
Didn't expect too much but it had some good scenes. Makes me want to rewatch Lake Placid.

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I liked when the gators ate the stereotypical Floridians.

I expected certain characters to survive but the movie said fuck that, was great.

What the fuck was that shitty ending though.

That was kind of a let down. The build up was great though through the house.

I’d be willing to bet there was something there that test audiences didn’t respond well to, like they got chomped at the last minute or the copter crashed.

They should have went with The Descent ending. The end credits song was great.

Anybody else think the "you can swim faster" scene was just a great lie to save his dog?

It worked

I was expecting the helicoptor to crash into the house and an overall badend to fall. Anything would have been better than "choppers here!"

That or the chick's arm getting bit off

The Descent ending is retarded, you shouldn't bait your audience with one ending, then have a character LITERALLY wake up "oh it was a dream". Such cheap shitty writing...

Better than hey she's out. Same reason I love The Mist.

>that scene where that bus full of blacks was swept away by the waves and officer nearby said "Looks like crime is going down."
Jesus Raimi

The swim girls have nice butts

Probably her getting snatched off the roof, which is what I was expecting.

It's necessary

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Let me guess, the dog dies?

I wish

The dog actually planned all of it.

The scene where savoring private ryan guy goes on a 15 minute tirade about how the Jews are vampires that prey on children was a little far. That scene seemed a little out of place considering the situation the characters were in.

>movie about water
>call it CRAWL

Those scenes never happened. You are making it up.

Movie is about crawling alligators.

Well I guess we know why Raimi was so keen on doing an alligator movie.

Watch the movie

I did.

It was supposed to be funny,right? Also this

How the fuck is Raimi still tolerated by people in Hollywood? Does he have have dirt on everybody or something?

Attached: smugraimi.jpg (1200x800, 202K)

Raimi's an artist, the sign of a true artist is when he makes us say things like
>what did he mean by this

Attached: Raimi and Tobey.jpg (1940x1549, 1.22M)

>that alligator who started talking at the end and started ranting about illegal cubans and indigestion and then winked right at the camera even though it only had one eye

I saw that movie and that never happened.

Raimi used to be more subtle.

Attached: SamRaimiSamRaimiChateauMarmontEDxXWh_zrNl.jpg (360x594, 50K)

I'm surprised the dog lived. The entire movie I was bracing myself for the moment when a gator would jumped out and mauled it to death

I was hoping there would be more after the cut to black helicopter rescue. Like a scene a few months later and the girl is winning at swimming and her dad is there to cheer her on with his fancy new prosthetic arm or something.

couple of nice feet shots

I'm just glad someone threw Barry Pepper a bone.

The damage in this movie didnt mean much outside of straight limb removal, hailey should have lost her arm during the death roll so the one armed pull to safety would mean more. Or raise the stakes literally anything would have been good. But people are bitten and hurt and walk around just fine and function jump and swim like nothing happened

I also don't think a compound leg fracture could be made walkable with a belt.