>“Why do you think I came all this way”
What the fuck does that mean?
>“Why do you think I came all this way”
What the fuck does that mean?
Bran came all the way to King’s Landing to make sure that the Lords didn’t choose to elect an incapable retard with no claim to the throne. He kinda forgot on the way though but said the line anyway and was then too lazy/retarded to stop them corronating him.
King's Landing is like right next to Winterfell.
You seem nice.
That he will burn when Dany returns
Dany died in episode six. Did you even watch the show?
J-nigs are being dickheads again.
Everything that happened did so by design, so he could become King. That was Bloodraven's intent all along. He needs to be ready when Mad Dany comes back after being resurrected by the Red Priests of Volantis.
And she's gonna be pissed.
I knew Bran’s story would fail the moment they got rid of his acoma dream from the first book
>Bloodraven is king
>Jon Aegon is king beyond the wall
>Dany will rule in essos
>All will live thousands of years because of magic
So targs won? Seriously
>he doesn't know
Nobody tell him
Its implied Drogon took her corpse to the red priestess that visited her in Dragonstone.
No it isn't you dopey mong
Reminder that the Night King was trying to save everyone from this monster.
wikileaks isn't evil, he's just an autist who can't have sex
>the red priestess that visited her in Dragonstone
Melly sanders is dead, m8. But I like where you're going with that...
Check catalogue for Me Before You does it
what about the jew pristess from season 5?
>drogon was last seen heading volantis
>drogon has dany's body
Yes it is
I'm sure bloodraven will explain it either telepathically or otherwise, he's thinking long long term here
based retard
>tfw Brans pee pee doesnt work and you realize that the 10000 year old Stark line is basically extinct after this generation making Lannisters the only original Great House to have survived since the Age of Heroes
Keikaku means plan.
You're grasping at straw, friend and it's becoming embarrassing.
He let all the horrible shit happen because he wanted da bad poosi through his newfound powers as king
Kinvara never visited Dany, in Dragonstone or otherwise. She visited Tyrion and Varys in Meereen.
Am I the only person who actually watched this show?
He meant the one who comes to Tyrion and Varys in Meereen and claims that Dany is the one who was promised.
She only shows up in this one scene in S6, so I imagine wherever they were going with her probably got scrapped along with the rest of the Azor Ahai plot.
>d-d-damage control
many don't remember all the details
can Tyrion father children though? or is he just shooting blanks?
Plus Melisandre went to Volantis in season 7 and it wasn't explained why
He is omniscient and almost immortal. He wanted to be king and he didn't care who had to die to make that happen.
Cope, she's getting resurrected. Season 9 in 2022
Tyrion is infertile.
>Dany died
Why would the dragon of taken her corpse if they didn't intend to bring her back from the dead. There is zero proof that she is dead. Did you even pay attention?
>last seen heading towards Volantis
>This means Drogon is going to the priest we saw in Mereen
>Totally doesn't mean Drogon is going to the waste of Valyria.
You fuckers need to stop caring about this show.
Even if he cant there are plenty of minor Lannister branches in Lannisport, the Lannisters arent going anywhere anytime soon.
That was season 6, bro.
I didn't realize Arya and Sansa were barren. If they ever get married you know they're going to keep their surname because they're strong womyn.
Her career is dead as a dodo lol
Nah season 7 when she's on dragonstone
Jesus christ the amount of cope from the danyfags is alarming.
what about Lansel?
If you open the pic you'll see it's Dany actress, not Sansa's
Fine, have it your way.
Sansa is technically already married to Tyrion since their marriage was never anulled and I doubt Arya will ever have children after she went full Frodo in the finale.
But bloodraven is thinking long term here, he's probably seen the possible outcomes
they think she's still alive lol!
That's fine. It mean she can retire in the English countryside raising my children.
Crazy how the most popular TV show of all times was completely forgotten just a couple of months after its finale.
D&D really shat the bed here. The finale was like the worst of fanfics.
Arya might be pregnant from taking Gendry's pee.
He's long dead. Died along with all the Tyrells in the Seaon 6 ep finale
I've just finished watching the entire thing again
how do I move on with my life now that I don't have anything to fill the void anymore :(
The lord of light won't bring back someone from the dead unless they have an important role against the white walkers.
>what about Lancel
user, I hate to break it to you...
Here, I've included a map for the seething Danyfags. Which course seems more likely for "heading towards Volantis," the blue one or the red one?
it was frustrating to see that literally no characters really acknowledged bran's weirdness after he became woke, except for maybe jewfu before she left. any time someone would talk to him he'd say something weird and the person would just walk away.
it was ok
>watching this shitshow more than once
Fill it with hugs!
He said, literally in a thread discussing it.
How does Drogon know there's a red priestess in Dragonstone?
>this autism
I didn't knew danyfags triggered niggers so easily
>blue line on blue ocean
*spits in eye*
Take the E-pill.
same way he knew it wasn't jon snow but the throne that killed dany
She's back D&D literally wrote the song
It doesn't mean anything, it's a retarded meme show.
post more jewfu if you're so great
So what is west of Westeros?
lack of friends who care
>being on Yea Forums
>not caring about geography like a true history autist
The reason we want GoT behind us is so you r3ddit faggots will go back where you belong.
Snipping tool only had 3 pens by default and I wasn't putting a lot of effort into this shit. You get the point.
Read the books, user. Easily hundreds of hours of content.
stop being so fucking elitist
>caring about geography like a true history autist
the writers wrote out there asses
>I wasn't putting a lot of effort into this
I'll say.
It means they knew we would watch this awful season no matter what so they didn't have to put any effort into the script.
leave him alone. this thread needs all the content it can get.
If you don't know that all boards of Yea Forums are populated by history autists then you really are outing yourself as a r3ddit fag.
Yeah, I really don't care about GoT anymore.
they made millions off of peeps like you
>Yeah, I really don't care about GoT anymore.
posts in /got/
He's admitting that he knew what was going to happen and did nothing to stop it. It's not a happy ending at all but none of the other characters seem to notice or care.
Fuck off nigger
leave him be. he's a content creator
Seriously if the geopgrahy and travel times were relevant none of the show plotline's would be possible
So can he see if the future? If he can then he played everybody for the throne.
lol you're so right and smart!
No one cares.
it was beautiful
I think the show would have been even better if they made it 10 episodes per season, or even added a season 9.
No more teleporting, more political intrigues, we get to see how the dothraki starts raping and disobeying Dany, more character development. I think none of the characters has had the chance to show off their personality in season 9 due to how the show keeps skipping to all the major plot points. Lord Varys was silent for 2 seasons and only showed his old personality during the episode he died (and during the talk with Tyrion). Jon Snow was reduced to ''muh queen'', and there was so much wasted potential with Bran. List goes on. All due to lack of episodes.
My new theory after having watched the end of the series is the big twist in the books will be Jon and and Aegon...will be gay together.
Rickon and Dickon were red herrings.
None of those characters are gay.
You're thinking of the Tyrells.
>a fucking bambi
I think he can only see glimpses of the future
no helmets ever had horns. the enemy can just grab them
Bran knew he would die and let him go anyway
He deserved better
Gods what a stupid forehead!
Bran lost empathy when he became the Kar'vac. The chosen one.
People die and come back to life in Westeros all the time, did u even watch this show?
Think about it. Makes perfect sense and it lines up with history. The war of the Roses. My theory makes Dany Isabella the she-wolf. She’s a bitch, a cunt, a foreigner, nobody likes or wants to rule. Aegon comes calling for her hand to get Dragons, Jon comes calling to get help for his WW problem. The 3 meet. Jon and Aegon surprise everyone by falling in love. All 3 claim Dragons and we have another Dance. Dany ends up teaming up with the kingmaker. Who would be Tyrion or Jamie. We would get only gay and/or crippled sex scenes for the rest of the books.
the rape
You don't have to yell.
Winery is closed
Do you pursue other hobbies?
Know the difference
That's a German ceremonial piece.
Why didn't they debate the need for a king on the throne at all or why elect Bran instead of why not? Besides apparently needing a king to decide Jon's fate, why didn't the other Lords point out they can just rule themselveslargely like they've already been doing. And does Bran have any plans or platforms he's championing? He's a unknown with unknown motivations with a Small Council full of dishonorable people. Any reason besides he won't torment or have kids as for why he's a good leader and candidate for king?
Be more tolerant.
No it’s not it’s Henry the 8ths most famous helmet brainlet. Most famous helmet of the most famous king.
God, I hate this little bitchboy so much. I honestly hope the rumors are true that Emilia bullied him so much that he filed an official complaint with the production to get her to stop.
shorter posts in future
He didn't use it in combat.
Emilia is about as intimidating as a chair.
For all the autismal 'REEEing' about how Bran was handled in the last two seasons, I think GRRM will do something similar in the book. After the Tower of Joy scene, Bran will cease being a POV character and say similar things about how he isn't 'Brandon Stark' and so on, and the reader will be left to decide how benevolent the TER actually is. That's clearly what they were going for in the show, it was just executed poorly, like most things in S8.
Go watch some gay porn and lighten up. My theory is perfect for GRRM if it only had a little more pedo shit in it. I will have to work that in some how.
Which makes his actions that more pussified.
S8>S5-7 tho
Have at it bro
Every child knows Vikings had horned helmets. Just admit your an idiot loser and move on with your life. Richard the 3 fought in a fucking crown. People will fight in all kinds of crazy shit.
No, nigger.
>The worst incidents had occurred against fellow castmate Eugene Simon, Emilia reportedly kept pestering him for wine and thread stretchers and calling his name stupid
I'm talking about actual fighting, not sitting on your horse, directing troops. Also, your namecalling is aggravating.
Do you have the link to the rest of this?
You incorrectly identified one of the most famous helmets in the world and shameless lied about it like you knew what you were talking about. Nobody will be listening to you anymore. K.
Empires are founded on lies, user. Also, I see you're posting hornless helmets of Bulgarian cavalry.
The point is they are wearing full fucking wings you could easily grab on to according to you. But your not gonna do that on a battlefield because if you reach up to grab someone’s helmet chances are you are going to get stabbed in the body. Spikes or horns on helmets can also be used in close combat to head butt. If you ever wanna actually look it up people where using them on the battlefield 1000 years before the Vikings. The Mayans wore extremely elaborate head gear with feathers and bones and didn’t even have horses.
>Spikes or horns on helmets
I'm on season 3, when does it get good?
S5 with Hardhome
s8 when Carkel and co. dies like a bitch and Starks win
He's not bran anymore, it's bloodraven in bran's body
jonerys is the only good thing in season 7
>And she's gonna be pissed.
God I hate this Hollywood style of speaking.
Okay, George and D&D, that was a very funny joke. Preteen tree wizard is elected King? Haha, I get it!
So, when is the real ending coming out?
Lots of them are recorded on old reliefs like pic related. Constantine’s arch has Germanic warriors on the front lines sporting spikes and horns. They were used a lot by Germanics. Who were big tall people anyway just like Robert Baratheon and nobody is gonna be able to reach up to there head to pluck it off anyway.
did they make sweet love after this?
>One step forward, a flash of determination across his face, and it was too late for her. Whatever anger she felt, her outrage at his harsh words melted away, a clumsy kiss that fast turned into a possession of her mouth so sweet and deep and stirring she moaned, giving herself away with the sound. The blood in her veins was as molten as the rock beneath the earth, her body slackening, her hands limp and shaking.
>Before she could settle on what part of him to touch first, the seal on her lips was broken, and he pulled away with a flare of apprehension. She cursed silently, watching his face go blank, eyes skipping away from hers. If she didn’t do something, he was going to bolt. The wise thing to do would be to let him leave and pretend it had never happened, but she wasn’t always wise.
>‘Don’t stop,’ she groaned, grabbing at his shoulders, and tilting upwards on her toes to kiss him again, nipping at his bottom lip and darting her tongue inside to make it abundantly clear what she wanted. A lick of flame travelled down her centre to pool between her legs, and as she was crushed so tight the air escaped from her lungs in a gasp she was grateful, otherwise she would have slipped to the ground, the flick of his tongue in her mouth, the hands squeezing her arse, the itch of beard on her blushing face was beyond anything she could have dreamed up in her frustrated mind.
On the blu-ray edition with the alternative canon ending
>Bran knows everything including the events that happened at the tower of joy but doesn't know that rhaegar married lyanna in front of a heart tree
>Every child knows Vikings had horned helmets
Nowadays every child knows that's a myth created by Wagner.
Why didn't Jon call her out on flirting with him?
It was a gift from the German emperor to Henry.
because sex leading to a baby also leads to a successful marriage alliance
they didn't get married cause it would fuck up D&D forced plot
The show honestly could have been wrapped up in 4 or fewer episodes because of how season 6 ended.
D&D were really out for blood with these last 2 seasons. They even directly mocked George publicly with that Sam "song of ice and fire" book that writes gurm's favorite character Tyrion out of history
fuck off, screamer
It’s the same as when Arya said “I know a killer when I see one” about Daenerys when she killed literally millions of people. It’s a hack writing tool to convey an emotion/plot point to the brainless masses. It’s literally telling you “Bran came all this way, his story deserves it” because they can’t express it visually or logically or even through actual scene to scene writing.
It’s similar to another hack writing tool; cutting away from a conversation that would be too hard to actually write dialogue for. Like, you know, Aegon Targaryen telling his family who he really is and CUTTING AWAY from their reactions.
They are hack fucking writers.
>Sansa asks Jon if he bent the knee out of love
>Sansa asks Dany about Northern independence
>Jon tells Dany about his parentage
>Jon and Dany talk about him wanting to tell his "sisters" the truth
conversation ends on an ultimatum that didn't matter, because Dany didn't do anything afterwards
>Sansa is about to tell Tyrion about Jon's parentage
>Tyrion and Varys talk about Jon's parentage
complete nonsense dialogue that contradicts lore and ends abruptly
>Jon "talks" to Dany after Rhaegal and Missandei die
ends abruptly for no fucking reason
Jesus Christ, these two disgustingly lazy. Lack of source material is no excuse. Either continue to diverge from the source material or hire better writers. Don't tell one story (of diminishing quality) for 7 seasons, then undo it all in six episodes.
Shows over guys, become Emilia chads or die
Everyone complains that haters of season 8 just “didn’t like where the characters ended up”. They openly ignore all of the plot holes and weird shit and HORRIFIC writing and defend it blindly.
Not much can really be done about it.
Cute loli
they can milk him by stimulating his prostate. He can't feel it, but his big ben will shoot out the bong juice required
That throne room scene is really weird, the first thing Jon does is bitch about her executing Lannister soldiers of all things, and then he talks about the people who got burned as if it was an accident
Sansa, Queen in The North, will call any of her hellspawn "Stark."
In truth, the Tullys one.
>Early seasons are nothing but conversations with battles being cut away
>Later seasons are nothing but shitty battles with conversations cut away
what the fuck
>but his big ben will shoot out the bong juice required
From this day until my last day.
Even though i read the leaks and knew they were true, I still had my doubts about jon killing her as it just felt wrong to me, as he kissed her I thought he might just knock her out
Once I saw his arm swaying backwards I knew it was coming
After the dragon flew away, it's just felt empty - nothing fucking mattered in /got/ anymore
She should be on a throne somewhere, under a three headed dragon, with the King in the North beside her and an heir in her belly to unite the realm.
You want to know the horrible truth? I can't even remember what she burned down. I only know she was the one thing I ever wanted. Someone took her away from me, and Bloodmoon won’t fill the hole she left behind.
>jon is sad that Dany killed the people who brought absolute disgrace to his family
>tfw Jon could have gotten Dany to destroy The Red Keep and kill Cersei, but didn't
>tfw Jon could have gotten Dany to execute Jaime, but didn't
>tfw Jon tried to save Tyrion even though the imp actually committed treason
He is a clever beast
>Jon risks his life to appease the Lannisters who killed his family when they're on the brink of defeat
They had 2 fucking years, how could they came up with this? S5, S6 and S7 were masterpieces compared to S8
They thought that telling the audience something instead of demonstrating it, was adequate enough story telling.
>Sansa is supposed to be smart?
Tell the audience she is smart.
>Jon bent the knee for dubious reasons?
Tell the audience he did, except everybody in the audience knows why Jon bent the knee more than any character not named "Jon" or "Daenerys."
>Dany is supposed to be untrustworthy
Tell the audience that she is.
>Marriage couldn't work as the obvious solution?
Lie and tell the audience that Dany is "too strong" for Jon. Lie and tell the audience that Northerners don't practice incest.
>Dany is "too strong" for Jon
I think this is one of the most retarded things this season, Jon clearly is her counterpoint in S7. It's like they annulled all of the last season
>Jon isn't strong enough to deal with a woman but he'd make a good king
Only cakesniffing incels care about internal consistency
>Dany does whatever Jon tells her to do, but getting Jon to kinslay her and usurp her claim is the best solution.
Themes are for middle school am i right
Bran is the same character as Mr. Glass but on a higher level. He gets everyone else to do his dirty work. He knew Daenerys would kill everybody and then Jon would end her. It was all part of his plan to rule.
thanks science user!
>yfw you saw the delted scene of bran singing "just cant wait to be king" from the lion king
should have left it in, tbqh family
West Westeros
The punchline literally can't work without a wall of text you retard.
>Dany died thinking that Jon didn't love her, that he thought killing her was right and that he probably wanted the throne
>stabbing this
Was Jon actually just a faggot lusting for ginger wildling dick?
Yes, yes he was.
To be fair, he had a tough choice between having his beautiful aunt as his wife or living at the Wall to keep out a threat that doesn't exist anymore.
we persist in the doomed world they created.
>Create a series full of complex flawed characters dealing with leadership and doing the right thing
>God emperor is good cause he is
George genuinely hates love. Every couple, married or unmarried is doomed to tragedy and those in love are fated to be killed by it. Unless you're Sam
Goes to show, if you want to survive in this world, be fat.
Hot Pie actually has a very good story. Bakers boy who survived the war due to like one minor adventure and will probably be a baker someday.
No, “Lord Hot Pie” or “The Sweetroll Knight” or some made up seat on the smallcouncil they made up to give a fan favorite a happy ending.
>Jon is drowning in Wildling pussy with his third dad
To be honest, I don't think Jon really needed to be forced to go back to north of the North.
>drowning in savage unwashed ignorant pussy that likes to pillage
Sounds kinda shitty
You know that wildlings are supposed to be ugly as fuck right? Val is literally the only pretty one and it's literally a Dany 1:1 copy
You get use to the smell living with them that long
Pretty lame compared to riding dragons and conquering but it's definetly way better than sticking around in Westeros with those shitheads after Dany died
What's she thinking about here?
Well, in books. D&D's interpretations of characters aren't allowed to be too ugly otherwise how can we sympathize with them if we don't want to fuck them. So even a 2/10 should be at least 6/10, except for Yara.
Oh boy, Jon gets a wildling consolation prize that will always remind him of the love of his life, whom he murdered.
Don't kill yourself, Jon! There's still reason to live after George cucked you out of everything while your fat friend gets happiness.
ice cream and puppies
That might actually be true. She loves sweets, and dogs.
Go to bed, Kit.
It's impossible to Cristopher visit this anonymous forum, he's a very busy person with lots of film making i bet.
I think you meant to say "lots of lines of coke to sniff."
Lies and slander, Cristopher doesn't do drugs. Also stop saying he got friendzoned it wasn't my fault.
Remember how blindsided he was when he read through the scripts at the table reads for the first time? Poor fuck probably thought he would be King with a hot aunt wife and several babies.
Emilia tried to warn him.
I love schizo Kit posting.
I love how she openly mocks him when he finds out.
Fucking jannies wont let /got/ exist just so it's harder for the based posters to congregate, outrageous
Pic related is from when she started wandering around London after reading the script
emilia sucks.
>seething Sansafag. No (you) for you.
IMO Jon should've hooked up with Viserys and had dragon buttbabbies together.
Did she stop by her car first to wear the floormats as a jacket?
she's /fa/ as fuck
her fashion sense is based
What's the ribbon represent, manlet rights?
i don't know, but i'll ask her next time we meet
he thought he was in a big budget adaptation of the flowers in the attic. instead he had to kill his waifu. fate is cruel.
>emilia was the one who began bobbyposting
She’s actually the perfect waifu, isn’t she?
It was her all the time.
>Aphool battling the Dothraki is foreshadowed in the very first season
>entire character gets cut
When i thought she couldn't get more based
>Multiple complaints from the cast as Emilia kept randomly saying, "FOOKIN LEGEND", "BOAR", "EGG", calling herself a "DOTHRAKI WHORE" and repeatedly screaming "STANNIS" over and over again
How do we know this is from those 3 hours she wandered around?
>Clarke told the Press Association that after shedding “loads of tears” while reciting her last lines as Daenerys Targaryen, she turned to a glass of wine to try to soothe the pain of filming her final Game of Thrones scene. “That was the moment I realized that alcohol can also be a depressant,” she said. “I was kind of nursing a glass of wine going, ‘I don’t know why I’m not getting any happier from this.’”
so pure
>fucking randyl tarly was mourned more than viserion, rhaegal, rickon, margery, tommen, or theon
High IQ Drogon is the best
>That was the moment I realized that alcohol can also be a depressant
She knows how Kit feels now
This show is a completely travesty of an adaption. Fuck you D&D.
What a bullshit ending.
Fucks off and leaves Sansa because
>Sansa is a massive bitch
>a liar
>an oathbreaker
>an oathbreaker when said oath was made in the face of the old gods under a sacred wierwood tree
>a whore
>not even a stark anymore
>its shitty up north in winterfell
Brienne made the right decision to leave that slag in da norf
Or Dany, no one mourned her death
And she is smart enough to not let it overtake her. Good girl.
Based giant woman
>everyone happily accepts the hand of the newly elected king being a convicted kingslayer, known kinslayer, and the guy who helped bring the lady who burned down the capital over to Westeros in the first place
>We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory, and our great tragedy.
This is all we need to know about George's philosophy for ASOIAF and why Jon and Daenerys have to end in tragedy
Is she the most JUSTed main character in the entire world of fiction? Whole 7 year character arch just to get dabbed on by her own lover and her troops don't even care enough to execute him.
Everyone just forgets about her and moves on like she never existed including the people she freed, it's pitiful.
>great house
Kevan Lannister got murdered by a wine aunt with a zombie bodyguard and mad scientist and she just crowned herself queen and none of his soldiers did shit, Jon had an army at least
they didn't make a fucking dime off me nigger, i pirated every episode
The resteros
i can't believe gorge moretons is going to prison
>Everyone just forgets about her and moves on
I didn't
That was the last time she was ever happy. Fuck D&D.
She was happy for a few moments before Jon stabbed her.
I only know she was the one thing I ever wanted. And seven kingdoms couldnt fill the hole she left behind
Childless technocrats run the seven kingdoms, wow, nice job HBO, that's just like our world irl.
Season 1:
>Subverts your expectations by having your righteous fantasy archetype protag get his head chopped off
Season 8:
>Subverts your expectations by having your protag turn into a coward who stabs an unarmed 5’2” girl in the heart
And they say poison is a woman’s weapon, lol
Not really, she was just mad
Was anyone expectations subverted by Jon killing Dany? Everyone knew it was going to happen. Maybe if he actually joined her my expectations would be subverted
Bran being king is just so fucking dumb.
The spoilers were out for weeks/months/years in various forms, so no. In the context of the episode, it wasn't surprising either.
We wouldn't want the "Disney" ending now, would we? HAHAHA! All the anti-Jonerys people got the shitty ending they deserved.
It wasn't a Disney ending because Disney endings makes sense, a Dany ruling with Jon ending would be extremely better than what we got and GoT wouldn't get the universal hate it's getting now
it's what'll be in the books, that ending has the fat man all over it
Reminder that the winner of the game of thrones™ was absent for an entire season.
Now and always.
>People think she'll be resurrected in Valyria
>The last time a Targ princess went there she came back with worms boiling beneath her skin, worms with human faces that shrieked and screamed and she died with her skin boiling away/charring.
>My enemies have made my Queen bleed. I will not forget that. I will not forgive that. I will punish them with any arms at my disposal.
Aerea wasn't fireproof, Dany will be possessed and resurrected by R'hllor himself in Valyria and the dark magics there
You could argue it'd be more realistic for the puppet master to make it someone else that he rules through. I could see that. But normies would just think the puppet is actually in charge. This makes more of a statement.
>ever coming out
Fuck off with this meme already
The show has been shit since season 5. You were just too much of a pleb to notice like most normies
It was shit but S8 was worse than shit
So much better than prequels the fuck are they thinking
Season 8 was one of the best seasons
Fuck off nigger
Season 8 truly was in its own tier.
Exhibit A. Ruined years of buildup and intrigue for YAAS QWEEN subversion of expectations.
Sure it was, Dave
they subverted expectations there to subvert them far greater with dany killing a million people. it's one of the only genuinely bold moves any show has had lately.
>they subverted expectations there to subvert them far greater with dany killing a million people.
That doesn't even make any sense.
The boldest move would be to not release the final season.
I remember being in full cope mode saying it wasnt real
Then i coped saying they would pull a Lich King on Bran
Then i gave up
It would've been really bold if they did something the audience wouldn't expect and she didn't die in the next episode
I gave up ever trying to cope after that ridiculous chase seen with Arya and the Waif. That's when I realized this show became shonen anime.
>That's when I realized this show became shonen anime
If it had become a shonen anime, atleast NK would have some cool battle against Jon
It makes perfect sense. They had GOT fans thinking women are going to save the world and then the world had to be saved from a woman's reign of terror.
the big thing the audience didn't expect going into the season was her slaughter of innocents. there was no one upping that. after that was the fallout.
>the spoilers can't be true!
>they make no sense!
>there's no reason for Jon to go back to the Wall!
>why would anybody vote for Bran as King?
>maybe Dany will be brought back!
>there's got to be more! the episode is 80 mins long, and the spoilers can't fill that amount of time!
They forced that retarded narrative with Arya and forced the retarded Mad Queen plot to shoehorn in GRRM's ending. There is no deeper meaning with D&D.
>No one expected one of the most common fan theories ever
Shock value doesn't indicate quality. Go back to Rian Johnson's School of Writing, you hack.
t. Dabid
No, there was no one upping the Night King. The show literally opens with a prologue alluding to the big bad evil on the horizon. All the main characters stood around for like 2 years giving speeches about how the throne doesn’t matter.
Then in addition to ridiculously brief battle of Winterfell, we went back to getting Cersei off the Iron Throne which was just really low stakes especially since we were never convinced anybody would support her as queen in the first place.
>Then in addition to ridiculously brief battle of Winterfell, we went back to getting Cersei off the Iron Throne which was just really low stakes especially since we were never convinced anybody would support her as queen in the first place.
What are you talking about? Cersei's allies had more loyalty for her than Dany's did!
Subverting people with the status quo (men evil, women good) is been there done that. GOT had actual balls.
Most of the show is "muh iron throne" and whose going to rule. The show is called GAME OF THRONES. That was always going to be the climax.
Kill yourself you absolute fucking nigger, go back to your bar mitzvah and stuck your crayons up your prostate
Again, subversion for the sake of subversion doesn't make something good. And Cersei was an evil woman in power, you retard, so stop acting like all women were portrayed as good.
>Most of the show is "muh iron throne" and whose going to rule.
And the White Walker threat was supposed to show that the fight for the throne was meaningless in comparison.
it was beautiful
I didn't say all women were portrayed as good but most were as is the case in just about all movies and shows. But having a female hero whose basically been worshipped the entire show go down a dark path? That's never really been done before. And it made sense as explained in the show because everyone always told her she was destined to be queen and that she was always right.
Sometimes the person you need to save the world turns out to be a problem themselves. That was an interesting idea.
Would've unironically subverted expectations more if she said fuck you all in the finale, burned the throne and left. I was rooting for her the whole time, she did everything everyone asked and did the morally righteous thing every time, when tyrion tried to fucking rescue cersei I was like burn them all
>contrarians are starting to defend season 8 already
That was fast
I can deal with here being crazy like her bro, but you have to admit it was set up very poorly and extremely forced.
>But having a female hero whose basically been worshipped the entire show go down a dark path? That's never really been done before. And it made sense as explained in the show because everyone always told her she was destined to be queen and that she was always right.
The hero's descent into villainy trope has been done time and time again, and you praise D&D's pisspoor execution solely because this time the hero is female? Have you no standards?
>Sometimes the person you need to save the world turns out to be a problem themselves. That was an interesting idea.
Done to death and executed better in other works of fiction.
You can kind of blame Jon to a degree. He should have just kept his mouth shut and had babies with his aunt. But he had to do the moral thing, honesty, and that fucked over everything. Once Sansa knew and started turning people against Dany she was backed into a corner where she had to show power instead of mercy.
If they ever do a spin-off I expect it to still be chaos and make us question whether a world subdued by Dany would have been better in the long run.
GURM can shove the rest of his fucking books up his ass sideways as far as I'm concerned. Stannis not turning up at the end is the biggest steaming pile of horseshit in the history of "literature."
>when they force you talk nicely about s8 or they will make you bankrupt
It's all contrived bullshit. Nobody acts or reacts the way they should.
>That's never really been done before
It’s called an anti-hero, its done all the time, has been for hundreds of years and in the last ten years has been done ad nauseam on television.
Except its usually done in a better, more consistent manner. Not just a character spinning on their heel and becoming a villain in under 90 seconds.
D&D never intentionally put a “Feminism BTFO” moment in the show either. That was just incels projecting their own shit onto crap-writing after the fact.
>moral thing
>threw Dany under the bus to protect his own rep in the first episode after she sacrificed a child to save him
He's pure scum
S8 Jon is not canon, don't blame my boy like that
Seriously i stopped caring bout this show by s5 but watching that misscast retarded character yas qween die in the end was worth it.
Aryan was pretty fucking based s8 so there's that too.
>But he had to do the moral thing, honesty, and that fucked over everything.
Ned did raise Jon after all...
Post your favorite underrated characters:
>Dolorous Edd
>Saladhor San
>Berric Dondarrian
>Thoros of Myr
Also, some of these fan vids are comfy.
>but watching that misscast retarded character yas qween die in the end was worth it.
But Sansa didn't died, sadly. Also, who's Aryan? Seems pretty based
Arya was shit since season 5 when she became in cased on plot armor so thick, it was down right suffocating.
>Aryan was pretty fucking based s8 so there's that too.
Not really since he was written and set up just as badly.
Theon Greyjoy, he's so underapreciated both his character and the quality of his acting.
Also Sansa Stark has too much social IQ for most people in here to appreciate so it's lost on this board, but she's one of the only female characters that managed to transform from cringe to absolutely based by the end.
Edd deserved better than being a token death
You can be too noble for your own good. He wanted to believe in his family but was too close to see their faults. Sansa really is a bitch though because she knew he was in love with her.
>tfw your half-sister's jealousy forces you to kill the aunt your in love with
Ned never killed his kin. Ned never was put off by relationships that weren't considered incest. Ned wouldn't murder his queen. Ned knew how to keep a secret. Ned married someone he didn't initially love out of duty.
How is Jon like Ned?
And yet Ned didn't told a single soul about Jon's secret and preferred to get a mark in honor
I don't even understand Sansa's hate for Dany. It's like she doesn't want Jon to have any happiness ever. She would rather start a Targaryen civil war than have Jon as King-Consort to Dany.
Uhm, Arya Stark, seriously the one who killed the Knight king who threatened to doom the whole world to endless ice age?
>Plot armor
Bro she trained with Sirio fucking Forel and the faceless man and had nothing on her mind for 6 years except getting gud. If you call training plot armor i'm all for it but keep it on the DL.
>But having a female hero whose basically been worshipped the entire show go down a dark path? That's never really been done before.
That's a common trope though, more so seeing the heroic male figure having to put her down.
>You should be on your knees thanking me. We're standing in Winterfell again because of me. You didn't win it back, Jon didn't win it back, the lost the Battle of the Bastards. The Knights of the Vale have won the battle and they rode north for me. While you were where? Travelling the world?
>Wants to strip kids of their ancestral homes cause their families fought for the wrong side
>To Arya stark, the hero of winterfell (after losing a child half her followers and her father figure to help an ungrateful north, not just saying yes to help)
>Legitimizes the son of the usurper cause he's a war hero
>Sirio fucking Forel
He promised Lyanna. He was honor-bound to tell the one lie.
He's like Ned because his ability to see gray areas fucked everything up.
I said underrated characters though, as in with little screen time who don't get as much attention as they deserve imo. Sansa is a main and has just as much love as hate but I agree. I will admit it takes reading the books to really appreciate her more.It does piss me off when some retards have the audacity to imply that Arya has more emotional intelligence/maturity than Sansa though.
Theon is also a main so I wouldn't really count him as underrated but I can see that. Even though his actor didn't look that part, I agree he was phenomenal.
>The chad Sansa vs the virgin Carkel
Jon was not honorable, he was a lying manipulating scumbag
>more people like a character who committed genocide than sansa
I know =/ gods and dogs alike delighted to pissed on him even until the end.
What gray areas? Jon took a hard line stance on almost everything until the very end. If he saw gray areas, he would have kept fucking his aunt without telling a soul.
>the virgin Clarke
You didn't put much thought on that did you?
I still have no clue where you're even going with this "Carkel" thing, man.
Its completely irrational. People who point to Sansa being “right all along” about Dany ignore the fact that at the time Sansa makes bitchy remarks to Dany and turns Jon against her, all she’s done is save their lives.
Maybe Brienne got pregnant after she and Jaime did it?
Self explainatory, man.
carkel = misspelled [emilia] clarke
How was she even right, Dany wanted to rule together with Jon to the end
It this supposed to be witty? Because it's not.
Look dude, i know you're trying to force a new meme but that isn't how it works
Sansa's logic was Jon can't be King-Consort because Starks don't do well in the South. So the best option was to backstab him and pray for the worst.
i dunno. never saw it before last week
>the boy can literally control all animals, humans, and everything in-between
>thinking he won't have the dragon rape its shit skin loving mother and eat her
0/10 bait.
It looks like an autist who needs to special order a typing wand because his fingers are too fat to hit the keys
Maybe it's common in books or movies where you barely know the character and then they turn evil. But I can't think of any other long running show to turn a heroic female figure into a villain after they had been lifted up so high.
>Jon suddenly isn't a stark just because he doesn't have a last name
nigga wut
He can't warg dragons bro
Can't control Dragons, showfag
>Bran actually using his abilities to do anything
Not how it works, sweetie.
The Walking Dead has done it, probably like 4 times with 4 different Women.
Claire Underwood in House of Cards was a female anti-hero
Didn't even do that in the show.
>Jon would rather fuck off from westeros forever than spend another minute with his shit family and shit friends