The Great Debate

Which is the best subscription for my Yea Forums experience?

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I prefer Hulu. KOTH, Futurama, IASIP, Parks and Rec, and several Friday the 13th movies.

None of them are, you sub for a month, binge the shitheap of "content" they contain then unsub immediately.


this, keep them on rotation, its the only way to keep watching the quality shows and not force yourself into consuming the trash filler


Amazon has the best film selection.
Hulu has the best tv selection.
Netflix has the most original programming but most of it is shit.

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If you're rich get all 3 and the secret ones. If you're not rich don't get any.

Amazon Prime is the best value for the money, and probably has the most movies worth watching. Netflix has by far the most original content. Some of it's great, some of it's shit. Hulu's movie selection is a joke, but they have a lot of classic TV, and modern shows that the other ones don't have.

what are the secret ones? pls tell me also pls subscribe

All three.

Netflix for originals and CW shows
Hulu for background noise/binge shows.
Amazon for originals and seasonal HBO/Showtime.

It's still cheaper than DVR and cable and the only serious slight investment is Prime and any adult already has it for shipping.


just use RARBG you fucking sóiguzzling piece of faggotry

>CW shows

no, Prime for kung fu and Hulu for anime, a real man doesn't need anything else

Well almost everyone has Amazon prime so it's mostly Netflix vs Hulu

I don't. Prime is a rip-off, "paying to get free shipping" is the biggest scam ever.

Every people who has subs to Netflix and Hulu anyways

Netflix, but ideally you should just watch everything illegally for free and only spend money on essentials

>Netflix has by far the most original content. Some of it's great

List 3.

lmao enjoy being a mallcuck.

I like some of the standup specials.

Prime. They have so many schlocky horror movies you used to find in the video store

based & redpilled

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based cat

antenna for local stuff, kodi for streaming. i dunno how people put up with netflix interface, i hate it when i use it at my friends

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How is it a scam? It pays for itself for me in a month.

Hulu is best. Netflix has better UI and originals tho

Amazon Prime by miles. Worth it just for the Robert Stack Unsolved Mysteries

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Prime is shite though, you have to pay for the service and pay for most of the individual shows & movies too

I go to the library and check movies and music out and then rip them with
It's super simple and comes with nice defaults. Works with Windows, Linux and Mac.
That way I don't have to give money to hollywood or be spied on by huge corporations that literally want to know everything about me so they can control me etc.

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You can literally watch Unsolved Mysteries for free on and tubitv

If you buy from amazon often then the free shipping literally ends up paying for itself

But you get free shipping anyways on orders more then $25. So unless you order $5 items everyday it isn't worth it.

Who the fuck gets Prime video? Its just byproduct of having Amazon Prime
Hulu is Disney's bitch now, amd Netflix lost everything to the shows owners who all are making/made their own streaming service

If you prefer movies over series
( unless you want solid older series to rewatch) : prime all the way.

You dont get free two day shipping, retard.

I'd rather save a $100 and wait a week.

Amazon gibs me dat Prime fo free

just torrent based YIFY rips. if you need to get a service then get Prime because it at least comes with other stuff and not just flicks

>paying for streaming
holy shit grandma

Hulu is the best but that's probably my opinion as an autistic manchild

No you don't.

Physical Media.

>Paying for streaming

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Netflix=too jewish, too sodomite, too antiwhite
Hulu=not broad enough, too focused on certain shows
Prime=non-jewish, still annoyingly antiwhite and feminist, but most tolerable. Bezos is a cuck

this is it, a fake name on your library card and you have it made

Prime has fucking ads all over its shit (in between every fucking episode) if it wasn't for the shipping I would never had paid. How cucked do you have to be to pay for a video service and sit through ads? Also everything worth watching on there I've already seen.

The ads at least are for Prime exclusive shit. I wouldn't have watched Jack Ryan otherwise, and Jack Ryan was kino.

I have all three, as well as HBO Now and the Starz subscription on Prime.

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Prime for selection, Hulu for price. Netflix will be fucked by Disney + if they don't do something about their prices.

plex with a good server hookup

This, fantastic late night entertainment

I live in Puerto Rico and the ONLY way to get free shipping is through Prime.

They all suck because if it isn't one of their shitty original series or a movie that isn't known by the average normie, they won't have it.
Hulu is slightly better when it comes to the more "obscure" movies, however.

I just go with now since watching any movie that doesn't have a Disney/Universal/Sony/WarnerBros attached to it, its nearly impossible to obtain. I miss the simpler days when everyone wasn't trying to compete with each other and end up having nothing in an ironic sense.

Do you really order so many things that it equals $112 in shipping in a month's worth of time?

Unironically Netflix DVDs. They have almost everything ever published on disc, while streaming selections suck.

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the fuck does any of this mean

>paying for media

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in the past year prime and hulu has had almost the same movie selection

>embarrassing yourself as a netflix/amazon/hulu pleb casual
big yikes

Attached: criterion_channel.png (1600x1392, 1.93M)

>shit films
>great tv shows
>good comics
>great magazines
>okay books
>free shipping

Hulu won't exist for much longer once Disney+ and Warner/HBO Max take back their stuff. Even Amazon is gonna lose a bunch of stuff.


No him, but that's $119 per year 9.92/month, and 1-2 day reliable shipping.

Super worth it for me

Then I get to fill the gaps in my streaming for free

criterion channel and private trackers you fucking braindead pleb

All 3 Adam Sandler Netflix projects.

>the fuck does any of this mean

Nothing. It's the ravings of some dumb fuck internet bigot who's every life decision hinges on race obsession.