It's a catfish episode

>it's a catfish episode

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>the fish is a maneater

did he used his shirt for bait?

>it's a bad juju episode

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>it’s the I’m in Chernobyl looking for carpzilla episode.

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Number of humans killed by big fresh water fish last year = 2.0

I want to pinch his face flaps.

>To catch a river monster, I must become a river monster

I honestly wish he would go back to whatever that mountain area was near the Himalayas and catch the 13 foot goonch someone claimed pulled a water buffalo underwater

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Kek, I actually love this show. Somehow I find it so entertaining.

This show always amazes me. I mean, can you even image an animal less dangerous and
threatening than a fucking catfish?

Imagine if the final episode is him heading back to India to catch the goonch he lost at the end of the first episode, pure kino

that was the place where the fish were eating dead people put into the river by family?


Yeah, he thought they were eating funeral pyre remains and they certainly are predators. Is the show still running?

I like the giant crayfish episode.

Attached: giant crayfish.webm (720x722, 2.81M)


i haven't watched it in a long time, not sure if it's going/new content.


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Thats one tasty looking motherfucker

holy shit i never thought i'd see a jeremy wade thread on Yea Forums. he's objectively the most based human on the planet

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>it's a 45 minutes talking shit and 15 minutes of actually attempting to catch the damn thing episode

*doesn't catch anything*

>it's a spic gets his dick bitten off episode

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yeah, it was called Dark Waters this season. i think it was six episodes.

the eel episode from new zealand was based af

>it's a Street Outlaws crossover episode

This show was my childhood.

I love how they tried to portray a muskellunge as a potential man killer in one episode in Canada. In reality we can eat them though they aren't that tasty

Jeremy wade is an absolute ripper legend.

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Lmao, a muskie would have a hard time biting your toe off, how the hell did they spin that as dangerous?

>not posting the real pic

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Fucking beautiful.

Based and Fishpilled

ywn smell the famous shirt

*walks into water when fighting the fish*

watching the electric eel episode right now.

Lol I’m pretty sure there was a sturgeon episode as well, they don’t even have teeth nigga

>its another scary lake monster from local legend is just a sturgeon episode