*is buried by Yea Forums for literally no reason other than memes like Citizen Kaine and furry shit*

*is buried by Yea Forums for literally no reason other than memes like Citizen Kaine and furry shit*

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Other urls found in this thread:





adam, stop making posts promoting yourself

He’s also a shit critic that nit picks way too much and only focuses on the logical side of cinema. “Omg this character is so dumb I would’ve never done that and I’m giving this a 2/10”

t. Hasn’t seen any of his reviews other than quickies

The Citizen Kane thing is pretty big, he’s a film critic but doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He thought all films before Citizen Kane was just people goofing off in front of cameras. He’s actually retarded.

>t. Hasn’t seen any of his bestiality porn
that's...an insult?

*has his asshole buried with 10 inches of dog dick*

in many ways they were

>actual yms criticism
It's almost a parody of himself

>Review that delves into more nitpicking

yeah I would say someone being a mentally ill furry faggot is enough for me to think that the opinion of that person is not of worth

Is that Adam Johnston from YMS (YourDogSucksMyCockDOTorg) who is a bestiality loving hipsterfuck?


>Universal Monster Films
>The 39 Steps
>Wizard of Oz
>Chaplin films
>Gone with the Wind

Metropolis is still a good film and that was long before Citizen Kane

>>Universal Monster Films
The capeshit of the 1930

>logical arguments and the things he talks about are nitpicking
>calling something you don’t think is a big deal nitpicking being an argument at all

I just used some popular and main examples of films from those eras, but it wasn’t just people fooling around with cameras. They were telling stories.

But there was actual plot and a narrative structure, doing silly things in front of the camera was part of it. Cinema has evolved over time, not even knowing how it was in it's conception is reason enough to never consider Adam a critic.

They still told coherent stories with characters and themes and motivations. They weren’t just fooling around on camera as Adam puts it.


absolute plot point mental midget

oh and he fucks dogs

Of what? You made the claim that he nitpicks, you fucking give me examples

Adam, Birth of a Nation came out in 1915 and had a plot, structure, characters, etc. It was an actual film that wasn’t just nonsense experimentation.

Fuck off, Adam. Your vids are shit

That's why i watch the superior movie reviewer.

Attached: 7546537264.jpg (900x900, 51K)

movie criticism should be about the essential and important core of a movie not the technical side and plot or even the social commentary. to me, hes worthless

Why does everyone forget King Kong when making these lists?

Of actual film criticism from adam

>This thing seems liberal, I'm giving this a 2/10!
He's shit too

idk y do u """4get""" 2 wipe after poopoo

Being a racist is about the dumbest thing you can do in front of a camera. D.W Griffith was a clown.

adam, please, put down the dog. nobody needs to get raped today

>superior nitpicker

Yeah but that movie's rayciss so it doesn't count

All his jokes are variations on "le six billion amirite?"

i don't care who this is stop posting it

My bad

Define film criticism.

I just came back from the toilet and i wiped idk what the fuck you are talking about

Ad Hocs make you sound like a faggot

>liking youtube movie reviewers

shore thing d00d

Never watched him talk about Citizen Kane what does he say exactly?

>Ad Hocs

>implying furry shit is okay

>didnt mention buster keaton

My bad again, I know I missed many others. I just wanted to use some main examples. But this goes to show just how out of his element Adam is regarding film history.

Evaluation of any film/s based on it's artistic merits.

Attached: ebony.gif (320x240, 2.65M)

Honestly I dont even know what an ad hoc is

>only liking RLM

very pathetic of you user

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shlop shlop shlop shlop
>*adam gets hard*
shlop shlop shlop shlop shlop
>*adam starts masturbating*

Adam is full of shit don't even bother

He fucks dogs. A dogfucker, if you will.

So logical criticism?

Don't forget M (1931)
A film that came out 10 years before Citizen kane and it had a very clear story and dealt with dark themes

He said that all films prior to Citizen Kane was basically just people fooling around on camera and that CK created structure and plot in films.

>[cinema before Citizen Kane] was just people fucking around with a camera and doing funny things or weird things
there's literally hundreds of films before citizen kane that prove him wrong

Yes, which isn't what Adam is doing, which is fellating himself over being able to come up with a solution he perceives as more intelligent than the character's who was under immense stress.

>shill self on most toxic place on the internet that incidentally also hates shilling
>act all butthurt when they cherrypick a reason to dislike you
Fuck off, Adam.

>implying I like reddit letter media
they fall under youtube reviewers you retard

But some of the solutions people come up with in the movies he talks about are completely counter-intuitive and nobody would ever come up with it. For example, using body heat to melt the ice block in Escape Room when the obvious solution is to break it, and this would be obvious regardless of stress

I thought I was a nitpicker before I saw a bunch of his reviews. His delivery can be funny sometimes, and some of his YMS reviews are entertaining, but overall I’m not a big fan

Watch for yourself


>hates shilling
>has no problem shilling this video

people like him is why i cant take it seriously when someone says he loves citizen kane (witch i know is a bit unfair).
>dude it invented like so many things! like storytelling and stuff!
i blame the critics, they really brainwashed people with this nonsense

who are you quoting

Yes, the conclussion you get out of a film after the analysis has to be logical.
EG. This film has a liberal theme and the theme is deeply explored and questioned through it, the main characters are an extension of the main theme and follow character arcs, thus I can say this film executes it's themes very well.


also pre-1920 there's birth of a nation, story of the kelly kang, and quo vadis

I think you would work better as a curator. We mostly share the same taste and I agree with many of his quick reviews, but he's lacking on the analytic side.

>>has no problem shilling this video
no you weren't

What the fuck are you talking about Adum?
I'm not shilling jackshit and I didn't say you were shilling

once you try to make dog fucking and zoophilia, in general, some sort of rational thing, youre done.

he wouldnt if he was able to let it go, but the decided to die on this hill and argue that killing an animal to eat and using him as a cum dumpster has some sort of equivalence.


1. eating = survival
2. fucking = transcendence trough kids, pleasure

jerk off.

and i cannot even understand why this dude is a thing to begin with, what an annoying voice, what a bunch of pedestrian opinions. complete shit.

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I was speaking about the whole of Yea Forums and how many times I’ve come across it

don't forget george milies movies. they also had narrative arcs and structures. I would say from the beginning of the 1900s most films actually had some form of artistic merit because by that point film had stopped becoming a novelty. Also the great train robbery is another good example

Posting a video with like 1k views isn't shilling

Leftist Jew propaganda deserves 0/10 you cunt

Why would films not have narrative and structure if they were called “screen plays” right from the start? Plays which have had structure going back before even ancient greece. It just makes no sense for him to say that like Citizen Kane invented fire.

Precisely why it needs to be shilled

>not making noise
I also like nit picking

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>t. election tourist

yeah exactly. the only films where adums point could be considered credible on would be the lumire brothers first films like workers leaving the factory, arrival of a train, and the destruction of a wall. even then they still made a movie with a narrative when they made the short called watering the gardener. which may be a basic plot but it still is a plot none the less

He never said that

Then why is nitpicking his main form of criticism?

I legitimately have no idea where his baseline for old films are or if he knew that plays,books, fucking anything before ck came out had what he was fucking describing. The only thing I can think of are the ones at the dawn of filmmaking like the edison films or the footage of a horse running.

pffffff HAHAHAH pffff HAHAHAHA
Imagine, actually imagine spending your time defending random youtube '''''''critics'''''

He likes Destiny, a known pedophilia enabler and someone who promotes violence towards people he dislikes.

>t. Hasn’t seen any of his reviews other than quickies
Almost everything he has been doing lately is quickies because he is clearly lazy as fuck

that fat guy is much funnier and entertaining than adam

>characters should act illogically
stop trying to defend shitty writing

>real people always act logically

>haha im going to write my script so that my characters act illogically so it seems more realistic!!
most movies have plots and characters where characters act logically. when a character acts illogically and the film (or the writers) are not aware of it and does not make sense to the story it does make the film seem more "real". it makes the film look lazily written

>haha I'm gonna use exclamation marks to make you look stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

*is buried in animal dildos

*distant sound of dog yelping*

This fag gets old after about two minutes

No it doesn't, nigga. It shows human emotion and doesn't look or sound like it was written by an autistic robot when someone in a flick does something that isn't in their best interest. Acting like a retard is one thing, but acting upon incomplete information is another thing entirely and that's all YMS bitches about.

His other reviews are even more nitpicky, dumbass

Not an argument.

>Wizard of Oz
This film is much more influential than Kane, especially with regards to story and plot structure (which Adam said Kane invented). Wizard of Oz is also extremely fucking popular, so there's no reason to not that. How fucking stupid can one person be?

Adam "If It's A Poodle, In Goes the Noodle" Johnston
Adam "Beagle Botherer" Johnston
Adam "Bend Over, Rover" Johnston

Attached: adam.jpg (280x140, 7K)


Name one good film where every character acts perfectly logically at all times

his name is just 1 letter off of convicted paedophile adam johnson

Attached: 1_MAIN-MAIN-Adam-Johnson.jpg (615x409, 37K)

did he actually fuck a dog tho? whats his degeneracy score?

I know he is a furry therefore kind of weird but is there actual prof of him doing shit to dogs or at least him being sexually attracted to irl animals?

furry is a good enough reason though. Why would you be into that nasty shit

lol he's no pedo

Not himself, but he has defended people who sleep with animals

Furries are sexually attracted to animals and probably fuck them.

Adam 'Shaggy Dog Shagger' Johnston
Adam 'Kennel Queen' Johnston
Adam 'If It's a Pug, He Wants More Than a Hug' Johnston
Adam 'Greyhound Groper' Johnston
Adam 'Clifford's Big Red Rocket' Johnston

>gives Lion King a positive review

Attached: 19112.jpg (1080x1300, 126K)

Wait user, do you have over 19,000 furry porn files in your folder?

How can you seriously take anyone's opinions on that Marvel capeshit flick when you know he's sexually attracted to animal dildos? Serious question

He tries way too hard to be edgy, his editing is typical zoomer ADHD noise, and he constsantly shills his own videos like an autist.

either that or "lol this guy is black and I made a pun on his blackness, isn't that funny???"

It's pretty obvious that the dude is obsessed at this point.


There you go, fucking Adam.

The better question is why does Adam try to shill himself on Yea Forums when we all know he's a furfag and then he tries to defend himself like he's the second coming of Ebert or something? Just fucking kill yourself Adam you're shit.

>*is buried by Yea Forums for literally no reason other than memes like dogfucking and furrysucking shit*

It's because his friend Alex (I Hate Everything) shilled him bigtime.

Chris Stuckmann > RLM > Ralph > dogfukka


don't make fun of Adam 'I've Got a Fever For Your Golden Retriever' Johnston like that

nobody cares what you think you hack frauds

>not Jeremy Jahns
user you may be faggot


have canine sex

Naw I'm just busting yer chops, they objectively all suck

>Only talks about blockbusters and cartoons
Literally far worse than YMS

>makes nigger jokes
>People call him a nazi
>turns out he's black
He's a sperg but he's funny

Adam "Shoo my skeet in your Schipperke" Johnston

>Over anyone
Ralph is just pleb YMS

Ralph actually gives a shit about movies and how they work and who they cater to, Adam.

>Character acts completely within their established personality but the action they take is illogical
>omg bad writing xd

Doesn't matter if he only makes videos about capeshit and capeshit aligned films.

is he actually black? his character is black

But he makes plenty of non-capeshit videos, Adam. We know you really dislike those films, but only like 10% of his overall videos are capeshit.

>film critic
literally a channel for children who want to be told popular shit is actually bad


>Mentions cinematography and character development without giving examples
>Whines incessantly about small details for 90% of his video
He's a whiny cinema sins. I liked him for a video or two before realizing this fag doesn't have real opinions.

>doesn't have real opinions.
not true, he has some real opinions on bestiality

>It isn't an obscure foreign art film so its shit

Every time.

He got popular because of videos where he makes fun of really dumb movies. Anytime he tries talking about anything other than that, he sounds like complete moron who doesn't understand the art of filmmaking



well he doesn´t have the ebony accent so i think he was referring to his internet avatar, as a joke

>mark shill english in the replies

He is such a faggot

that was the clear indication I got

it may confuse foreigners though

user, do you seriously believe this post to be serious?

dr. caligari is from 1920 what the fuck are you on

Please just finish the Synecdoche review.

>"I am not a child and this is not a review channel for children"

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Why is he wearing the DVD cases of his porno?

Adam, pull up your pants and step AWAY from the dog.

Attached: swat.jpg (1920x1080, 74K)

Knot happening.

How does he even enjoy movies? I really don't understand how someone as hypercritical as him can find any enjoyment in film

only one here obsessed is you, seething tranny

watched a couple of his reviews, I really don't see the appeal
he also fucks dogs

That's all he does

No, that's why I said supposedly.

>>turns out he's black