ITT: Directors who are underrated by mainstream audiences and overrated by cinephiles. Pic extremely related.
>overrated by cinephiles
I disagree. At least certainly not on Yea Forums, many shit on him because he's relatively popular.
I think he deserves status as one of the greatest directors of all time.
>I think he deserves status as one of the greatest directors of all time.
Yeah this is what OP meant by overrated by cinephiles.
All of them, right? Normies don't understand the possibilities of film and cinephiles are in denial about its limitations.
>Yea Forums
Yeah and what I meant is that OP's and your opinion is shit and wrong
lynch is a fucking hack
Literal film historian checking in
Literal cuck checking in.
director james cameron here checking in
your mother checking in
user, this bait will just rile up the lynchfags(casuals). Anyways my pick goes to Paul Thomas Anderson. His films are generally good but he has few films that are god tier and everyone overrates The Master. Evidence of this is especially true when people are calling Phantom Thread good lol.
Sneed of Sneed's Feed and Seed checking in
>underrated by mainstream audiences
Twin Peaks 1.0 was probably the most "socially acceptable to admit you like it" show before the Golden age
Mulholland dr is the go-to "best 21st century movie so far" for anyone with a passing interest in film and up
>calls lynchfags casuals
>implies PTA has god tier films
the only Lynch film better than Magnolia is Eraserhead
Reddit checking in
Top kek. Lynch's worst film shits on anything PTA has excreted. Magnolia is a bloated, self-important mess of a film. Perfect for pseuds.
Lol jahahahabababa
almost every one of his films is.
Checking into your mother.
Season 3 cemented it. He won't be forgotten.
david lunch lol
thats exactly what I meant by cinephiles overrating him. I wouldnt even put him in the Top 50 greatest directors of all time, his style is superficial and extremely cheap in substance.
>I think he deserves status as one of the greatest directors of all time.
Leni Riefenstahl, Fritz Lang, F.W. Murnau, Victor Sjöström, Carl Th. Dreyer, Vertov etc. etc.
Hell, basically any non-Jewish yuropoor director from before WW2.
>I wouldnt even put him in the Top 50 greatest directors of all time
Alright bud, time to name the 50 ahead of him.
Yea Forums checking in
>makes instant classic that every normalfag forgets a year later
Mulholand Drive was a fucking mess
diner scene was cool though
>bloated, self-important mess of a film. Perfect for pseuds
this perfectly describes every entry in Lynch's filmography
off the top of my head Kubrick, Hitchcock, Kurosawa, Wenders, Herzog, Fellini, Passolini, Godard, Truffaut, Eisenstein, Vertov, Tarkofsky, Lang, Allen, Scorsesee, etc all have used the medium of film in more innovative ways and offer the spectator a deeper spectrum of emotions and experiences than vague disgust that Lynch still hasnt outgrown in 40 years
>that every normalfag forgets a year later
more like "every normalfag lists in their favorite movies list"
Remember when Game of Thrones was literally all people talked about on this board for 10 weeks this year haha
Dunston checking in
All great directors, I agree
bro if Kurosawa isn't in your top 50 what are you doing
Based retard
>being this needlessly contrarian
People that can't consume art that is more abstract are overall less intelligent and fulfilled than those that can. Maybe you just weren't born to enjoy film on that high of a plane.
at this point you just embarrass yourself
>offer the spectator a deeper level of emotion
>Lynch basically offers this and little else
What did user mean by this
>i wont explain why its good but if you dont agree youre an idiot
why do lynchfags not have better arguments?
Aside from Allen they're all good/great but incredibly overrated. More so than Lynch which is what's funny.
Hes in the top 50 but the notion that he's "used the medium of film in more innovative ways and offer the spectator a deeper spectrum of emotions and experiences" than Lynch is laughable.
Lynch doesnt offer shit besides nausea and terror
personally i really dont like the whole movie is a puzzle box crap.
I much prefer malick or tarkovsky.
Not sure if you’re just larping or haven’t seen his filmography + twin peaks
Lynch is a hack because on the one hand, nearly all of his movies have this quality and are always cloaked in mystery that the audience needs to piece together and on the other hand, Lynch always insists that there are no answers to the questions his movie asks. So whats the fucking point?
Ive seen all of his movies and shows. The Elephant Man is the only one I would qualify as great, probably because there already was a story to tell so Lynch wasnt completely fucking lost
Do you think there are answers to some of life’s biggest questions? I don’t, but I think they’re still worth asking.
Not sure why you’re outing yourself as not being able to feel emotion. Basically everything he’s made offers more than terror: Mulholland Drive with love and mystery, Blue Velvet with eroticism, Twin Peaks with love, nostalgia, anguish and a entire slew of other emotions that I couldn’t even put entirely into words
The experience. The personal meaning you imbue into the images. He also doesn't say there is no meaning. He says there is no objective meaning and that his films have a concrete meaning to him but he doesn't want dictate what the viewer experiences. It's literally just Tarkovsky's approach to film.
They are used to the situations where they can't objectively defend lynch so they will just call you names and spam lynched memes instead.
I agree completely, thats why Stalker is one of my favourite movies. Lynch doesnt ask alot of questions, his entire gimmick is to reveal the horrors lurking beneath the facade of americana. Which, yknow, fine. We get it.
Then why are Tarkofskys films beautiful, terrifying, sublime and pleasant to watch while Lynchs productions are always tense and unpleasant? Seems like one of them is a far better director than the other, considering they have the same approach to filmmaking as you say (which I totally disagree with)
Fuck off. If there's any director who deserves all his hype it's Kurosawa. I'll give you Kubrick and Scorsese being overrated especially in comparison to Lynch but they're both excellent regardless.
My problem with the idea of overrated and underrated directors is that so many people are stupidly disingenuous when it comes to their appraisal and critique of movies, so I really have no idea why I'm even bothering to argue with you. The only director I've seen who thinks they're better than they actually are is Tarantino
>Then why are Tarkofskys films beautiful, terrifying, sublime and pleasant to watch while Lynchs productions are always tense and unpleasant?
because you have tastes that align more with tarkovsky's filmmaking sensibilities than with lynch's
kurosawa is underrated since the muh ozu guys took over
Not at all. That's an aspect throughout his work but if there's any unifying "gimmick" it's the exploration and visual representation of the subconscious and of psychological trauma.
Every example you give might kinda touch upon these emotions, however only if they are covered under layers of disgust and terror. There is no beauty in Lynchs films, or if there it its only used to mock the concept of beauty and revea how horrid something really is
cringe (not based)
So disgust and terror, as I said? Thats literally all he can do.
The only cinephiles on this gay réddit board go to the arthouse or classic generals and overrate Kurosawa. He was great and influential but he wasn't film Jesus.
Fair. But I think the questions can also be what we ask of it, not just what it poses to us. Lynch’s films are constantly making me ask myself “why do I feel like this”. Maybe I’m just a dumb onions-fag or whatever tv says these days but Dougie Jones genuinely has me tearing up at the strangest parts on my rewatch of the return. Him looking at the statue of the lawman for hours makes me well up and I want to dig deeper and find out why
If the only thing that's going on in your subconscious is disgust and terror then that says more about you than Lynch.
well i agree to an extent, and some of his films are overrated (hidden fortress for example) but on the other hand mentioning seven samurai is cringe and mainstream now according to many
I disagree, Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks specifically push through the dread and horror and beauty shines through
No beauty? The Club Silencio scene in Mulholland Drive is one of the most beautiful things ever put to film.
We've watched the films of generations
To David Lynch, none compares
We spread his art across the film buff nation
Besting everyone everywhere.
We're Lynch fans forever, Lynch fans together
We're family, but so much more
No matter what comes, we will face the weather
We're Lynch fans to the core
There's no place that I'd rather be
Than watchin' Lynch with my family
Friends all around come to join and see
As we rewatch Eraserhead!
We're Lynch fans forever, Lynch fans together
We're family, but so much more
No matter what comes, we will face the weather
We're Lynch fans to the core
Surrealist plots, layers thick as thieves
Any cliché he discards with ease
He's here for the art of it, through thick and thin
You're always welcome with your Kino kin
You're more fun than the films of Finch'
Or the coolest scenes of the best Kubrick
The love I feel here is swim, not sink
As we spread Lynch across this land
We're Lynch fans forever, Lynch fans together
We're family, but so much more
No matter what comes, we will face the weather
We're Lynch fans to the core
So now I have to be in tune with my fucking subconscious in order to watch a Lynch movie? Youre setting impossible standards that other directors never needed in order for their productions to be appreciated.
>Then why are Tarkofskys films beautiful, terrifying, sublime and pleasant to watch while Lynchs productions are always tense and unpleasant?
But that just isn't true user. A lot of Lynchs work is beautiful, terrifying, sublime and pleasant. Even Twin Peaks alone contains all of those.
So when you watch Ikiru you just think “wow this oldfag is really stupid haha, he did nothing and then made a bench”
Every film of worth requires you to put something into viewing it
>excessive shots of revolting setpieces, stunted or disfigured actors, harrowing sound design and narratives centred around murder and violence
>”Why do I feel disgusted?”
Come on man.
But directors are different. Lynch deal with the subconscious, that's one the great things about him. If that's not your cup of tea, fine. But perhaps then you're not they best person to discuss it either. Your post is just silly.
I'm asking you to stop being myopic and revealing your bias. There's obviously more to the subconscious than disgust and terror so when I say Lynch's main interest is the visual representation of the subconscious and your response is "aha! so only terror and disgust, then?" it's obvious you're being dishonest.
You’re literally just ignoring huge sections of his work
this. it's all about the experience. i think the fact that a lot of lynch's films exist without concrete meaning is because it enables a variety of more rich experiences from each individual. Kubrick and Tarkovsky are very good at emoting very powerful themes and ideas in very strong ways... but there is only a handful of interpretations to make because it is quite clear what the director is setting out to do.
just give in bro, i used to be a lynch hater too but he finally got to me
Not exactly, American underground is a big theme in his films but it's also what's underneath the surface in your head, the subconscious, and it's relationship to the conscious mind. His films are brilliant when you incorporate psychoanalysis into it. For example, Eraserhead is a look at a man who craves sex and loathes the responsibilities that come with it, not a nonsense film about a mutant baby.
His films are dense with significant details, some that are overt suggestions but many that can be very ambiguous. This along with Lynch's staple surrealist imagery and carefully selected scores, cement his place an auteur and make his films enjoyable in many capacities, each one as strong as the other.
they are just very dense, theme heavy films with incredible imagery and sound. The quality of his productions is matched and even accentuated by his fantastical, weird, and disturbing storylines
I dont hate Lynch, Im the OP of this thread. Hes a valuable director and his movies are special, no doubt. I just cant take the bad faith his fans indulge in because “it cant be explained you just dont get it” is a poor argument.
Hes an auteur, definitely. His movies are interesting, yes. Sure. I dont disagree. But belaboring the complexity of his psychoanlaytic interest and then revealing how Eraserheads theme is the most basic entry-level Freud shit isnt impressive to me
The only people arguing in bad faith itt are the people arguing against Lynch.
>user likes lynch so his arguments are good
>user dislikes lynch so his arguments are bad
There's obviously more to it but I don't necessarily want to write an essay about it. If you are really interested read one, or just watch the movie again, this time with your eyes open. But yes if it wasn't mostly followable Freud shit then who would these films appeal to?
1. Пиcьмa мёpтвoгo чeлoвeкa (1986, Lopushansky)
2. Un condamné à mort s'est échappé (1956, Bresson)
3. Guns of The Trees (1961, Mekas)
4. Berlin Alexanderplatz (1980, Fassbinder)
5. Ostře sledované vlaky (1966, Menzel)
6. The Great White Silence (1924, Ponting)
7. แสงศตวรรษ (2006, Weerasethakul)
8. Ma nuit chez Maud (1969, Rohmer)
9. Սայաթ-Նովա (1968, Parajanov)
10. Lucky Star (1929, Borzage)
11. Markéta Lazarová (1967, Vláčil)
12. Jungfrukällan (1960, Bergman)
13. 狂った一頁 (1926, Kinugasa)
14. Nybyggarna (1972, Troell)
15. Ebolusyon ng Isang Pamilyang Pilipino (2004, Diaz)
16. Days of Heaven (1978, Malick)
17. Distant Voices, Still Lives (1988, Davies)
18. L'eau froide (1994, Assayas)
19. Mauvais Sang (1986, Carax)
20. Les Vampires (1915, Feuillade)
21. Viridiana (1961, Buñuel)
22. Orphée (1950, Cocteau)
23. L' Éden et après (1970, Robbe-Grillet)
24. 神女 (1934, Yonggang)
25. Krótki film o zabijaniu (1988, Kieślowski)
Կոմիտաս (Ասկարյան, 1988)
ボクサ(寺山修司, 1977)
Al primo soffio di vento (Piavoli, 2002)
వాల్మీకి (దుంగన్, 1945)
Игpoк (Бaтaлoв, 1972)
Galini (Markopoulos, 1958)
香雪海 (費, 1934)
O Desafio (Saraceni, 1966)
ምርት ሦስት ሺህ ዓመት (ገሪማ, 1976)
Ko puca otvorice mu se (Babac, 1965)
Sommaren med Monika (1953, Bergman)
牯嶺街少年殺人事件 (1991, 楊)
চারুলতা (1964, রায়)
Ordet (1955, Dreyer)
Oктябpь «Дecять днeй, кoтopыe пoтpяcли миp (1927, Эйзeнштeйн)
红高粱 (1987, 张艺谋)
Fear and Desire (1953, Kubrick)
Зepкaлo (1975, Tapкóвcкий)
Un Chien Andalou (1928, Luis Buñuel)
浪華悲歌 (1936, 溝口)
Le Révélateur (2002, Philippe Garrel)
checking in
OP you may be cringe for being lynched but based for posting a thread with actual discussion
>user likes lynch so his arguments are bad
>user dislikes lynch so his arguments are good
thank you thats very sweet of you
When did I ever imply that? Theres plenty of things that are good about Lynch, I just happen to think there are monumental downsides and weaknesses to his body of work as well.
>แสงศตวรรษ (2006, Weerasethakul)
Which Weerasethakul, Syndromes of a Century? Pretty kino desu.
Well, you're always bound to get quite a few retards trying to fit in and pretending to like something they actually don't. Sometimes they do enjoy the said type of filmmaking, but are too autistic or superficial to engage in a meaningful discussion. My advice to you is just to ignore them, there is no point in trying to reason with them, they will always stick to their retarded 2deep4u premise. Lynch isn't for everyone, but trying to shit on people disliking a certain type of filmmaking is a sign of idiocy and that shouldn't bother you at all. Just state your opinion and ignore retarded remarks of elitist brainlets.
The same could be argued for most if not all directors out there.
At the end of the day, they're just flicks. If you don't enjoy them, don't watch them. Obviously, the art criticism seems like an important business, but once you start peeling consecutive layers of bullshit, you will see art and film critics for what they are, that is bunch of complacents, blubbering retards. Yes, some of it is actually worthwhile, but if a certain piece doesn't tickle you and doesn't fulfill its purpose, there is nothing more to be said and you move on to another piece without being an autist about the whole thing.
$2 for a slice of ham?
This is a thing. However, if you need an argument regarding a subjective piece of art then why not try: "Does this piece bring any joy to me or not?"
Without symbolism, context, craft, form, or narrative ideation needing to be rationalized it's not a bad way to appreciate things.
I find that kinda moronic, sorry. Movies change depending on the condition of the spectator. To question, critique and analyse is to develop a deeper appreciation for the artistic medium and to look at movies with fresh perspectives. I wont accept the “if you dont like it, just move on” approach because it rewards passive viewing and the lowest common denominator, who’ll say just that, shrug off Godard or Fellini and then go back to watching Marvel movies
based imdbcore connoisseur
look at imdbs top 50 rated movies and tell me how many coincide with the directors I mentioned, jackass
Just checked and its two movies.
>he knows what is on imdb's top 50 movies
qed faggot
Ignore these brainlets
>you know something damn that sure makes you look stupid
sure does! thanks for playing
Lynch has made 2 of some of my favorite movies of all time, so I will never hate on him
all shit
For people who love Twin Peaks, why? It's full of housewife drama, amateur actors, and lynch himself hates some parts of it. It's not bad but I don't understand people who praise it as the greatest show ever.
>thinking Lynch is just vague disgust
Have you watched more than two of his films?
The house drama stuff is just to bring in the normies, right when they bite, they get Lynched immediately. It was 1991 on network tv. 60% of season 2 is poo, but everything else is fantastic. It’s prob my 2nd favorite show behind Homicide Life on the street
What's wrong with Ordet
the "popular bad" and "have to go deeper" faggs should be ignored. its not just that they are wrong, but when you actually have a very specific interest in a more obscure director director or in lesser known films of a good director and you try to talk to them about it they really dont know shit.
Which btw, homicide is made by the same people who made Oz, and The Wire. Watch it
lmao at this thread
>Copypasting names off wikipedia instead of learning how to type in every alphabet
Fucking pleb
Based reasonable post
People need to realize that you can have two artistic geniuses with antithetical tastes. You’re all ok liking what you like, nerve endings gonna nerv3.
Some people are fucking stupid, but that’s another story.