here's the cam clips:
>the most emotional scene in the story
lmao it's literally this
This is amazing it looks so real! By the way people animals don’t have expressions and this comes close to what real animals would look like, a lion punching another lions face is more realistic than the clawing that scar does in the animated movie. This is epic
HOLLY SHIT THAT LOOKS SOULLESS AS FUCK. Its like a dude watching national georgaphic and makes funny voices
Bravo Jon!
That shit looks awful. It's like those animal movies that went straight to video.
This is unironically better
>Literally (You)
If you can accept that it's no longer a movie for 5 year olds it looks pretty good.
I love how even this has more emotion
Holy shit. I didn't expect the CGI to look good, but the quality looks like it's from a nintendo cutscene! I can almost count the pixels. So fucking blurry, I can't tell what's going on. Who thought this was ready for theaters?
>Wilhelm scream
the only movie that I cried with Little Foot when his mother dies (back when disney had soul). This new 3D shit looks like utter shit.
so in the version of the lion king the planet is half earths gravity?
>Its like a dude watching national georgaphic and makes funny voices
heh, I was thinking exactly this.
Somewhat reminds me of this
So aside from giving countless work hours to Chinese CGI artists what does this movie even accomplishes?
thanks for the spoiler asshole
literally fucking soulless
>Lion king deleted honeybadger scene
>Do a remake with barely any changes on script.
>Still manage to fuckup everything.
For what reason?
LBT wasn’t Disney
the clawing is exaggerated, but can happen. my cats have done it before
Pumba falling over and thrashing around was pretty cute though
This reminds me of the Walking with Dinosaurs movie. They added a bunch of frivolous celebrity voiceovers because they thought no-one would watch a silent film about dinosaurs. The dinosaurs were still very realistic looking and did not move their lips to the dialogue, and the dialogue was written after the movie was already finished. So yeah, congrats Disney, you made all the same mistakes as a failed independent movie on 3x the budget.
Why is it so dark and bland? why do we pretend there are no colors in the world?
Look at the reaction to Mulan.
>The original movie was for kids! This is for adults because it's live action and has good graphics!
This looks fucking awful lmao.
I can't believe they managed to shit all over my favorite movie with bad CGI and niggers.
good bait
Wasted quads
>scar and mufasa are the same color
Maybe the moral of the story is that remakes in general are a bad idea.
Why is scar so angry? In the original he was quiet and smug but it way better about conveying how much he hated mufasa then this
Will the movie recreate this Dolly shot?
Remakes can be good, assuming that people who do it actually care about the source material.
This was a pretty damn obvious cashgrab.
>there are Disneyfags in the comments actually white knighting for this film
My God Disney has become a religion hasn't it?
No, it's not "for adults" but it's obviously a lot more real looking, because it's CG models of real animals/environments, which eliminates the cute cartoon style so scenes that used to be kinda scary in the original will be straight up frightening to a young child. Plus it's also no longer a musical which makes it even less cheery. If you think i see that as a positive or negative, you're beyond fucking retarded and your mother should have flushed you down the drain to spare us the pain of sharing our reality with you. All i did was point out that i think it looks good if you accept the fact that it's very different. I don't know if you noticed but Walts company has changed dramatically over the last 10 years, they stopped making musicals, as is evident by the Mulan remake trailer..
Because in the original he was voiced by a classy British dude who does a good job portraying sly, smart villains.
In this version he's voiced by a black man. Hence the anger and lack of emotional complexity outside of it.
It's still a musical, the redone musical numbers all suck though.
>2 Mickey-mouse bucks have been placed into your account.
can you really call it a dolly shot if it's an animated movie?
Is that seth rogen...
Well its the animated equivalent
The whole movie is a dolly or crane shot.
Yeah it looks just about right for my 1 year old. Thanks Disney!
God these shills are so fucking stupid. Guess you get what you pay for.
Lmao. You're right its a flick for Disneyfags who live in their parents basement because they're too busy throwing money at everything the house of mouse makes.
Hell, I'm convinced if Disney released a 2 hour film of a man shitting most people would go see it because "muh Disney so it has to be good!"
So the animals dont jump on each other?
>Confirmed no hula scene
Well, now I am not seeing this shit.
like any of us are actually gonna watch it lol. right fellas?
>realistic anime scenes look realistic
What the fuck are they going to do for the unrealistic scenes. Just cant wait to be king / scar ascending rocks 50 feet in the air in his song
Everything that is too unrealistic is out.
Literal scene by scene CGI infested remake. I felt absolutely no emotion while watching that.
Are you really defending this “art direction” you know there was a reason that cartoons give animals big eyes. It’s because it’s the best way to get expressive emotions out of there faces. This movie has no point because it doesn’t attempt to do anything other than push for more nostalgia bucks.
Man this shit is to funny, laughed through the whole clip. Fucking cats speaking and shit haha
In the remake, Nala and Simba are just walking down the road in that part while they sing, and nothing interesting happens.
I'm defending the art direction because i got a really soft spot for realistic looking CGI animals doing human stuff.
>Smacks Mufasa
They just redid them so instead of Simba and the others diving in the water they just walk around or cut out shit like this.
Isn't it during the day too?
>can you feel the love TONIGHT?
>sung during the afternoon
there's literally nothing wrong with seth rogen
Holy shit at least the beauty and the beast tried to replicate the visuals of be our guest and did it okay
Too bad they shoehorned niggers in it
>mfw hearing be prepared.
How you fuckup this hard?
The Lion King
>Disney bet all their cards that Pocahontas would be the next big thing from the studio. The Lion king was pretty much their B-team and Disney wasn't paying any attention to it.
>meanwhile the team was working hard on jam-packing the movie with unprecedented amounts of SOUL the likes of which no-one had seen before
>ended up being the highest grossing animated movie yet and won Oscars for its music
The Lion King (2019)
>Disney expected this to be their other biggest movie of the year after Avengers Endgame (because they know Star Wars Episode 9 is going to suck). They got all be biggest celebs they could to star in it and are marketing the shit out of it.
>the production is basically a carbon copy of the original except though a boring "real life" filter where all the fantasy and color has been sucked out. Everything is so realistic that there is no room for emotions.
>Critics are panning it, using words like "soulless" and "cash grab" to describe it. The music ranges from "pretty decent cover version" to "celebrity karaoke" to "what the fuck did they do to my favorite song?"
So unrealistic, anteaters aren't native to Africa.
That's so fucking retarded looking
Just Can't Wait has no animal parade or choreography and is just the cubs frolicking down the road.
Can You Feel The Love Tonight is set during the daytime.
Not nearly as expressive
You know what? Now I wish that the rumors of them adding a human poacher subplot to the movie were true. At least it would have given this soulless piece of shit remake SOMETHING to differentiate itself from the original besides being lower quality and having no soul.
There are some people in my family who think this will be good. I have already disowned them
>"Long live.... the king!"
>"Give me one GOOD reason why I shouldn't..."
The delivery of both these lines are absolutely horrid.
this movie is full of NIGGERS I just wanted to post that also fuck seth rogen what a fat fucking kike faggot
if you can accept that it's a movie for 5 year olds it looks pretty good desu
worst. piece. of. shit. ever.
The depressing part is people will still see it in droves because Disney has a weird hypnotic effect where a lot of people treat them like a replacement for God
Reminder that Eddie Redmayne was robbed of the role of Simba. Hearing him sing "Can you feel the love tonight" to his childhood waifu would have at least given this trainwreck some soul.
This is the film that will finally kill Disney. Ding dong the witch is dead
the west is over
i for one welcome our new chinese overlords
>niggers and jews
Normies, soibois, capeshitters, and Disney dicksuckers in general will still see this in droves. Fuck them and fuck Disney.
One billion easily.
>kill disney.
They fucked up, but takes more than a fuckup to kill disney.
I wish. I really wish.
But sadly it won't. There are enough blind Disneyfags out there to ensure this soulless shit continues to turn a massive profit. It's a fucking disgrace.
It's the Chinks that see pay for this shit.
But why? Why is it so hard to kill them? Who are they? Whose babies do they feed? Are those babies really necessary? Why can't we kill them?
They make more from TV and parks anyway. A flop wouldn't kill them.
I can bet you Chinks are more discriminating than this CGI shit. It will bomb in China.
By the fact they made it so real looking makes it feel even more unrealistic
It's amazing to me the effect Disney has on the general public. Like, people treat them like Gods. Is it the obsession with nostalgia? Is it trying to be trendy by jumping on the bandwagon of whatever's popular?
>more realistic
dude weed lmao
They love CGI shit fests though. Warcraft wasn't a total flop because of China.
Disney usually works in a 15 year cycle before they have a recession. They got out of the "dark age" recession in 89 when The Little Mermaid released and the Disney Renaissance started, which lasted until the late 90s. Their grosses started dropping and it was Pixar who keeping them afloat, which is why they ended up buying them out. Then Tangled came out and that started the current boom that we are now seeing the tail end of. The boom was massively amplified by their acquisition of Marvel, and their buyout of Fox wouldn't have happened if it weren't for all the profit they made off of MCU movies.
Now the MCU is winding down though, and they wasted a bunch of money buying out Star Wars which has already had its first flop at the box office and a failed $2 billion theme park development at two locations. Everything is going in the wrong direction for Disney and they just bought out Fox which is having its own problems. Everyone was afraid that Disney's aquisition of Fox was the precursor to Disney taking over the entire entertainment industry, but really the two of them are going into decline together.
And let's not forget that Disney still has no foothold in video games, which are the fastest growing arm of the entertainment industry. Video games are as big as movies and music now despite being a very young medium, and yet every time Disney tries to publish video games it ends in failure. There is no way in hell they can afford to buy out a major games publisher at this point either because they just had to beat Comcast in a bidding war for Fox, and their Star Wars investment is not paying off.
>make more from TV
i don't want to live on this planet
I expect it will open big but it is not going to have the repeat viewings the original did. The original had repeat viewings because kids were obsessed with it. The remake is reportedly putting children to sleep because it's so lifeless.
The normies are indeed going to flock to this movie because in their minds Disney can do no wrong, but once they actually see the wares Disney's peddling with their own eyes, the disappointment is going to set in and word of mouth will kill this movie on its second week.
Virality. Once a name or word goes viral, it can stay that way forever. Some viral trends last only 15 minutes, sure. But others get so big that they never die. You would have to investigate the nature of the human brain (which no one has ever done, or probably will ever be able to do) to find out why this happens.
>Disney was the distributor from Mario movie ages ago.
>Movie flops hardcore.
>Universal now not only have the movie rights but also theme parks being built right now.
Thats really fucking ironic.
You don't understand how franchise works. TV, parks and merchandise 100% rely on the films as the source for consumer interest. Think of all past and current pop culture franchises. Where did they start? From movies. If the movies perform poorly, then the dominos topple and the franchise fails (see: Star Wars).
>the franchise fails (see: Star Wars)
Huh? Isn't the new DW attraction a big hit
Source on Lion King being B-Team?
It has some of the most expensive looking animation I've seen in a movie, that and all the high budget celebrity voices, hans zimmer scoring it, and Elton John literally wrote circle of life
I fail to see how Pocahontas was the bigger studio effort
I don't know what DW is, but the Galaxy's Edge park is a massive failure. Toy merch in general are also gathering dust on shelves. Also ask EA how the games are doing.
Not every tv channel Disney owns relies on the popularity of their cartoons, or Star Wars, or Marvel. ESPN doesn't, ABC doesn't, NatGeo, etc. No one watches those things because it's Disney(although I am sure some Disney moms do), it just happens to be owned by them.
I 100% expect the new Mario Bros. movie to be extremely "safe" and forgettable, but it will make lots of money and will be popular with normies due to being safe, inoffensive, and will pull at the right nostalgia strings.
The Nintendo World park is going to be as bananas as the Harry Potter park. Universal is giving Disney a run for their money with theme parks right now due to better quality and a better understanding of what the fans want, and Nintendo World should have Disney sweating bullets right now. A real-life analog of Nintendo's most popular interactive entertainment franchises is pretty much a license to print money. Universal has Disney beat when it comes to movie-based attractions right now and that is probably going to translate well to the Nintendo parks that they're building.
SW games do well enough to make Disney not pull away the license from EA but not enough to please the jew overlord.
Ah fuck I meant DL (Disney Land), not World
Do you have sauce on Galaxy's Edge failing though, all I saw were the press pics
This isn't even fucking bait, he's just making a joke. Why the fuck is this board so stupid.
>the new Mario Bros movie
they're doing WHAT?
Are you living in a cave?
Illumination is doing the move and it's out on 2021.
Also, not related the Lion King but there is a certain level of amusing irony with Nintendo World. In the 80s Universal sued Nintendo over copyright infringement for Donkey Kong, saying the game was too similar to King Kong. They lost their case because the court concluded that "Kong" was public domain. And yet here was are 35 years later and Universal is building a Donkey Kong rollercoaster at their theme park.
Everything about him is wrong
>spending $250 million of a celebrity commentary track over an episode of Planet Earth
Actually 2022, but theme parks are out in 2020 ready for olympics.
How fucking isolated do you have to be to not have heard of it?
And how much of a twat do you have to be to immediately call it bullshit when you could easily use a magic tool known as Google?
brazil is basically africa bro
>ow fucking isolated do you have to be to not have heard of it?
I just googled it and there were a few small links on literally who websites.
what are you talking about nigger, give me a real source.
Just read any investigation on the production.
The other guy literally did you fucking sperg.
Is it difficult being that retarded?
lmao this looks so fucking dumb with the unemotive lions
He's box office poison, not even disney can prevent it
God this looks like that Walking with Dinosaurs thing they dubbed over with bad dialogue
So I can go see this, or go wander around a zoo for two hours listening the the original soundtrack and get the same experience without Beyonce?
Timon's voice is so fucking bad. It sounds like it's from an entirely different movie.
Insult it all you want but we all know furries are salivating to see an ultra realistic Lion sex scene
Actually no, it looks kinda worse and leaves the problem of "who the hell is this made to".
It lacks emotion and expression enough to captivate a child, and the story format is still to simplistic and formulaic to captivate an adult. Seriously, this movie is being sold on brand name alone.
Disney was always a cancerous pile of shit, they just changed the flavours of their turds.
it's a pretty clear sign of racism if you're not willing to give it a chance in my books
I'm racist against CGI cats
define racism
Are they gonna reuse the score? I can hear it watching this
Autists will love it tho
>Lifeless, expressionless, realistic animal faces
>Appealing to autistic kids
Are you for real retarded or are you just shilling
nah, girls liked the original because they got crushes on simba
they all admit it
as for other people simba made them gay furrys and nala made them furrys
Niggers aren't people if that's what you're implying
>tfw even the KH2 cutscenes had more emotion (even if it was the wrong one frozen on his face the whole time)
The song that had the "sex scene" has been moved to the daytime and is a lot less sexy now. And the animals in this version aren't anthropomorphic enough for furries to find them sexy.
I think that'd actually be a legit zoom, can't move the camera forward that fast
>*Christopher Walken impression* Give me one, GOOD... reason...
Interesting directorial choice
Autists already hate it. The reason autists love cartoons is because the emotions are all exaggerated and easy to understand. This movie is like watching one of those pet movies from the 90s where they just have people read lines over whatever the animal is doing except they spent way more money on it.
because /pol/posters just spend all day looking for baits to take. it's literally impossible for them not to reply.
Are you this much of an assblasted newfaggot retard? Every board is full of ESL idiots who reply to an obvious joke without understanding a hint of sarcasm or to scream LE B8. Were you just told to come here and bitch about /pol/?
>Seriously, this movie is being sold on brand name alone.
what a shocker
I hope nintendo does some quality control so that the look of the movie at least feel authentic and fun
I want to say "see? Found one" but desu you're right.
>Universal is giving Disney a run for their money with theme parks right now due to better quality and a better understanding of what the fans want,
wouldn´t suprise me if universal hired all the white male imaginers that disney fired a few years ago to make room for women who had zero experience and were still given complete control over the star wars land construction
it took you less than 2 minutes to take this bait.
That would be hilarious and I can totally believe it.
Nintendo have a really short leash when comes to their IPs.
>even does the zoom out
Are you fucking for real, Favreau? Jesus christ.
If God doesn't want to be replaced, maybe he should show up once in a while or find himself supplanted by a new pantheon.
The pitch for Nintendo World looked really shit though
>they got Jontron to play Pumbaa
I wish simba would eat pumba in this one tbqh
Fuck you, this has more soul than anything disney has made in the past decade.
that´s what gives me optimism
Nintendo actually isn´t the ip holder for pokemon right? they just have console exclusivity rights?
because detective pikachu looks like dog shit
Simba is soo cute OMG
This looks like a REALLY bad parody, please tell me it's fake...
Pokemon IP is co owned by Creatures, Nintendo and Gamefreak.
Which all have a share on pokemon company, who Nintendo have like 80%. Nintendo have the trademark, creatures the design and GF make the games and TCPi handles everything like anime, manga card games etc.
Shit is quite legal clusterfuck, but TCPi exists to not make the whole weight of pokemon fall under Nintendo. Tl;DR Nintendo don't do shit with pokemon since gold and silver.
Actually yeah, they got Simba to sound too sexy and it turned me into a gay furry.
Dude... That was fucking hilarious.
>The way Scar punched him.
>furry porn has more expressive lion faces than Disney's entire graphic arts department
It's like they're not even trying.
it's not even funny how /pol/ gets angry at obvious joke posts made by their own users
his ass?
please don't, I don't want to fap to this
I don't do this
how about this epic cosplay?
Lions are niggers.
brought to you by tiger gang
That's not how it works. God lets humans fail in our hubris when we think we don't need Him, and then when we're done humiliating ourselves we come crawling back to Him.
JonTron can do on-point impressions of both Timon and Pumbaa. He didn't actually do a Timon impression in his Bootleg Disney video though, because his default speaking voice sounds like Nathan Lane.
I'm not saying it doesn't. I am saying Disney blew $200m on a movie that they would have just shot with real animals in the 90s. They have all that fancy technology and they limited themselves to something they could have made without any CG.
You can move the camera as fast as you goddamn please and still remain focus on your subject. They have super precise equipment these days.
Beyonce cannot act. At all.
She can sing and dance like crazy and she should stick to it. She's also good at being worshiped by twitter yass queens despite her career being created by her father and sustained by her husband's record label, but I digress
fuck off kike
nope. he just starts running, and not the same score.
why not?
Can't believe that wasn't in the movie. Disney fucked it up