handouts from the Californian government, so not really capitalism

How the fuck is this real

Why am I wishing it was at least idris being the new bond

>MIB3 killed Tessa Thompson's career
She can’t carry a film. MIB3 just confirmed it.

>Ghostbusters 2016 killed Leslie Jone's career
She never had one. The other black actress on SNL was funnier.

>Lion King is going to destroy everyone involved's careers
Lion King will do decent. Plus it’s just voice acting.

Lupita Nyong’o will be the only 2010s black actress to make it. She has the highest grossing film starring a black woman (Us) and she’ll be starring in an original spy female ensemble flick (355) and her own action movie (The Killer).
time is a flat circle my friends

I don't know what they did but they usually do try to give a bone to eerybody. you get a negress 007 in the first 5 minutes and get woke points and then you get her killed and incels will take it as a proof a negress can't be 007. Everyone happy, shekels keep coming. That's how (((they))) think

They have low IQs.

Who cares, Bond movies have been losing steam for a long time now and this will kill them.

Maybe, just maybe, they will then go back to coming up with original shit.

This is what we would joke about in 2015.

Black Lightning did it first


What you describe isn't an agenda, it's a business tactic, and a bad one at that, since woke sequels bank on average the same as their non-woke predecessors.

At least it'll be popular in France and England

>Nigga is you taking notes on a government fucking conspiracy?

Casino Royale wasn't good either. It started this trail of slime that's plagued the franchise. You know why the Craig films suck and there's been a drop for a several decade franchise? Because they aren't bond films. They're a British Bourne. In CR James bond is subverted. Almost no gadgets, bond falls in love with some bish who betrays him rather than him just using her, he's not suave, and he has to get rescued at the end of the movie.
That's not a bond movie. It's a garbage reboot that didn't need to happen. If it hadn't of we wouldn't have this trash

she's just a 007
bond stays bond

>woke sequels bank on average the same as their non-woke predecessors.
kek. no.

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And then he passes the torch to sheniqua

MiB flop kiboshed her potential career i'm thinking

Mainly this. Some are aware, but the loud ones are not.

They want ugly people in the roles of legacy characters to save on money. They don't want "star power" to be a thing anymore because it's too expensive.

because that worked before.

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Sony does it again!

>new york post
a retard's shit smears on a wall would be a more credible source

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What's the point if nobody come to watch the movie?

I think you mean mib 4, 3 was the one with time travel and will smith

No they didn't. The movies kept white male Tony and Cap and didn't bother de-sexualizing Black Widow or Scarlet Witch even though feminists were outraged by it. The comics are a whole other story and they have failed horribly as a result.

>Literally whitewashing black people.
You mean blackwashing white characters.


>Casino Royale wasn't good either.
No 007 movies are good, they're all bottom of the barrel schlock for normies to turn their brain off just like Transformers.

>i-i-i-it's not real!

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Based! Take my dubs

>assume old audience will continue to watch
>double audience by making appealing to women
>triple audience by catering to negroids.
what could possibly go wrong?

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>right winged female relatives

This is setting up making future Bond films with her as the lead role.
How are you so fucking retarded?

That's OK, bud. We have all the money. And we don't stink like wet dogs and chicken soup/popcorn.

Why does hollywood hate redheads?

Yeah but will the movie be good

>the only news sources you should read are leftist dribble


dead series

>most women don't like it anyway
thats where you're wrong, my mom, and your mom, and everyone one of our moms fucking loved james bond and thought he was a sexy bastard. The older female crowd is absolutely not going to like this change.

bad falseflag.

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Chicken. Fried, not baked.

He could have gotten the role if Craig had stopped being Bond after Skyfall or Quantum of Solace. Wrong place, wrong time, modern Hollywood absolutely would have cast a younger Idris but not while they still had Craig.

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>Normal people despise /pol/shit
normal people are annoyed by at it best.

I wish Hollywood stopped helping Trump. When he gets four more years it'll just be another four more years of crying about Trump 24/7.

When the fuck an asteroid will finally hit this planet

>The movies kept white male Tony and Cap
Tony is dead now and Cap is old and retired. AND CAP IS NOW REPLACED BY FALCON LIKE IN THE COMICS since you clearly needed it spelled out for you.
>and didn't bother de-sexualizing Black Widow or Scarlet Witch
Black Widow has been de-sexualized since Civil War. She's unrecognizable to her first appearance in Iron Man 2. Scarlet Witch was never sexualized in the first place. She's just a pretty face, nothing more.

It's clear you're highly defensive about the MCU, but you're clearly in denial if you don't see where Phase 4 is heading. Feige is going full Current Year Marvel comics.

And some people used to think it was vad when they cast the blond daniel craig as James Bond

There's only one Lynch I give a fuck about

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Bigger nigger alpha males dominate beta bitch white boys in any sexual display of dominance. It is always clear that superior mighty ebony members deserve more praise than jealous faggot white beta males. Niggers have more testosterone, and are more suited to breed with women. I, faggot white boy, will forever yearn for bbc in my hungry ass. I, faggot white boy, pledge my soul to serve bbc cum gods for all eternity. Gay for big black nigger dick forever. Gay for big black nigger ding dong for life. As a true faggot beta bitch ass niggerloving inferior white boy, I, faggot white boy, hereby pledge my heart and soul forever to please the mighty ebony member that is a giant big black cock. It haunts my dreams. I worship niggerdick as my true lord and savior, and would gladly slurp up yum yum nigger cum any time any where from any big black penis. I pledge my beta bitch ass to alpha male African black sacred seed semen that the superior BBC cum daddy muscle black man will ejaculate into my inferior bitch ass, filling my bum with his liquid love. I shall spasm in absolute faggot ecstasy, as I acquire the closest thing to heaven on earth, a huge black ding dong squirting its warm baby batter deep into my desperate hungry faggot ass. All hail big black cock forever. All hail large African nigger donkey dongs for all eternity. May my wife, sister, mother and other white females continue to be dominated by the sheer lust that every member of the white race experiences in the presence of a huge masculine black cock. May my girlfriend and my own ass get fucking wrecked by a nigger daddy cum BBC lord. White boys are all secretly super gay for the thought of a thick veiny super long juicy black cock that could give our girlfriends way better orgasms than we could ever imagine with our puny pink teeny weenies. All hail mighty African purple penis power forever, Amen.

> Report: Christoph Waltz Is Returning As Super-Baddie Blofeld in the Newest James Bond Film

Kiss of death. He's only been in one good film in his entire career - The Three Musketeers 2011.

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Someone took the time to write this and you took the time to save it and again took the time to open it and copy it post it here.
You took the time to solve a captcha to post this here

And you took the time to reply to it
Who's the real loser here, cuck

I don't care about this or the stormfagging behind it, but just as a general principle whether we're speaking of video games, comics etc: you ever think maybe girls might care about it more if more of the characters were female and relateable? Just food for thought.

My mom would watch a James Bond films if you paid her a million dollars to do it

Maybe they meant, she will "play" 007 like black speak, dontchyou be plyin me!

It took me 5 seconds to type that and I don't full out captchas

Have sex

What are the chances this is just a gimmick and they will kill her off in one movie, making way for a male 007?

They'll be relatable if they're white. Blacks are such a miniscule portion but they get the most pandering.
It's literally why Trump beat Hillary

Very funny. Good one

From what I'm hearing Bond is retired so she took the 007 codename, some shit happens now she's tasked with bringing Bond out of retirement, she serves nothing but introduction for Craig's character, this shit's being overblown

If you actually think this then it's too late

Wasn't Rami Malek the villain for this Bond film?

>dying franchise
>alienating their core audience

If their core audience isn't giving them enough money to continue the franchise, they have no choice but to pull something like this.

But that's not what will happen in the end.
Bond comes out of retirement, the events of the movie happen, then he retires for good and she's the new 007 and future films will be made with her in the lead. This is a transition to new Bond films with a black female lead

Or let it die. Because this is how you kill it for good

your mom is an exception then. I guarantee if we did a poll, most women over 50 would have Sean Connery in their top 3.

It took me less than one second to paste that and 3 seconds to do that captcha
I win, nerd

yeah it is surely working for comics

I'm not the one with cuck memes saved to my hard drive

Yeah just cuck porn

I guarantee you have some saved. I'd be willing to bet money you do

yeah because the only people who looked up to captain planet were freakish blue-skinned aliens. this "character needs to look like me" meme is fucking retarded.

I'd be willing to bet money you are a giant soiboy who cross posts on Reddit and subscribes to James' Youniverse and loved TLJ

the race thing is just representation and diversity. Girls can relate to any type of female character(though it's a bit nicer for the black girls I guess). I'm talking about gender here and a general principle. OP asked why try to make a movie for a franchise with a male dominated audience(not specifying race) appeal to women but the question fails to examine exactly why this franchise's audience was male dominated in the first place. Was it that only men are inherently interested in spy thrillers or was it that only men were being favorably represented with a well developed character that they can relate to/aspire to be?
My point is that it's mostly the latter with these types of things: it's why more girls are getting into video games for example(more diversity of types of not just huge buff dudes with guns/swords who beat the mess out of people all the time for no reason).

>oh no! a woman in a movie!
Fuck off, shill.

Still is. This is an additional villian because that always works so well.

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A black woman playing the role of a white English man. That's the issue

Has Hollywood ever actually let anything successful die?

wait what?

Is it true that women don't like Bond? I posed like a Bond villain with my cat for a tinder pic and some legbeard messaged to ask what my favorite Bond movie was and got super pissed off when I said I hadn't seen any. That was the only interaction in my life with a Bond fan. Is the franchise even popular anymore?

user, why are you so dense and stupid? People see him as a male character foremost( race is a non issue here as you just said he is green). Obviously there is more to it than that, with quantity of relateable female characters being the fore most issue.
First of all, Captain planet was a man, yes, but he was a good person who cared about the environment and tried to help the best way he could. I didn't say females can't relate to male characters; it usually happens when there are qualities about the character that girls can also relate to though(less so with James Bond). Even then, issue is, why aren't there more female characters that both boys and girls can look up to? I guess there is most of the cast of Avatar the last airbender but that weren't many more until more recently. Second, there were female characters on Captain Planet who helped him in his quest too(who weren't just there for eye candy and actually had a personality).
It's an on going process. Hopefully things change soon? Unless you're saying the quality of comics have somehow dropped since they have attempted to implement these changes?

How can you not understand a movie this bad. Casino Royale was origin story. That's why he fell in love to Eva Green but when she betrays him Bond becomes redpilled on women

im on suicide watch. i love the bond franchise. this is awful

Good. We don't need you.

there* weren't many more until more recently.

My bad. I didn't proof read as well as I should have.

If race isn't an issue at all, why would sex be? Character values aren't intrinsic to sex. Both men and women can have the same values that the public can look up to. Also James Bond isn't exactly the icon of morality so I'm not sure what you're getting at.
>Even then, issue is, why aren't there more female characters that both boys and girls can look up to?
How exactly is that an issue? People look up to Wonder Woman, Furiosa, Rey, Leia, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch and every female MC in popular cartoon/anime.
>less so with James Bond
If you're saying this, then why make a female 007 if according to you his character values aren't relatable to women? Or are you saying the only difference is that Bond seduces women and a female bond seducing men is the only thing that matters?

There is no reason for female representation because you don't need sexual similarities to look up to someone just like you said, so what's the point and what's this issue you mentioned but didn't explain at all?

You're talking about people who voted for Obama for no other reason than he's (less than 50%) black and who will fuck literally any white woman no matter how fat/ugly she is. They have no dignity or standards.

>It's an on going process
Comic sales are down after their attempt at diversity, it's proof that your claim of representation is horse shit and unneeded.

Someone looking up to a character only because of their gender is a shallow, irrelevant minority being dishonest on twitter for brownie points.


Based Irish bond

They hired a feminist writer, so of course she’s entirely predictable and bent left.

>white fragility is a my...

Attached: whitefragility.jpg (1088x8562, 2.52M)

Fuck off

No matter what they do to drive it into the ground we'll always have Connery's films and Dalton's. As much as SJWs hate Connery's for being mysogynist or whatever, they will never go away

Go dilate tranny! It's the exact opposite! There has never been a successful gender swap movie!

The reality is that /pol/ IS normal people just expressing what we think freely you fucking retard. Ask a working class parent, in Europe for example, what they think of Islam, black people being treated like special fragile victims and any other deranged shit your repulsive weak arsed leftie mob is trying to force as reality... /pol/ isn’t a select group of Nazis, nor your favourite demon incels, it’s just people shit sick of you.

>tranny fraquility is a my...

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bad falseflag.

They have undeveloped brains and can’t see reality. Which is why the satanic kikes want to infect the world with their genetics, to more easily rule over the docile, placated cattle.

He's not wrong

Highest approval rating in GOP history. Stay mad.

>they have no choice but to pull something like this.
should pull the trigger instead then

>Someone looking up to a character only because of their gender is a shallow, irrelevant minority being dishonest on twitter for brownie points.
Exactly this

In all seriousness has there ever been a series that swapped the main character from male to female or black to white and did better than the original? The only woke movies I've seen succeed used as already established character like Black Panther or Captain Marvel.

>>film's audience is virtually all male and most women don't like it anyway
Is this true? My mom always loved James Bond.

oh no no no no no no no no

This is about promoting white genocide and replacement

Their entire view of themselves and their place in the world is based on muh gibs. Their genes determine the structure of their brain and hardwire it for gibs. Very rare exceptions and they remain productive by tuning out this shit.

>black fragility is a my...

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Apparently Lashana is going to be "007" but the plot is to find James Bond who is retired, and that's Daniel Craig.

Not sure why people give a shit, she's not James Bond in the movie.

user, I was speaking in reference to Captain planet who is blue and obviously not of a particular race(or even really human) Thus the only thing noticeable was his gender.
Now you're moving the goal post and flipping the original argument on its head.
My point was, James Bond was more popular with guys than girls since:
1. he had character qualities that mostly appealed males rather than both genders, be they good or bad (it's no secret that boys are raised on a lot of toxic masculinity that makes them find such qualities "relatable" and that we have a culture that craves violence as entertainment but that's a whole other issue)
2. he's male(yes it has a subtle effect)
3. Most of the female characters in Bond movies were 2-D as fuck and only there for eye candy.
>you saying the only difference is that Bond seduces women and a female bond seducing men is the only thing that matters?
No, why would I think something so stupid and narrow minded? Because I'm a feminist and "all feminist hate men are only ok if women are displaying hypermasculine qualities?"
Arya stark went from one of my favorite characters to least favorite for that reason.
I don't know how they plan to write her, but I'm assuming it would be in a way that is more relatable to females(ideally to boys too but you know how lazy the entertainment industry can be)

Yes there are more well rounded female characters now and growing more every year(at lest half of those characters were 90s-2000s btw). I didn't argue against that user. I'm just saying in the past, especially around the time of James Bond, most franchises did not, including the James bond franchise itself.Hence, why it was/is more popular with guys? Understand now?
Changes are still just being implemented though like I said.
Also,the drop in sales of comics can be due to a lot of things such as pirating among others.

>Their entire view of themselves and their place in the world is based on muh gibs.

Which is uploaded to them via Jew media/indoctrination, just as feminism is to white women. For the most part, neither group is intelligent enough to see it for what it is and reject/overcome it.

007 = Bond, be it canon or not
you can't break the bond (lol) like that.

But she'll the successor in all the future films. This is a set up to make all future films star her.

>toxic privileged men are getting butthurt constantly
What a time to be alive

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>remove superhot hunk male lead
In what world will this actually pander to women? If anything, this will remove one of the few things they liked about these franchises.

No room for tears in your mouth with all the semen desu

And people will still say there is no anti-white agenda in the media, leftists want whites dead.

It might be comfy if Daniel Craig's character is racist and sexist about how there's a black female 007, just like the audience.
Btw have the movies already established that "Bond" is a code name?

>niggers are getting forced on everyone and everything for no reason other than to do it
What a time to be alive

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I literally can not wrap my head around this decision

Bond is a dying franchise anyway, I've made my peace with the fact it should be put to bed.

Unironically due to low IQ

Same, which is why I'm glad it's finally being killed for good with this film

Holy fuck, that dude that plays Blade is the new 007?! I'm OK with this!

Me neither. It's not like Star Wars where there's a very dedicated following. James Bond movies are just turn-off-your-brain entertainment for people who want to see the same formula over and over again, and that's what made them good.
Do black people care about James Bond? I don't think even SJWs would have a problem if Bond was still a straight white man because nobody really cares that much about Bond, the franchise has been a cartoon of itself for some time now, rather than something that should be taken seriously (like race and gender are supposed to be taken seriously with this decision of replacing Bond).

People MAY have seen it if it were a black man (unironically Idris Elba)

A woman being Bond is a joke.

A black woman is genuinely insulting and I guarantee it will backfire hard. Who the fuck is the target audience?

T. Brit

>heh, another low quality ba--

Attached: tenor[1].gif (370x330, 3.14M)

well fuck I thought it was a fucking shitpost fake from you guys..... ok

Spectre, which critics shat on, made 900 million. It's going nowhere.

I'm okay with this one, she's only playing a side character that happens to have the 007 code, right? I don't see anything wrong with that, maybe even having the actual Bond deal with being replaced is something interesting to see in a movie rather than having it happen off-screen. Though Idk if I will see it because I already got lazy and didn't watch the previous Bond movie.
But I wouldn't watch a movie where she is the only "Bond" main character. I like the Bond movies because they've kept the same formula for decades. And part of that formula is having a very traditionally attractive lead. They could have replaced Bond with a black man, a white woman or a black woman, but it should have been a conventionally attractive and seductive one, not an exotic modern take on beauty like this woman.

Because blacks secretly crave whites. They want to be white. They want white culture, they want access to white people, they want what we have.

It's funny when they complain about cultural appropriation when they are appropriating white culture all the time.

>It's an ongoing process. Hopefully things change soon?
Change into what, and why would change be necessary for representation in the first place? It doesn't appear sensible for a main audience to be alienated in favor of expanded demographics, and then simultaneously wish them to be patient in order for this change to be properly "implemented". But, even then, there isn't a clearly defined purpose in this experimentation, since it's still following the logic of a franchise or specific medium (i.e vidya, comics, etc.), yet adapting the circumstances into already adapted stories. Risk is obviously supposed to be in mind when creating something worthy, but considering that this risk is inherently based on demographics and attaining wider audiences, this seems less to be a good change, and more the work of cynical business tactics

>she's only playing a side character that happens to have the 007 code, right?
You wish. After the events of the film she's going to take over the role of Bond when James officially retires, thus ending the role of Bond as a character.
They will then follow it up with her as the lead of a now female focused franchise.

I just gave an example on why females would relate to male characters like Captain Planet which user brought up. Same thing with characters like Link, Jon Snow, Harry Potter, Simba, etc
My point is, with the James Bond Movies, that was NOT there so o course females wouldn't really relate; add again, the fact that all the female characters were 2-D eye candy.
It's still nice to have more female characters that girls(or hell everyone) can relate to.

Also, you ever think that it's easy to say that representation doesn't matter much when you happen to belong to the group that just so happens to have the best representation over all? Again, food for thought.
It's like me saying paternity fraud isn't a big deal meanwhile I have and will never have to experience that.

Please stop using this stupid word. 'Whitewashing' is an actual thing, it means to paint wood white, therefore using it to describe turning a non-white character white is clever, just changing the word to 'black' to describe the reverse isn't because blackwashing isn't a real word. Use 'blacking up' or something, which is how you describe a white actor painting their face black to pretend to be a negro.

Well in that case I may watch this one as it's the last proper Bond movie and forget about the series afterwards.


That's ok. I'll watch something else at home.

It doesn't need to be an actual thing to exist as a word. I don't think people will stop using it just because one single user is seething over how it doesn't fit with his technical woodwork autism.

not a failure. it'll break even

It makes you sound so stupid when you say it that I wonder if you're doing it to try and discredit people who are annoyed by diversity casting.

Bond retired at the end of Spectre so they replaced him as 007. He'll come back and be 007 again by the end of the movie when she's dead or moved to another code number.

Come on man, this is designed to generate exactly this kind of press and you fell for it

>Why would they think this would be a good thing?
To distract from other stories. A few 10s of millions lost is worth distracting the public.

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Idris would've been a kino Bond, even /ourguy/ supported it.

Attached: shapiro-twitter9aug.png (889x523, 80K)

>people who are annoyed by diversity casting.
Privileged people who think a movie somehow affects their daily life.

Bond isn't a woman. 007 is a codename that anyone can have. Come on man use your brain for two seconds

Magical numbers confirm. It's almost as if they do it wrong on purpose. Idris Elba would have been perfect, why do they insist on doing everything the opposite of what people want, even when the popular choice is a SJW one?

My wife loves Bond films and when I showed her the OP pic she rolled her eyes and said "why"?


Jesus Christ did everyone on Yea Forums take fucking stupid pills today? This is exactly what they want. You moan and bitch about it, create a load of buzz for a film nobody is really bothered about, and at the end of it Bond will be 007 again and nothing will have changed

The cute nephew's name? Albert Einstein

If anyone thinks this isn't setting up future films with her as the female bond than I feel sorry for them

>Be Hollywood
>Have sleazy casting couch
>Get busted
>Feel guilty
>Shove #MeToo down the world's throat

I can see the SJWs convince some people they are fans of the comics and video games they want to change with their identity politics, but are a fucking genderfluid fruit with pink hair suddenly going to pretend it is a fan of Goldfinger, filled with "toxic masculinity"?

>early 20s

Which time period did you travel from?

Women might watch a female Jaymee bond for whatever hunk of meat they put her after.

At least choose a hot one... I really have no problem with the gender swap but come on.

shapiro says shit like this so nobody can call him racist

More like they want access to resources and status that they have mostly been denied.
Blacks have and make their own culture all the time, it's wither just not taken seriously or "borrowed" and without proper credit being due. That or they are forced to assimilate but that's a different argument.
That's not how it works. It's about influence. Whites still practice that culture AND it's not looked down upon when they do it
>inb4 dumb arguments about how there are less an less white roles when clearly there are still a shit ton and you're in denial)

Cultural appropriation is about how a person of one culture( usually dominant) uses another culture for personal or financial gain, meanwhile the members of that actual culture are looked down upon when they practice it(as primitive, low class, etc).

Same here, a hot female Bond would have still been somewhat true to the franchise.

They literally have. That's what they're doing. She's not James Bond, she's the new person with the 007 code number now he's retired

Can you read?

I'm sorry incel, but this may work on losers who like Dr. Who, but normies love Bond. They either want him or want to be him. They've known him their whole lives. This isn't /pol/ shit. Sorry, but normal people don't like this kind of stuff.

007 is a codename. James Bond is a person. This is a new person with the 007 codename because he retired in Spectre.

Use your fucking brain ffs

It's not real. You didn't read it, did you?

>in Europe for example

This guy thinks Europe is a monobloc. Ask someone in Hungary, Spain, Greece, or Ireland and you'd get totally different answers.

You're kinda dumb aintcha?

He isn't a racist though and is against identity politics.

They would care. It's nor about something they enjoy. At the end of the day, if white people care about, then they care about it too. Care to destroy it that is. "Lol fuck whitey" is what they live for.

>against identity politics.
>did you guys know I was the number 1 recipient of anti semitic tweets? btw, die for my homeland israel please
>isn't a racist
>arabs love living in sewage

Have sex


This. It sounds cartoonish and edgy as fuck but once I stopped trying to find a consistent political viewpoint grounded in economics or liberty or anything else and instead started filtering it through “they hate my people, want me dead, my wife raped and my children replaced”, everything made much more sense.

why is hollywood obsessed with black diversity? all these movies just to make blacks feel good about themselves for the sake of diversity yet you never see any other race, it's just always blacks

Almost as if that's what it was intended to do.

>slippery slope isn't real
>they went from a blonde bond to bond being a black female

They don't need to be alienated. It is possible to make female characters that appeal to both males and females. I just listed some.
It's also possible to have characters/stories that appeal mostly to males and others that appeal mostly to females. The manga industry did this for years with Shonen and Shojo though the lines between the two did become overbearing("only men can write shonen, only women can write shojo blah blah blah").

If comic industry's only response is to rehash old male characters into female ones and worse, not attempt to make characters relatable to both males and females, then that's an issue. Not, the plan, but the execution.
Also, you didn't answer my question: how can you just infer that sales are down mostly due to the changes being made(let alone soley) and not other reasons like pirating? Manga sales and TV show sales in general are going down, but it's because people just pirate them or use netflix.

>yet you never see any other race, it's just always blacks
hispanics just made the alita movie, but you couldn't tell because it was actually tasteful and produced by james cameron instead of (((them)))

I wish she wasn't hideous

In what logical reality can such a conclusion make sense?
You're just a brainlet.

jews are a minority

The one in which open borders are good for everybody except Israel

the cope is real.
Most of the people not slerging about this are have more sex than everyone on this site(which is none) so I wouldn't bank on it.

she'd look more feminine with long hair but hollywood likes pushing androgyny with black women

black culture is based on white condescension.

Taraji Henson has a much more successful film she led.

There’s also Us (Lupita Nyong’o) and Girls Trip (Queen Latifah, Tiffany Haddish).

She has the face of a 13 year old black boy.

some black people are sick of it

They can’t get over their Grace Jones fetish. It’s getting old. I wish they’d get a Pam Grier or Teresa Graves fetish.

She was born male, right?

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they are starting to catch on after the little mermaid fiasco

some are based

>black woman kicks Bond in the balls
>everyone goes "owww, right in the double 0s"

>why the fuck arent black people mad that they are being used like circus animals
because the majority of them are low iq?

Not everyone outside Isrea is for open borders and not everyone in Israel is against it.
Your logic has no end to it's falseness.
Also, Israel doesn't have a track record of destablizing multiple countries who's citizens have now desperately decided to emigrate elsewhere for a better life.