What's the greatest stand-up special of all time

What's the greatest stand-up special of all time

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You already know the answer to that op

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For me, its Killing Them Softly

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The one where he BTFO'd the jannies

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This and the SanFran one are masterpieces.

>homophobic ''comedy''
very problematic

Glad you appreciate the pick user. Not saying that Eddie Murphy was bad. I mean Raw was a solid stand-up special... But it has its place, and that place isn't with the top of the top, all-time greats. To me, top 3 of all time (in no particular order) have to be Richard Pryor Live in Concert, Bill Hicks Relentless (or possibly Revelations, both are amazing works), and George Carlin You are all Diseased (or Jamming in New York. I know his earlier work was more influential but Carlin really hit his true peak in the 90's in my opinion)

Solid choice user

Doug Stanhope no refunds

Patrice O'Neal: Elephant In The Room

Isn't Bill Hicks' shows pretty much a cringe compilation now?

Big Stanhope fan. I love that dude's delivery and the fact that he still doesn't give a fuck.

Bill Hicks was never funny.

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Richard Pryor the niggers crazy

Richard Pryor bicentennial nigger

Chris Porter: Ugly and Afraid

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I mean I think his work is some pretty solid stuff, but to each his own I guess.


Why the fuck do americans have to be so fucking pedantic about how they name shit. Just call it a routine.

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I prefer Let's Get Small, but either way his stand-up is definitely underrated.

Routine isn't necessarily recorded.

>not a single real GOAT (read British) comedian mentioned
American """"""Humor"""""

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a special is just a recorded routine

why are the British so funny bros?

>female comedians


They perform their “routine” every single night. The “special” is the one they record with only their best material and shit in it.

Overrating their own abilities.


not that one
that one

No mention of Chris Rock?



Which one was the one where he had that bit of "After all that Daddy does to support the family, what does he get? THE BIG PIECE OF CHICKEN."

>Oh yeah?

Irish comedians can be pretty kino too

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“The only black people Minnesota are Prince and Kirby Puckett.”

Full-kit wanker

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Steve's standup is so funny. I love his surreal, intellectual comedy.

>full kit
>only has jersey on
nigga you thick or what

The only correct answer...

these girls are fucking ugly lmao

Pic related is one of the GOAT

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nice tranny face

for what it's worth is just a hair better. it was peak chappelle

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mia won the stanley cup by herself

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Daniel Tosh: Completely Serious is so based I'm amazed Comedy Central aired it, but it was so good it launched his career to having his own mildly successful tv show. Its from 12 years ago and the edge is still pretty sharp

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So brave to be a faggot on Yea Forums!

Not even based Rocco wants anyhting to with that bad pussay.

ok gay boy we see you are threatened

One of my dads favourite standups/actors, remember watching the idiot and the man with two brains alot growing up

True, but I don’t like the likes of Tommy ti

Steve Martin - let's get small

that plumber joke was funny af

I like the few there is but it’s probably bias, apart from Tommy tiernan, he’s shite

>dude traps aren't gay, it's totally ok that I'm attractive to a tranny
big oof medium cringe small yikes

I'm fond of Grandmother's Song, myself.


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Agreed. I can't think of a better special

The robin willimas tour

We got good answers in here.

Dave Chappelle - For What It's Worth
Daniel Tosh - Completely Serious
Pablo Francisco - Bits & Pieces
Mitch Hedberg - Strategic Grill Locations
Jim Gaffigan - Beyond The Pale

That's a top 5 of my head. Should cover most of the spectrum.

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new thread when

>Daniel Tosh - Completely Serious

literally any chappelle or CK special blows tosh out of the water. come on, son

>shallow grave

David Cross - Bigger, Better, Blackerer


I hate Louis, but his stuff is really good. Daniel is far less of a boomer though. I don't like "My kid this this funny thing the other day" humor even if he turns the vulgarity up to 11.

>ywn be 13 watching tosh.0 while eating tendies again

I unironically have a crush on Mia. She looks like my ex.
I would pay a fortune for a night with that coochie.

based Dave

Literally not even a comedian

Ur other opinions are so correct but bill Hicks is not great...weird. what am I missing about hicks

Bigger and Blacker

How many stars on Netflix? Oh right, that's not a thing anymore. Thanks Amy!

its a shame his accent is so strong because he is easily top 5 ever


This is boomer bait, right?

>not a single real GOAT (read British) comedian mentioned

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Let's get some Based redneck comedy going in here.

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Came here to post this. Funniest. Nigga. EVER.

Maybe Alcoholocaust by Jim Jefferies, amazing how such a piece of shit unfunny cunt today made one of the greatest stand up performances of all time back then

But if I'm allowed to cheat then I'll say all of Norm Macdonald's stand up acts because that man is a stand up god, every show he's done is hilarious

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shit now that I think about it I have to give Stanhope a mention, I think he's up there with Norm in terms of being able to just keep the jokes going and generally hold an entire show up on their stage presence alone, he's a natural

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>Bill Hicks

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Is that Neil Hamburger?


This is like that fat Mexican, but way less annoying and maybe a 100lbs less away from a heart attack.

>Honk if you voted for Gore!
>...It's that big button right in the middle of the steering wheel.

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stand up sucks

yea I'd rather sit down cos my feet are sore :^)

It definitively isn't, but it's still probably in the top 5.


thank you I'll be here all night and tomorrow night

>Source? Do you have a source for that? A source? I know you've directly given me all the information I need to under my own ability ascertain the veracity of your claim, but I'm too stupid for that or to know what begging the question means. So, can I see your source? Your source? I mean, I'm gonna need a source here. A source that I designate as a source. It will also have to conform to my expectations of what a source should be. I myself have no competence to make such determinations, but I've gone my entire useless life regarding my opinions and feelings as having the equal weight of someone else's demonstrable facts, so that's a bar that'll have to be met, too. So... source? Source?

Jay Leno and Jerry Seinfeld are the best as they are the richest. You can't argue this.

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Literally better than any colored performer.

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My personal fave

I still miss him bros

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She says "Take it off" not Do mister rob

Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle is the best stand up I've ever seen. It's four seasons of TV so it may not count, so I'll go with pic related.

Rock is my second favourite. I'll nominate Bigger and Blacker.

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unironically any of bill cosby's

>Mitch Hedberg
ma nigga

He's actually underrated.


Are we forgetting the greatest?

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You posted it

Based, please give me a shout out when you go on JRE brother

>I've got a big dick, but you homos better not be looking at it!
Hilarious, Eddie.

yeah it's pretty funny

It kinda is.
Also, it came out more than 30 years ago

woo, woo, woo, woo, woo!

Fucking hell no. By "for what it's worth" Dave was already bitter and slightly mad.

lmao wrong thread buddy

the time your parents stood up and walked out on you.


Based and owned Joe Rogan.

what about Joan Rivers

>Pablo Francisco

Absolute patrician taste user

His bit about the strip club is god tier

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>Let's feed it some lettuce. Let's feed it some lettuce.

Bill Cosby: Himself is the best. That rapist was the fucking funniest.

for once you cunts get it right

he fucked a tranny


pretentious shite


We need him...

> the idiot

It really, really is. And he knew when they were looking at his ass, too, because his ass would get hot.

The Jerk, brain went stupid there. Think I’ve been calling it the idiot for awhile until you called me out user


No, they must have misnamed the video NEIL HAMBURGER - Live in Concert.

Haven’t thought of him in years, remember a buddy showing me little tortilla boy in high school

>redneck boomer humor by a fag from vermont

>no Carpet Remnant World

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Is Eddie Murphy Tetsuo?

This, Deadbeat Hero, Bring the Pain, and I'm Sorry You Feel That Way. If you count albums, The Day the Laughter Died is in there, and if not maybe Happy Thoughts?. There's your top five, fellas.

Feel free to debate on 6-10, but the thread is more or less over at this point.

No, that's Kanye

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Kanye loves Akira so much, it's cute.

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i had the pleasure of seeing this live but it was at the edinburgh festival assembly room and he didn't do the jungle canyon rope bridge bit, said there wasn't time. quite poor.
probably my favorite routine is the four quotes from americans when they killed bin laden.

Hes a giant weeb

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I always thought Mike Birbiglia was really underrated, the bit he did about performing at the baseball hall of fame is probably one of my all time favorites

Early Carlin was exactly as based as later Carlin was cringe.

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Raw, Elephant in the Room, Robin Willians Live on Broadway, Killing Them Softly

Pick any.

He's really good when you view him as doing a character...cause he is

No, keep calling it that. I'm actually going to use it. Not even lying


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>kanye does the soundtrack to the Live Action Akira movie

joe please..

Glad I'm not the only one who was this. He never seemed comfortable in For What it's Worth. Something was off.


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Funniest might be subjective, but I know this one had me in stitches several times.

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im not a racist that's what so insane about this

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Dave Chappelle is by far the greatest comedian of all time

Any good stand up specials on Netflix? I've already watched Chapelle, Bill Burr, and Chris Rock. I wanted to know if there are others worth my time

He's a NIGGER!!


Murphy, Stanhope, Waynes, Bo Burnham, Carr, maybe Kevin Hart, Jesilnik

Just pick a Louie special. Also it is absoultey not a black comedian because the racity race race crutch gets old.

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I love this sweaty little rat

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Stand up kinda sucks. But I'd say Patrice Oneal.

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I thought he was some bland nebraska fag larping as a southener?

that's a great one

What no people from Live at the Apollo?

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nigga had a bad set

British comedians are miles behind their American coiunterparts and have been for 25, 30 years. Same deal with sitcoms


for me, its the world according to me


For me, it's the new Aziz

black books would like a word with you


yeah that program was mediocre in every way.

Stand-up should be a gateway to movies.
Anybody stuck as a stand-up is basically low rung entertainment talent.

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I tried to give it a go but it's pretty unfunny.

>Not picking CRW or Milder Comedian

So near and yet so far

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Can't believe this hasn't been posted. The helicopter story is a fucking masterpiece, and the entire show is hilarious from start to end

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Even though he turned into a complete faggot, Alcoholocaust by Jim Jefferies.
