I just finished the bond films, Mission Impossible films, and John Wick films...

I just finished the bond films, Mission Impossible films, and John Wick films. Ive never seen the Borne movies but I hear they are good. Are they worth a watch? Do they still hold up? Any other action movies I need to watch? Ive seen all the classic 80s stuff.

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Yes, yes and North by Northwest.

thanks user

Bourne films are unwatchable for me because of all the shakycam. I don’t know if you were including all the Hong Kong kung fu movies in “classic 80s” but if not you should watch those.

They are going to better in 2021 when they star a black woman.

The first Bourne is really good, the action and chases are all practical and it subverts a lot of spy movie cliches (the Bond producers took major inspiration from Identity when they were developing Craig's Bond)
the second one has a bullshit sequel plot where by the end you feel like barely anything has happened. a character gets needlessly killed in the first 10 minutes. lots of shaky-cam fights which are fucking annoying
3rd one is better than the 2nd but still not as good as the 1st, plot is mostly good and so is the action. Ties the story off really well
4th one is almost completely unrelated to the other ones, no returning actors. Was actually a good movie but would have been better if it was fully standalone from Bourne
5th one is complete shit, makes the same mistakes the 2nd one made regarding the story, a story which insults the intelligence of anyone over the age of 15

The first one isn't all that shaky. But it was a different director.

yeah, I focused on 80s stuff in my young, mostly Asian and fu that's why im so late to watching these more modern movies. I never wanted to watch the bourne films because of the shakey cam and not a big damon fan but after really enjoying the craig bond films and the mission impossible films for their fun set pieces, I wanted to see what other modern action movies im missing out on. ive seen kingsman and man from uncle too in case someone wants to recommend those. ive seen the raid films too, didn't think the night comes for us or headshot were any good.

Watch the trilogy, ignore Legacy and Jason Bourne 2016.

Now watch the Kingsmen films and The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
When you're ready watch Tinker Tanker Soldier Spy

>get some rest, Pam, you look tired

Also check out all the old samurai classics. I particularly enjoy the lone wolf and cub films. Lady Snowblood is a beautifully colorful film.

that's a shame to hear that after 1 it all goes to shaky shit

seen them, thanks user
working my way through these and older 60s yakuza papers s

I actually like the second one over the third one.

are the books any good?

OP here, i apologize... I guess i wanted to know just modern action movies ive missed out on.

i also enjoyed the sicario movies and the zahler films. they were slow and not action heavy but i enjoyed them.

Ashes of Time
But you’ve probably seen those.

yes, I still have a download of SHADOW but im not in the mood to watch it these days

Dragged Across Concrete was a total disappointment to me.

Bulletproof monk

If you’re willing to watch anime, check out sword of a stranger. If not, check out Slow West, Hostiles, 3:10 to Yuma (2007).

I watched shadow and honestly thought it sucked. And I was ready to love it

was slow west good? ive seen the others. and is sword of a stranger a full series or just a movie

They are great if you stick with the original trilogy and ignore the rest

Oh and Hell or High Water, pretty great, simple, story.

ive caught up on all sheridans flicks after i saw sicario. how is yellowstone?

Sword of a Stranger is a movie. Known for its fantastic final fight. I really enjoyed slow west despite its flaws. Hostiles was also real underrated imo

2nd is the best of the trilogy, 1st is 2nd best and 3rd is the worst as it's just homages. they're all still great and well worth watching, but the shakycam is kind of unfortunate. also ignore anything after the original trilogy.

you missed the entirety of the 2nd movie's theming, it's not needless, it's the whole arc for the goddamn movie. re-watch it and pay attention.

people remember the awesome mic drop ending of the second one and they retroactively apply that feeling to the rest of the movie
only read the first one, but I enjoyed it the way I enjoy Lee Child and Tom Clancy books. just know that the plot that the film series take 3 movies to resolve is literally finished by the end of the first book
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon holds up, so does Bad Boys and Bad Boys II and Lethal Weapon
Hot Fuzz is a funny action comedy that takes the piss out of buddy cop action movies like Lethal Weapon and Bad Boys, and by the end it has a full on extended action scene that rivals anything in those movies

I’ve heard good things, but haven’t seen it.

not really, they're different. the author still has a lot of this spy stuff but it's more suspenseful than action-thriller. the marie character lives through the whole series and is more of a second protagonist than a supporting character, and the books are largely about stockholm syndrome. they're not for the same audience as the movies, movies are way better.

Legacy is the biggest pleb fliter

ive seen CTHD. Believe it or not I haven't seen Bad Boys 2 but I really am not trying to be a racist but I cant stand will smith or martin Laurence and I know its a quipfest. of course ive seen all the lethal weapons and hot fuzz

Get some rest, user. You look tired.

I’ve been tired since 2007

I know what you mean.

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Thread theme?

thanks for keeping the thread alive. I wish there were more great modern action movies.

The shaky cam only annoying if you're a boomer over 50

Respectfully disagree. I liked the books much better because the premise is so much less generic. Bourne losing his memory in the books leads to him believing his cover story (he's an assassin) is real. The truth is a lot more nuanced and him finding that out is really rewarding whereas in the movies he really is just an assassin who loses his memory.

Very comfy, especially the first hour or so of identity

Sad that Legacy never got a sequel.

Though there's the issue of how many Bourne movies without Bourne in them can you really do?

It also has some glaring issues, like how the motorcycle chase drags on and on, you expect a hand to hand fight between Cross and the Larx agent but it never happens

Attached: rachel-weisz-the-bourne-legacy.jpg (6144x4096, 2.65M)

>john wick
>mission impossible
now those are some movies i'd like to see with a black maincharacter, would be awesome

Qulaity post

Before op watches those cartoony bullshits, he should watch The departed with Matt Damon and Leo DiCaprio.