Is Star Trek actually more Conservative than Progressive?

Lads, I see Star Trek constantly characterized as a Left-wing utopia, but I believe it may in fact be far more Conservative than Progressive (I will jold that it is indeed more Liberal than Conservative but Liberalism is increasingly being forced out of the conversation by Progressivism). If we use moral foundation theory I believe it is possible to demonstrate this thesis.

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it's centrist/meek liberal wankery, faggot

It was liberal when it came out which makes it conservative by modern standards

The six moral foundations are: Care, Fairness, Loyalty, Authority, Sanctity, and Liberty. Conservatism considers all six to be essential to a good and just society while Progressivism only considers the second (Fairness) as essential.
I believe that the society presented in Star Trek, specifically the Federation, honors all six foundations.

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>all aliens are judged as stereotypes of themselves and even conform to them

>"The first duty of every Starfleet officer is to the truth, to finding the truth, to historical truth, to personal truth"
trannies, fatties, faggots, retards, and all feels over reals fags BTFO

Trek is fiscally ultra-left wing. The Federation has no money other than the money it uses to deal with races who still use it like the Ferengi. Everything is provided for all.

Socially Trek more conservative than the modern world. Very few openly gay or lesbian characters and transgendered individuals are the rare alien who show up from time to time.

It's interesting, when everything is nice and cozy and the government takes care of you like the TOS was everything is left wing. Then you see DSG where there is less government intervention and it is like a libertarian hell hole. Then you see VOY where there is absolutely no government and the characters are thrust in a foreign place they are not welcome and you see elements of Xenophobia and fascism just ti stay alive and get home so I don't think it was ever only left.


I don't think trans characters show up because they just change their gender. They make quark a woman for half an episode, it's not treated like a big deal and seemed simple to do. They probably change gender left and right in setting.

1. Care
All Federation citizens are provided for in every way through unlimited energy and replication technology. Any medical ailment or condition is treatable through advanced medical technology.
2. Fairness
Federation citizens are judged on their merits and are not judged on immutable characteristics such as biological sex or species. Accommodations may be made but all citizens are expected to contribute equally.
3. Loyalty
Federation members are expected to be loyal to the Federation and obey its laws. Worlds that do not wish to do so are not afforded the benefits and protections given to members.
4. Authority
The laws of the Federation are sacred, with mandates such as the Prime Directive being the best example. This ties directly to the Conservative principles of Federalism/Republicanism. The Federation is ruled by a President in concert with a representative legislature in the Federation council vs Direct Democracy.
5. Sanctity
The Federation holds itself to an extremely high degree of moral purity and holds racism, sexism, or any type of unequal treatment with contempt. Likewise it places a high value on the sanctity of life, viewing the death penalty as backwards/barbaric.
6. Liberty
The Federation strongly believes in due process and the freedom of the individual as sacrosanct. Ideals such as the Cardassian belief in the assumption of guilt is abhorrent.

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>I don't think trans characters show up because they just change their gender.
By that time they probably recognize gender dysphoria as a mental problem and have effective therapies for legitimate cases.

Sounds like it's all there, just change Federation to CPC, thanks.

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Picard DESTROYS starfleet cadet with FACTS and LOGIC

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Buddy this is textbook state-communism
You're in over your head

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Communism is an economic system created to describe a scarcity-based economy, not a political ideology. Star Trek is a post-scarcity society, as such economic labels such as socialism, communism, or capitalism are inapplicable.

The dark lord Shapiro is generous on this day

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You dropped your "state" bro
State-communism is entirly distinct from communism which would be mutrally exclusive with the concept of nations and economics. Communism is understood to be the real movment to abolish the current state of things; State-communism is the slapped together political phenomenon that emerged in the 20th century as just another method of class division and enforcment of new but still distinct power stuctures

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>f-fuck centrists!

You're simply trying to force an economic system into the realm of political systems by adding "state." Any communist/socialist systems we've seen have been Authoritarian politically by necessity. As the exist within a scarcity-based world fear and repression must be used to control human nature as altruism cannot be generated in sufficient quantities to supplant human nature in that model.

>Centuries into the future
>Still white people
Litterally Nazism

Do Vulcans count as white or are they green?

So fresh, so face!

Capitalism and Communism are both systems that are about acquisition and distribution of the means of production and a finite amount of wealth. Star Trek is a post-scarcity utopia where neither of those things really apply.

>post scarcity
>Ferengi still exist
>Latinum used as currency
Energy is still finite and Dilithum can't be replicated.
Until they do that Star Trek is not post-scarcity.

Federation is. The Ferengi are not part of the Federation.

This is correct. It makes no sense to attempt applying current-world economic models based on scarcity to a hypothetical post-scarcity society.

It's leftist globalist propaganda.

>I am forgotten

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Correct. The Federation is the only post-scarcity society in practice. Every other "nation" presented uses some sort of value-based economy. The Ferengi value the acquisition of wealth as a virtue, so the elimination of such a system would run contrary to their core social values.

>implying nationalism isn't fucking retarded and Earth will not unify in the future under a single government

They are not trans, they are non-sexually expressive. They still adhere to their inherent biology.

It likely will but how it will do so could vary. Conservatives would prefer a Federalist system where current nations have individual sovereignty but participate in a mutualky beneficial collective. Progressives would likely prefer an Authoritarian single State without national or individual sovereignty.

The whole episode was about her identifying as a girl despite there not being any genders in her race and everyone having the same sex

>Is Star Trek actually more Conservative than Progressive?
No, you actual idiot.

>shadilay my kekistan brother

Time travel and alternate dimensions are a regular thing in Trek so that alone shows that it would be virtually impossible for the Federation to ever run out of energy. They could just grab more from another time or place if needed or move out of the finite universe entirely like the Q.

Did you read my argument? How about you refute the specific points instead of resorting to the laziest rhetorical device available. Just a thought.

>it's not infeeneet energy so it's not post-scarcity
That's not what post-scarcity means.

>Post-scarcity is a theoretical economic situation in which most goods can be produced in great abundance with minimal human labor needed, so that they become available to all very cheaply or even freely.[1][2] Post-scarcity does not mean that scarcity has been eliminated for all goods and services, but that all people can easily have their basic survival needs met along with some significant proportion of their desires for goods and services.

Now make yourself scarce

Sex vs gender my friend. If she was biologically male the trans label would be apt.


No, because you are not honest about discussion and your entire argument is based on numerous logical fallacies and lies. You are duplicitous and logically unsound. There is no constructive conversation that can be obtained from you.

>argument is based on numerous logical fallacies
Please demonstrate rather than resorting to name calling. It makes you seem petulant rather than intelligent.

Neither. It’s classic liberal.

Citation: You started a politics thread outside of /pol/. On Yea Forums, this is never done in good faith. Never.

>It’s classic liberal.
Agreed, however I was not saying it was either x or y, simply more x than y. Classical Liberalism has been eclipsed by Progressivism in modern discourse to the point that Classically Liberal academics are erroneously labelled Conservatives.

No, I started a thread to discuss political aspects of a television show. Something that is done frequently on this board.

>Something that is done frequently on this board.
In bad faith.

>In bad faith.
I don't see how. If you don't want to partake why comment and participate? You're free to post in other threads or start your own.

>Gene created an amazing diverse utopia wow such amaze. Mankinds future is great!
>wtf pol stop talking about muh trek!

>everything I disagree with is /pol/
The absolute STATE of Yea Forums lads...

>Did you read my argument?
Lol no

>Gene Roddenberry creates a story where capitalism has been eclipsed
>where science and logic supersede racial, sexual and cultural bigotry
>where numerous alien species exist in a multi-globalist federation
>a society where there are numerous social programs for food, clothing, housing, education and healthcare

You: This is a conservatist paradise. This what we conservatists have always strived for. Yup.

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Post the greatest twists in sci-fi. I'll start
>Kira, I am your father

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>Lol no
Got it. Your critique is discarded.

Why are you samefag falseflagging?

I don't see any blue haired trannies on the bridge. Everyone seems to work hard rather than sponging off of the system. Rule of law is respected and cherished. Everyone is free to pursue their individual goals as opposed to being forced to work for the state. Huh, imagine that.

Not sure what you're implying friend.

>Everyone seems to work hard rather than sponging off of the system
>Everyone is free to pursue their individual goals as opposed to being forced to work for the state.
You can't even remain logically consistent within the span of a few sentences.

What is logically inconsistent? Those are observations from the show itself. The Federation citizens displayed are always industrious and dutiful. Likewise they are never compelled to be that way.

Ayyo, where muh gurl Bash at?

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"Star Trek" was conservative, Gene Roddenberry's political views changed between TOS and TNG so he gave it a socialist slant; after season 1 of TNG, Gene was removed from writing duties because of his dated ideas about science-fiction and the subsequent writers ignored some (but not all) of his ideas. People with too much time on their hands (like myself) try to reconcile the disparities but let's face it, they're insoluble, Picard's speeches about how money has become obsolete are sandwiched between numerous references to currency.

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>"Star Trek" was conserv-
Stopped reading right there.

Brilliant rebuttal

I don't mean to imply that it was explicitly right-wing, merely that it was very much a product of it's time. The events of "A Private Little War" for example would be considered a vulgar act of imperialism by post 60's standards.

Every other society of equivalent power to the Federation views them a human-centric expansionist empire. TOS’s core conceit is Manifest Destiny.

Can I use transporters as many times a day as I want? Replicate 5000 calorie meals before the computer puts me on a restricted meal plan?
Then it's still not a post-scarcity society.